"Romney Likely Next President"

Romney’s personal image appears to have
improved following the announcement: 45%
favorable, 48% unfavorable. While still net
unfavorable, this represents a substantial
improvement from July, when he was net -8.
For the first time in the PurplePoll we tested
Obama’s favorability (we have been testing job
performance), and we found him to have a very
similar rating as Romney: 47% favorable, 49%
If I may add what passes for logic in your realm, "How many criminal charges were filed against Josef Stalin in relation to the countless murders perpetrated as a result of the Moscow Show Trials?"

You probably never noticed how often the most powerful man in a nation skates free of retribution.....during his lifetime.

I'm sorry, was Uncle Joe ever the subject of a 70 million dollar panty-sniffing investigation like Clinton was?

And after spending all that money, the best he could come up with was, "He lied about getting a blow job."

Yeah, that silly little investigation about a major felony called perjury. And never mind that it was a matter of national security, as the president was actually on the phone conducting government business with a foreign nation on at least one occassion. And never mind that he was the president of the United States and was cheating on his wife (character - if he'll fuck his wife over, he'll definitely fuck the American people over). And never mind that he turned around and lied to the American people about all of it (character again). Yeah, all of that is ok because Clinton was a liberal president, and that's the closest thing to JoeB's communist ideology.

It's amazing to watch the unethical, despicable, justify-the-means radical left-wing nut jobs defend every deplorable act ever committed by a Democrat. If a GOP president ever fucked someone other than the first lady in the oval office, lied about it to the American people, and then lied about it to a grand jury, I'd be at the front of the line to have him booted the fuck out of the White House. It's no wonder JoeB has walllowed in failure after failure his whole life - he has all of the integrity of a slug.
Somehow I'm really not buying the Clinton the sexual predator anymore. Maybe Clinton the orgasm machine. I would bet Dems are better in bed than Republicans. Probably why prositutes like Republicans more. They come (sp?), pay, and go. Strictly business, no concern for others.

Help me with this...for purposes of clarity:
Are you a liar or a fool?

It's so damn funny to see PoliticalHack fuming and reduced to bouncing on her Sybian.


Another glimpse into the wounded psyche of a waif who attempts to make himself feel masculine with a reference to vibrators.

Perhaps an inward view would reveal to you why so many on the distaff side find you repulsive.
Again- How many criminal charges were filed in relation to these horrible crimes?

Oh, yeah. None, save the Lewinsky bullshit. Most of these women denied it.

If I may add what passes for logic in your realm, "How many criminal charges were filed against Josef Stalin in relation to the countless murders perpetrated as a result of the Moscow Show Trials?"

You probably never noticed how often the most powerful man in a nation skates free of retribution.....during his lifetime.

So by your logic, the charges and accusations made against Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld over the Iraq war are proof they were guilty.

So by your lack of logic, what charges?!?! Bill Clinton was impeached. I don't recall a single charge being brought against Bush, Cheney, or Rumsfeld. Oh, that's right, that's because they didn't break the law...
If I may add what passes for logic in your realm, "How many criminal charges were filed against Josef Stalin in relation to the countless murders perpetrated as a result of the Moscow Show Trials?"

You probably never noticed how often the most powerful man in a nation skates free of retribution.....during his lifetime.

I'm sorry, was Uncle Joe ever the subject of a 70 million dollar panty-sniffing investigation like Clinton was?

And after spending all that money, the best he could come up with was, "He lied about getting a blow job."

Yeah, that silly little investigation about a major felony called perjury. And never mind that it was a matter of national security, as the president was actually on the phone conducting government business with a foreign nation on at least one occasion. And never mind that he was the president of the United States and was cheating on his wife (character - if he'll fuck his wife over, he'll definitely fuck the American people over). And never mind that he turned around and lied to the American people about all of it (character again). Yeah, all of that is ok because Clinton was a liberal president, and that's the closest thing to JoeB's communist ideology.

It's amazing to watch the unethical, despicable, justify-the-means radical left-wing nut jobs defend every deplorable act ever committed by a Democrat. If a GOP president ever fucked someone other than the first lady in the oval office, lied about it to the American people, and then lied about it to a grand jury, I'd be at the front of the line to have him booted the fuck out of the White House. It's no wonder JoeB has wallowed in failure after failure his whole life - he has all of the integrity of a slug.

If I may add what passes for logic in your realm, "How many criminal charges were filed against Josef Stalin in relation to the countless murders perpetrated as a result of the Moscow Show Trials?"

You probably never noticed how often the most powerful man in a nation skates free of retribution.....during his lifetime.

I'm sorry, was Uncle Joe ever the subject of a 70 million dollar panty-sniffing investigation like Clinton was?

And after spending all that money, the best he could come up with was, "He lied about getting a blow job."

Yeah, that silly little investigation about a major felony called perjury. And never mind that it was a matter of national security, as the president was actually on the phone conducting government business with a foreign nation on at least one occassion. And never mind that he was the president of the United States and was cheating on his wife (character - if he'll fuck his wife over, he'll definitely fuck the American people over). And never mind that he turned around and lied to the American people about all of it (character again). Yeah, all of that is ok because Clinton was a liberal president, and that's the closest thing to JoeB's communist ideology.

It's amazing to watch the unethical, despicable, justify-the-means radical left-wing nut jobs defend every deplorable act ever committed by a Democrat. If a GOP president ever fucked someone other than the first lady in the oval office, lied about it to the American people, and then lied about it to a grand jury, I'd be at the front of the line to have him booted the fuck out of the White House. It's no wonder JoeB has walllowed in failure after failure his whole life - he has all of the integrity of a slug.

Mr. fair and balanced there, did you realize that voter fraud is a felony. There is a possible case right in front of you. Does that bother you?
Help me with this...for purposes of clarity:
Are you a liar or a fool?

It's so damn funny to see PoliticalHack fuming and reduced to bouncing on her Sybian.


Another glimpse into the wounded psyche of a waif who attempts to make himself feel masculine with a reference to vibrators.

Perhaps an inward view would reveal to you why so many on the distaff side find you repulsive.

I wasn't sure what a Sybian was. Thanks for saving me the search.
If I may add what passes for logic in your realm, "How many criminal charges were filed against Josef Stalin in relation to the countless murders perpetrated as a result of the Moscow Show Trials?"

You probably never noticed how often the most powerful man in a nation skates free of retribution.....during his lifetime.

So by your logic, the charges and accusations made against Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld over the Iraq war are proof they were guilty.

So by your lack of logic, what charges?!?! Bill Clinton was impeached. I don't recall a single charge being brought against Bush, Cheney, or Rumsfeld. Oh, that's right, that's because they didn't break the law...

Clinton wasn't impeached (which actually only means indicted) for sex.

The list the idiot put up were for accusations, and the implication was that the accusations were proof of guilt.

Are you claiming that no one ever accused Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld of war crimes?
Couldn't find that....

...just this:

"NEWS-PRESS – In the most shocking survey this election cycle, a poll released today finds Mitt Romney leading President Barack Obama by 14 percentage points among likely Florida voters.

Foster McCollum White & Associates, Baydoun Consulting and Douglas Fulmer & Associates, of Dearborn, Mich., questioned 1,503 likely Florida voters Friday and found Romney, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, leading Obama 54%-40%. The poll has a margin of error of +/-2.53%.

Although recent Florida polls have been trending slightly in Romney’s direction (+2% and +1% in the most recent surveys), the jaw-dropping 14-point gap is a shocker. Future polls will determine if this result is ahead of the curve or merely an outlier."
POLL SURPRISE: Mitt Romney up by 14 points in Florida » The Right Scoop -

I saw that poll. The demographics were a joke.

Yeah. How accurate can you get polling likely voters in Florida?

Not very if you undersample Democrats, blacks, Hispanics, and young people.
Help me with this...for purposes of clarity:
Are you a liar or a fool?

It's so damn funny to see PoliticalHack fuming and reduced to bouncing on her Sybian.


Another glimpse into the wounded psyche of a waif who attempts to make himself feel masculine with a reference to vibrators.

Perhaps an inward view would reveal to you why so many on the distaff side find you repulsive.

You're the one that was reduced to ridiculous insults. I'm just sitting her laughing at you for it.
It's so damn funny to see PoliticalHack fuming and reduced to bouncing on her Sybian.


Another glimpse into the wounded psyche of a waif who attempts to make himself feel masculine with a reference to vibrators.

Perhaps an inward view would reveal to you why so many on the distaff side find you repulsive.

You're the one that was reduced to ridiculous insults. I'm just sitting her] laughing at you for it.
Freudian slip? Perhaps.
Lol. Nah, just fast typing and quasi-epic fail to re-read before hitting send.
It's so damn funny to see PoliticalHack fuming and reduced to bouncing on her Sybian.


Another glimpse into the wounded psyche of a waif who attempts to make himself feel masculine with a reference to vibrators.

Perhaps an inward view would reveal to you why so many on the distaff side find you repulsive.

You're the one that was reduced to ridiculous insults. I'm just sitting her laughing at you for it.

Ridiculous insults?

Do you not understand that ridicule is the point of insults?

I could understand if you complained that I chose too easy a bloated target....
Somehow I'm really not buying the Clinton the sexual predator anymore. Maybe Clinton the orgasm machine. I would bet Dems are better in bed than Republicans. Probably why prositutes like Republicans more. They come (sp?), pay, and go. Strictly business, no concern for others.

Help me with this...for purposes of clarity:
Are you a liar or a fool?

It's so damn funny to see PoliticalHack fuming and reduced to bouncing on her Sybian.

So she has kicked your ass more then once...................

Oh, Bill Clinton was a horrible person. I make no excuses for him.

Although I think chasing WILLING women (and sorry, they were all willing) is a lot less offensive that fucking over working people by destroying the companies they work for in leverage buyout bullshit. You know, like your hero WMR does.

I think George W. Bush was pretty much a decent guy, and I don't think he was lying about WMD's, but his miscalculations had horrible consequences we are still paying for.

Now, yeah, Clinton broke the law, and at the time, I was all enraged about it. Today what I remember about Clinton was that we had really low unemployment, and if you didn't like your job, you could throw out a resume and find a better paying one without a lot of trouble.

Which is why I find you Wall Street Parasites confusing. Clinton was awesome for you. Bush crashed the markets- twice, giving us two recessions, but you propped him up with shitloads of money. Obama's let you recover most of what Bush lost, but you guys are pretty much trying to drive him out on a rail.

You see why I think that breaking the middle class is more important to these people than actually making money. Just look at their priorities.

"(and sorry, they were all willing)"

Well, that certainly saves time: you can skip the 'liar or a fool" question.

Sorry, none of these women were credible. Ken Starr didn't find half of them credible.

OK, Erroneous Joe.....

...I'm willing to stipulate that Bill Clinton is as virtuous as you are brilliant.

Now....you could prove me totally wrong by simply agreeing to the veracity of that statement.

Go for it?
Somehow I'm really not buying the Clinton the sexual predator anymore. Maybe Clinton the orgasm machine. I would bet Dems are better in bed than Republicans. Probably why prositutes like Republicans more. They come (sp?), pay, and go. Strictly business, no concern for others.

Help me with this...for purposes of clarity:
Are you a liar or a fool?

It's so damn funny to see PoliticalHack fuming and reduced to bouncing on her Sybian.

...to which the sybian exclaimed 'hey!!! one at a time!"
1. "Mitt Romney's probable win indicated by latest Purple Poll of key swing states

2. Yesterday's Purple Poll survey results of four key swing states shows that not only will Mitt Romney likely be our next president, but also that President Obama is very unlikely to get reelected in November.

3. Purple Strategies, a bipartisan polling firm that specializes in tracking public opinion in the “purple” swing states, released yesterday their polling results from Colorado, Virginia, Ohio and Florida.

4. Conventional wisdom holds that neither candidate is likely to win the White House this fall without winning both Ohio and Florida. Analysis of the Purple Poll results in those states show that Mitt Romney will win both of those states, and Virginia as well while having a 50-50 chance at eking out a slim majority in Colorado.

5. Colorado: Purple Strategies has Obama leading by a 49 percent to 46 percent margin, the only state of the four where the president has a lead.

6. Virginia: Purpose Strategies gives Romney a 48 percent to 45 percent lead ...

7. Ohio: Romney leads here 46 percent to 44 percent

8. Florida: This one is closer with Romney having a one point lead, 48 percent to 47 percent, over President Obama. But the undecided voters will clearly put Romney over 50 percent. As with Virginia and Ohio, Obama's job approval to disapproval here is also 42 percent in favor of the president and 52 percent against him. The poll also showed 91 percent of these voters will not change their minds on how they intended to vote. The latest Rasmussen polling has the GOP U.S. Senate candidate, Congressman Connie Mack, leading by 7 percent over incumbent Senator Bill Nelson."
Mitt Romney's probable win indicated by latest Purple Poll of key swing states - Arlington Conservative | Examiner.com

Just wonderin'....think Michelle will STILL be proud of her country in November?

Michelle Obama: First Time proud of USA - YouTube

Giver her a Chik-Fil-A.....I'm buyin'...

President Obama 332 Governor Romney 206

RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Electoral Map No Toss Ups

Reality just won't budge for your fantasies.

Yeah...you must be right, Rocks....

...how silly of me to consider reality.

I have often worried about the ramifications from making the meaning of reality subjective.

You have proven my fears by ignoring the true facts and also trolling on your own twisted interpretation of political reality.

Rmoney is tanking, most polls have Obama at +1.5 to +7 and the debates have not even happened yet. Will be great to see Rmoney fold like a lawn chair under the pressure. :lol:

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