Romney Impeachment Speech... WOW

If you didn’t catch Romney’s senate speech about impeachment I suggest you take a few minutes and watch it. That was incredible. He’s a YES, on the abuse of power article and a No on obstruction of congress.

Wow, Mitt goes full retard in front of the whole world with a meaningless vote for "Abuse Of Power".

I respect him for being honest and making a call that was clearly at his detriment

You are assuming, I believe that Mitt's hatred for Donald Trump is based in honesty. It could be, or it could also be personal or something else.
Lindsay lays it all out bare ass naked! Democrats can take their pens and SHOVE THEM. Democrats will regret what they have tried to do.

Yeah, the House made the impeachment process a sham.
No other impeachment process denied the minority from having their day of Due Process.
That will come back to bite them eventually, just like Reid's Senate voting for the Nuclear Option
Full article at the link provided.

Powerful Politicos Implicated in “Ukraine-Gate:” Eight and Counting - Truth News Network

Romney, Kerry, Biden, McCain, Pelosi, Schiff, Mueller, and Clinton are all tied to sketchy Ukraine deals. No wonder they want to impeach President Trump.

This news and information is pretty detailed. So here’s what we’ll do: we’ll Bullet Point these notes to make them easier to follow. Feel free to download this story to use Let’s go!

Mitt Romney’s top adviser, Joseph Cofer Black, joined the board of the Ukraine energy firm, Burisma, while Hunter Biden was also serving on the board. Hunter Biden was taking a salary of $50,000 per month from Burisma, and was simultaneously engaged in a relationship with John Kerry’s stepson, Chris Heinz, and mobster Whitey Bulger’s nephew, in a private equity firm, that allegedly appeared to be laundering millions of dollars in foreign money from China and Ukraine, through Latvia, and back to the U.S.

Romney’s adviser, Joseph Cofer Black, trained for covert operations and eventually became the director of the National Counterterrorism Center. After September 11, 2001, Black was appointed ambassador at large and coordinator for counterterrorism in December 2002 by President George W. Bush. John Brennan succeeded Black in his job as director of the National Counterterrorism Center. Cofer Black left the CIA in 2006 to join Blackwater, the massive contractor for services related to military and intelligence action, where he served as Vice Chairman until 2008.

It appears that Romney, Kerry, Biden, McCain, Pelosi, Clinton, Mueller, and Schiff all have ties to Ukrainian firms. V.P. Biden bragged on camera that he was able to force the former Ukraine President to fire a prosecutor who was investigating his son, Hunter, by threatening to withhold $1 BILLION in U.S. loans from Ukraine – all with approval from Obama.

While Communist China ran $1.5 BILLION through the Biden/Heinz private equity firm to purchase U.S. companies with military ties, John Kerry, as Secretary of State, approved questionable acquisitions that threatened national security but enriched his family and friends.

Kurt Volker, who served as the U.S. Ambassador to NATO under Obama, and was just fired from the Trump White House as a special envoy to Ukraine, is the executive director of the John McCain Institute.

Nancy Pelosi’s son, Paul Pelosi Jr., is involved in oil-importing from Ukraine, and his company, Viscoil, is under investigation for securities fraud. In 2015, Pelosi used the Air Force to fly her entire family to Ukraine at the cost of over $185,000. Nancy Pelosi’s legislative aide, Ivanna Voronovych, is from Ukraine and is connected to the Ukrainian Embassy, the Ukrainian military, the Ukrainian government, and Ukrainian party life. Pelosi and Schiff are also both connected to a Ukrainian arms dealer.

We also know that Ukraine was involved in helping the Clinton campaign fabricate evidence against Paul Manafort to smear the Trump campaign. We also know that the firm the DNC used to “inspect” the DNC email server, Crowdstrike, is funded by anti-Russian Ukrainian Oligarchs and run by a man who used to work for Mueller at the FBI. Many believe Crowdstrike backed up Hillary’s server and hid the DNC server in Ukraine.

Most concerning of all, the former CEO of Danske Bank in Estonia, Aivar Rehe, a bank known for money laundering during the years Obama and Biden were in office, was just found dead in his yard. He was a witness for the prosecution in a $220 BILLION money laundering scandal involving transfers to Latvia.

Rudy Giuliani intimated that this corrupt banking network was likely used by Biden and pals to launder foreign dollars from the Ukraine and China – to Latvia, Cyprus, and on to America. Records show that some 10,000 “non-resident” accounts were involved. Giuliani says he began investigating Joe Biden before he announced his run for President and that more “corroborating” evidence is forthcoming. Giuliani, who was once James Comey’s boss, and the former Mayor of New York during 9/11, took down the mob and ran one of the biggest private investigation firms in the world. Don’t underestimate Rudy. He already has videotaped interviews of the Ukraine prosecutor that Biden forced out of office. Giuliani says frenzied Democrats are using impeachment to try to cover up their crimes more significant than you think.

It appears that Obama’s administration was helping George Soros, the de facto head of the Democrat party, control and take over the former Soviet state of Ukraine to steal her wealth and resources. Soros also used Obama’s DOJ and Mueller’s pal, Andrew Weissmann, to prosecute and seize assets from Soros’ foreign competitors under the guise of corruption. Why are so many wealthy, corrupt Ukrainians tied to the Deep State, the Democrats and Communist China? Ukraine was formerly known as UkSSR, Soviet Ukraine, run by Communists until 1991.

New testimony reveals that a Adam Schiff staffer flew to Ukraine days after the “whistleblower” complaint. The trip was paid for by Hunter Biden’s Ukraine firm.

Hunter Biden’s Chinese business partner stole American nuclear technology and accepted a plea deal two weeks before Trump took office. Joe Biden also claims the Ukraine prosecutor investigating his son was fired for corruption. Yet, his replacement was corrupt and nobody fired him.

Kurt Volker just testified that Adam Schiff privately pushed him to frame Trump, but he refused to do it. An Obama State Department staffer also testified he complained about Hunter Biden’s Ukraine deal in 2015 and Biden’s staff “blew him off.”

Hunter Biden received $700,000 from a company that held a 20% stake in a Chinese private equity firm with close ties to the Bank of China.

Colonel Vindman, an anti-Trump Ukraine expert on the NSC, testified that he altered and leaked Trump’s call to secret operatives.

John Bolton told Ukraine to shut out Rudy Giuliani because he was too close to President Trump and posed “obstacles to engagement.” The U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine, the one Trump fired, gave a “DO NOT PROSECUTE” list to Ukraine. Was Hunter Biden on it? Tim Morrison, the NSC’s Senior Director for European Affairs, was on the Trump-Zelensky call and told the investigating committees: “I want to be clear, I was not concerned that anything illegal was discussed.”

Eric Ciaramella is the alleged whistleblower. Federal documents reveal that the 33-year-old Ciaramella was a registered Democrat who previously worked in the Obama White House with former Vice President Joe Biden, Adam Schiff’s staff, and former CIA Director John Brennan.

Ciaramella was an intelligence officer specializing in Russia and Ukraine. He was a staffer on the National Security Council, where he was responsible for policy regarding Ukraine. He was H.R. McMaster’s aide and during the Obama administration worked with Susan Rice.

Ciaramella had gained a reputation as an inveterate leaker, which, he claimed, had resulted in “death threats” from “right-wingers.” This was the reason he gave for leaving the NSC in 2017. In reality, he was fired from the National Security Council in 2017 for leaks and returned to the CIA. Ciaramella was a vocal critic of Trump who helped initiate the Russia “collusion” investigation of the Trump campaign during the 2016 election.

Lawfare, the legal gurus behind Pelosi’s end-run around the Constitution in impeachment, are tied to Brookings, Huawei & Communist China. In other words, it looks like Communist China is funding the removal of President Trump. Steve Bannon is building an “impeachment war room” to counter Pelosi and Lawfare’s political disinformation campaign against Trump. BANNON: “Joe Biden is the hand grenade and Hunter Biden is the pin. When it’s pulled, the shrapnel will blow back all over the DNC.”

SMOKING GUN: John Solomon revealed emails showing that Ukraine’s Burisma Holdings pressed Obama’s State Department to help them end the investigation into Hunter Biden and another Burisma board member, ONE MONTH BEFORE Joe Biden extorted Ukraine to fire the Ukrainian prosecutor investigating his son, Hunter, who sat on Burisma’s board.

Did you know that Obama put John Podesta in charge of “upgrading” the NSA databases in 2014? Now I know why. For SpyGate.

MULVANEY: “Difference between Trump family and Biden family is the Trump family made their money BEFORE they went into politics!”

(Joe diGenova says Horowitz IG report is held up because of Durham’s grand jury issuing indictments to Obama’s senior DOJ and the FBI.)
Yep...definitely a big push by the Russian troll farm.
If you didn’t catch Romney’s senate speech about impeachment I suggest you take a few minutes and watch it. That was incredible. He’s a yes, on impeachment. I’ll post a video once one becomes available.
why? i've not watched much else of this running joke.

so he pulled some nose hairs or thought of his own failures and pushed some tears out. this is supposed to make me go "awww" and give a damn about him?

he died to me the day he put his dog on top of the car for a family vacation.

he's probably crying cause he knows he gets 4 more years of this.
the blow back against romney is going to be so bad that it will be stark warning against rhinos and dems in states that Trump carried! they will think twice about going along with future despicable acts being planned by the communist party !
i agree about the response but how sad is that?! It’s a large leap backwards when we can’t be respectful of those who see things differently than ourselves. It’s a step to far to go after revenge and sling lazy emotional threats. We all need to grow up
REVENGE? You have to vote vengeful idiots like Romney, McCain, Schiff, Pelosi, Omar, Talib. Booker, Jeffries, Warren, and Nadler out of office. THEY are the real danger to THE REPUBLIC!

America was saved from Tyranny and Lawlessness today. Celebrate that! The Democrats were attacking every Constitution of ours in order to Tear Down America, and then Fundamentally Change it, to Structurally Change it in to a Socialist Nation.

Trump was not The REAL Target. He was nothing but the EXCUSE for The Assault on Our Democracy, and for The Siege on The White House and on our Republic.
I heard on the radio earlier today that over 60% of the Utah voters wanted Romney to acquit. He went against the people who voted him into office. there's nothing worse. nothing. your constituents are how you vote, that is how this thing works.
If you didn’t catch Romney’s senate speech about impeachment I suggest you take a few minutes and watch it. That was incredible. He’s a yes, on impeachment. I’ll post a video once one becomes available.
he's on the wrong side of history just like his lost presidency.
Not at all....he's on the right side.
then why did he lose again? that's the wrong side.
I don’t think you were supposed to let us know who you work for.

Secret Dotard. Putin created a $ 12 Million Dollar Dossier for Hillary.

Hillary is a political whore and sells America out to the highest bidder. Always has, just like you sell yourself out too.

Full article at the link provided.

Powerful Politicos Implicated in “Ukraine-Gate:” Eight and Counting - Truth News Network

Romney, Kerry, Biden, McCain, Pelosi, Schiff, Mueller, and Clinton are all tied to sketchy Ukraine deals. No wonder they want to impeach President Trump.

This news and information is pretty detailed. So here’s what we’ll do: we’ll Bullet Point these notes to make them easier to follow. Feel free to download this story to use Let’s go!

Mitt Romney’s top adviser, Joseph Cofer Black, joined the board of the Ukraine energy firm, Burisma, while Hunter Biden was also serving on the board. Hunter Biden was taking a salary of $50,000 per month from Burisma, and was simultaneously engaged in a relationship with John Kerry’s stepson, Chris Heinz, and mobster Whitey Bulger’s nephew, in a private equity firm, that allegedly appeared to be laundering millions of dollars in foreign money from China and Ukraine, through Latvia, and back to the U.S.

Romney’s adviser, Joseph Cofer Black, trained for covert operations and eventually became the director of the National Counterterrorism Center. After September 11, 2001, Black was appointed ambassador at large and coordinator for counterterrorism in December 2002 by President George W. Bush. John Brennan succeeded Black in his job as director of the National Counterterrorism Center. Cofer Black left the CIA in 2006 to join Blackwater, the massive contractor for services related to military and intelligence action, where he served as Vice Chairman until 2008.

It appears that Romney, Kerry, Biden, McCain, Pelosi, Clinton, Mueller, and Schiff all have ties to Ukrainian firms. V.P. Biden bragged on camera that he was able to force the former Ukraine President to fire a prosecutor who was investigating his son, Hunter, by threatening to withhold $1 BILLION in U.S. loans from Ukraine – all with approval from Obama.

While Communist China ran $1.5 BILLION through the Biden/Heinz private equity firm to purchase U.S. companies with military ties, John Kerry, as Secretary of State, approved questionable acquisitions that threatened national security but enriched his family and friends.

Kurt Volker, who served as the U.S. Ambassador to NATO under Obama, and was just fired from the Trump White House as a special envoy to Ukraine, is the executive director of the John McCain Institute.

Nancy Pelosi’s son, Paul Pelosi Jr., is involved in oil-importing from Ukraine, and his company, Viscoil, is under investigation for securities fraud. In 2015, Pelosi used the Air Force to fly her entire family to Ukraine at the cost of over $185,000. Nancy Pelosi’s legislative aide, Ivanna Voronovych, is from Ukraine and is connected to the Ukrainian Embassy, the Ukrainian military, the Ukrainian government, and Ukrainian party life. Pelosi and Schiff are also both connected to a Ukrainian arms dealer.

We also know that Ukraine was involved in helping the Clinton campaign fabricate evidence against Paul Manafort to smear the Trump campaign. We also know that the firm the DNC used to “inspect” the DNC email server, Crowdstrike, is funded by anti-Russian Ukrainian Oligarchs and run by a man who used to work for Mueller at the FBI. Many believe Crowdstrike backed up Hillary’s server and hid the DNC server in Ukraine.

Most concerning of all, the former CEO of Danske Bank in Estonia, Aivar Rehe, a bank known for money laundering during the years Obama and Biden were in office, was just found dead in his yard. He was a witness for the prosecution in a $220 BILLION money laundering scandal involving transfers to Latvia.

Rudy Giuliani intimated that this corrupt banking network was likely used by Biden and pals to launder foreign dollars from the Ukraine and China – to Latvia, Cyprus, and on to America. Records show that some 10,000 “non-resident” accounts were involved. Giuliani says he began investigating Joe Biden before he announced his run for President and that more “corroborating” evidence is forthcoming. Giuliani, who was once James Comey’s boss, and the former Mayor of New York during 9/11, took down the mob and ran one of the biggest private investigation firms in the world. Don’t underestimate Rudy. He already has videotaped interviews of the Ukraine prosecutor that Biden forced out of office. Giuliani says frenzied Democrats are using impeachment to try to cover up their crimes more significant than you think.

It appears that Obama’s administration was helping George Soros, the de facto head of the Democrat party, control and take over the former Soviet state of Ukraine to steal her wealth and resources. Soros also used Obama’s DOJ and Mueller’s pal, Andrew Weissmann, to prosecute and seize assets from Soros’ foreign competitors under the guise of corruption. Why are so many wealthy, corrupt Ukrainians tied to the Deep State, the Democrats and Communist China? Ukraine was formerly known as UkSSR, Soviet Ukraine, run by Communists until 1991.

New testimony reveals that a Adam Schiff staffer flew to Ukraine days after the “whistleblower” complaint. The trip was paid for by Hunter Biden’s Ukraine firm.

Hunter Biden’s Chinese business partner stole American nuclear technology and accepted a plea deal two weeks before Trump took office. Joe Biden also claims the Ukraine prosecutor investigating his son was fired for corruption. Yet, his replacement was corrupt and nobody fired him.

Kurt Volker just testified that Adam Schiff privately pushed him to frame Trump, but he refused to do it. An Obama State Department staffer also testified he complained about Hunter Biden’s Ukraine deal in 2015 and Biden’s staff “blew him off.”

Hunter Biden received $700,000 from a company that held a 20% stake in a Chinese private equity firm with close ties to the Bank of China.

Colonel Vindman, an anti-Trump Ukraine expert on the NSC, testified that he altered and leaked Trump’s call to secret operatives.

John Bolton told Ukraine to shut out Rudy Giuliani because he was too close to President Trump and posed “obstacles to engagement.” The U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine, the one Trump fired, gave a “DO NOT PROSECUTE” list to Ukraine. Was Hunter Biden on it? Tim Morrison, the NSC’s Senior Director for European Affairs, was on the Trump-Zelensky call and told the investigating committees: “I want to be clear, I was not concerned that anything illegal was discussed.”

Eric Ciaramella is the alleged whistleblower. Federal documents reveal that the 33-year-old Ciaramella was a registered Democrat who previously worked in the Obama White House with former Vice President Joe Biden, Adam Schiff’s staff, and former CIA Director John Brennan.

Ciaramella was an intelligence officer specializing in Russia and Ukraine. He was a staffer on the National Security Council, where he was responsible for policy regarding Ukraine. He was H.R. McMaster’s aide and during the Obama administration worked with Susan Rice.

Ciaramella had gained a reputation as an inveterate leaker, which, he claimed, had resulted in “death threats” from “right-wingers.” This was the reason he gave for leaving the NSC in 2017. In reality, he was fired from the National Security Council in 2017 for leaks and returned to the CIA. Ciaramella was a vocal critic of Trump who helped initiate the Russia “collusion” investigation of the Trump campaign during the 2016 election.

Lawfare, the legal gurus behind Pelosi’s end-run around the Constitution in impeachment, are tied to Brookings, Huawei & Communist China. In other words, it looks like Communist China is funding the removal of President Trump. Steve Bannon is building an “impeachment war room” to counter Pelosi and Lawfare’s political disinformation campaign against Trump. BANNON: “Joe Biden is the hand grenade and Hunter Biden is the pin. When it’s pulled, the shrapnel will blow back all over the DNC.”

SMOKING GUN: John Solomon revealed emails showing that Ukraine’s Burisma Holdings pressed Obama’s State Department to help them end the investigation into Hunter Biden and another Burisma board member, ONE MONTH BEFORE Joe Biden extorted Ukraine to fire the Ukrainian prosecutor investigating his son, Hunter, who sat on Burisma’s board.

Did you know that Obama put John Podesta in charge of “upgrading” the NSA databases in 2014? Now I know why. For SpyGate.

MULVANEY: “Difference between Trump family and Biden family is the Trump family made their money BEFORE they went into politics!”

(Joe diGenova says Horowitz IG report is held up because of Durham’s grand jury issuing indictments to Obama’s senior DOJ and the FBI.)
Yep...definitely a big push by the Russian troll farm.
Romney is a RINO and always has been.
I thank God that Romney wasn't elected president.
If he had been, he more than likely would have moved the republican party to the left
to the point that Trump would not have been electable.

Again, unfortunately for your non-point, Senators aren't there to represent political parties. They're there to represent the citizens of their state. Therefore "RINO" is a completely specious term.

I am the President of Asia and your argument is invalid.
In this instance to my "non-point", Romney is NOT representing the Great state of Utah, but, he is representing
himself, Pogo. Romney does not like Trump....period. It's a personal matter, and has been. And, yes he is a RINO, I would
have more respect for him if he was a Democrat.

Again --- that's up to the voters of Utah, not those of Idaho and not those cheering on political football teams.

The fact remains --- Senators are there to represent their state, not a political party. It's always been that way. If we were supposed to be run by political parties, our Constitution would have been written that way. It wasn't.

"RINO" is not a valid argument. It's invalid because it hangs on the premise that a Senator (or Rep, etc) is there to represent a political party. That premise is provably false. If being a "Republican" or a "Democrat" or a "Whig" meant one was compelled to vote as the party dick-tated, that would be a sham and an oligarchy.

Of course the other thing you could be saying with the term "RINO" is that Republicans (in this case) are supposed to be sheep who vote as their party tells them and screw their constituents. That's not good either.

If you live in Utah and your Senator doesn't represent your views, you have a legitimate beef. If you don't --- you don't. Simple as that.
Last edited:
I continue to be amazed at how many of you know how someone is feeling & thinking, what an incredible talent. my self have only the limited ability to judge people by their actions and the facts that back up their words.

Zackly. Like speaking for the voters of Utah, from afar.
McConnell just announced the INSANITY of these POS democrats! McConnell just told the body that Nancy told him that if the Senate acquits Trump, SHE WILL REFUSE TO ACCEPT IT! :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::clap2::clap2::clap2::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::mm::laughing0301::mm::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::clap2::clap2::clap2::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

The mental hospitals are full of people who refuse to accept reality. She'll fit right in.

Ah yes, that's where people go when they, for instance, try to claim over and over that their father was born in Germany, that they didn't say Tim Apple, and that they saw "thousands and thousands dancing on rooftops". Friday, nobody is going to care about Mitt Romney.

Again, what we see from progressives today is what we always see.....spiking the football on symbolic stuff that is insignificant in the bigger picture.
Saw it with NFL kneel-in'
Saw it with David
Saw it on Kavanaugh
Saw it on
Saw it on
Saw it on
Saw it on
Saw it on
Saw it on
Saw it on

Saw it on
Saw it on
Saw it on
Saw it on


Land O' Lakes Butter
why? i've not watched much else of this running joke.

so he pulled some nose hairs or thought of his own failures and pushed some tears out. this is supposed to make me go "awww" and give a damn about him?

he died to me the day he put his dog on top of the car for a family vacation.

he's probably crying cause he knows he gets 4 more years of this.
the blow back against romney is going to be so bad that it will be stark warning against rhinos and dems in states that Trump carried! they will think twice about going along with future despicable acts being planned by the communist party !
i agree about the response but how sad is that?! It’s a large leap backwards when we can’t be respectful of those who see things differently than ourselves. It’s a step to far to go after revenge and sling lazy emotional threats. We all need to grow up
America was saved from Tyranny and Lawlessness today. Celebrate that! The Democrats were attacking every Constitution of ours in order to Tear Down America, and then Fundamentally Change it, to Structurally Change it in to a Socialist Nation.

Trump was not The REAL Target. He was nothing but the EXCUSE for The Assault on Our Democracy, and for The Siege on The White House and on our Republic.
You’re so far out in another solar system with your train of thought that I really don’t even want to try and explain what reality is here on earth. You go ahead with your whackos narratives. I can’t take them seriously.
Romney did not respect The Rule of Law, nor Due Process, and men like him are a danger to The Republic.

And you want to make this about REVENGE?

You have to vote vengeful idiots like Romney, McCain, Schummer, Schiff, Pelosi, Omar, Talib, AOC, Sanders, Booker, Jeffries, Warren, and Nadler out of office. THEY are the real danger to THE REPUBLIC!

The Rule of Law says a Senator represents his constituents, not a political party. It also says a Senator can vote any way he or she wants to. So that box is checked.

"Due Process" says everybody in the Senate gets a vote, and the vote is counted. Check again.

Finally, if you want to vote "Romney, McCain, Schummer [sic], Schiff, Pelosi, Omar, Talib, AOC, Sanders, Booker, Jeffries, Warren, and Nadler" out of office, you'll need to be a resident of roughly a dozen different states, plus you'll have to explain why you're voting for a dead man.

Rotsa ruck on that.

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