"Romney Likely Next President"

Lying under oath = Federal crime.

again, so?

How is it not a federal crime to get us into a war based on a false premise?

The real hypocrisy was that the guys going after Clinton (Newt and Henry Hyde, both of whom I like but I thought were wrong on this) stepped out on their wives, too. That's why 67% opposed impeachment and they slapped down the GOP hard in 1998 and 2000 for even considering it.

Just not hard enough.

A sitting POTUS commit a Federal crime, and Joe asked 'So?'


Yeah, again- so?

Who was actually hurt by Clinton's crime? Not Paula Jones, the judge ruled her case had no merit and Clinton paid her off anyway.

Incidently, I felt the same way about all things Valerie Plame. This was another great example of using the justice system to score political points, and doing at the court what you can't do at the ballot box.
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again, so?

How is it not a federal crime to get us into a war based on a false premise?

The real hypocrisy was that the guys going after Clinton (Newt and Henry Hyde, both of whom I like but I thought were wrong on this) stepped out on their wives, too. That's why 67% opposed impeachment and they slapped down the GOP hard in 1998 and 2000 for even considering it.

Just not hard enough.

A sitting POTUS commit a Federal crime, and Joe asked 'So?'


Yeah, again- so?

Who was actually hurt by Clinton's crime? Not Paula Jones, the judge ruled her case had no merit and Clinton paid her off anyway.

Incidently, I felt the same way about all things Valerie Plame. This was another great example of using the justice system to score political points, and doing at the court what you can't do at the ballot box.

The bitch deserved it, then.

You are sick.
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A sitting POTUS commit a Federal crime, and Joe asked 'So?'


Yeah, again- so?

Who was actually hurt by Clinton's crime? Not Paula Jones, the judge ruled her case had no merit and Clinton paid her off anyway.

Incidently, I felt the same way about all things Valerie Plame. This was another great example of using the justice system to score political points, and doing at the court what you can't do at the ballot box.

The bitch deserved it, then.

You are sick.

Deserved what?

Her whole "trauma" was that she saw Clinton's penis. She has two kids, I'm reasonably sure she knows what a penis looks like. She wasn't a schoolmarm.

The ironic thing is, this shows the whole insanity of Sexual Harrassment laws. Except most times, it doesn't go that far. They fire the person accused without a hearing, and then they quietly get rid of the complaitant, too.


Come on, guy, he was lying about a blow job.

Now, the guy was a creep. Absolutely.

You know what, though. The markets did fine, we were at peace, unemployment was low, etc.

And if the best thing we had to get upset about was the president getting a blow job, our lives were actually pretty good.

He was lying under oath. As President, he broke the law.

Yes, it was a politically-driven witchhunt. Yes, Republicans were being total assholes. But he broke the law. As the chief lawmaker of this great nation, we expect our President to not break the law.


Come on, guy, he was lying about a blow job.

Now, the guy was a creep. Absolutely.

You know what, though. The markets did fine, we were at peace, unemployment was low, etc.

And if the best thing we had to get upset about was the president getting a blow job, our lives were actually pretty good.

He was lying under oath. As President, he broke the law.

Yes, it was a politically-driven witchhunt. Yes, Republicans were being total assholes. But he broke the law. As the chief lawmaker of this great nation, we expect our President to not break the law.

You know, back in the 80's I used to think like that.

Now it's bullshit. And everyone knows it. Everyone knew it at the time. Even Fred Thompson voted against impeachment because it was such a horrible idea.

Come on, guy, he was lying about a blow job.

Now, the guy was a creep. Absolutely.

You know what, though. The markets did fine, we were at peace, unemployment was low, etc.

And if the best thing we had to get upset about was the president getting a blow job, our lives were actually pretty good.

He was lying under oath. As President, he broke the law.

Yes, it was a politically-driven witchhunt. Yes, Republicans were being total assholes. But he broke the law. As the chief lawmaker of this great nation, we expect our President to not break the law.

You know, back in the 80's I used to think like that.

Now it's bullshit. And everyone knows it. Everyone knew it at the time. Even Fred Thompson voted against impeachment because it was such a horrible idea.

OMG! Did I predict this response:

"And everyone knows it."

Erroneous....If I can borrow your mantra, what everyone knows is what a dunce you are.
OMG! Did I predict this response:

"And everyone knows it."

Erroneous....If I can borrow your mantra, what everyone knows is what a dunce you are.

whatever, "dude"...

Yeah. Public officials committing crimes are no big deal. At least if they have a D next to their names.

I had exactly the same opinion about Scooter Libby. (who has an R after his name). It wasn't a big deal, and it was a political witchhunt.

You see, my view on a crime is you have to actually prove to me that some harm came of it.

What harm came because Clinton didn't volunteer he was playing hide the sausage with Monica?

None to Paula Jones. The judge threw out her case because it had no merit. She could show no proof that she suffered any retaliation because she refused clinton's advances.

Jones herself has admitted she was used by enemies of the President, enemies who left her deeply in debt.

But that's okay, she served her purpose, I guess.
whatever, "dude"...

Yeah. Public officials committing crimes are no big deal. At least if they have a D next to their names.

I had exactly the same opinion about Scooter Libby. (who has an R after his name). It wasn't a big deal, and it was a political witchhunt.

You see, my view on a crime is you have to actually prove to me that some harm came of it.

What harm came because Clinton didn't volunteer he was playing hide the sausage with Monica?

None to Paula Jones. The judge threw out her case because it had no merit. She could show no proof that she suffered any retaliation because she refused clinton's advances.

Jones herself has admitted she was used by enemies of the President, enemies who left her deeply in debt.

But that's okay, she served her purpose, I guess.

IN Libby's case it was political. He was never convicted of any actual crime.
In Clinton's case there was reams of evidence of wrongdoing. The sex scandal was only one issue. But since they had the best evidence (the proverbial smoking gun) they went with that. It was not the accusation that was political, it was the acquittal. If Clinton hadn't been popular he would have been removed from office.
Lying under oath = Federal crime.

again, so?

How is it not a federal crime to get us into a war based on a false premise?

The real hypocrisy was that the guys going after Clinton (Newt and Henry Hyde, both of whom I like but I thought were wrong on this) stepped out on their wives, too. That's why 67% opposed impeachment and they slapped down the GOP hard in 1998 and 2000 for even considering it.

Just not hard enough.

A sitting POTUS commit a Federal crime, and Joe asked 'So?'


Yeah, perjury in a lawsuit is a okay with the left. Forget the fact that his home state disbarred him, he wasn't worth responding because far lefties are not reasonable.
IN Libby's case it was political. He was never convicted of any actual crime.
In Clinton's case there was reams of evidence of wrongdoing. The sex scandal was only one issue. But since they had the best evidence (the proverbial smoking gun) they went with that. It was not the accusation that was political, it was the acquittal. If Clinton hadn't been popular he would have been removed from office.

Sorry, a 70 million dollar investigation that was supposed to be about a land deal that ended up investigating a blow job, and you are really going to tell me that it wasn't political?


I mean, I'm in agreement, Clinton was a creep, and at the time, I was firmly in the "Impeach Him" camp.

Now I honestly wish we had his economy... the only time in the last 30 years things got a bit better for working folks.
I’ve been carefully observing your ability, and once we get beyond building a log cabin with your French fries, there’s not too much in your resume….

I am flattered you take some time out of building up your perverted sense of reality to watch me.


So, I speak to others in the language most appropriate.

In your case, grunts and growls.

Your wit knows no bounds.
again, so?

How is it not a federal crime to get us into a war based on a false premise?

The real hypocrisy was that the guys going after Clinton (Newt and Henry Hyde, both of whom I like but I thought were wrong on this) stepped out on their wives, too. That's why 67% opposed impeachment and they slapped down the GOP hard in 1998 and 2000 for even considering it.

Just not hard enough.

A sitting POTUS commit a Federal crime, and Joe asked 'So?'


Yeah, perjury in a lawsuit is a okay with the left. Forget the fact that his home state disbarred him, he wasn't worth responding because far lefties are not reasonable.

Actually, it was suspended for a five year period, and I have absolutely no problem with that punishment or the fines that were imposed on Clinton.

I think saying to the 47 million people who elected him to a second term, "Meh, we are going to try to throw him out even though things are going great because he committed a technical violation in a civil case that was thrown out due to lack of merit." That's political bullshit, and if they did it to your guy, you'd be screaming bloody murder.

Incidently, I also thought the Iran Contra investigations were bullshit, and I thought the Scooter Libby thing was bullshit.

Brilliant post.

Lots of intense analysis and acute judgment involved....

OK...now get back to something you can do…like playing cowbells.

Good deflection! :eusa_clap:

I expected you to do that when your reality was questioned.

Political Chic offered analysis. What did you offer?

I think you missed my post? (Don't worry, it seems to be common here).

I had mentioned that Obama was shown leading in most cases over Rmoney.

AP/roper Obama @ +1

CNN Opinion Research Obama @ +7

NBC/WSJ Obama @ +4

I could go on for days, but the aggregated total of about 20 polls has Obama at +1.5, include the fact that the debates have not even happened.

I mean, you don't really think that Rmoney and Ryan are going to have a chance against Obama and Biden in a debate.. Right?
Good deflection! :eusa_clap:

I expected you to do that when your reality was questioned.

Political Chic offered analysis. What did you offer?

I think you missed my post? (Don't worry, it seems to be common here).

I had mentioned that Obama was shown leading in most cases over Rmoney.

AP/roper Obama @ +1

CNN Opinion Research Obama @ +7

NBC/WSJ Obama @ +4

I could go on for days, but the aggregated total of about 20 polls has Obama at +1.5, include the fact that the debates have not even happened.

I mean, you don't really think that Rmoney and Ryan are going to have a chance against Obama and Biden in a debate.. Right?

The fact that you think Obama's lead of 1.5%--well within margin of error--is good news indicates you are playing with less than a full deck.
In the debates Romney will eat Obama and spit him out. No teleprompters. No scripting. Just Obama trying to defend the worst record of any president since Robert Mugabe by blaming the GOP in Congress.
To say nothing of Ryan over Biden.

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The RCP average is within the margin of error, oversampled with Democrats and mostly made up of people who are not likely to vote.

For conservatives like me?

GIDDY s0ns!!!!

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again, so?

How is it not a federal crime to get us into a war based on a false premise?

The real hypocrisy was that the guys going after Clinton (Newt and Henry Hyde, both of whom I like but I thought were wrong on this) stepped out on their wives, too. That's why 67% opposed impeachment and they slapped down the GOP hard in 1998 and 2000 for even considering it.

Just not hard enough.

A sitting POTUS commit a Federal crime, and Joe asked 'So?'


Yeah, perjury in a lawsuit is a okay with the left. Forget the fact that his home state disbarred him, he wasn't worth responding because far lefties are not reasonable.

Clinton's lying under oath was not perjury. It was ruled a civil offense, not a crime.

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