Romney needs to withdraw. open the convention.

Bain isn't hurting Romney at all....

In fact, most conservatives KNOW better than to listen to the left-wing media....most of what comes out of them are later proven to be lies anyway. And a lot of the dems have realized they were duped in 2008 and they aren't going to let that happen again.

You don't have to pay attention to the so called "left wing media". You can take it right from the Republicans. Here are the top 10 comments about Bain from Romney’s Republican rivals:

1. “The idea that you’ve got private equity companies that come in and take companies apart so they can make profits and have people lose their jobs, that’s not what the Republican Party’s about.” — Rick Perry [New York Times, 1/12/12]

2. “The Bain model is to go in at a very low price, borrow an immense amount of money, pay Bain an immense amount of money and leave. I’ll let you decide if that’s really good capitalism. I think that’s exploitation.” — Newt Gingrich [New York Times, 1/17/12]

3. “Instead of trying to work with them to try to find a way to keep the jobs and to get them back on their feet, it’s all about how much money can we make, how quick can we make it, and then get out of town and find the next carcass to feed upon” — Rick Perry [National Journal, 1/10/12]

4. “We find it pretty hard to justify rich people figuring out clever legal ways to loot a company, leaving behind 1,700 families without a job.” — Newt Gingrich [Globe and Mail, 1/9/12]

5. “Now, I have no doubt Mitt Romney was worried about pink slips — whether he was going to have enough of them to hand out because his company, Bain Capital, of all the jobs that they killed” — Rick Perry [New York Times, 1/9/12]

6) “He claims he created 100,000 jobs. The Washington Post, two days ago, reported in their fact check column that he gets three Pinocchios. Now, a Pinocchio is what you get from The Post if you’re not telling the truth.” — Newt Gingrich [1/13/12, NBC News]

7. “There is something inherently wrong when getting rich off failure and sticking it to someone else is how you do your business, and I happen to think that’s indefensible” — Rick Perry [National Journal, 1/10/12]

8. “If Governor Romney would like to give back all the money he’s earned from bankrupting companies and laying off employees over his years, then I would be glad to then listen to him” — Newt Gingrich [Mediaite, 12/14/11]

9. “If you’re a victim of Bain Capital’s downsizing, it’s the ultimate insult for Mitt Romney to come to South Carolina and tell you he feels your pain, because he caused it.” — Rick Perry [New York Times, 1/8/12]

10. “They’re vultures that sitting out there on the tree limb waiting for the company to get sick and then they swoop in, they eat the carcass. They leave with that and they leave the skeleton” — Rick Perry [National Journal, 1/10/12]

Yup, primary contests tend to draw a little blood. Would you like me to post the list of things said about Obama 4 years ago that NOBODY has yet debunked?
Bain isn't hurting Romney at all....

In fact, most conservatives KNOW better than to listen to the left-wing media....most of what comes out of them are later proven to be lies anyway. And a lot of the dems have realized they were duped in 2008 and they aren't going to let that happen again.

You don't have to pay attention to the so called "left wing media". You can take it right from the Republicans. Here are the top 10 comments about Bain from Romney’s Republican rivals:

1. “The idea that you’ve got private equity companies that come in and take companies apart so they can make profits and have people lose their jobs, that’s not what the Republican Party’s about.” — Rick Perry [New York Times, 1/12/12]

2. “The Bain model is to go in at a very low price, borrow an immense amount of money, pay Bain an immense amount of money and leave. I’ll let you decide if that’s really good capitalism. I think that’s exploitation.” — Newt Gingrich [New York Times, 1/17/12]

3. “Instead of trying to work with them to try to find a way to keep the jobs and to get them back on their feet, it’s all about how much money can we make, how quick can we make it, and then get out of town and find the next carcass to feed upon” — Rick Perry [National Journal, 1/10/12]

4. “We find it pretty hard to justify rich people figuring out clever legal ways to loot a company, leaving behind 1,700 families without a job.” — Newt Gingrich [Globe and Mail, 1/9/12]

5. “Now, I have no doubt Mitt Romney was worried about pink slips — whether he was going to have enough of them to hand out because his company, Bain Capital, of all the jobs that they killed” — Rick Perry [New York Times, 1/9/12]

6) “He claims he created 100,000 jobs. The Washington Post, two days ago, reported in their fact check column that he gets three Pinocchios. Now, a Pinocchio is what you get from The Post if you’re not telling the truth.” — Newt Gingrich [1/13/12, NBC News]

7. “There is something inherently wrong when getting rich off failure and sticking it to someone else is how you do your business, and I happen to think that’s indefensible” — Rick Perry [National Journal, 1/10/12]

8. “If Governor Romney would like to give back all the money he’s earned from bankrupting companies and laying off employees over his years, then I would be glad to then listen to him” — Newt Gingrich [Mediaite, 12/14/11]

9. “If you’re a victim of Bain Capital’s downsizing, it’s the ultimate insult for Mitt Romney to come to South Carolina and tell you he feels your pain, because he caused it.” — Rick Perry [New York Times, 1/8/12]

10. “They’re vultures that sitting out there on the tree limb waiting for the company to get sick and then they swoop in, they eat the carcass. They leave with that and they leave the skeleton” — Rick Perry [National Journal, 1/10/12]

That was effective, but it boiled down to two opponents who we now know were wrong because we know that Romney wasn;t there at the time the downsizing took place. Put these comments in the proper context. They were running against him for the nomination. Not ten different people...two.
romney is getting destroyed with all this bain stuff. open the convention so we can choose a better candidate.

The only person getting destroyed by the "Bain stuff" is the accuser Obama. It's all lies and everyone (at least those with common sense) knows it.
keep it up Obama:eusa_clap:

[ame=]Ed Rendell: Obama Campaign Went "Too Far" - YouTube[/ame]
Sarahgop is a Dem plant sent here to drive a wedge amongst Republican members.

She's behaving just like a typical lefty Dem, she actually thinks she can fool someone with gop in her screen name. She's hoping she can organize the conservatives. I think it should have been saragob, not saragop. :lol:

If your so sure, then who is it really?
romney is getting destroyed with all this bain stuff. open the convention so we can choose a better candidate.

Go fuck yourself lib freak. Girlforbush your shit is so old it's fossilized. Look who gives you thanks and worships you.

Avorysuds (Today), BDBoop (Today), Lakhota (Today), NoNukes (Today)

Oh of course you are a conservative though. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Lord almighty you make me want to bazooka barf with the bullshit you post on any board. Haven't you figured out that your "OMG I'm conservative but I just can't vote for <fill in the blank> garbage is so out of date and so out of touch?


Give it up. You are pegged. And when I want to in the fall after I have my glorious summer I will be more than happy this election cycle to engage you on any board you throw your bullshit at.
Sarahgop is a Dem plant sent here to drive a wedge amongst Republican members.

She's behaving just like a typical lefty Dem, she actually thinks she can fool someone with gop in her screen name. She's hoping she can organize the conservatives. I think it should have been saragob, not saragop. :lol:

If your so sure, then who is it really?

I really don't give a crap who it is, I just know "fer shore" who it's not!! :eusa_shhh:
Sarahgop is a Dem plant sent here to drive a wedge amongst Republican members.

She's behaving just like a typical lefty Dem, she actually thinks she can fool someone with gop in her screen name. She's hoping she can organize the conservatives. I think it should have been saragob, not saragop. :lol:

If your so sure, then who is it really?

She's he's it's "girlforbush". Any one who has been a boarder for any length of time can peg another poster.

I never change my handle, I never try to be any poster than tinydancer. But others like girlforbush work boards with different handles with a mission.

Syntax. Perfectly girlforbush.

I make mine really mine. So anyone hacking and attempting to be me cannot copy me. Just some of the stuff I've learned on the net.

Hey, I've come a long way from being the wife that went "OMG I broke the computer it says fatal error" with the blue wall of hell and ran to a mall to tell my husband I killed the computer.

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The Bain thing is backfiring on the Obama camp.
Obama spent $100's millions of stimulus money on green projects that were produced overseas.

romney should be 15 ahead right now. his problem is he has no natural base of support to defend him.

If this was the 1980's he would be. You're also right that Romney is quite the leftist looking at what he believes socially...This just shows how much the morality of this country has faded...

One day life may not be valued at all by the government. That is something to fear. :(
That he lived the American dream, worked hard, built companies, raised a beautiful family, is all the more reason he should be held up with esteem. He was a worker, and did not have things given to him on a silver platter like years missing at universities when he was an average student or houses for simply community agitating.

America's business was always business. That television and others would ridicule that example show the depths of despair in spirit and drive of one segment of this population.

You funny... Make me laugh longtime.
romney is getting destroyed with all this bain stuff. open the convention so we can choose a better candidate.

When did it become wrong to make money within the republican party? So what he rebuilt businesses and some failed.

Nothing wrong with it. This is what destroyed New Gingrich. Sadly, as I liked his ideas of space a lot. We need a leader with a clear mission for our nation.
romney is getting destroyed with all this bain stuff. open the convention so we can choose a better candidate.

Open convention, that would be fun. :D

Paul ryan, Ron Paul, Gingrich, ect! :eusa_drool: I just want the government to act within the consitution and have morality enough not to turn the guns against the people. A clear mission in keeping us a super power is a good idea too. :eusa_shifty:
romney is getting destroyed with all this bain stuff. open the convention so we can choose a better candidate.

When did it become wrong to make money within the republican party? So what he rebuilt businesses and some failed.

Nothing wrong with it. This is what destroyed New Gingrich. Sadly, as I liked his ideas of space a lot. We need a leader with a clear mission for our nation.

Yep, Newt is a genius. I especially liked his "space mirrors" idea...

Forget Lunar Colonies, Here Are 11 Other Crazy Newt Gingrich Ideas - Business Insider
Killing the golden goose for it's delicious liver is the worst kind of capitalism and not any behavior anyone should defend as honorable. They guy made a pile of cash being an opportunistic scavenger, it may not be illegal but it is certainly nothing to hold up as an example of honest beneficial capitalism.
romney is getting destroyed with all this bain stuff. open the convention so we can choose a better candidate.

When did it become wrong to make money within the republican party? So what he rebuilt businesses and some failed.

Nothing wrong with it. This is what destroyed New Gingrich. Sadly, as I liked his ideas of space a lot. We need a leader with a clear mission for our nation.

Yep, Newt is a genius. I especially liked his "space mirrors" idea...

Forget Lunar Colonies, Here Are 11 Other Crazy Newt Gingrich Ideas - Business Insider

Space solar power isn't a bad idea if we can find away to transport it to the surface. Why are you against new idea's of generating power? Space-based solar power - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Higher collection rate: In space, transmission of solar energy is unaffected by the filtering effects of atmospheric gases. Consequently, collection in orbit is approximately 144% of the maximum attainable on Earth's surface.
Longer collection period: Orbiting satellites can be exposed to a consistently high degree of solar radiation, generally for 24 hours per day, whereas surface panels can collect for 12 hours per day at most.[1]
Elimination of weather concerns, since the collecting satellite would reside well outside of any atmospheric gasses, cloud cover, wind, and other weather events.
Elimination of plant and wildlife interference.
Redirectable power transmission: A collecting satellite could possibly direct power on demand to different surface locations based on geographical baseload or peak load power needs.

Seems to be better for the environment you on the left seem to love so much then earth based. Why are you against new idea's of advancing our nation?

There's some logic to it.
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She's behaving just like a typical lefty Dem, she actually thinks she can fool someone with gop in her screen name. She's hoping she can organize the conservatives. I think it should have been saragob, not saragop. :lol:

If your so sure, then who is it really?

She's he's it's "girlforbush". Any one who has been a boarder for any length of time can peg another poster.

I never change my handle, I never try to be any poster than tinydancer. But others like girlforbush work boards with different handles with a mission.

Syntax. Perfectly girlforbush.

I make mine really mine. So anyone hacking and attempting to be me cannot copy me. Just some of the stuff I've learned on the net.

Hey, I've come a long way from being the wife that went "OMG I broke the computer it says fatal error" with the blue wall of hell and ran to a mall to tell my husband I killed the computer.


Girlforbush from the Hannity Boards? Really? :lol:
Killing the golden goose for it's delicious liver is the worst kind of capitalism and not any behavior anyone should defend as honorable. They guy made a pile of cash being an opportunistic scavenger, it may not be illegal but it is certainly nothing to hold up as an example of honest beneficial capitalism.

Obama is squeezing the Goose and all it's producing now is feces.
If your so sure, then who is it really?

She's he's it's "girlforbush". Any one who has been a boarder for any length of time can peg another poster.

I never change my handle, I never try to be any poster than tinydancer. But others like girlforbush work boards with different handles with a mission.

Syntax. Perfectly girlforbush.

I make mine really mine. So anyone hacking and attempting to be me cannot copy me. Just some of the stuff I've learned on the net.

Hey, I've come a long way from being the wife that went "OMG I broke the computer it says fatal error" with the blue wall of hell and ran to a mall to tell my husband I killed the computer.


Girlforbush from the Hannity Boards? Really? :lol:

If Romney withdraws due to ethical problems, who would replace him? Ron Paul? Newt Gingrich? Herman Cain?
Killing the golden goose for it's delicious liver is the worst kind of capitalism and not any behavior anyone should defend as honorable. They guy made a pile of cash being an opportunistic scavenger, it may not be illegal but it is certainly nothing to hold up as an example of honest beneficial capitalism.


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