Romney Impeachment Speech... WOW

Well, there you have it. Trump acquitted of all accusations. Our republic is safe to live another day. But make no mistake about it:

HAD DEMOCRATS been in charge of the Senate, they would have voted to remove a president from office for the very first time in history, and for what?
  1. For their totally SUBJECTIVE OPINION that Trump's call to Ukraine was made solely out of personal interest to hurt a political opponent, despite the fact that Biden wasn't even an opponent of his, despite the fact that Trump needs no help beating him, and despite the fact that no one would have ever even known about any of this anyway in the first place had it not been for the Democrats themselves bringing it to the public light via an impeachment!
  2. Despite the fact that they absolutely refused to even look at the matter of the highly irregular and suspicious circumstances of what Biden was doing there, his son, Ukraine's history, or the fact that Biden himself even admitted to his crime publicly before the CFR!
  3. Despite the fact that no money was ever withheld from Ukraine, nor any untoward investigation announced much less started, and that the Ukrainians didn't even know anything out a temporary delay.
  4. And for the totally parliamentarian effort to try to usurp the powers of the Executive Branch, that he should serve at the pleasure of the Congress, without the rights to Due Process accorded any ordinary citizen to have his grievances addressed through the judicial process. Even Romney could not support the Democrats on this last, crazy charge. By their very admission, their charge was entirely based on a total LACK of evidence!
The Democrats have just tried to overthrow the government of the United States in a brazen political coup. And it won't stop here. Democrats are domestic terrorists. They are a threat to the republic.


They are no longer fit nor trusted to hold positions of power within the federal government.

Truly stupefying how many walk among us with no clue of how things work.

If Rump were removed from office, the President would be Mike Pence. DUH.

Fun fact: Pence scored more electoral votes than Rump did.
Do you respect things born in dishonesty and secrecy?

I bet you do.

Romney has no courage. It is not an act of courage to cast a meaningless vote you knew the outcome of for a Sham which you knew was partisan political warfare that put America and it’s institutions under siege for 4 years!

Romney made himself part of that!

What began in dishonor and disgrace ended in dishonor and disgrace, and now you dishonor yourself too by giving legitimacy to it.

i agree about the response but how sad is that?! It’s a large leap backwards when we can’t be respectful of those who see things differently than ourselves. It’s a step to far to go after revenge and sling lazy emotional threats. We all need to grow up
America was saved from Tyranny and Lawlessness today. Celebrate that! The Democrats were attacking every Constitution of ours in order to Tear Down America, and then Fundamentally Change it, to Structurally Change it in to a Socialist Nation.

Trump was not The REAL Target. He was nothing but the EXCUSE for The Assault on Our Democracy, and for The Siege on The White House and on our Republic.
You’re so far out in another solar system with your train of thought that I really don’t even want to try and explain what reality is here on earth. You go ahead with your whackos narratives. I can’t take them seriously.
Romney did not respect The Rule of Law, nor Due Process, and men like him are a danger to The Republic.

And you want to make this about REVENGE?

You have to vote vengeful idiots like Romney, McCain, Schummer, Schiff, Pelosi, Omar, Talib, AOC, Sanders, Booker, Jeffries, Warren, and Nadler out of office. THEY are the real danger to THE REPUBLIC!
I respect honesty and independence. I would not have voted for impeachment but give Romney props for what he did. I also wouldn’t vote for half those name on your list to get into office. Many of them are just as bad as the puppet Trump republicans

What state do you live in? Your avatar says "OHIO".

How far is OHIO from frickin' Utah?
Do you respect things born in dishonesty and secrecy?

I bet you do.

Romney has no courage. It is not an act of courage to cast a meaningless vote you knew the outcome of for a Sham which you knew was partisan political warfare that put America and it’s institutions under siege for 4 years!

Romney made himself part of that!

What began in dishonor and disgrace ended in dishonor and disgrace, and now you dishonor yourself too by giving legitimacy to it.

America was saved from Tyranny and Lawlessness today. Celebrate that! The Democrats were attacking every Constitution of ours in order to Tear Down America, and then Fundamentally Change it, to Structurally Change it in to a Socialist Nation.

Trump was not The REAL Target. He was nothing but the EXCUSE for The Assault on Our Democracy, and for The Siege on The White House and on our Republic.
You’re so far out in another solar system with your train of thought that I really don’t even want to try and explain what reality is here on earth. You go ahead with your whackos narratives. I can’t take them seriously.
Romney did not respect The Rule of Law, nor Due Process, and men like him are a danger to The Republic.

And you want to make this about REVENGE?

You have to vote vengeful idiots like Romney, McCain, Schummer, Schiff, Pelosi, Omar, Talib, AOC, Sanders, Booker, Jeffries, Warren, and Nadler out of office. THEY are the real danger to THE REPUBLIC!
I respect honesty and independence. I would not have voted for impeachment but give Romney props for what he did. I also wouldn’t vote for half those name on your list to get into office. Many of them are just as bad as the puppet Trump republicans

What state do you live in? Your avatar says "OHIO".

How far is OHIO from frickin' Utah?

It’s About as far as Hillary Clinton is from The White House.
Do you respect things born in dishonesty and secrecy?

I bet you do.

Romney has no courage. It is not an act of courage to cast a meaningless vote you knew the outcome of for a Sham which you knew was partisan political warfare that put America and it’s institutions under siege for 4 years!

Romney made himself part of that!

What began in dishonor and disgrace ended in dishonor and disgrace, and now you dishonor yourself too by giving legitimacy to it.

You’re so far out in another solar system with your train of thought that I really don’t even want to try and explain what reality is here on earth. You go ahead with your whackos narratives. I can’t take them seriously.
Romney did not respect The Rule of Law, nor Due Process, and men like him are a danger to The Republic.

And you want to make this about REVENGE?

You have to vote vengeful idiots like Romney, McCain, Schummer, Schiff, Pelosi, Omar, Talib, AOC, Sanders, Booker, Jeffries, Warren, and Nadler out of office. THEY are the real danger to THE REPUBLIC!
I respect honesty and independence. I would not have voted for impeachment but give Romney props for what he did. I also wouldn’t vote for half those name on your list to get into office. Many of them are just as bad as the puppet Trump republicans

What state do you live in? Your avatar says "OHIO".

How far is OHIO from frickin' Utah?

It’s About as far as Hillary Clinton is from The White House.

If Hillary Clinton's still living in New York, that's fairly close.

What the fuck does it have to do with anything here? The fact is you're not Romney's constituent, and there's nothing you can do about that except move to frickin' Utah.
Do you respect things born in dishonesty and secrecy?

I bet you do.

Romney has no courage. It is not an act of courage to cast a meaningless vote you knew the outcome of for a Sham which you knew was partisan political warfare that put America and it’s institutions under siege for 4 years!

Romney made himself part of that!

What began in dishonor and disgrace ended in dishonor and disgrace, and now you dishonor yourself too by giving legitimacy to it.

Romney did not respect The Rule of Law, nor Due Process, and men like him are a danger to The Republic.

And you want to make this about REVENGE?

You have to vote vengeful idiots like Romney, McCain, Schummer, Schiff, Pelosi, Omar, Talib, AOC, Sanders, Booker, Jeffries, Warren, and Nadler out of office. THEY are the real danger to THE REPUBLIC!
I respect honesty and independence. I would not have voted for impeachment but give Romney props for what he did. I also wouldn’t vote for half those name on your list to get into office. Many of them are just as bad as the puppet Trump republicans

What state do you live in? Your avatar says "OHIO".

How far is OHIO from frickin' Utah?

It’s About as far as Hillary Clinton is from The White House.

If Hillary Clinton's still living in New York, that's fairly close.

What the fuck does it have to do with anything here? The fact is you're not Romney's constituent, and there's nothing you can do about that except move to frickin' Utah.
You love Romney now.
If you didn’t catch Romney’s senate speech about impeachment I suggest you take a few minutes and watch it. That was incredible. He’s a YES, on the abuse of power article and a No on obstruction of congress.

What a hoot! A Republican, ardently loved and supported by Trumpanzees when he ran against President Obama, will now be despised and pillaged by the same Trumpanzees. They will view it as a stab in the back, and they are right!!! Bigly!!!

Classic indication of a cult. "We have always been at war with Eastasia."
Do you respect things born in dishonesty and secrecy?

I bet you do.

Romney has no courage. It is not an act of courage to cast a meaningless vote you knew the outcome of for a Sham which you knew was partisan political warfare that put America and it’s institutions under siege for 4 years!

Romney made himself part of that!

What began in dishonor and disgrace ended in dishonor and disgrace, and now you dishonor yourself too by giving legitimacy to it.

I respect honesty and independence. I would not have voted for impeachment but give Romney props for what he did. I also wouldn’t vote for half those name on your list to get into office. Many of them are just as bad as the puppet Trump republicans

What state do you live in? Your avatar says "OHIO".

How far is OHIO from frickin' Utah?

It’s About as far as Hillary Clinton is from The White House.

If Hillary Clinton's still living in New York, that's fairly close.

What the fuck does it have to do with anything here? The fact is you're not Romney's constituent, and there's nothing you can do about that except move to frickin' Utah.
You love Romney now.
Ah...that good old binary thinking. Can't wrap your brain about people disagreeing with some things about a person, yet agreeing with others. It's only "LOVE" or "HATE" with trump cultists.
Carville called The Democrat Party a wrong headed Ideological Cult.

Do you respect things born in dishonesty and secrecy?

I bet you do.

Romney has no courage. It is not an act of courage to cast a meaningless vote you knew the outcome of for a Sham which you knew was partisan political warfare that put America and it’s institutions under siege for 4 years!

Romney made himself part of that!

What began in dishonor and disgrace ended in dishonor and disgrace, and now you dishonor yourself too by giving legitimacy to it.

What state do you live in? Your avatar says "OHIO".

How far is OHIO from frickin' Utah?

It’s About as far as Hillary Clinton is from The White House.

If Hillary Clinton's still living in New York, that's fairly close.

What the fuck does it have to do with anything here? The fact is you're not Romney's constituent, and there's nothing you can do about that except move to frickin' Utah.
You love Romney now.
Ah...that good old binary thinking. Can't wrap your brain about people disagreeing with some things about a person, yet agreeing with others. It's only "LOVE" or "HATE" with trump cultists.
Do you respect things born in dishonesty and secrecy?

I bet you do.

Romney has no courage. It is not an act of courage to cast a meaningless vote you knew the outcome of for a Sham which you knew was partisan political warfare that put America and it’s institutions under siege for 4 years!

Romney made himself part of that!

What began in dishonor and disgrace ended in dishonor and disgrace, and now you dishonor yourself too by giving legitimacy to it.

I respect honesty and independence. I would not have voted for impeachment but give Romney props for what he did. I also wouldn’t vote for half those name on your list to get into office. Many of them are just as bad as the puppet Trump republicans

What state do you live in? Your avatar says "OHIO".

How far is OHIO from frickin' Utah?

It’s About as far as Hillary Clinton is from The White House.

If Hillary Clinton's still living in New York, that's fairly close.

What the fuck does it have to do with anything here? The fact is you're not Romney's constituent, and there's nothing you can do about that except move to frickin' Utah.
You love Romney now.

I have no opinion. I don't live in Utah. But it's interesting how you think you can speak for me.
Congratulations on your membership to The Ministry of Truth!


If you didn’t catch Romney’s senate speech about impeachment I suggest you take a few minutes and watch it. That was incredible. He’s a YES, on the abuse of power article and a No on obstruction of congress.

What a hoot! A Republican, ardently loved and supported by Trumpanzees when he ran against President Obama, will now be despised and pillaged by the same Trumpanzees. They will view it as a stab in the back, and they are right!!! Bigly!!!

Classic indication of a cult. "We have always been at war with Eastasia."
If you didn’t catch Romney’s senate speech about impeachment I suggest you take a few minutes and watch it. That was incredible. He’s a yes, on impeachment. I’ll post a video once one becomes available.

He took his oath seriously.

Deuteronomy 23:21-23 ESV
“If you make a vow to the Lord your God, you shall not delay fulfilling it, for the Lord your God will surely require it of you, and you will be guilty of sin. But if you refrain from vowing, you will not be guilty of sin. You shall be careful to do what has passed your lips, for you have voluntarily vowed to the Lord your God what you have promised with your mouth.
and there is also something about lying in that book
Romney lied
Romney is pissed because he's not the president and he's going to be even more pissed when he's one and done in the senate
I just watched the idiot commit political seppuku on CSPAN. He may as well pack up and move to California, Washington or Oregon and register as a demodumbass because in Oregon he's as dead as a doornail.

Wanna bet?

If you're asking him to bet the point about Oregon, I'm pretty sure it was a Typo by Dick. I'm sure he'd have a pretty good chance in Oregon if he were running there.

As for Utah, Trump has a much higher approval rating there than Romney, and there's already a petition to recall him as Senator (won't happen because I don't think it can). That said, he's not up for re-election until 2024 so anything can change (if he even wants to run again, he'll be almost 77 in 2024).

If he runs again he will be re-elected in Utah.
Mitty just doesn't understand law, justice, rules of evidence, due process, and most importantly who he was elected to represent, THE PEOPLE!
Now why was it that Trump was elected? Just another glowing example.
If you didn’t catch Romney’s senate speech about impeachment I suggest you take a few minutes and watch it. That was incredible. He’s a YES, on the abuse of power article and a No on obstruction of congress.

I didn't see it and I'm not going to see it now
his vote was enough for know he's one and done
America was saved from Tyranny and Lawlessness today. Celebrate that! The Democrats were attacking every Constitution of ours in order to Tear Down America, and then Fundamentally Change it, to Structurally Change it in to a Socialist Nation.

Trump was not The REAL Target. He was nothing but the EXCUSE for The Assault on Our Democracy, and for The Siege on The White House and on our Republic.
You’re so far out in another solar system with your train of thought that I really don’t even want to try and explain what reality is here on earth. You go ahead with your whackos narratives. I can’t take them seriously.
Romney did not respect The Rule of Law, nor Due Process, and men like him are a danger to The Republic.

And you want to make this about REVENGE?

You have to vote vengeful idiots like Romney, McCain, Schummer, Schiff, Pelosi, Omar, Talib, AOC, Sanders, Booker, Jeffries, Warren, and Nadler out of office. THEY are the real danger to THE REPUBLIC!
I respect honesty and independence. I would not have voted for impeachment but give Romney props for what he did. I also wouldn’t vote for half those name on your list to get into office. Many of them are just as bad as the puppet Trump republicans
and there we have it folks ! the puppet Trump republicans ...... no wonder you're defending Rhino Romney !
Lets just cut the crap and be honest. Are you really going to say with a straight face that there are not a handful for republicans out there doing anything and everything to appease Trump?! Come on
i have no problem with Trump looking into corruption and nepotism when it comes to foreign aid ! and neither should you or any other tax payer !

You’re so far out in another solar system with your train of thought that I really don’t even want to try and explain what reality is here on earth. You go ahead with your whackos narratives. I can’t take them seriously.
Romney did not respect The Rule of Law, nor Due Process, and men like him are a danger to The Republic.

And you want to make this about REVENGE?

You have to vote vengeful idiots like Romney, McCain, Schummer, Schiff, Pelosi, Omar, Talib, AOC, Sanders, Booker, Jeffries, Warren, and Nadler out of office. THEY are the real danger to THE REPUBLIC!
I respect honesty and independence. I would not have voted for impeachment but give Romney props for what he did. I also wouldn’t vote for half those name on your list to get into office. Many of them are just as bad as the puppet Trump republicans
and there we have it folks ! the puppet Trump republicans ...... no wonder you're defending Rhino Romney !
Lets just cut the crap and be honest. Are you really going to say with a straight face that there are not a handful for republicans out there doing anything and everything to appease Trump?! Come on
i have no problem with Trump looking into corruption and nepotism when it comes to foreign aid ! and neither should you or any other tax payer !
Let’s not forget how This all started.

“I have a Dossier I wrote for you”

If you didn’t catch Romney’s senate speech about impeachment I suggest you take a few minutes and watch it. That was incredible. He’s a YES, on the abuse of power article and a No on obstruction of congress.

If a monkey named Mitt votes to convict does anyone care?

Care? I don’t know, I guess it depends on what you mean by care. I think it’s a rather significant and historical statement. I thought it was a compelling speech too. Did you watch it?

The really compelling speech will be the one that Barr gives uncovering Romney's connection to the Ukraine money laundering scheme.


Picking up the Russian troll talking point and running with it, eh?
He just couldn’t lie to God and he couldn’t break his oath to the Constitution. You have to admire him for that.

He’s a phony asshole, that sticks his nose [emoji103] where it doesn’t belong. He should return it back up Biden’s ass. He’s mad because Don saw right through him, and sent him on his way.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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