Romney impersonated a police officer

This is not something that can be brushed off with no explaination. It needs to be vetted immediately for truth. If the "witnesses" are lying that needs to be exposed in fairness to Romney. If this report holds up it is serious and demands an explaination.

So Obama's drug use, accusations that he dealt (which I think is nonsense), his established ties with terrorists, the communists and Muslim brotherhood members who have been intimately involved in this administration, And countless other questionable activity of Obama's should be ignored. But this demands an explanation. Is that about right?

You really are stuck on stupid aren't you. I am NOT an Obama supporter. I am thankfull the economy didn't tank any more than it did under his leadership despite a concerted effort by the Christian Fundamentalists to bring the country down even further as was and is thier quest to see Obama fail.

You can't bring rotten meat to the bar b q and expect to get some kinda award. "Anybody(including sociopaths) but Obama" doesn't feed my pit bulls Sparky.

By bringing somebody BETTER to the table we REALLY mean SOMEBODY BETTER. You idiots just NEVER get that point do you.

That is because you are hacks..and in YOUR case you are a religious hack also.

Keep talking, it only makes our side look better :lol:
Nobody read the WaPo article, huh. The police uniform was mentioned in that article, weeks before this story broke. I'm assuming she read the one and recalled the other.

Report: Mitt Romney impersonated police officer as part of high school prank - VOTE AZ 2012

Phillip Maxwell, a prep school buddy, told the New Republic in 2008 that Romney had pulled over students from a girls school next door to Cranbrook while wearing a police uniform as a prank. Other former classmates described Mitt as a “happy-go-lucky guy known less for his achievements and more for his pranks.”

In The Real Romney, a biography published by Boston Globe reporters Michael Kranish and Scott Helman this year,another former friend recalled how Romney had “put a siren on top of his car and chased two of his friends who were driving around with their dates.” The two friends were in on the scheme, but the girls were not. There was beer in the car trunk, according to a prearranged plan. Mitt told his two counterparts to get out of their vehicle and into his car. Then they drove off, leaving the girls behind.

“It was a terrible thing to do,” said one of his accomplices, a Cranbrook classmate named Graham McDonald.

I have really avoided this thread, but JEEZUS JUMPING THE SHARK CHRISTO.... Who gives a flying shit???

He was a prankster... so what! So am I... and?????

This just does nothing more than show he is a fun loving guy who is very comfortable being himself.

I feel as though the title of this thread should be... The left feels PUNK'D by Romney :lmao:
The white independent swing voters that put Obama in Office in 2008 are going to take this under advisement.

Oh sure they are.

They'll be thinking "Man, I haven't had a job in three years, Gasoline in $5 a gallon, my home is worth about $1.59, but known demagogue Jonathan Alter made an unsubstantiated claim that Romney impersonated a policeman, right after the claim he cut the hair of a gay guy with an emo cut in 1965, who turned out not to be gay, when emo cuts didn't exist until the 90's - damn, I'm voting for Dear Leader."


The desperation of the left is boiling to a head....
So Obama's drug use, accusations that he dealt (which I think is nonsense), his established ties with terrorists, the communists and Muslim brotherhood members who have been intimately involved in this administration, And countless other questionable activity of Obama's should be ignored. But this demands an explanation. Is that about right?

You really are stuck on stupid aren't you. I am NOT an Obama supporter. I am thankfull the economy didn't tank any more than it did under his leadership despite a concerted effort by the Christian Fundamentalists to bring the country down even further as was and is thier quest to see Obama fail.

You can't bring rotten meat to the bar b q and expect to get some kinda award. "Anybody(including sociopaths) but Obama" doesn't feed my pit bulls Sparky.

By bringing somebody BETTER to the table we REALLY mean SOMEBODY BETTER. You idiots just NEVER get that point do you.

That is because you are hacks..and in YOUR case you are a religious hack also.

Keep talking, it only makes our side look better :lol:

Better to what? Dung beetles?
I'm pathetic? I've never had to dress up like a fake cop to get some chicks attention. I'd say Mittens and anyone that supports him is pathetic. My heros are not sociopaths...yours...not so much..

I thought you said you did not believe the story. Make up your dumb ass mind.
I know you didn't make this shit up, what you are making up is your supposed independentness. You are a liar.

Again, you keep saying "yeah the story is far fetched" and then and turn around in the same post and give credence to it by calling Romney a sociopath.

You are pathetic.

I'm pathetic? I've never had to dress up like a fake cop to get some chicks attention. I'd say Mittens and anyone that supports him is pathetic. My heros are not sociopaths...yours...not so much..

Around and around we go. You have already admitted that the story is far fetched, yet you believe it. You are pathetic.

His IQ is in single digits. you're wasting your time.
I'm pathetic? I've never had to dress up like a fake cop to get some chicks attention. I'd say Mittens and anyone that supports him is pathetic. My heros are not sociopaths...yours...not so much..

I thought you said you did not believe the story. Make up your dumb ass mind.

Make up my mind about what? It will probably take a week or two before Mitten's can conjure up the gonads to address this thing. His handlers wanna see how it goes before responding.

I'm waiting along with everyone else that is curious about how Mittens explains this mess.

There is still the appearance of the witnesses to ponder over. This thing is far from over. I am in no hurry to form an opinion of facts that have yet to come forward.

I did not say I do not believe the story. I said I don't want to believe the story. Big difference.
Boy, Ashton Kutcher could never get elected for anything! I saw one episode where a guy posed as a cop to pull off a prank! How sick is that?
I would like to point out that if this story had any credibility it would have been picked up by the major news networks by now...
Credibility or not, only the lefty loons would believe it relevant, the reason it isn't getting traction, is because it is over 40 years old and it really doesn't matter. The extreme nut job lefties like Huggy think it matters.
That is such crap!!! Republicans have been trying for four years to get some scandal going on the prez. But nothing has stuck because most of the stories are ridiculous. What's pissing you off is that nobody can find a juicy scandal in Obama's past. That just kills you and your pals.

You all had better focus your energy elsewhere. Find out more about the loser you're planning to vote for in November.
As are those about Romney. The key difference here is the R vs the D.

I don't think this story about him masquerading as a cop is false. Are you actually saying you think so???

He does no critical thinking. Just regurgitated talking points.

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