Romney has money parked in the Cayman Islands???

Hey..if it's fine..then there should be no problem with reporting on it.

It would be just like if he went to Vegas and hired prostitutes. It's not illegal. :lol:

Actually Sallow... Prostitution in Vegas is illegal....It's illegal in any city with a population of 50K or more.... but I get your point.

No more "ranches"?


they still have the ranches, just outside city limits.
following the law is unethical?

No, hiding your money in a foreign country is unethical, so you don't pay your fair share of taxes.

More importantly, it's bad politics.

Here's the thing. the class warfare argument is working. More people think wealth inequality is a bigger problem than too many regulations on business. So the GOP doesn't do itself a favor by nominating a rich guy who hides his money in a shady foreign country so he doesn't pay taxes like they have to.
Although I'm a Perry man (thought I'd get that in before he drops out) up to now I've been pretty reconciled to a Romney nomination, BUT this does give me pause.

I'm a dyed in the wool "America Firster" and don't think it is good for ANY American to put their money in a foreign place.

We'll see if it turns out to be true>
Legal and illegal is different than right and wrong or cool and uncool. Repubs will find out that the average Joe will consider stashing money in the Camans, while legal, is not cool.
Although I'm a Perry man (thought I'd get that in before he drops out) up to now I've been pretty reconciled to a Romney nomination, BUT this does give me pause.

I'm a dyed in the wool "America Firster" and don't think it is good for ANY American to put their money in a foreign place.

We'll see if it turns out to be true>

Who cares? I don't blame him.... it's called tax avoidance and it is perfectly legal and frankly, he'd be stupid not to.
Get back to me when liberal darlings such as Moore, Soros, Spelling, etc. start writing checks out of the blue and sending them to the U.S. Treasury.
Romney Parks Millions in Cayman Islands - ABC News

This alarms me a bit. I'm sure further investigation will follow but this causes me a few red flags.

We gotta make damn sure our nominee is FULLY vetted. We don't need any October surprises to cost us the election.

I wonder if that is where G.E. parks theirs, that they pay NO taxes on, at all. Zero! We'll have to get Timothy Geithner on this one...:lol:
Everyone is so obsessed with the legal aspect of this story that your missing the point.

Image is EVERYTHING in a general election. Legal as this may be when combined with other issues such as Bain and his desire to withhold his tax records for a time all make it "APPEAR" as if Mitt is not fully forth coming about his finances.

While there may indeed be nothing wrong with any of this the perception could easily be twisted in a clever campaign ad by the democrats.

Beating Obama is the goal, not defending our candidate at every turn. This election rightfully so should be about Obama and his record. It will be hard to focus on that when he will have so much ammunition in his own arsenal.

Like Palin, I hope Newt wins the next primary. Let's have enough time to expose all possible issues and then decide who our nominee should be.
Everyone is so obsessed with the legal aspect of this story that your missing the point.

Image is EVERYTHING in a general election. Legal as this may be when combined with other issues such as Bain and his desire to withhold his tax records for a time all make it "APPEAR" as if Mitt is not fully forth coming about his finances.

While there may indeed be nothing wrong with any of this the perception could easily be twisted in a clever campaign ad by the democrats.

Beating Obama is the goal, not defending our candidate at every turn. This election rightfully so should be about Obama and his record. It will be hard to focus on that when he will have so much ammunition in his own arsenal.

Like Palin, I hope Newt wins the next primary. Let's have enough time to expose all possible issues and then decide who our nominee should be.

I usually agree with you, but not here... it only looks bad to people who really allow themselves to get caught up in the whole "who's got what" aspect and frankly, don't understand the complexities of the American system of taxation. EVERYBODY seeks to reduce their tax burden as much as they can all the way down to the lower income.. why do you think we have this whole underground economy of people working for cash?

This is a non-story, in my opinion.
Everyone is so obsessed with the legal aspect of this story that your missing the point.

Image is EVERYTHING in a general election. Legal as this may be when combined with other issues such as Bain and his desire to withhold his tax records for a time all make it "APPEAR" as if Mitt is not fully forth coming about his finances.

While there may indeed be nothing wrong with any of this the perception could easily be twisted in a clever campaign ad by the democrats.

Beating Obama is the goal, not defending our candidate at every turn. This election rightfully so should be about Obama and his record. It will be hard to focus on that when he will have so much ammunition in his own arsenal.

Like Palin, I hope Newt wins the next primary. Let's have enough time to expose all possible issues and then decide who our nominee should be.

I usually agree with you, but not here... it only looks bad to people who really allow themselves to get caught up in the whole "who's got what" aspect and frankly, don't understand the complexities of the American system of taxation. EVERYBODY seeks to reduce their tax burden as much as they can all the way down to the lower income.. why do you think we have this whole underground economy of people working for cash?

This is a non-story, in my opinion.

I hope you are right. I have my doubts though since most voters aren't as involved as we are in the why's and how's.
Hey..if it's fine..then there should be no problem with reporting on it.

It would be just like if he went to Vegas and hired prostitutes. It's not illegal. :lol:

If he was hiding it, we'd not know about it. We do, therefore he is not hiding it.

As for reporting it, I assume you mean reporting it on his taxes every year? If so, then you misunderstand the 'legal' use of tax shelters.

No..I mean the press reporting on it.

As long as the mention that no laws have been broken, they can report on it until the cows come home. If they slant the reporting to imply Romney broke the law, then they should not be reporting on it.
Legal and illegal is different than right and wrong or cool and uncool. Repubs will find out that the average Joe will consider stashing money in the Camans, while legal, is not cool.
It's totally cool.

If I had that kind of cash to stash, I'd be stashing it there...or Grenada...or Costa Rica....or the Solomons....

Me too! But that doesnt make it cool...No one voting will think that donating money to charity is cool AND stashing money in the Camans is just as cool. You make the arguement in the primary about how it's totally cool, I hope Mitt tries. He'd win for sure! :doubt:
If he keeps it up he is going to get the reputation as a tax dodger

Isn't going to sit well with the 99%

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