Romney impersonated a police officer

Robmoney like to have power over people.

He held down a person against their will and CUT THEIR HAIR against their will.

This sounds very much like what he was at this age.
here you clowns are pretending you care about level of proof.

Your a pack of liars
Except you were a police officer. Impersonating one is illegal in both states he did it in (California and Michigan).

And I don't think you do agree with CG - I don't believe she ever thought I was "better than this."

The point is Boop that the kid I stopped WASN'T a police offier, yet he was wearing one of our uniforms AND driving around this car with a rotating red light on the dash. In Oklahoma, impersonating a police officer is a FELONY and I know someone who did it to assault women and he won't be eligable for parole until 2050! Each time and every time it's serious jail time. But a 19 year old kid who did something he shouldn't have on halloween?? His father kicked his ass so hard he had to unzip to spit.

Intent Boop... intent.

And yes, I agree with CG's statement. There are people you disagree with but still hold their opinions in high esteem because they're not some political hack. This doesn't warrant further examination... reaching... very much.
They both like to play dress up. Romney pretends to be a cop. Obama pretends to be a president.



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Okay, I have to bring this to everyone's attention here. Possession of a police officer's uniform IS NOT a crime. And let's be REAL honest here. Do you know how many times I was approached while ON DUTY by citizens who wanted me to arrest the birthday boy, harrass their date, or participate in some other joke that they've concocted? Literally EVERY week.

I remember one year on Halloween, I was sitting behind a business talking to another officer waiting, praying for the end of shift (it had been REAL busy). This pickup goes tearing by and before we could get after him, another car comes by with a flashing red light on the dash. Naturally, since we KNEW every cop car within 100 miles, and this was not one of them, we KNEW something was up. The other officer went after and had a heck of a time stopping the first car. I got the second one with the red light. After I get them stopped, out steps a guy in the EXACT uniform I was wearing and he wasn't on the department! Seems he worked for the dry cleaners where we had our uniforms cleaned. The ONLY issue we had was that they were going about 80 miles an hour down a 40 mile an hour road. NO ONE went to jail. As a matter of fact, I took the kid home to his father. I would imagine it was the WORST punishment he could have had.

Dog on the roof and pranks when they were kids. Really??? Seriously, this is the incredible stuff you have on Mitt Romney? Okay, then let's take him home to his father too. This is really reaching...

I agree with California Girl... BD I thought you were much BETTER than this...

I knew kids that had the "lights" and put them on the dash or put them on the top of the car, sort of the Starsky and Hutch thing. Never thought much of it, just a prank.

The pranks we did were the losing the contact in the store and having people looking for it and then slowly leaving. Telephone pranks and so on. Kid stuff, silly now, funny then.

Thanks for the insight.
then you people take as fact the stories about Obama Chooming

O.M.G., it's in his book, he wrote about it.........oh and sometimes he even had a little "Blow". He had a Choom Gang. It how he played in those days. :)

how do you know ?

did you read the book?

I didnt and I dont fucking care if he smoked pot.

The only reason you know anything in his book is because some right wing hack tried to pretend it was the end of the world.

You would believe anything they told you about Obama as long as you saw it as bad.

You NOW (you would not have 4 months ago) see Robmoney as a fucking saint.

You people are transparent and have no moral code

Most of us got drunk or high.

Raise your hand if you put on a police uniform your dad got for you, and used it with a cherry light to freak the fuck out of people.

Raise your hand if you have proof that it happened.

By proof, I do not mean gossip.... I mean actual proof.

I'll wait.

Sure ya will. Or wait - am I supposed to get all freaked out and go digging for 'proof' that Sandi will find acceptable?


I don't give a rip what "Sandi" finds acceptable. Impersonating a cop and pulling someone over is "Ted Bundy" kinda shit.

I hope that a serious quiet investigation happens real fast because unlike some on this thread I cannot give Mittens a pass on this alleged behavior. High School AND College? No... No Mittens...say it ain't so. Got drunk (very un Morman-like) and did it once? UMMmmmm?? Was he drunk when he aquired the uniform?...the red flashing light? That isn't an off the cuff alcohol induced "prank". That is planning ... That is way past creepy .. This had better be a lie for Mittens sake. Comparing this alleged behavior to experimenting with drugs is off the charts irresponsible.

I don't care "Sandi" if you think I'm stupid. I've done some real crazy shit in my "yout" but I NEVER though impersonating an officer of the law was just another form of wacky hyjinx. It is not.

I'll tell ya what....peeps. Run this as a hypothetical accross the desk of a psychiatrist or criminal psycologist. I doubt you will find one that is not deeply troubled over this alleged behavior.
Sure ya will. Or wait - am I supposed to get all freaked out and go digging for 'proof' that Sandi will find acceptable?


You take gossip as proof, that's your problem. You stated it as fact, not speculation... it's for you to establish it as factually accurate.

Yeah, well; as soon as you start seeking the same from your fellow right-wing nutjobs, we'll have that chat.

I'm glad you accept you're a nutjob.
Raise your hand if you have proof that it happened.

By proof, I do not mean gossip.... I mean actual proof.

I'll wait.

Sure ya will. Or wait - am I supposed to get all freaked out and go digging for 'proof' that Sandi will find acceptable?


I don't give a rip what "Sandi" finds acceptable. Impersonating a cop and pulling someone over is "Ted Bundy" kinda shit.

I hope that a serious quiet investigation happens real fast because unlike some on this thread I cannot give Mittens a pass on this alleged behavior. High School AND College? No... No Mittens...say it ain't so. Got drunk (very un Morman-like) and did it once? UMMmmmm?? Was he drunk when he aquired the uniform?...the red flashing light? That isn't an off the cuff alcohol induced "prank". That is planning ... That is way past creepy .. This had better be a lie for Mittens sake. Comparing this alleged behavior to experimenting with drugs is off the charts irresponsible.

I don't care "Sandi" if you think I'm stupid. I've done some real crazy shit in my "yout" but I NEVER though impersonating an officer of the law was just another form of wacky hyjinx. It is not.

I'll tell ya what....peeps. Run this as a hypothetical accross the desk of a psychiatrist or criminal psycologist. I doubt you will find one that is not deeply troubled over this alleged behavior.

I tend not to take gossip overly seriously.... unlike some people.

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