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Romney Lies again, this time about "Binders full of Women"

Aug 7, 2012
Another Romney Lie!

ROMNEY: And — and so we — we took a concerted effort to go out and find women who had backgrounds that could be qualified to become members of our cabinet.

I went to a number of women’s groups and said, “Can you help us find folks,” and they brought us whole binders full of women

In fact, the story is a lie.

Romney wasn’t concerned about the lack of women in government as he was forming his cabinet, and he didn’t ask women’s groups for the binders to help him out. Women’s groups were concerned about the issue even before the gubernatorial elections, so they put together binders and then gave them to Romney after he was elected.

What actually happened was that in 2002 — prior to the election, not even knowing yet whether it would be a Republican or Democratic administration — a bipartisan group of women in Massachusetts formed MassGAP to address the problem of few women in senior leadership positions in state government. There were more than 40 organizations involved with the Massachusetts Women’s Political Caucus (also bipartisan) as the lead sponsor.

They did the research and put together the binder full of women qualified for all the different cabinet positions, agency heads, and authorities and commissions. They presented this binder to Governor Romney when he was elected.

I have written about this before, in various contexts; tonight I’ve checked with several people directly involved in the MassGAP effort who confirm that this history as I’ve just presented it is correct — and that Romney’s claim tonight, that he asked for such a study, is false.

So, Romney didn't initiate asking for qualified women to serve in his admin, he was GIVEN the names by women's groups.
hummmm..methinks you are missing the point-


Between January 2002 and July 2004, 42% of the new gubernatorial appointments made by Governor Mitt Romney were women. Massachusetts was widely recognized for that achievement and MassGAP was given credit for it. In a survey by the State University of New York (SUNY), Massachusetts was ranked first in the nation in the percentage of women holding top state positions. As the Boston Globe noted at that time, "Women fill 10 of 20 top positions in Governor Mitt Romney's administration, making the Commonwealth one of five states that come close to matching the percentage of top women appointees to the proportion of women in the overall population."

so does he get credit or not? The issue womans right and workplace activity jobs etc....did he make a concerted effort to hire woman hire woman abundantly? the answre is' yes, he did.
hummmm..methinks you are missing the point-


Between January 2002 and July 2004, 42% of the new gubernatorial appointments made by Governor Mitt Romney were women. Massachusetts was widely recognized for that achievement and MassGAP was given credit for it. In a survey by the State University of New York (SUNY), Massachusetts was ranked first in the nation in the percentage of women holding top state positions. As the Boston Globe noted at that time, "Women fill 10 of 20 top positions in Governor Mitt Romney's administration, making the Commonwealth one of five states that come close to matching the percentage of top women appointees to the proportion of women in the overall population."

so does he get credit or not?

sure, he gets credit for appointing women to cabinet positions he either cared nothing about or wanted to eliminate.

helluva a guy, the mittster. :thup:
As I recall the question, Romney was asked about equal pay for equal work and he totally failed to address any aspect of that specific question whatsoever. All he did was blather on about how he was all in favor of jobs for women. That's not what he was asked about.

What he should have said was how he planned to initiate legislation to insure equal pay for equal work by women, that kind of thing. He didn't do that.
As I recall the question, Romney was asked about equal pay for equal work and he totally failed to address any aspect of that specific question whatsoever. All he did was blather on about how he was all in favor of jobs for women. That's not what he was asked about.

What he should have said was how he planned to initiate legislation to insure equal pay for equal work by women, that kind of thing. He didn't do that.

Because he said women get to go home and cook.
hummmm..methinks you are missing the point-


Between January 2002 and July 2004, 42% of the new gubernatorial appointments made by Governor Mitt Romney were women. Massachusetts was widely recognized for that achievement and MassGAP was given credit for it. In a survey by the State University of New York (SUNY), Massachusetts was ranked first in the nation in the percentage of women holding top state positions. As the Boston Globe noted at that time, "Women fill 10 of 20 top positions in Governor Mitt Romney's administration, making the Commonwealth one of five states that come close to matching the percentage of top women appointees to the proportion of women in the overall population."

so does he get credit or not? The issue womans right and workplace activity jobs etc....did he make a concerted effort to hire woman hire woman abundantly? the answre is' yes, he did.

CROWLEY: Governor Romney, pay equity for women?

None of the senior positions Romney cared about -- budget, business development, etc. -- went to women.

I kind of expected that.
As I recall the question, Romney was asked about equal pay for equal work and he totally failed to address any aspect of that specific question whatsoever. All he did was blather on about how he was all in favor of jobs for women. That's not what he was asked about.

What he should have said was how he planned to initiate legislation to insure equal pay for equal work by women, that kind of thing. He didn't do that.

Because he said women get to go home and cook.

When that particular question and answer was over, I looked at my wife and said, "Is there any doubt in your mind that Mitt Romney could not care less about women, has nothing but basic contempt for women and does not consider them as anywhere near equal to men?" She immediately answered: "None."

I really have to laugh at the Republican Party's nominee getting up in front of the nation to talk about equality for women in the workplace. The Republican Party has a long and well-known history of putting women down. They think that women belong in the kitchen and the bedroom, not the workplace. Ask any conservative how they feel about the women's liberation movement. Ask any conservative what he thinks about a woman being free to do with her own body what she wishes. Ask any conservative what they think about druggists who refuse to sell birth control pills for their own, religious reasons - they are all for it.

The Republican Party - Friend to Women. Don't make me laugh.
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Willard did lie about the binders!!!

Mitt Romney’s Binders Full of Women is a Trapper Keeper Full of Lies

About those binders full of women that Romney asked for and staffed up with – it’s not true. Romney never asked for those binders. So, not only was the comment strikingly offensive in its insensitivity, but it was used as a get out of jail free card from a question about equal pay and it’s not true.

Furthermore, his record on employing women in the private sector doesn’t back up his claims from last night and a Romney adviser said today that the Republican presidential candidate would not have supported the Lilly Ledbetter Act. So much for binders full of women sufficing for being a champion of women’s rights.

Turns out, before Romney even took office, a bipartisan group of women in Massachusetts got together in order to address the problem of few women in senior leadership positions in state government. They put the binders full of women’s resumes together. They presented the binders to Romney when he took office.

But that didn’t stop Romney from telling a story last night in which White Knight Mitt Romney rode into the equal pay world with “binders full of women” and staffed up of his own accord.

No, Romney did not go to the women’s groups and ask for help – they came to him with binders full of women’s resumes, proving the women were qualified for the many positions he would be appointing. It follows that most likely Romney also never said to his staff, “How come all the people for these jobs are — are all men.” And it further follows that even if he had, he should have known better than to refer to women candidates as “binders full of women” as if he were picking a mail order bride instead of looking at resumes.

Mitt Romney's Binders Full of Women is a Trapper Keeper Full of Lies
Willard did lie about the binders!!!

Mitt Romney’s Binders Full of Women is a Trapper Keeper Full of Lies

About those binders full of women that Romney asked for and staffed up with – it’s not true. Romney never asked for those binders. So, not only was the comment strikingly offensive in its insensitivity, but it was used as a get out of jail free card from a question about equal pay and it’s not true.

Furthermore, his record on employing women in the private sector doesn’t back up his claims from last night and a Romney adviser said today that the Republican presidential candidate would not have supported the Lilly Ledbetter Act. So much for binders full of women sufficing for being a champion of women’s rights.

Turns out, before Romney even took office, a bipartisan group of women in Massachusetts got together in order to address the problem of few women in senior leadership positions in state government. They put the binders full of women’s resumes together. They presented the binders to Romney when he took office.

But that didn’t stop Romney from telling a story last night in which White Knight Mitt Romney rode into the equal pay world with “binders full of women” and staffed up of his own accord.

No, Romney did not go to the women’s groups and ask for help – they came to him with binders full of women’s resumes, proving the women were qualified for the many positions he would be appointing. It follows that most likely Romney also never said to his staff, “How come all the people for these jobs are — are all men.” And it further follows that even if he had, he should have known better than to refer to women candidates as “binders full of women” as if he were picking a mail order bride instead of looking at resumes.

Mitt Romney's Binders Full of Women is a Trapper Keeper Full of Lies

Are you saying Romney might have lied to the American people?
hummmm..methinks you are missing the point-


Between January 2002 and July 2004, 42% of the new gubernatorial appointments made by Governor Mitt Romney were women. Massachusetts was widely recognized for that achievement and MassGAP was given credit for it. In a survey by the State University of New York (SUNY), Massachusetts was ranked first in the nation in the percentage of women holding top state positions. As the Boston Globe noted at that time, "Women fill 10 of 20 top positions in Governor Mitt Romney's administration, making the Commonwealth one of five states that come close to matching the percentage of top women appointees to the proportion of women in the overall population."

so does he get credit or not?

sure, he gets credit for appointing women to cabinet positions he either cared nothing about or wanted to eliminate.

helluva a guy, the mittster. :thup:

His Lt. Governor and his Chief of Staff were both women...I suppose those positions were ones that Romney "cared nothing about or wanted to eliminate"?

The narrative that Romney supposedly "hates" women is ridiculous and always has been. Post's like yours simply underscore that fact.
Obama should cast stones? I don't think so:

Obama's record on paying women White House aides not stellar - Washington Times

...But President Obama's own record on closing the gender pay gap is less than stellar. Using late 2011 figures, the latest available at the time, The Washington Times earlier this year surveyed 121 White House employees who were paid at least $100,000 and found that 47 were women and 74 were men. That is only slightly better than in 2003, the third year of the Bush administration, when 39 of the top 121 employees were women.

When all White House employees are considered, the Obama administration's record dims a bit further. Female employees earn a median salary of $60,000, roughly 18 percent less than men, whose median salary is $71,000.

While Mr. Obama has taken steps to ensure that senior women in the White House on average make as much or more than men, he has not dramatically increased the number of women at the highest levels compared with those serving under Mr. Bush.

In the highest-paid positions when Mr. Bush was in office — aides making $151,000 — four of 14 were women: Condoleezza Rice, the national security adviser; Harriet Miers, a deputy chief of staff; Dina Powell, an assistant to the president for personnel; and Mary Spellings, an assistant for domestic policy.

In 2011, Mr. Obama had seven women compared with 14 men making the top White House salary — $172,000 — an increase of three women in the top ranks from the Bush administration's third year. Those women are: Valerie Jarrett, a senior adviser; Melody Barnes, director of domestic policy; Stephanie Cutter, who served as deputy senior adviser before moving to the campaign; Nancy-Ann DeParle and Alyssa Mastromonaco, deputy chiefs of staff; Kathryn Ruemmler, White House counsel; and Christina Tchen, director of the White House Office of Public Engagement.

And statistics don't tell the whole story. Despite progress on closing pay disparities and hiring women for senior roles, the president has incurred persistent criticism that women in his White House for the most part are kept out of the inner circle.

The same woman who was one of Mr. Obama's debate coaches, Anita Dunn, complained that the White House when she worked there would have been in court for being a "hostile workplace" for women, according to Ron Suskind's book "Confidence Men." Ms. Dunn says she was misquoted.

Even though some of his brashest, testosterone-pumped aides such as Rahm Emanuel and Bill Daley, his two former chiefs of staffs schooled in in-your-face, Chicago-style politics, have left the White House, and David Axelrod, his senior adviser, has moved on to the campaign, the president has faced a nagging perception of the White House as an exclusive boys club.

Mrs. Jarrett is undeniably one of Mr. Obama's closest and most influential advisers, but since the first year Mr. Obama took office, he has struggled to dispel the notion that women were taking a back seat to men in influencing the president. At one point in late 2009, women in the White House felt so marginalized that Mr. Obama held a dinner to let the senior female aides voice their complaints directly to him.
Pay parity for women is a long-standing problem. It has been around a long time and probably will continue to be a problem for a long time.

Romney was asked about pay parity and his answer was -nothing. He said NOTHING. That's what this thread is about. Come on, cons - refute what I just said. Can you do it? Never mind about taking off on Obama. Just refute what i am saying here.

What is Romney going to do to insure pay parity for women? That's what he was asked. Tell me what he said.
Willard did lie about the binders!!!

Mitt Romney’s Binders Full of Women is a Trapper Keeper Full of Lies

About those binders full of women that Romney asked for and staffed up with – it’s not true. Romney never asked for those binders. So, not only was the comment strikingly offensive in its insensitivity, but it was used as a get out of jail free card from a question about equal pay and it’s not true.

Furthermore, his record on employing women in the private sector doesn’t back up his claims from last night and a Romney adviser said today that the Republican presidential candidate would not have supported the Lilly Ledbetter Act. So much for binders full of women sufficing for being a champion of women’s rights.

Turns out, before Romney even took office, a bipartisan group of women in Massachusetts got together in order to address the problem of few women in senior leadership positions in state government. They put the binders full of women’s resumes together. They presented the binders to Romney when he took office.

But that didn’t stop Romney from telling a story last night in which White Knight Mitt Romney rode into the equal pay world with “binders full of women” and staffed up of his own accord.

No, Romney did not go to the women’s groups and ask for help – they came to him with binders full of women’s resumes, proving the women were qualified for the many positions he would be appointing. It follows that most likely Romney also never said to his staff, “How come all the people for these jobs are — are all men.” And it further follows that even if he had, he should have known better than to refer to women candidates as “binders full of women” as if he were picking a mail order bride instead of looking at resumes.

Mitt Romney's Binders Full of Women is a Trapper Keeper Full of Lies

Are you saying Romney might have lied to the American people?

Of course not. I'm saying he DID lie!!!
Ah so we know what he cared about or not, did he say that:eusa_eh:and that subtracts somehow from appointing them? so, he can't win either way......*shrugs*
Maybe he likes to fire women or did they self-deport?

As Governor, Romney's Eagerness to Hire Women Faded - NYTimes.com
Measured over the long run, however, that record is considerably less impressive. When Mr. Romney’s Republican predecessor, Jane Swift, left office in December 2003, 30 percent of Massachusetts policy posts were held by women, according to the 2007 University of Massachusetts-Boston study. While Mr. Romney pushed the share to 42 percent in his first 18 months, it steadily declined thereafter. And a month before he left office in November 2006, it stood at 27.6 percent — below his predecessor’s level.

Ms. Saidel of the University of Albany called that “discouraging.” Ms. Hardy-Fanta, who worked on the 2007 University of Massachusetts-Boston study, said she gave Mr. Romney credit for good intentions, but not for following up on his pledge.
OH MY GOD, from 30% to..... 27.6% for god sakes.

do you know why they left? where they asked to step down? where they fired? or left because they had buttressed their resumes and got hired privately? Left becasue he had decided he would not run for reelection and they were bailing to new jobs?
As I recall the question, Romney was asked about equal pay for equal work and he totally failed to address any aspect of that specific question whatsoever. All he did was blather on about how he was all in favor of jobs for women. That's not what he was asked about.

What he should have said was how he planned to initiate legislation to insure equal pay for equal work by women, that kind of thing. He didn't do that.

As I recall, so did Obama.

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