Romney impersonated a police officer

The only thing revealing about this thread is the true extent of the hypocrisy and pure anguish of the left.

Again, two people have made these allegations and you blindly believe it because the polls are sinking, you can't keep harping on the dog on the roof, your anti-depressants aren't working, a historical election was held in a traditionally blue state where the Democrats' entire agenda was rejected--you and your ilk are pathetic.

These are the same classless people that made disgusting attacks on Romney's religion and family past connections to the Mormon Church.

Hypocrisy on display.

Pretty funny isn't it, Obama involved with a racist religious leader, Obama throws the guy under the bus, Romney is a Mormon, he Reaffirms his beliefs and they attack the guy with no conviction. Romney has a Law enforcement uniform, two people say he had one, Obama admits to drug abuse and owning the uniform is worse than drug abuse, go figure.

If he used it to pull people over then YES it is much more of a crime than someone's recreational drug use. The fact that you do not get that is very troubling ...and revealing.

What's revealing is how easily you believe things. Desperation is really pathetic.

Let me ask you this one simple question: is the a non-partisan, objective and respected news outlet?
Yea.... because that's what happened with Obama and all the hinky claims that came out about him.... funny how when it's a Republican we suddenly need to investigate, when any claims about Obama's past were dismissed as 'bullshit'. You have no intellectual honesty, Diaper Boy.

That is such crap!!! Republicans have been trying for four years to get some scandal going on the prez. But nothing has stuck because most of the stories are ridiculous. What's pissing you off is that nobody can find a juicy scandal in Obama's past. That just kills you and your pals.

You all had better focus your energy elsewhere. Find out more about the loser you're planning to vote for in November.

Fuck off, fat ass.
Once again, Rinata makes CowardGirl look like a fool.

Once again, CowardGirl cannot handle it.


Rinata: do it again!!!! :lol:
I believe it is much worse than HIS. Some of these folks REALLY do not see anything wrong with impersonating a police officer and pulling over other citizens.

This is a stunning revelation. Our country has obviously spawned a previously unknown segment that has no morals. I wonder WHERE exactly do they draw the line? Just how fucked up did Mitten's behavior have to be before they turn away from him? Does it extend to false imprisonment?...Rape? Murder? Because THAT is the usual MO for people that impersonate cops and pull people over.

This thread is quite revealing. I for one am glad that the "truth" about some of you people is finally coming out. It brings some other positions held by these zombies into focus and makes them more fathomable. A lot of what these so called "people" say is put into context. This has been and will continue to be a most interesting and illuminating thread. This one's a keeper.

I actually do see something wrong with impersonating a LEO.... what I haven't seen is any fucking evidence that Romney did it. Your hysterical hyperbole is not evidence, Diaper Boy.

"Truth? You can't handle the truth."

LEO? I don't feel hysterical. Ah.. but you being the board know it all should know.

I agree that at this point there has been no iron clad evidense. I'm still working on the "what if" theory. What I find interesting and troubling is the opinion of some that if true these allegations mean nothing. Mean Nothing? Just what exactly does it take to get the attention of these cretens? Is thier hate for Obama so entrenched that there is absolutely NOTHING Romney could have done in his past that is beyond the pale?

If I was a Romney supporter I would be disgusted and start working on a plan "B". Whether Obama is defeated or not is irrelevant. What is important is that if he be replaced it be with someone better. For some inexplainable reason THAT does not seem to be a concern. Some people REALLY believe that ANYBODY is better than re-electing Obama. That position is certifiably insane. Sure... let's find a better man and elect him.. Must this replacement be a sociopath? Really? We couldn't find anyone better? Ya..if Mittens did what is claimed by this OP he is a sociopath. For those of you that don't know.. THAT is a BAD thing!

Hyperbole? Suggesting we can do better than a sociopath is "Hyperbole". Seriously? What is this? ... the fucking Twilight Zone?

Do you see the stunning stupidness in your reasoning? You admit that there really isn't any evidence and you are just believing this because you want to believe it, but it is stunning to you.

What is stunning is how utterly desperate you are for any information that gives you hope for this upcoming election.
While I find the story a bit far fetched, a simple look into would prove this to be retarded or not. But hey keep batting for mittens.

I'll ask you too - since you're an Obama-welfare case, knuckle-dragging inbred - how does Obama's ass taste?
This is not something that can be brushed off with no explaination. It needs to be vetted immediately for truth. If the "witnesses" are lying that needs to be exposed in fairness to Romney. If this report holds up it is serious and demands an explaination.

Yea.... because that's what happened with Obama and all the hinky claims that came out about him.... funny how when it's a Republican we suddenly need to investigate, when any claims about Obama's past were dismissed as 'bullshit'. You have no intellectual honesty, Diaper Boy.

There is a difference between pretending to be a cop and having someone claim that obama snorted coke while having gay sex in a limo.

While I find the story a bit far fetched, a simple look into would prove this to be retarded or not. But hey keep batting for mittens.

I agree Obama snorting coke while having gay sex is to stupid to comprehend, Obama and his drug abuse, he admitted to.
This is not something that can be brushed off with no explaination. It needs to be vetted immediately for truth. If the "witnesses" are lying that needs to be exposed in fairness to Romney. If this report holds up it is serious and demands an explaination.

Yea.... because that's what happened with Obama and all the hinky claims that came out about him.... funny how when it's a Republican we suddenly need to investigate, when any claims about Obama's past were dismissed as 'bullshit'. You have no intellectual honesty, Diaper Boy.

There is a difference between pretending to be a cop and having someone claim that obama snorted coke while having gay sex in a limo.

While I find the story a bit far fetched, a simple look into would prove this to be retarded or not. But hey keep batting for mittens.

There is a difference, although probably not in your warped mind, between a story reported on a partisan website and the admitted drug use of the president.

Again, the story is far-fetched, but the story of Obama's drug use isn't. But hey you keep tasting Obama's ass :lol:
I actually do see something wrong with impersonating a LEO.... what I haven't seen is any fucking evidence that Romney did it. Your hysterical hyperbole is not evidence, Diaper Boy.

"Truth? You can't handle the truth."

LEO? I don't feel hysterical. Ah.. but you being the board know it all should know.

I agree that at this point there has been no iron clad evidense. I'm still working on the "what if" theory. What I find interesting and troubling is the opinion of some that if true these allegations mean nothing. Mean Nothing? Just what exactly does it take to get the attention of these cretens? Is thier hate for Obama so entrenched that there is absolutely NOTHING Romney could have done in his past that is beyond the pale?

If I was a Romney supporter I would be disgusted and start working on a plan "B". Whether Obama is defeated or not is irrelevant. What is important is that if he be replaced it be with someone better. For some inexplainable reason THAT does not seem to be a concern. Some people REALLY believe that ANYBODY is better than re-electing Obama. That position is certifiably insane. Sure... let's find a better man and elect him.. Must this replacement be a sociopath? Really? We couldn't find anyone better? Ya..if Mittens did what is claimed by this OP he is a sociopath. For those of you that don't know.. THAT is a BAD thing!

Hyperbole? Suggesting we can do better than a sociopath is "Hyperbole". Seriously? What is this? ... the fucking Twilight Zone?

Do you see the stunning stupidness in your reasoning? You admit that there really isn't any evidence and you are just believing this because you want to believe it, but it is stunning to you.

What is stunning is how utterly desperate you are for any information that gives you hope for this upcoming election.

I didn't make this shit up. I don't believe it for now. I am not an Obama supporter. I am not a democrate nor have I given any money to a democrat..EVER! I held my nose and voted for Obama strictly because the GOP put a crazy half term governor of a whackadoodle state with a husband actively trying to get that state ceceeded from the union person playing backup to an old man that "suspended" his campaign to fix the economy which was one of the most idiotic moves ever devised by a nominee for POTUS.

You do know that when McCrazy sat down at the table with all of the monitary players he was laughed out of the room..right? You didn't know that did you. Sorry Sport..I don't vote for incompetant wing nuts. THAT would make me a hack.
I have no "hope" for the coming election. I personally believe we are fucked no matter what happens.

I just believe if the choice is Obama or Romney...we are less fucked voting for Obama this go-around.

The good news is the GOP can come to it's senses, dump Mittens and run someone that isn't an ideologue sociopath if this cop impersonation thing turns out to be true.
The only thing revealing about this thread is the true extent of the hypocrisy and pure anguish of the left.

Again, two people have made these allegations and you blindly believe it because the polls are sinking, you can't keep harping on the dog on the roof, your anti-depressants aren't working, a historical election was held in a traditionally blue state where the Democrats' entire agenda was rejected--you and your ilk are pathetic.

These are the same classless people that made disgusting attacks on Romney's religion and family past connections to the Mormon Church.

Hypocrisy on display.

Pretty funny isn't it, Obama involved with a racist religious leader, Obama throws the guy under the bus, Romney is a Mormon, he Reaffirms his beliefs and they attack the guy with no conviction. Romney has a Law enforcement uniform, two people say he had one, Obama admits to drug abuse and owning the uniform is worse than drug abuse, go figure.

If he used it to pull people over then YES it is much more of a crime than someone's recreational drug use. The fact that you do not get that is very troubling ...and revealing.

no proof yet he did, dumb ass. just accusations.
What we are missing here is the "Mikey did it too" defense. Did or did not Obama have a police officer's uniform also? Has Mitt responded as yet or is this story in the trash heap?
How does Obama's ass taste Huggy?


You sure fantasize a lot about men's asses. If I were you I might find that troubling.


The question is directed at you.

The one with his tongue inserted so far into Obama's ass, he's having an orgasm.

Cease sucking for a moment and come up for some fresh air, asswipe.

Your sickening case of blind "Manlove" is, well, sickening.
LEO? I don't feel hysterical. Ah.. but you being the board know it all should know.

I agree that at this point there has been no iron clad evidense. I'm still working on the "what if" theory. What I find interesting and troubling is the opinion of some that if true these allegations mean nothing. Mean Nothing? Just what exactly does it take to get the attention of these cretens? Is thier hate for Obama so entrenched that there is absolutely NOTHING Romney could have done in his past that is beyond the pale?

If I was a Romney supporter I would be disgusted and start working on a plan "B". Whether Obama is defeated or not is irrelevant. What is important is that if he be replaced it be with someone better. For some inexplainable reason THAT does not seem to be a concern. Some people REALLY believe that ANYBODY is better than re-electing Obama. That position is certifiably insane. Sure... let's find a better man and elect him.. Must this replacement be a sociopath? Really? We couldn't find anyone better? Ya..if Mittens did what is claimed by this OP he is a sociopath. For those of you that don't know.. THAT is a BAD thing!

Hyperbole? Suggesting we can do better than a sociopath is "Hyperbole". Seriously? What is this? ... the fucking Twilight Zone?

Do you see the stunning stupidness in your reasoning? You admit that there really isn't any evidence and you are just believing this because you want to believe it, but it is stunning to you.

What is stunning is how utterly desperate you are for any information that gives you hope for this upcoming election.

I didn't make this shit up. I don't believe it for now. I am not an Obama supporter. I am not a democrate nor have I given any money to a democrat..EVER! I held my nose and voted for Obama strictly because the GOP put a crazy half term governor of a whackadoodle state with a husband actively trying to get that state ceceeded from the union person playing backup to an old man that "suspended" his campaign to fix the economy which was one of the most idiotic moves ever devised by a nominee for POTUS.

You do know that when McCrazy sat down at the table with all of the monitary players he was laughed out of the room..right? You didn't know that did you. Sorry Sport..I don't vote for incompetant wing nuts. THAT would make me a hack.
I have no "hope" for the coming election. I personally believe we are fucked no matter what happens.

I just believe if the choice is Obama or Romney...we are less fucked voting for Obama this go-around.

The good news is the GOP can come to it's senses, dump Mittens and run someone that isn't an ideologue sociopath if this cop impersonation thing turns out to be true.

I know you didn't make this shit up, what you are making up is your supposed independentness. You are a liar.

Again, you keep saying "yeah the story is far fetched" and then and turn around in the same post and give credence to it by calling Romney a sociopath.

You are pathetic.
This is not something that can be brushed off with no explaination. It needs to be vetted immediately for truth. If the "witnesses" are lying that needs to be exposed in fairness to Romney. If this report holds up it is serious and demands an explaination.

Yea.... because that's what happened with Obama and all the hinky claims that came out about him.... funny how when it's a Republican we suddenly need to investigate, when any claims about Obama's past were dismissed as 'bullshit'. You have no intellectual honesty, Diaper Boy.

There is a difference between pretending to be a cop and having someone claim that obama snorted coke while having gay sex in a limo.

While I find the story a bit far fetched, a simple look into would prove this to be retarded or not. But hey keep batting for mittens.

If you think you can find even one post from me that gives any legitimacy to the 'limo' story, knock yourself out... unlike you I am capable of ridiculing ridiculous stories regardless of their political bent. In fact, when I wrote that, I wasn't even thinking of the 'limo' thing... I was thinking of the legitimate law breaking by the actual President... drug abuse is illegal... and he admits to drug taking in his books. So there we are... yet another fail by Plasmabutt.

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