Romney Invested in Med-Waste Firm That Disposed of Aborted Fetuses Gov.Documents Show


Platinum Member
Aug 9, 2012
Documents filed by Bain and Stericycle with the Securities and Exchange Commission—and obtained by Mother Jones—list Romney as an active participant in the investment. And this deal helped Stericycle, a company with a poor safety record, grow, while yielding tens of millions of dollars in profits for Romney and his partners. The documents—one of which was signed by Romney

A medical waste company called Stericycle has long been hated by anti-abortion activists. The reason? The company's clients include abortion clinics--which means that it disposes of aborted fetuses. So it may have been embarrassing for the Mitt Romney campaign when the Huffington Post reported in January that the financial firm Romney founded had previously invested in Stericycle.

Mitt Romney invested in company that disposed aborted fetuses

What did Stericycle do? Well, it was a fast-growing, profitable medical waste company. But it also had some problems, such as getting fined for keeping body parts and dead animals in unmarked containers or exposing workers to tuberculosis.

Please don't use the usual come back "He was not working for the horrid company at that time" There are signed documents that show he was

I am a democratic that does not agree with abortion except for rape, incest, or the life of the mother

I do not know what to say about this, except that this man would go to any lengths to make a buck. He is a Horrid, Horrid man
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old, boring, no one cares.


I'm absolutely in favor of equal rights for ALL Americans and certainly in favor of women's right to control their own bodies but, nonetheless, I would not want to profit from abortions.

Mittens has told us that he doesn't know what he is invested in AND that "blind trusts" are not at all blind. Such a coward he is. All that magic underwear but he still cannot stand up for his own beliefs.

R's have no problem taking other people's money but they can never admit what that money pays for.

Anyone else notice that NO ONE has ever been able to show that President Obama profits from the life-changing problems and heart aches of others?
Documents filed by Bain and Stericycle with the Securities and Exchange Commission—and obtained by Mother Jones—list Romney as an active participant in the investment. And this deal helped Stericycle, a company with a poor safety record, grow, while yielding tens of millions of dollars in profits for Romney and his partners. The documents—one of which was signed by Romney

A medical waste company called Stericycle has long been hated by anti-abortion activists. The reason? The company's clients include abortion clinics--which means that it disposes of aborted fetuses. So it may have been embarrassing for the Mitt Romney campaign when the Huffington Post reported in January that the financial firm Romney founded had previously invested in Stericycle.

Mitt Romney invested in company that disposed aborted fetuses

What did Stericycle do? Well, it was a fast-growing, profitable medical waste company. But it also had some problems, such as getting fined for keeping body parts and dead animals in unmarked containers or exposing workers to tuberculosis.

Please don't use the usual come back "He was not working for the horrid company at that time" There are signed documents that show he was

I am a democratic that does not agree with abortion except for rape, incest, or the life of the mother

I do not know what to say about this, except that this man would go to any lengths to make a buck. He is a Horrid, Horrid man

I invested in that company too. Big money in abortion. Keep em comin girls!!
I see planned parenthood, Obama, the doctors as murderers except for the man who profited by them.. Romney!
The abortion doctors themselves are democrats so they can make all the money they like.
Romney isn't pro-life. He's not even pro-choice. He's pro-money, period.

Interesting investment choice though...especially considering his own children used IVF.
Yep, Democraps are going back to old stories that didn't work the first time.....desperation in the air.
Documents filed by Bain and Stericycle with the Securities and Exchange Commission—and obtained by Mother Jones—list Romney as an active participant in the investment. And this deal helped Stericycle, a company with a poor safety record, grow, while yielding tens of millions of dollars in profits for Romney and his partners. The documents—one of which was signed by Romney

A medical waste company called Stericycle has long been hated by anti-abortion activists. The reason? The company's clients include abortion clinics--which means that it disposes of aborted fetuses. So it may have been embarrassing for the Mitt Romney campaign when the Huffington Post reported in January that the financial firm Romney founded had previously invested in Stericycle.

Mitt Romney invested in company that disposed aborted fetuses

What did Stericycle do? Well, it was a fast-growing, profitable medical waste company. But it also had some problems, such as getting fined for keeping body parts and dead animals in unmarked containers or exposing workers to tuberculosis.

Please don't use the usual come back "He was not working for the horrid company at that time" There are signed documents that show he was

I am a democratic that does not agree with abortion except for rape, incest, or the life of the mother

I do not know what to say about this, except that this man would go to any lengths to make a buck. He is a Horrid, Horrid man

well what would you do with dead aborted fetus' grind them into hamburger meat? or just leave them rotting in the streets?
Obamination has made the economy worse, unemployment worse and our national security/foreign policy worse.....but, but, but Bain invested in some company that liberals support.......
Documents filed by Bain and Stericycle with the Securities and Exchange Commission—and obtained by Mother Jones—list Romney as an active participant in the investment. And this deal helped Stericycle, a company with a poor safety record, grow, while yielding tens of millions of dollars in profits for Romney and his partners. The documents—one of which was signed by Romney

A medical waste company called Stericycle has long been hated by anti-abortion activists. The reason? The company's clients include abortion clinics--which means that it disposes of aborted fetuses. So it may have been embarrassing for the Mitt Romney campaign when the Huffington Post reported in January that the financial firm Romney founded had previously invested in Stericycle.

Mitt Romney invested in company that disposed aborted fetuses

What did Stericycle do? Well, it was a fast-growing, profitable medical waste company. But it also had some problems, such as getting fined for keeping body parts and dead animals in unmarked containers or exposing workers to tuberculosis.

Please don't use the usual come back "He was not working for the horrid company at that time" There are signed documents that show he was

I am a democratic that does not agree with abortion except for rape, incest, or the life of the mother

I do not know what to say about this, except that this man would go to any lengths to make a buck. He is a Horrid, Horrid man

why would the right care as long as he was making money at it?
Romney isn't pro-life. He's not even pro-choice. He's pro-money, period.

Interesting investment choice though...especially considering his own children used IVF.

He's pro-money, period. Exactly freaken lying scoundrel
Stericycle is a medical waste transport company. They dont perform abortions. I have stocks in stericycle and dont favor abortion.
Documents filed by Bain and Stericycle with the Securities and Exchange Commission—and obtained by Mother Jones—list Romney as an active participant in the investment. And this deal helped Stericycle, a company with a poor safety record, grow, while yielding tens of millions of dollars in profits for Romney and his partners. The documents—one of which was signed by Romney

Mitt Romney invested in company that disposed aborted fetuses

What did Stericycle do? Well, it was a fast-growing, profitable medical waste company. But it also had some problems, such as getting fined for keeping body parts and dead animals in unmarked containers or exposing workers to tuberculosis.

Please don't use the usual come back "He was not working for the horrid company at that time" There are signed documents that show he was

I am a democratic that does not agree with abortion except for rape, incest, or the life of the mother

I do not know what to say about this, except that this man would go to any lengths to make a buck. He is a Horrid, Horrid man

well what would you do with dead aborted fetus' grind them into hamburger meat? or just leave them rotting in the streets?

The guy was making money off of what he claims Now to be a major murder in this country.
No one should make money off of soming as horrid as this.

The parties platform is mainly the extreme right wing Christians, unbelievable that they would over look something as horrible as this.

Please don't use the usual come back "He was not working for the horrid company at that time" There are signed documents that show he was

I am a democratic that does not agree with abortion except for rape, incest, or the life of the mother

I do not know what to say about this, except that this man would go to any lengths to make a buck. He is a Horrid, Horrid man

well what would you do with dead aborted fetus' grind them into hamburger meat? or just leave them rotting in the streets?

The guy was making money off of what he claims Now to be a major murder in this country.
No one should make money off of soming as horrid as this.

The parties platform is mainly the extreme right wing Christians, unbelievable that they would over look something as horrible as this.

He made money as stericycle increased its volume with hospitals, clinics and such.

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