Romney lends credence to global-warming hysteria, i.e., "politics by scientism"

M.D. Rawlings

Classical Liberal
May 26, 2011
"The world is getting warmer": Romney
6/3/2011 | Reuters

But he's rather coy about it. At least Gingrich knows the score. . . .


"I believe the world is getting warmer, and I believe that humans have contributed to that," he told a crowd of about 200 at a town hall meeting in Manchester, New Hampshire.

"It's important for us to reduce our emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases that may be significant contributors."

. . . At an event in Manchester last week, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, also running for president, said that climate change is "the newest excuse to take control of lives" by "left-wing intellectuals."​


For many in the Tea Party RomneyCare's a big problem, but at least Romney eschews the idea of a universal mandate, rightly understanding such a thing to be a dangerous and unprecedented violation of constitutional federalism. He also promises to fight for the repeal of ObamaCare and suspend the enforcement of penalties in the meantime if elected. Fine. If that's the case, I won't hold his state program against him.

But I cannot abide even his hint of allowing for the idiocy of lefty's global-warming nonsense.
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"The world is getting warmer": Romney
6/3/2011 | Reuters

But he's rather coy about it. At least Gingrich knows the score. . . .


"I believe the world is getting warmer, and I believe that humans have contributed to that," he told a crowd of about 200 at a town hall meeting in Manchester, New Hampshire.

"It's important for us to reduce our emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases that may be significant contributors."

. . . At an event in Manchester last week, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, also running for president, said that climate change is "the newest excuse to take control of lives" by "left-wing intellectuals."​


For many in the Tea Party RomneyCare's a big problem, but at least Romney eschews the idea of a universal mandate, rightly understanding such a thing to be a dangerous and unprecedented violation of constitutional federalism. He also promises to fight for the repeal of ObamaCare and suspend the enforcement of penalties in the meantime if elected. Fine. If that's the case, I won't hold his state program against him.

But I cannot abide even his hint of allowing for the idiocy of lefty's global-warming nonsense.

Oh my, another RINO bites the dust. Well, you may have Rep. Bachmann (TP, MN) as your candidate. How well does she float your boat?
"The world is getting warmer": Romney
6/3/2011 | Reuters

But he's rather coy about it. At least Gingrich knows the score. . . .


"I believe the world is getting warmer, and I believe that humans have contributed to that," he told a crowd of about 200 at a town hall meeting in Manchester, New Hampshire.

"It's important for us to reduce our emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases that may be significant contributors."

. . . At an event in Manchester last week, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, also running for president, said that climate change is "the newest excuse to take control of lives" by "left-wing intellectuals."​


For many in the Tea Party RomneyCare's a big problem, but at least Romney eschews the idea of a universal mandate, rightly understanding such a thing to be a dangerous and unprecedented violation of constitutional federalism. He also promises to fight for the repeal of ObamaCare and suspend the enforcement of penalties in the meantime if elected. Fine. If that's the case, I won't hold his state program against him.

But I cannot abide even his hint of allowing for the idiocy of lefty's global-warming nonsense.

So, in the whole world, every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University states that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger.

I guess that means that just about every scientist in the world is a 'Lefty' by your measure.
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"The world is getting warmer": Romney
6/3/2011 | Reuters

But he's rather coy about it. At least Gingrich knows the score. . . .


"I believe the world is getting warmer, and I believe that humans have contributed to that," he told a crowd of about 200 at a town hall meeting in Manchester, New Hampshire.

"It's important for us to reduce our emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases that may be significant contributors."

. . . At an event in Manchester last week, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, also running for president, said that climate change is "the newest excuse to take control of lives" by "left-wing intellectuals."​


For many in the Tea Party RomneyCare's a big problem, but at least Romney eschews the idea of a universal mandate, rightly understanding such a thing to be a dangerous and unprecedented violation of constitutional federalism. He also promises to fight for the repeal of ObamaCare and suspend the enforcement of penalties in the meantime if elected. Fine. If that's the case, I won't hold his state program against him.

But I cannot abide even his hint of allowing for the idiocy of lefty's global-warming nonsense.

Sir or madam, perhaps if you would simply say "I like his views except for xxx" you would get further. The whole world, Romney included, thank goodness in fact, does not toe a proper "right or left" wing party line. Sometimes folks just have views.

Have you ever met anyone who was pro-gun rights and pro-abortion rights because they liked small government? Who knows where this person fits since the party of small government is the party of imposing their political views and the other party gives lip service to the anti-fire arm brigades.

Any reason you don't believe in the effect of greenhouse gasses?

Thank you for your time.
"The world is getting warmer": Romney
6/3/2011 | Reuters

But he's rather coy about it. At least Gingrich knows the score. . . .


"I believe the world is getting warmer, and I believe that humans have contributed to that," he told a crowd of about 200 at a town hall meeting in Manchester, New Hampshire.

"It's important for us to reduce our emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases that may be significant contributors."

. . . At an event in Manchester last week, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, also running for president, said that climate change is "the newest excuse to take control of lives" by "left-wing intellectuals."​


For many in the Tea Party RomneyCare's a big problem, but at least Romney eschews the idea of a universal mandate, rightly understanding such a thing to be a dangerous and unprecedented violation of constitutional federalism. He also promises to fight for the repeal of ObamaCare and suspend the enforcement of penalties in the meantime if elected. Fine. If that's the case, I won't hold his state program against him.

But I cannot abide even his hint of allowing for the idiocy of lefty's global-warming nonsense.

So, in the whole world, every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University states that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger.

I guess that means that just about every scientist in the world is a 'Lefty' by your measure.

Those reports are based on short term findings and projections. I prefer something a little more dated. Look at the data from the vostok ice core sample. It shows the earth has been warmer than it is now, had more co2 than the earth does now, and that this is just a natural cycle with an expected cold age coming soon.
So, in the whole world, every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University states that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger.

I guess that means that just about every scientist in the world is a 'Lefty' by your measure.

Yeah.... Not to worry! Nothing to see here!

Just like everything else Conservative... Denial is everywhere. What amazes me is how lockstep they are with each other.. and they have the nerve to accuse us of wearing jackboots.
"The world is getting warmer": Romney
6/3/2011 | Reuters

But he's rather coy about it. At least Gingrich knows the score. . . .


"I believe the world is getting warmer, and I believe that humans have contributed to that," he told a crowd of about 200 at a town hall meeting in Manchester, New Hampshire.

"It's important for us to reduce our emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases that may be significant contributors."

. . . At an event in Manchester last week, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, also running for president, said that climate change is "the newest excuse to take control of lives" by "left-wing intellectuals."​


For many in the Tea Party RomneyCare's a big problem, but at least Romney eschews the idea of a universal mandate, rightly understanding such a thing to be a dangerous and unprecedented violation of constitutional federalism. He also promises to fight for the repeal of ObamaCare and suspend the enforcement of penalties in the meantime if elected. Fine. If that's the case, I won't hold his state program against him.

But I cannot abide even his hint of allowing for the idiocy of lefty's global-warming nonsense.

So, in the whole world, every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University states that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger.

I guess that means that just about every scientist in the world is a 'Lefty' by your measure.

Those reports are based on short term findings and projections. I prefer something a little more dated. Look at the data from the vostok ice core sample. It shows the earth has been warmer than it is now, had more co2 than the earth does now, and that this is just a natural cycle with an expected cold age coming soon.

Are you saying we SHOULD put more greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere to avoid another ice age which will not bode well for northern latitudes? Best idea so far for heating up the planet.

Are are you saying we should add more CO2 in hopes of setting a record of some kind?

I have children so I am going to conservatively believe it is worth putting up with a car with 50 fewer horsepower and cost $100 more if it helps keep the earth on its natural cycles. Anything else seems based on hopes and dreams that adding CO2 will have no effect.
So, in the whole world, every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University states that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger.

I guess that means that just about every scientist in the world is a 'Lefty' by your measure.

Those reports are based on short term findings and projections. I prefer something a little more dated. Look at the data from the vostok ice core sample. It shows the earth has been warmer than it is now, had more co2 than the earth does now, and that this is just a natural cycle with an expected cold age coming soon.

Are you saying we SHOULD put more greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere to avoid another ice age which will not bode well for northern latitudes? Best idea so far for heating up the planet.

Are are you saying we should add more CO2 in hopes of setting a record of some kind?

I have children so I am going to conservatively believe it is worth putting up with a car with 50 fewer horsepower and cost $100 more if it helps keep the earth on its natural cycles. Anything else seems based on hopes and dreams that adding CO2 will have no effect.

We couldn't even if we wanted to. When one volcano blast puts more co2 into the air than every car in history put together, I don't think there's too much we can do to top that.

The earth goes through normal cycles, hot than cold than back again, this is proven historical fact. And in my book, history trumps calculated projections.
Global warming is so "lol." One year soon we'll start seeing some of these predictions coming true right? Mitt might just give Ron Paul the chance he needed.
Those reports are based on short term findings and projections. I prefer something a little more dated. Look at the data from the vostok ice core sample. It shows the earth has been warmer than it is now, had more co2 than the earth does now, and that this is just a natural cycle with an expected cold age coming soon.

Are you saying we SHOULD put more greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere to avoid another ice age which will not bode well for northern latitudes? Best idea so far for heating up the planet.

Are are you saying we should add more CO2 in hopes of setting a record of some kind?

I have children so I am going to conservatively believe it is worth putting up with a car with 50 fewer horsepower and cost $100 more if it helps keep the earth on its natural cycles. Anything else seems based on hopes and dreams that adding CO2 will have no effect.

We couldn't even if we wanted to. When one volcano blast puts more co2 into the air than every car in history put together, I don't think there's too much we can do to top that.

The earth goes through normal cycles, hot than cold than back again, this is proven historical fact. And in my book, history trumps calculated projections.

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Odd how it's all going so normal...
Why is there not a single experiment that shows hos a 100PPM increase in CO2 raises temperature?
Why is there not a single experiment that shows hos a 100PPM increase in CO2 raises temperature?

My guess is it will take a few years to have an effect.

Ey, if you want another talking point mention urban heat islands being a cause for increased earth temperature. No one who is alive enough to realize they have even entered suburbia from the country can doubt this effect humans are having on atmospheric temperature.

I suppose that could backfire though and make you have to do something extreme like grass your roof or park your car on grass.
Romney with this, not to mention health care, Romney has proven to be the Clinton of the 'right' though obviously he's not.

Unlike Clinton he and minions seem unable to understand the Libertarians and the independents and a whole bunch of conservatives.
"The world is getting warmer": Romney
6/3/2011 | Reuters

But he's rather coy about it. At least Gingrich knows the score. . . .


"I believe the world is getting warmer, and I believe that humans have contributed to that," he told a crowd of about 200 at a town hall meeting in Manchester, New Hampshire.

"It's important for us to reduce our emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases that may be significant contributors."

. . . At an event in Manchester last week, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, also running for president, said that climate change is "the newest excuse to take control of lives" by "left-wing intellectuals."​


For many in the Tea Party RomneyCare's a big problem, but at least Romney eschews the idea of a universal mandate, rightly understanding such a thing to be a dangerous and unprecedented violation of constitutional federalism. He also promises to fight for the repeal of ObamaCare and suspend the enforcement of penalties in the meantime if elected. Fine. If that's the case, I won't hold his state program against him.

But I cannot abide even his hint of allowing for the idiocy of lefty's global-warming nonsense.

So, in the whole world, every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University states that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger.

I guess that means that just about every scientist in the world is a 'Lefty' by your measure.

didn't you know that 90%+ of the worlds scientists are being paid off by al gore
didn't you know that 90%+ of the worlds scientists are being paid off by al gore

They are sucking on the government tit, dipstick.

Which hypothesis benefits government: the claim that man is causing the temperature of the climate to increase, or the claim that it's having no effect?
So, in the whole world, every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University states that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger.

I guess that means that just about every scientist in the world is a 'Lefty' by your measure.

Slogan spouting.

Everyone knows that the average global surface temperature rose by 0.9°F between 1880 to roughly 2001, and perhaps human activity has contributed to that rise to some extent.


"Clear and present danger"? :lol:

The temperature has also been going down ever since! Climate change is cyclical, and that's all science knows for certain. The rest is the hysteria of socialist, environmental wackoes—statist thugs—out to impose their political agenda on the rest of us in the name of science.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among them are the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" . . . unless a politburo of elitists in the name of science declares otherwise.

Politics by scientist. Hmm.

Time to break out all those arms and perhaps start showing a few the business ends of loaded guns—figuratively speaking, you understand . . . or maybe not. :lol: But that's just me, you know, talking all classical liberal and such.
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