Romney impersonated a police officer

rw's, please stop twisting and lying about this news story. If you don't have evidence that it happened on Halloween or that there was no uniform, it doesn't help your cause to lie about it. If you DO have evidence that differs from the published articles, all of us would benefit from seeing those links.

It is for those who made the claim to prove it as true.... one cannot prove a negative... or is that above your intellectual pay grade? And... why did I even ask that... of course it is above your intellectual pay grade. My bad.

Is Obama a legal citizen?
So... the eye witness indicates there was no actual uniform... it was a prank... and thought it was funny.

Case closed.

Again, the sources I've read say there was a uniform.

Where does it say there was not a uniform?

A "cap and FAKE badge" does not make a uniform. We don't rage against children for impersonating soldiers when they put on their plastic army helmets and don their squirt guns, do we?

...laid out on his bed was a Michigan State Trooper’s uniform.”...
The National Memo » Did Young Mitt Romney Impersonate A Police Officer? Another Witness Says Yes


...the future Massachusetts Governor confessed to a habit of dressing up in a Michigan State Police uniform...

Read more: Report: Mitt Romney impersonated police officer as part of high school prank - VOTE AZ 2012
The sources I have read do not say he did it on Halloween. Would you please post the link where YOU read he did this on Halloween?


the date it happened on is immaterial, dipshit. I used that as an example to show how fucking stupid this is. The eye witness BD posted doesnt say there was even a full uniform... a cap and a badge... they eye witness admits it was just a prank on some classmates... the eye witness thought it was funny.

non-story, made into a story by dumb ass scared libtards like yourself,

Post one states there was a uniform, and he said how he got it and what he used it for.

the eye witness you discussed in post 195 says nothing about a uniform. they were quite specific about a hat, badge, and siren, but didn't say there was a uniform involved. As for post one, they said they saw a uniform on a bed. They did NOT say they saw Romney wear it or impersonate an officer with it.
When one of my brothers joined the Corps (Marine, not Peace :lol:), my twin wanted to borrow his uniform.... his reasoning.... 'Girls think it's hot'.... ditto with a police uniform... :lol::lol: Go figure.

And here's another rw who suddenly remembers uniform "borrowing".

Me thinks you doth object (and lie) a little tooo much. But, its fun to watch this latest rendition of Twist and Shout.

Care to back up your (delusional) claim that I 'suddenly remembered' what I said? You can't... because I didn't 'suddenly remember' it. I've always remembered it. And I remember exactly what my older brother told him in response... which was "grow up, man up and sign up".

Me thinks you are a delusional freak... and I have evidence to support that view. Idiot.

Kind of like Anita Hill. 'Suddenly I remember being harrassed, ten years after the fact, and after I changed jobs to continue working with him!'

Lib "witnesses" have soooo much credibility...
Again, the sources I've read say there was a uniform.

Where does it say there was not a uniform?

A "cap and FAKE badge" does not make a uniform. We don't rage against children for impersonating soldiers when they put on their plastic army helmets and don their squirt guns, do we?

...laid out on his bed was a Michigan State Trooper’s uniform.”...
The National Memo » Did Young Mitt Romney Impersonate A Police Officer? Another Witness Says Yes


...the future Massachusetts Governor confessed to a habit of dressing up in a Michigan State Police uniform...

Read more: Report: Mitt Romney impersonated police officer as part of high school prank - VOTE AZ 2012

What a scandal. He should concede to Obama immediately.
As a youth? Ya. If he was doing it now I would have a problem with it.

Well, Romney's not "dressing up" as a police officer now - so STFU.

No one is suggesting Mittens is impersonating cops today. I am concerned that Mittens EVER though that kind of behavior was not totally out of bounds.

STFU? Really? You are in no position to back that up...but you could be if you had any balls.

Again.... do you have actual evidence that he ever did it? No. What you do have is an 'eye witness' who saw a uniform... even if we accept that as true.... which it could be... and I'm prepared to give that a 'could be true'.... where the fuck is the evidence that anyone saw him dress as a police officer and stop vehicles? Fact is... even the fucking witness doesn't say she saw him do that.... you have nothing other than her saying that Romney spoke about it. Now, given that he does have a sense of humor (something that appears above the intellectual pay grade of idiots)... is it not more likely that he joked about stopping people? No one saw him do it..... there is nothing to support the allegation.... surely to fuck you can see that.
Where do you people find this stuff? Clinton set the bar pretty high with serial abuse of women and rape 1st and Barry Hussein admitted to being a drug user. Any anecdotal 5o year old recollection about Romney is frivolous.
Again, the sources I've read say there was a uniform.

Where does it say there was not a uniform?

A "cap and FAKE badge" does not make a uniform. We don't rage against children for impersonating soldiers when they put on their plastic army helmets and don their squirt guns, do we?

...laid out on his bed was a Michigan State Trooper’s uniform.”...
The National Memo » Did Young Mitt Romney Impersonate A Police Officer? Another Witness Says Yes


...the future Massachusetts Governor confessed to a habit of dressing up in a Michigan State Police uniform...

Read more: Report: Mitt Romney impersonated police officer as part of high school prank - VOTE AZ 2012

so, you admit that the witness in the Op saw a uniform laid out on a bed, but NOT on Romney himself. Good first step.

Also, you admit Romney SAID he wore the uniform, but fail to provide an eye witness who SAW him wear the uniform. Good next step.

Your final step to honesty is to admit you have NO evidence other than hearsay that Romney EVER actually wore a full police uniform and impersonated an officer.
Well, Romney's not "dressing up" as a police officer now - so STFU.

No one is suggesting Mittens is impersonating cops today. I am concerned that Mittens EVER though that kind of behavior was not totally out of bounds.

STFU? Really? You are in no position to back that up...but you could be if you had any balls.

Again.... do you have actual evidence that he ever did it? No. What you do have is an 'eye witness' who saw a uniform... even if we accept that as true.... which it could be... and I'm prepared to give that a 'could be true'.... where the fuck is the evidence that anyone saw him dress as a police officer and stop vehicles? Fact is... even the fucking witness doesn't say she saw him do that.... you have nothing other than her saying that Romney spoke about it. Now, given that he does have a sense of humor (something that appears above the intellectual pay grade of idiots)... is it not more likely that he joked about stopping people? No one saw him do it..... there is nothing to support the allegation.... surely to fuck you can see that.

We're talking Diaper Boy...

He needs assistance determining which public restroom to use...
No one is suggesting Mittens is impersonating cops today. I am concerned that Mittens EVER though that kind of behavior was not totally out of bounds.

STFU? Really? You are in no position to back that up...but you could be if you had any balls.

Again.... do you have actual evidence that he ever did it? No. What you do have is an 'eye witness' who saw a uniform... even if we accept that as true.... which it could be... and I'm prepared to give that a 'could be true'.... where the fuck is the evidence that anyone saw him dress as a police officer and stop vehicles? Fact is... even the fucking witness doesn't say she saw him do that.... you have nothing other than her saying that Romney spoke about it. Now, given that he does have a sense of humor (something that appears above the intellectual pay grade of idiots)... is it not more likely that he joked about stopping people? No one saw him do it..... there is nothing to support the allegation.... surely to fuck you can see that.

We're talking Diaper Boy...

He needs assistance determining which public restroom to use...

Ya..the opinion of the Boards resident GimpFaggot is SOOO coveted.

If it ever occurs to you what a pure waste of oxygen you are...I hope you do the right thing.
So... the eye witness indicates there was no actual uniform... it was a prank... and thought it was funny.

Case closed.

Again, the sources I've read say there was a uniform.

Where does it say there was not a uniform?

where does BD's eye witness say there WAS one? Or did she just forget to mention it along with the hat, badge and siren she remembered? :rolleyes:

Read the first link again as well as the second link I posted.

For your reading pleasure, here's both of them.

...laid out on his bed was a Michigan State Trooper’s uniform.”...


...the future Massachusetts Governor confessed to a habit of dressing up in a Michigan State Police uniform...
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So let me get this straight... There are some among you here on USMB that are already willing to overlook this thing if found to be true?

That is astonishing.

Because Obama tried cocaine and pot ...that makes totally derranged and criminally psychotic behavior on Mitten's part acceptable?

You people just tanked the credibility meter.

If this story plays out to be factual and you find it an acceptable little "quirk" in Mitten's character then I have no idea what you would find abhorent in someone's character and history.

OMG! Grow up, in the 70's we had kids driving around all day with the damn police lights and if they could get a hold of one they'd have a uniform.

Good grief, you are a real nut job if you think this is psychotic behavior.

You are a real nut job if you do not.

Just goes to show how different parts of the country were growing up.

In my neck O the woods impersonating a cop and pulling people over would land ya in questions asked. If a satisfactory reason was not forthcoming at arraignment then a psychiatric evaluation was in order before bail allowed.

If you got caught it would land you in jail, so would snorting coke, smoking pot and public urination.

And a psychiatric evaluation can be ordered for anything at an arraignment.

How is it any more or less psychotic than drug abuse?
OMG! Grow up, in the 70's we had kids driving around all day with the damn police lights and if they could get a hold of one they'd have a uniform.

Good grief, you are a real nut job if you think this is psychotic behavior.

You are a real nut job if you do not.

Just goes to show how different parts of the country were growing up.

In my neck O the woods impersonating a cop and pulling people over would land ya in questions asked. If a satisfactory reason was not forthcoming at arraignment then a psychiatric evaluation was in order before bail allowed.

If you got caught it would land you in jail, so would snorting coke, smoking pot and public urination.

And a psychiatric evaluation can be ordered for anything at an arraignment.

How is it any more or less psychotic than drug abuse?

WTF is wrong with you? Pulling someone over impersonating a cop is a crime against another human being. I doubt that there is a juridiction ANYWHERE on the planet where impersonating a police officer is not against the law. You don't get the difference? WOW!

Nuff said. We have NOTHING left to talk about.

Some of you people are devoid of a moral compass...seriously.
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You are a real nut job if you do not.

Just goes to show how different parts of the country were growing up.

In my neck O the woods impersonating a cop and pulling people over would land ya in questions asked. If a satisfactory reason was not forthcoming at arraignment then a psychiatric evaluation was in order before bail allowed.

If you got caught it would land you in jail, so would snorting coke, smoking pot and public urination.

And a psychiatric evaluation can be ordered for anything at an arraignment.

How is it any more or less psychotic than drug abuse?

WTF is wrong with you? Pulling someone over impersonating a cop is a crime against another human being. You don't get the difference? WOW!

Nuff said. We have NOTHING left to talk about.

Drug abuse is not a victimless crime, being ignorant as you seem to be, I guess you would not want to discuss it anymore.
You are a real nut job if you do not.

Just goes to show how different parts of the country were growing up.

In my neck O the woods impersonating a cop and pulling people over would land ya in questions asked. If a satisfactory reason was not forthcoming at arraignment then a psychiatric evaluation was in order before bail allowed.

If you got caught it would land you in jail, so would snorting coke, smoking pot and public urination.

And a psychiatric evaluation can be ordered for anything at an arraignment.

How is it any more or less psychotic than drug abuse?

WTF is wrong with you? Pulling someone over impersonating a cop is a crime against another human being. I doubt that there is a juridiction ANYWHERE on the planet where impersonating a police officer is not against the law. You don't get the difference? WOW!

Nuff said. We have NOTHING left to talk about.

Some of you people are devoid of a moral compass...seriously.

In this thread, you suggested that another poster should realize that they are a waste of oxygen and 'do the right thing'... and you're criticizing others for a lack of a moral compass? Seriously? :lol::lol:


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