Romney may win the Popular vote..but lose the election.

What would be even worse is if Obama wins the popular vote and loses the electoral college.

Guaranteed rioting and looting...martial law...installation of Obama as dictator...followed by revolution...

Revolution is generally what happens in countries that have wealth distribution out of whack.

Check history.
What would be even worse is if Obama wins the popular vote and loses the electoral college.

Guaranteed rioting and looting...martial law...installation of Obama as dictator...followed by revolution...

Guaranteed rioting and looting? What makes you say that? There was no rioting or looting after 2000 when Gore won the popular vote but lost the Electoral College.
Still loving the electoral college, conservatives?



I bet you left wingnuts are loving the Electoral College now, aren't you! You hated it when Al Goreleone lost in 2000.

As usual, you're full of shit.

The ONLY way your boy can win is by unprecedented VOTER FRAUD, which is already happening with the "early voting" scam currently going on, especially in Ohio.

Civil war is coming if Obama steals this election. That's where the line is drawn.
Still loving the electoral college, conservatives?



Actually, it's more likely to be Obama who would win the popular vote, but lose the electoral college. You see, it's the smaller states that cause that to happen and it's the Republican candidate who typically racks up those states' electoral votes. That's how Bush won in 2000.

Still loving the electoral college, Sallow?
The ONLY way your boy can win is by unprecedented VOTER FRAUD, which is already happening with the "early voting" scam currently going on, especially in Ohio.

What voter "fraud" is going on in Ohio?
Highly doubtful. R's to lose at this point.

Romney has overwhelming support in most of the states that used to allow ownership of human beings as property, while Obama has small leads in his states. Romney winning the pop. vote but winning the election is very possible.

Romney is leading in all the states east of the Mississippi?


Nonetheless, I think Romney losing the election and winning the popular vote is fairly possible.
Yeah, I see this as being one of the most likely outcomes in November. Romney is likely to win the Red states by a 70/30 or 80/20 margin, with Obama winning some of the blue at 60/40 or so. The problem for Romney is that Obama continues to maintain razor thin margins in the most crucial swing states.

Add that up, and what you get is an electoral victory for Obama with a likely popular vote win for Romney.

I honestly hope that doesn't happen, as it also implies an Electoral Vote count close enough that you WILL see the lawyers come into play. Ohio has already been a fertile state for legal manipulations going into the Election day. I expect both sides already have briefs ready to file based on what's happened there so far.
Itd be one thing if it were close but if hes winning the popular vote by 5 or 6 percentage points he's not losing the electoral college.

Bush lost by almost a million votes.
This is only mathematically possible in this scenario . . . I expect Obama to lose BOTH but if he doesn't and wins a second term, it will be the first time in American history that the incumbent won twice and did NOT increase his previous margin of victory in the popular and EV vote.

Itd be one thing if it were close but if hes winning the popular vote by 5 or 6 percentage points he's not losing the electoral college.

Bush lost by almost a million votes.

50,999,897 - 50,456,002 does not equal a million.
Still loving the electoral college, conservatives?



I bet you left wingnuts are loving the Electoral College now, aren't you! You hated it when Al Goreleone lost in 2000.

As usual, you're full of shit.

The ONLY way your boy can win is by unprecedented VOTER FRAUD, which is already happening with the "early voting" scam currently going on, especially in Ohio.

Civil war is coming if Obama steals this election. That's where the line is drawn.

Now now.

Calling people names?

If you check my of my problems with the Constitution is the Electoral college. I think the Presidency should be decided by the popular vote.

And Voter Fraud is pretty rare in this country. And it generally occurs through absentee ballots..something conservatives use a great deal.
Obama will win both EC and popular vote. It's an extremely rare occurance otherwise, due to population bases.
Romney may win the Popular vote..but lose the election.
That would be consistent with the disparity between the National polls and Obama leading in seven of the ten toss up state polls.

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