Romney impersonated a police officer

Yea.... because that's what happened with Obama and all the hinky claims that came out about him.... funny how when it's a Republican we suddenly need to investigate, when any claims about Obama's past were dismissed as 'bullshit'. You have no intellectual honesty, Diaper Boy.

There is a difference between pretending to be a cop and having someone claim that obama snorted coke while having gay sex in a limo.

While I find the story a bit far fetched, a simple look into would prove this to be retarded or not. But hey keep batting for mittens.

If you think you can find even one post from me that gives any legitimacy to the 'limo' story, knock yourself out... unlike you I am capable of ridiculing ridiculous stories regardless of their political bent. In fact, when I wrote that, I wasn't even thinking of the 'limo' thing... I was thinking of the legitimate law breaking by the actual President... drug abuse is illegal... and he admits to drug taking in his books. So there we are... yet another fail by Plasmabutt.

His was just trying to divert the fact of Obama's substance abuse. By diverting it to the absurd, throw in gay sex and you think no and discount the whole story. It is a cheap diversion tactic by those that have no argument.
That is such crap!!! Republicans have been trying for four years to get some scandal going on the prez. But nothing has stuck because most of the stories are ridiculous. What's pissing you off is that nobody can find a juicy scandal in Obama's past. That just kills you and your pals.

You all had better focus your energy elsewhere. Find out more about the loser you're planning to vote for in November.

Fuck off, fat ass.
Once again, Rinata makes CowardGirl look like a fool.

Once again, CowardGirl cannot handle it.


Rinata: do it again!!!! :lol:

You appear to be one of the few who can't grasp a very simple concept... the only response that the fat ass ever gets from me is 'fuck off, fat ass'. She knows why... even if you don't. I don't even read her whining.... just a quick 'fuck off, fat ass' any time she attempts to engage with me. If that's 'winning' to you.... you carry on believing that. She's nothing more than a two bit tramp.
Yea.... because that's what happened with Obama and all the hinky claims that came out about him.... funny how when it's a Republican we suddenly need to investigate, when any claims about Obama's past were dismissed as 'bullshit'. You have no intellectual honesty, Diaper Boy.

That is such crap!!! Republicans have been trying for four years to get some scandal going on the prez. But nothing has stuck because most of the stories are ridiculous. What's pissing you off is that nobody can find a juicy scandal in Obama's past. That just kills you and your pals.

You all had better focus your energy elsewhere. Find out more about the loser you're planning to vote for in November.

Fuck off, fat ass.

You're in a rut. Get some new material, you psycho.
Yea.... because that's what happened with Obama and all the hinky claims that came out about him.... funny how when it's a Republican we suddenly need to investigate, when any claims about Obama's past were dismissed as 'bullshit'. You have no intellectual honesty, Diaper Boy.

That is such crap!!! Republicans have been trying for four years to get some scandal going on the prez. But nothing has stuck because most of the stories are ridiculous. What's pissing you off is that nobody can find a juicy scandal in Obama's past. That just kills you and your pals.

You all had better focus your energy elsewhere. Find out more about the loser you're planning to vote for in November.
As are those about Romney. The key difference here is the R vs the D.

I don't think this story about him masquerading as a cop is false. Are you actually saying you think so???
This is not something that can be brushed off with no explaination. It needs to be vetted immediately for truth. If the "witnesses" are lying that needs to be exposed in fairness to Romney. If this report holds up it is serious and demands an explaination.

So Obama's drug use, accusations that he dealt (which I think is nonsense), his established ties with terrorists, the communists and Muslim brotherhood members who have been intimately involved in this administration, And countless other questionable activity of Obama's should be ignored. But this demands an explanation. Is that about right?
Do you see the stunning stupidness in your reasoning? You admit that there really isn't any evidence and you are just believing this because you want to believe it, but it is stunning to you.

What is stunning is how utterly desperate you are for any information that gives you hope for this upcoming election.

I didn't make this shit up. I don't believe it for now. I am not an Obama supporter. I am not a democrate nor have I given any money to a democrat..EVER! I held my nose and voted for Obama strictly because the GOP put a crazy half term governor of a whackadoodle state with a husband actively trying to get that state ceceeded from the union person playing backup to an old man that "suspended" his campaign to fix the economy which was one of the most idiotic moves ever devised by a nominee for POTUS.

You do know that when McCrazy sat down at the table with all of the monitary players he was laughed out of the room..right? You didn't know that did you. Sorry Sport..I don't vote for incompetant wing nuts. THAT would make me a hack.
I have no "hope" for the coming election. I personally believe we are fucked no matter what happens.

I just believe if the choice is Obama or Romney...we are less fucked voting for Obama this go-around.

The good news is the GOP can come to it's senses, dump Mittens and run someone that isn't an ideologue sociopath if this cop impersonation thing turns out to be true.

I know you didn't make this shit up, what you are making up is your supposed independentness. You are a liar.

Again, you keep saying "yeah the story is far fetched" and then and turn around in the same post and give credence to it by calling Romney a sociopath.

You are pathetic.

I'm pathetic? I've never had to dress up like a fake cop to get some chicks attention. I'd say Mittens and anyone that supports him is pathetic. My heros are not sociopaths...yours...not so much..
The National Memo » Did Young Mitt Romney Impersonate A Police Officer? Another Witness Says Yes

Yes, I know; /yawn - who cares. Y'all know the drill.

So recalls Robin Madden, who had also just arrived as a freshman, the startling incident began when Romney called him and two or three other residents into his room, saying, “Come up, I want to show you something.” When they entered Romney’s room, “and laid out on his bed was a Michigan State Trooper’s uniform.”

Madden, a native Texan who graduated from Stanford in 1970 and went on to become a successful television producer and writer, has never forgotten that strange moment, which he has recounted to friends over the years as he observed his former classmate’s political ascent. The National Memo learned of the incident from a longtime Madden friend to whom he had mentioned it years ago.

Said Madden in a recent interview, “He told us that he had gotten the uniform from his father,” George Romney, then the Governor of Michigan, whose security detail was staffed by uniformed troopers. “He told us that he was using it to pull over drivers on the road. He also had a red flashing light that he would attach to the top of his white Rambler.”

In Madden’s recollection, confirmed by his wife Susan, who also attended Stanford during those years, “we thought it was all pretty weird. We all thought, ‘Wow, that’s pretty creepy.’ And after that, we didn’t have much interaction with him,” although both Madden and Romney were prep school boys living in the same dorm, called Rinconada.

Other eyewitnesses have previously recalled Romney’s alleged use of a police or trooper uniform in pranks during his high school years at the exclusive Cranbrook School in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan.

The white independent swing voters that put Obama in Office in 2008 are going to take this under advisement. Don't worry. When they see another 40 year old story of Romney's youthful pranks, they will take their eyes and focus on keeping America from being another Europe and take a real hard look at Romney's youth.
Obama's illegal use of street drugs is now on the table? We want to look at his getting drunk and high and not caring about anything?

Or is it somehow different to Romney, and why?


Most of us got drunk or high.

Raise your hand if you put on a police uniform your dad got for you, and used it with a cherry light to freak the fuck out of people.

Raise your hand if you have proof that it happened.

By proof, I do not mean gossip.... I mean actual proof.

I'll wait.

Oh, please. What do you want??? A damn video??? His friends saw it and broke away from him because it was just too weird.

And as I've said before, you don't even live in this country. I doubt the news you get where you are would event be interested in this story. But you don't pay attention to news anyway, right?? You just have visions, I guess. :lol:
Sure ya will. Or wait - am I supposed to get all freaked out and go digging for 'proof' that Sandi will find acceptable?


You take gossip as proof, that's your problem. You stated it as fact, not speculation... it's for you to establish it as factually accurate.

Yeah, well; as soon as you start seeking the same from your fellow right-wing nutjobs, we'll have that chat.

She would never accept any proof you offered, Miss Boop. I think she just likes to run her mouth.
The National Memo » Did Young Mitt Romney Impersonate A Police Officer? Another Witness Says Yes

Yes, I know; /yawn - who cares. Y'all know the drill.

So recalls Robin Madden, who had also just arrived as a freshman, the startling incident began when Romney called him and two or three other residents into his room, saying, “Come up, I want to show you something.” When they entered Romney’s room, “and laid out on his bed was a Michigan State Trooper’s uniform.”

Madden, a native Texan who graduated from Stanford in 1970 and went on to become a successful television producer and writer, has never forgotten that strange moment, which he has recounted to friends over the years as he observed his former classmate’s political ascent. The National Memo learned of the incident from a longtime Madden friend to whom he had mentioned it years ago.

Said Madden in a recent interview, “He told us that he had gotten the uniform from his father,” George Romney, then the Governor of Michigan, whose security detail was staffed by uniformed troopers. “He told us that he was using it to pull over drivers on the road. He also had a red flashing light that he would attach to the top of his white Rambler.”

In Madden’s recollection, confirmed by his wife Susan, who also attended Stanford during those years, “we thought it was all pretty weird. We all thought, ‘Wow, that’s pretty creepy.’ And after that, we didn’t have much interaction with him,” although both Madden and Romney were prep school boys living in the same dorm, called Rinconada.

Other eyewitnesses have previously recalled Romney’s alleged use of a police or trooper uniform in pranks during his high school years at the exclusive Cranbrook School in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan.

Is that exclusive Cranbrook School in Bloomfield Hills on the same level of Exclusivity as the exclusive Punahou School in Honolulu ??

Most of us got drunk or high.

Raise your hand if you put on a police uniform your dad got for you, and used it with a cherry light to freak the fuck out of people.

Raise your hand if you have proof that it happened.

By proof, I do not mean gossip.... I mean actual proof.

I'll wait.

Oh, please. What do you want??? A damn video??? His friends saw it and broke away from him because it was just too weird.

And as I've said before, you don't even live in this country. I doubt the news you get where you are would event be interested in this story. But you don't pay attention to news anyway, right?? You just have visions, I guess. :lol:

Fuck off, fat ass.
I didn't make this shit up. I don't believe it for now. I am not an Obama supporter. I am not a democrate nor have I given any money to a democrat..EVER! I held my nose and voted for Obama strictly because the GOP put a crazy half term governor of a whackadoodle state with a husband actively trying to get that state ceceeded from the union person playing backup to an old man that "suspended" his campaign to fix the economy which was one of the most idiotic moves ever devised by a nominee for POTUS.

You do know that when McCrazy sat down at the table with all of the monitary players he was laughed out of the room..right? You didn't know that did you. Sorry Sport..I don't vote for incompetant wing nuts. THAT would make me a hack.
I have no "hope" for the coming election. I personally believe we are fucked no matter what happens.

I just believe if the choice is Obama or Romney...we are less fucked voting for Obama this go-around.

The good news is the GOP can come to it's senses, dump Mittens and run someone that isn't an ideologue sociopath if this cop impersonation thing turns out to be true.

I know you didn't make this shit up, what you are making up is your supposed independentness. You are a liar.

Again, you keep saying "yeah the story is far fetched" and then and turn around in the same post and give credence to it by calling Romney a sociopath.

You are pathetic.

I'm pathetic? I've never had to dress up like a fake cop to get some chicks attention. I'd say Mittens and anyone that supports him is pathetic. My heros are not sociopaths...yours...not so much..

Again... do you have any actual proof that he did anything illegal?

I'd say anyone who blindly accepts whatever suits their partisan view is not intelligent enough to understand what a sociopath is.
Oh for the love of pete. An 18-year-old college freshman does pranks to make people laugh, and all of a sudden it's a campaign character assassination point, a warm-up for mean things to be built on.

I'm not buying it for all the tea in Great Britain and China.

Grossed out his freshman classmates. lolol :muahaha:
This is not something that can be brushed off with no explaination. It needs to be vetted immediately for truth. If the "witnesses" are lying that needs to be exposed in fairness to Romney. If this report holds up it is serious and demands an explaination.

So Obama's drug use, accusations that he dealt (which I think is nonsense), his established ties with terrorists, the communists and Muslim brotherhood members who have been intimately involved in this administration, And countless other questionable activity of Obama's should be ignored. But this demands an explanation. Is that about right?

You really are stuck on stupid aren't you. I am NOT an Obama supporter. I am thankfull the economy didn't tank any more than it did under his leadership despite a concerted effort by the Christian Fundamentalists to bring the country down even further as was and is thier quest to see Obama fail.

You can't bring rotten meat to the bar b q and expect to get some kinda award. "Anybody(including sociopaths) but Obama" doesn't feed my pit bulls Sparky.

By bringing somebody BETTER to the table we REALLY mean SOMEBODY BETTER. You idiots just NEVER get that point do you.

That is because you are hacks..and in YOUR case you are a religious hack also.
I didn't make this shit up. I don't believe it for now. I am not an Obama supporter. I am not a democrate nor have I given any money to a democrat..EVER! I held my nose and voted for Obama strictly because the GOP put a crazy half term governor of a whackadoodle state with a husband actively trying to get that state ceceeded from the union person playing backup to an old man that "suspended" his campaign to fix the economy which was one of the most idiotic moves ever devised by a nominee for POTUS.

You do know that when McCrazy sat down at the table with all of the monitary players he was laughed out of the room..right? You didn't know that did you. Sorry Sport..I don't vote for incompetant wing nuts. THAT would make me a hack.
I have no "hope" for the coming election. I personally believe we are fucked no matter what happens.

I just believe if the choice is Obama or Romney...we are less fucked voting for Obama this go-around.

The good news is the GOP can come to it's senses, dump Mittens and run someone that isn't an ideologue sociopath if this cop impersonation thing turns out to be true.

I know you didn't make this shit up, what you are making up is your supposed independentness. You are a liar.

Again, you keep saying "yeah the story is far fetched" and then and turn around in the same post and give credence to it by calling Romney a sociopath.

You are pathetic.

I'm pathetic? I've never had to dress up like a fake cop to get some chicks attention. I'd say Mittens and anyone that supports him is pathetic. My heros are not sociopaths...yours...not so much..

Around and around we go. You have already admitted that the story is far fetched, yet you believe it. You are pathetic.

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