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Romney never create one job.

Consumers created those jobs he said he created while Governor of Mass and through his business investments. That is why he cannot tell us how he will create 12 million jobs if he is elected president. He don’t have a clue. Did Romney ever build a business on his own? Because he made investments that paid off does not make him successful businessman. Businesses succeed because consumers buy their products or services and thus create jobs. Bankruptcy is another way Romney succeeded when Bain left a bank in the red for $10 million of banks clients which paid with higher bank charges. Without consumers, the 47%ers, he would not have millions. No once has he gave consumers credit for his millions. Romney don’ know how the government create jobs. Especially the federal Government and states cannot create jobs without the help of the federal Government. Obama successfully used the federal government to create jobs, but Romney has a different plan that don’t mathematically add up. Through the federal Government, Obama created 5 million jobs, making up for the jobs lost during the past four years plus.
Romney never created one job, but his investments made him a millionaire. If jobs were created in Massachusetts while he was Governor it was not because of anything he used his head to do.
Mitt Romney: The Great Deformer
Oct 15, 2012
Is Romney really a job creator? Ronald Reagan’s budget director, David Stockman, takes a scalpel to the claims.

Mitt Romney was not a businessman; He was a master financial speculator who bought, sold, flipped, and stripped businesses. (Charles Ommanney / Getty Images)
David Stockman: Mitt Romney and the Bain Drain - Newsweek and The Daily Beast



Well Churchill was a prick... REALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Firstly poor old Clint(great Guy) has lost the plot.

And....Why on earth,considering your debt etc., should anyone over the last 15 years be given a tax CUT,compared to most countries your TAX payments are a triffle,far too low.

because higher taxes doesn't equate to more revenue. A broader base of tax payers will increase revenue. There is no such thing as federal income tax being to low.

Sounds just great Obama'n but you exported all your growth AND JOBS to Mexico and China,got trash instead,American workers produce world class product because they are an educated WORLDCLASS WORKFORCE.

Did you know that in 1963......93% of garments worn by Americans were MADE IN AMERICA......today only 6% are made in America.

Result 6 washes of any garment purchased today are trashed,useless.......what happened,this of course can be attributed to most goods sold in the US today,buy a Chinese screwdriver set,useless within a couple of months.......that's where all the JOBS have gone........NOT President Obama you fool,a man you obsequesly try to ridicule.

I rest my case.

A lot of what you say here is true, but more gov't is NEVER the answer. If you want to bring those jobs back to America you better create incentive. I don't ridicule Obama for driving jobs out of America, even though he is responsible for some of that himself. I ridicule Obama for wanting to drive wealth away from America and his spite of what America stands for. I ridicule him for being soft on Foreign Policy. I ridicule him for failing to live up to his promises.

I am thankful to God above that his days are numbered, and I am hopeful that he doesn't try to do any more to "help" the Greatest Nation the world has ever seen --- because we don;t need his kind of help!!
One minute Mitt tells us that the government doesn't create jobs.

The next minute Mitt tells us that if he's elected he'll create millions of jobs.

American politics at it finest.
One minute Mitt tells us that the government doesn't create jobs.

The next minute Mitt tells us that if he's elected he'll create millions of jobs.

American politics at it finest.

Pretty sure you just made that up...
One minute Mitt tells us that the government doesn't create jobs.

The next minute Mitt tells us that if he's elected he'll create millions of jobs.

American politics at it finest.

Pretty sure you just made that up...

The second debate

"As president, I will create 12 million new jobs," - Mitt Romney, October 16.

The government doesn't create jobs," - Mitt Romney, October 16.
lol the desperation of the progressives is really getting going now.

PROGRESSIVES being the operative WORD HERE

PROGRESSIVES...meaning...proceeding gradually or in stages,favouring social reform,favouring change and innovation,an advocate of social and material reform.Just what America need today and in the future.

Thanks for your imput BA,even though you live in a backward epoch. AKA Republicanism


I'm theliq,keeping the Bastards Honest.:D

No, "moron" the progressive movement has nothing to do with progress.
One minute Mitt tells us that the government doesn't create jobs.

The next minute Mitt tells us that if he's elected he'll create millions of jobs.

American politics at it finest.

Odd, I find that a little confusing as well.

Also, taxes are too high, so he's going to reduce them, but close the loopholes and deductions so that the nett effect is neutral...soooooooooo....doesn't that mean that the nett effect is that taxation will stay the same?
Romney will create jobs just by beating Obama..Obama is hostile towards business with threats of new taxes and his appointed radical environmentalist in his EPA dumping strangling regulations on them
ALSO if they know he will tackle repealing ObamaCare which is killing them also

vote Obama out folks, so people can get back to work
Romney will create jobs just by beating Obama..Obama is hostile towards business with threats of new taxes and his appointed radical environmentalist in his EPA dumping strangling regulations on them
ALSO if they know he will tackle repealing ObamaCare which is killing them also

vote Obama out folks, so people can get back to work

But Stephanie...may I call you Steph?

Steph, if Obama has cut taxes on business 18 times in four years, how is that hostile towards business?
I thought that would be a good thing.
because higher taxes doesn't equate to more revenue. A broader base of tax payers will increase revenue. There is no such thing as federal income tax being to low.

Sounds just great Obama'n but you exported all your growth AND JOBS to Mexico and China,got trash instead,American workers produce world class product because they are an educated WORLDCLASS WORKFORCE.

Did you know that in 1963......93% of garments worn by Americans were MADE IN AMERICA......today only 6% are made in America.

Result 6 washes of any garment purchased today are trashed,useless.......what happened,this of course can be attributed to most goods sold in the US today,buy a Chinese screwdriver set,useless within a couple of months.......that's where all the JOBS have gone........NOT President Obama you fool,a man you obsequesly try to ridicule.

I rest my case.

A lot of what you say here is true, but more gov't is NEVER the answer. If you want to bring those jobs back to America you better create incentive. I don't ridicule Obama for driving jobs out of America, even though he is responsible for some of that himself. I ridicule Obama for wanting to drive wealth away from America and his spite of what America stands for. I ridicule him for being soft on Foreign Policy. I ridicule him for failing to live up to his promises.

I am thankful to God above that his days are numbered, and I am hopeful that he doesn't try to do any more to "help" the Greatest Nation the world has ever seen --- because we don;t need his kind of help!!

The trouble with your statement is that you think BIG BUSINESS can create Jobs,whereas it is these very same people who have exported all the Jobs,Government can create employment in many ways but America should start buying American quality product,they prove cheaper in the end,as it lasts much longer.
lol the desperation of the progressives is really getting going now.

PROGRESSIVES being the operative WORD HERE

PROGRESSIVES...meaning...proceeding gradually or in stages,favouring social reform,favouring change and innovation,an advocate of social and material reform.Just what America need today and in the future.

Thanks for your imput BA,even though you live in a backward epoch. AKA Republicanism


I'm theliq,keeping the Bastards Honest.:D

No, "moron" the progressive movement has nothing to do with progress.

No MORON you are wrong again......Progressives are innovators,you being a Repugnant,only like the status-quo.........moribund,much like the last two years of George W's tenure........but hey if it make you happy STICK WITH IT.....trouble is, countries like Australia,China,etc., JUST PASS YOU BY.

The last thing America needs is a useless job creator like ROMNEY.......unless you want to see the wealth factor widen even more.STOP BEING A MUG and instead of standing still,take a step forward,IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE FOR THE BETTER.:cool:
lol the desperation of the progressives is really getting going now.

PROGRESSIVES being the operative WORD HERE

PROGRESSIVES...meaning...proceeding gradually or in stages,favouring social reform,favouring change and innovation,an advocate of social and material reform.Just what America need today and in the future.

Thanks for your imput BA,even though you live in a backward epoch. AKA Republicanism


I'm theliq,keeping the Bastards Honest.:D

No, "moron" the progressive movement has nothing to do with progress.
Progressives want the US to "progress" to the condition of the USSR circa 1958 -- minus the military, of course.
PROGRESSIVES being the operative WORD HERE

PROGRESSIVES...meaning...proceeding gradually or in stages,favouring social reform,favouring change and innovation,an advocate of social and material reform.Just what America need today and in the future.

Thanks for your imput BA,even though you live in a backward epoch. AKA Republicanism


I'm theliq,keeping the Bastards Honest.:D

No, "moron" the progressive movement has nothing to do with progress.
Progressives want the US to "progress" to the condition of the USSR circa 1958 -- minus the military, of course.

I Suppose it was only time before you raised your Negative Head On Here.

Even though you know "F":mad: ALL,....... BORING
Sounds just great Obama'n but you exported all your growth AND JOBS to Mexico and China,got trash instead,American workers produce world class product because they are an educated WORLDCLASS WORKFORCE.

Did you know that in 1963......93% of garments worn by Americans were MADE IN AMERICA......today only 6% are made in America.

Result 6 washes of any garment purchased today are trashed,useless.......what happened,this of course can be attributed to most goods sold in the US today,buy a Chinese screwdriver set,useless within a couple of months.......that's where all the JOBS have gone........NOT President Obama you fool,a man you obsequesly try to ridicule.

I rest my case.

A lot of what you say here is true, but more gov't is NEVER the answer. If you want to bring those jobs back to America you better create incentive. I don't ridicule Obama for driving jobs out of America, even though he is responsible for some of that himself. I ridicule Obama for wanting to drive wealth away from America and his spite of what America stands for. I ridicule him for being soft on Foreign Policy. I ridicule him for failing to live up to his promises.

I am thankful to God above that his days are numbered, and I am hopeful that he doesn't try to do any more to "help" the Greatest Nation the world has ever seen --- because we don;t need his kind of help!!

The trouble with your statement is that you think BIG BUSINESS can create Jobs,whereas it is these very same people who have exported all the Jobs,Government can create employment in many ways but America should start buying American quality product,they prove cheaper in the end,as it lasts much longer.

Please... You think big business doesn't create jobs? You live in fairy land. Small business has and always will be the back bone to American business though. Either way, the only way to create jobs is to create an environment where jobs can be created.

That means you have to focus on helping businesses build here in America. If the gov't wants to help, they can provide resources to help existing business and developing business. By resources I mean information and networking - put people with ideas together with people who have knowledge. There are private backers for virtually any good idea. Corporations use these techniques to diversify every day.

Leftists can hate on big business all they want, but big business will ALWAYS find the best way to make money and follow that route. The gov't has no business trying to make them behave the way they want them to. You want jobs - make it easy for big business to make money.

There is nothing that rich people do with their money that doesn't help the economy. NOTHING. They spend it, or they invest it. Either way, they just create jobs. The trick is understanding that they are gonna get theirs no matter what. GOOD FOR THEM! The better they do the better we all do.

If you tax them to death you end up with nothing. No jobs created. no new revenue streams. No research and development. You have just created an environment where you now need the gov't to do those things - The gov't does nothing well.

Show me one gov't endeavor (in America) that does a better job than private enterprise. You can't...
Consumers created those jobs he said he created while Governor of Mass and through his business investments. That is why he cannot tell us how he will create 12 million jobs if he is elected president. He don’t have a clue. Did Romney ever build a business on his own? Because he made investments that paid off does not make him successful businessman. Businesses succeed because consumers buy their products or services and thus create jobs. Bankruptcy is another way Romney succeeded when Bain left a bank in the red for $10 million of banks clients which paid with higher bank charges. Without consumers, the 47%ers, he would not have millions. No once has he gave consumers credit for his millions. Romney don’ know how the government create jobs. Especially the federal Government and states cannot create jobs without the help of the federal Government. Obama successfully used the federal government to create jobs, but Romney has a different plan that don’t mathematically add up. Through the federal Government, Obama created 5 million jobs, making up for the jobs lost during the past four years plus.
Romney never created one job, but his investments made him a millionaire. If jobs were created in Massachusetts while he was Governor it was not because of anything he used his head to do.
Mitt Romney: The Great Deformer
Oct 15, 2012
Is Romney really a job creator? Ronald Reagan’s budget director, David Stockman, takes a scalpel to the claims.

Mitt Romney was not a businessman; He was a master financial speculator who bought, sold, flipped, and stripped businesses. (Charles Ommanney / Getty Images)
David Stockman: Mitt Romney and the Bain Drain - Newsweek and The Daily Beast

Ah...don't know how to break this to you, Lil Ole Lady but to create the few jobs that he DID, Barack Obama spent trillions of our dollars. If you worked it out to how much each of those Obama "jobs" cost the taxpayers, it would have been cheaper to pay ten people to stay home and not work.

As for Mitt Romney not being a businessman? Do you know how stupid a contention that is? If you're NOT a business man and you're a "financial speculator" who is buying and selling companies then I can assure you that you would find yourself bankrupt in very short order. The reason that Mitt Romney and Bain Capital was very successful is that Mitt Romney "is" a businessman and a very good one.
A lot of what you say here is true, but more gov't is NEVER the answer. If you want to bring those jobs back to America you better create incentive. I don't ridicule Obama for driving jobs out of America, even though he is responsible for some of that himself. I ridicule Obama for wanting to drive wealth away from America and his spite of what America stands for. I ridicule him for being soft on Foreign Policy. I ridicule him for failing to live up to his promises.

I am thankful to God above that his days are numbered, and I am hopeful that he doesn't try to do any more to "help" the Greatest Nation the world has ever seen --- because we don;t need his kind of help!!

The trouble with your statement is that you think BIG BUSINESS can create Jobs,whereas it is these very same people who have exported all the Jobs,Government can create employment in many ways but America should start buying American quality product,they prove cheaper in the end,as it lasts much longer.

Please... You think big business doesn't create jobs? You live in fairy land. Small business has and always will be the back bone to American business though. Either way, the only way to create jobs is to create an environment where jobs can be created.

That means you have to focus on helping businesses build here in America. If the gov't wants to help, they can provide resources to help existing business and developing business. By resources I mean information and networking - put people with ideas together with people who have knowledge. There are private backers for virtually any good idea. Corporations use these techniques to diversify every day.

Leftists can hate on big business all they want, but big business will ALWAYS find the best way to make money and follow that route. The gov't has no business trying to make them behave the way they want them to. You want jobs - make it easy for big business to make money.

There is nothing that rich people do with their money that doesn't help the economy. NOTHING. They spend it, or they invest it. Either way, they just create jobs. The trick is understanding that they are gonna get theirs no matter what. GOOD FOR THEM! The better they do the better we all do.

If you tax them to death you end up with nothing. No jobs created. no new revenue streams. No research and development. You have just created an environment where you now need the gov't to do those things - The gov't does nothing well.

Show me one gov't endeavor (in America) that does a better job than private enterprise. You can't...

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