Romney Impeachment Speech... WOW

If you didn’t catch Romney’s senate speech about impeachment I suggest you take a few minutes and watch it. That was incredible. He’s a yes, on impeachment. I’ll post a video once one becomes available.
he's on the wrong side of history just like his lost presidency.
Not at all....he's on the right side.
you mean the guy that your party once labeled as a racist and sexist ....
the blow back against romney is going to be so bad that it will be stark warning against rhinos and dems in states that Trump carried! they will think twice about going along with future despicable acts being planned by the communist party !
i agree about the response but how sad is that?! It’s a large leap backwards when we can’t be respectful of those who see things differently than ourselves. It’s a step to far to go after revenge and sling lazy emotional threats. We all need to grow up
America was saved from Tyranny and Lawlessness today. Celebrate that! The Democrats were attacking every Constitution of ours in order to Tear Down America, and then Fundamentally Change it, to Structurally Change it in to a Socialist Nation.

Trump was not The REAL Target. He was nothing but the EXCUSE for The Assault on Our Democracy, and for The Siege on The White House and on our Republic.
You’re so far out in another solar system with your train of thought that I really don’t even want to try and explain what reality is here on earth. You go ahead with your whackos narratives. I can’t take them seriously.
Romney did not respect The Rule of Law, nor Due Process, and men like him are a danger to The Republic.

And you want to make this about REVENGE?

You have to vote vengeful idiots like Romney, McCain, Schummer, Schiff, Pelosi, Omar, Talib, AOC, Sanders, Booker, Jeffries, Warren, and Nadler out of office. THEY are the real danger to THE REPUBLIC!

The Rule of Law says a Senator represents his constituents, not a political party. It also says a Senator can vote any way he or she wants to. So that box is checked.

"Due Process" says everybody in the Senate gets a vote, and the vote is counted. Check again.

Finally, if you want to vote "Romney, McCain, Schummer [sic], Schiff, Pelosi, Omar, Talib, AOC, Sanders, Booker, Jeffries, Warren, and Nadler" out of office, you'll need to be a resident of roughly a dozen different states, plus you'll have to explain why you're voting for a dead man.

Rotsa ruck on that.
the RNC should disown him !
If you didn’t catch Romney’s senate speech about impeachment I suggest you take a few minutes and watch it. That was incredible. He’s a yes, on impeachment. I’ll post a video once one becomes available.

He took his oath seriously.

Deuteronomy 23:21-23 ESV
“If you make a vow to the Lord your God, you shall not delay fulfilling it, for the Lord your God will surely require it of you, and you will be guilty of sin. But if you refrain from vowing, you will not be guilty of sin. You shall be careful to do what has passed your lips, for you have voluntarily vowed to the Lord your God what you have promised with your mouth.

You are both connected.

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If you didn’t catch Romney’s senate speech about impeachment I suggest you take a few minutes and watch it. That was incredible. He’s a YES, on the abuse of power article and a No on obstruction of congress.

Pierre Delecto as I live and breathe ! If that it isn’t a perv name I dont know what is.
Romney is a RINO and always has been.
I thank God that Romney wasn't elected president.
If he had been, he more than likely would have moved the republican party to the left
to the point that Trump would not have been electable.

Again, unfortunately for your non-point, Senators aren't there to represent political parties. They're there to represent the citizens of their state. Therefore "RINO" is a completely specious term.

I am the President of Asia and your argument is invalid.
In this instance to my "non-point", Romney is NOT representing the Great state of Utah, but, he is representing
himself, Pogo. Romney does not like Trump....period. It's a personal matter, and has been. And, yes he is a RINO, I would
have more respect for him if he was a Democrat.

Again --- that's up to the voters of Utah, not those of Idaho and not those cheering on political football teams.

The fact remains --- Senators are there to represent their state, not a political party. It's always been that way. If we were supposed to be run by political parties, our Constitution would have been written that way. It wasn't.

"RINO" is not a valid argument. It's invalid because it hangs on the premise that a Senator (or Rep, etc) is there to represent a political party. That premise is provably false. If being a "Republican" or a "Democrat" or a "Whig" meant one was compelled to vote as the party dick-tated, that would be a sham and an oligarchy.

Of course the other thing you could be saying with the term "RINO" is that Republicans (in this case) are supposed to be sheep who vote as their party tells them and screw their constituents. That's not good either.

If you live in Utah and your Senator doesn't represent your views, you have a legitimate beef. If you don't --- you don't. Simple as that.
He's a public figure on a national stage. I have my legitimate opinion of him as I do with Schiff, Pelosi, or
any other political figure, it's the way it is.
Yes, he does represent their state of Utah, and can vote him out.....NEXT election.
RINO isn't an argument, sorry you took it as an argument. It's stating a fact that he is a liberal republican. There is no argument.
The argument I have is that it's Romney's personal dislike of Trump and visa versa, that I BELIEVE is the driving force of his vote.
THAT is MY opinion, and I have one just LIKE YOU have one.
Romney is a RINO and always has been.
I thank God that Romney wasn't elected president.
If he had been, he more than likely would have moved the republican party to the left
to the point that Trump would not have been electable.

Again, unfortunately for your non-point, Senators aren't there to represent political parties. They're there to represent the citizens of their state. Therefore "RINO" is a completely specious term.

I am the President of Asia and your argument is invalid.
In this instance to my "non-point", Romney is NOT representing the Great state of Utah, but, he is representing
himself, Pogo. Romney does not like Trump....period. It's a personal matter, and has been. And, yes he is a RINO, I would
have more respect for him if he was a Democrat.

Again --- that's up to the voters of Utah, not those of Idaho and not those cheering on political football teams.

The fact remains --- Senators are there to represent their state, not a political party. It's always been that way. If we were supposed to be run by political parties, our Constitution would have been written that way. It wasn't.

"RINO" is not a valid argument. It's invalid because it hangs on the premise that a Senator (or Rep, etc) is there to represent a political party. That premise is provably false. If being a "Republican" or a "Democrat" or a "Whig" meant one was compelled to vote as the party dick-tated, that would be a sham and an oligarchy.

Of course the other thing you could be saying with the term "RINO" is that Republicans (in this case) are supposed to be sheep who vote as their party tells them and screw their constituents. That's not good either.

If you live in Utah and your Senator doesn't represent your views, you have a legitimate beef. If you don't --- you don't. Simple as that.
He's a public figure on a national stage. I have my legitimate opinion of him as I do with Schiff, Pelosi, or
any other political figure, it's the way it is.
Yes, he does represent their state of Utah, and can vote him out.....NEXT election.
RINO isn't an argument, sorry you took it as an argument. It's stating a fact that he is a liberal republican. There is no argument.
The argument I have is that it's Romney's personal dislike of Trump and visa versa, that I BELIEVE is the driving force of his vote.
THAT is MY opinion, and I have one just LIKE YOU have one.

It's still irrelevant. You don't vote for or against a Utah Senator. The people of Utah do. Whether he's a republican [sic] (what is UP with people's shift keys) or a this-Republican or that-Republican or Democrat or whatever, is of no consequence. He's a representative of the voters of Utah, and that's IT.
Move over Benedict Arnold. The punk from Utah is on a personal vendetta. vote for conviction when we ALL know he did it is equivalent to Arnold trying to sell the country out to the British during a war. #Becauseitsacult

There was no evidence produced to prove Donald Trump's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt at all.

All I heard was hear say testimony and opinions in all the house hearings. In other words, nothing admissible.

You might think you "know" that Trump was guilty, but he was found to be as Innocent as a newborn babe by the Senate.
Romney is a RINO and always has been.
I thank God that Romney wasn't elected president.
If he had been, he more than likely would have moved the republican party to the left
to the point that Trump would not have been electable.

Again, unfortunately for your non-point, Senators aren't there to represent political parties. They're there to represent the citizens of their state. Therefore "RINO" is a completely specious term.

I am the President of Asia and your argument is invalid.
In this instance to my "non-point", Romney is NOT representing the Great state of Utah, but, he is representing
himself, Pogo. Romney does not like Trump....period. It's a personal matter, and has been. And, yes he is a RINO, I would
have more respect for him if he was a Democrat.

Again --- that's up to the voters of Utah, not those of Idaho and not those cheering on political football teams.

The fact remains --- Senators are there to represent their state, not a political party. It's always been that way. If we were supposed to be run by political parties, our Constitution would have been written that way. It wasn't.

"RINO" is not a valid argument. It's invalid because it hangs on the premise that a Senator (or Rep, etc) is there to represent a political party. That premise is provably false. If being a "Republican" or a "Democrat" or a "Whig" meant one was compelled to vote as the party dick-tated, that would be a sham and an oligarchy.

Of course the other thing you could be saying with the term "RINO" is that Republicans (in this case) are supposed to be sheep who vote as their party tells them and screw their constituents. That's not good either.

If you live in Utah and your Senator doesn't represent your views, you have a legitimate beef. If you don't --- you don't. Simple as that.
He's a public figure on a national stage. I have my legitimate opinion of him as I do with Schiff, Pelosi, or
any other political figure, it's the way it is.
Yes, he does represent their state of Utah, and can vote him out.....NEXT election.
RINO isn't an argument, sorry you took it as an argument. It's stating a fact that he is a liberal republican. There is no argument.
The argument I have is that it's Romney's personal dislike of Trump and visa versa, that I BELIEVE is the driving force of his vote.
THAT is MY opinion, and I have one just LIKE YOU have one.

It's still irrelevant. You don't vote for or against a Utah Senator. The people of Utah do. Whether he's a republican [sic] (what is UP with people's shift keys) or a this-Republican or that-Republican or Democrat or whatever, is of no consequence. He's a representative of the voters of Utah, and that's IT.
Now you're being a goofball. What I said is that I have an opinion.on it. Good grief, dude. :auiqs.jpg:
Again, unfortunately for your non-point, Senators aren't there to represent political parties. They're there to represent the citizens of their state. Therefore "RINO" is a completely specious term.

I am the President of Asia and your argument is invalid.
In this instance to my "non-point", Romney is NOT representing the Great state of Utah, but, he is representing
himself, Pogo. Romney does not like Trump....period. It's a personal matter, and has been. And, yes he is a RINO, I would
have more respect for him if he was a Democrat.

Again --- that's up to the voters of Utah, not those of Idaho and not those cheering on political football teams.

The fact remains --- Senators are there to represent their state, not a political party. It's always been that way. If we were supposed to be run by political parties, our Constitution would have been written that way. It wasn't.

"RINO" is not a valid argument. It's invalid because it hangs on the premise that a Senator (or Rep, etc) is there to represent a political party. That premise is provably false. If being a "Republican" or a "Democrat" or a "Whig" meant one was compelled to vote as the party dick-tated, that would be a sham and an oligarchy.

Of course the other thing you could be saying with the term "RINO" is that Republicans (in this case) are supposed to be sheep who vote as their party tells them and screw their constituents. That's not good either.

If you live in Utah and your Senator doesn't represent your views, you have a legitimate beef. If you don't --- you don't. Simple as that.
He's a public figure on a national stage. I have my legitimate opinion of him as I do with Schiff, Pelosi, or
any other political figure, it's the way it is.
Yes, he does represent their state of Utah, and can vote him out.....NEXT election.
RINO isn't an argument, sorry you took it as an argument. It's stating a fact that he is a liberal republican. There is no argument.
The argument I have is that it's Romney's personal dislike of Trump and visa versa, that I BELIEVE is the driving force of his vote.
THAT is MY opinion, and I have one just LIKE YOU have one.

It's still irrelevant. You don't vote for or against a Utah Senator. The people of Utah do. Whether he's a republican [sic] (what is UP with people's shift keys) or a this-Republican or that-Republican or Democrat or whatever, is of no consequence. He's a representative of the voters of Utah, and that's IT.
Now you're being a goofball. What I said is that I have an opinion.on it. Good grief, dude. :auiqs.jpg:

And as I said at the beginning of this string, I am the President of Asia and your argument is invalid.
If you didn’t catch Romney’s senate speech about impeachment I suggest you take a few minutes and watch it. That was incredible. He’s a YES, on the abuse of power article and a No on obstruction of congress.

Still can't stand the guy, but he did earn a little respect for that.
If you didn’t catch Romney’s senate speech about impeachment I suggest you take a few minutes and watch it. That was incredible. He’s a yes, on impeachment. I’ll post a video once one becomes available.
How can it be incredible,, if a president can’t ask about corruption you’re handicapping America.. all of you that are deranged need to get help
A President can ask about corruption. There’s a way to do it. Trump did not do it the right way. It’s incredible that Romney said what he said. He just ranked the rest of his political career to uphold an oath. Agree or disagree you gotta admit that takes balls

The corrupt he inquired about also involved the catcher too.

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I just watched the idiot commit political seppuku on CSPAN. He may as well pack up and move to California, Washington or Oregon and register as a demodumbass because in Oregon he's as dead as a doornail.
They already have a bill wanting to recall him in Utah. Romney is sleezy imo. Sounds to me Romney v Obama was a choice between Deep State and Derp State. Same Difference.

Utah lawmaker files bill to allow recall of sitting U.S. senator

Also gets booted from CPAC

Sen. Mitt Romney Disinvited from CPAC 2020 After Voting to Hear Witness Testimony in Impeachment Trial

Circumstantial Evidence, Hearsay and a so called House Inquiry which violates Due Process and Civil Rights is an automatic dismissal in an Actual Court of Law.

But not for Romney. He and Pelosi should open of a Whinery together.

If you read the part on the bill to recall does not have to do with Romney.

He is pushing for a quasi bulwark against the stupidity of the 17th amendment.

I give him credit.

Sounds like the bill was before Mitt went off the rails. It just has not been public.

It's a good idea.

It will never get past SCOTUS though.
Do you think Romney knows the abuse of power charge is bogus but is voting for it anyways and sacrificing his career just because he doesn’t like Trump?
I do. He is making a calculated yet emotional decision, hoping he comes out on the right side of it. Dems have probably said they will welcome him with open arms. His speech sounded so much like Pelosi’s.
Really?! So you honestly think the fall out from this will be positive for Romney and his family... really?!
I said he is hoping it can be turned around. And do remember Rep’s don’t go looking to attack a politicians family like the Dem’s do. And all his kids are grown adults.
Was that a joke? Do you know who Hunter Biden is? I’m already hearing calls to go after Mitts son... they are in this very thread!
Romney's only chance is re-establishing the Republican party of yore.

It's over. It's Trump's party now.
The Establishment Republicans hate Trump.
But they're not so stupid as to hand the Democrats a victory because the Democrats cannot be trusted. The only reason a Democrat offers you his hand of friendship is so he can hold you still while he stabs you to death with the other hand.They vindicated Trump to save their own asses that simple.

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I just watched the idiot commit political seppuku on CSPAN. He may as well pack up and move to California, Washington or Oregon and register as a demodumbass because in Oregon he's as dead as a doornail.
They already have a bill wanting to recall him in Utah. Romney is sleezy imo. Sounds to me Romney v Obama was a choice between Deep State and Derp State. Same Difference.

Utah lawmaker files bill to allow recall of sitting U.S. senator

Also gets booted from CPAC

Sen. Mitt Romney Disinvited from CPAC 2020 After Voting to Hear Witness Testimony in Impeachment Trial

Circumstantial Evidence, Hearsay and a so called House Inquiry which violates Due Process and Civil Rights is an automatic dismissal in an Actual Court of Law.

But not for Romney. He and Pelosi should open of a Whinery together.

If you read the part on the bill to recall does not have to do with Romney.

He is pushing for a quasi bulwark against the stupidity of the 17th amendment.

I give him credit.

Sounds like the bill was before Mitt went off the rails. It just has not been public.

It's a good idea.

It will never get past SCOTUS though.

That is correct the State legislator has been pushing this bill for some time but now it has become much more relevant since Romney has become a carpetbagging rogue.

Mitt is a people pleaser. He doesn't have a backbone, but instead always tries to be all things to all people. Today was a pathetic display Mitt. I have voted for Mitt twice before, but would never do so again. This was simply Mitt trying to be in with the cool crowd. He doesn't have any future political career beyond this term in Utah. So, he took a shot at Trump so he can be popular on the social circuit with the elites. So what? They will all be laughing at him behind his back. Because they dont respect him any more than I do right now.
This isn't about being a people pleaser, this is about being a bitter, covetous asshole...He couldn't get elected to the office, and got snubbed for the Secretary of State gig....Then splitting the baby was the ultimate act of petty sleazery.

Nothing to disagree with here.

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