Romney-Obama Debate Thread


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Have your drink poured and popcorn popped? Ready to roll with the debate?

Let's hear the questions and talk about their answers. Debate on our own about who is taking the lead...

Anyone watching a channel that doesn't have commercials?
If at tonight's presidential debate in Denver, when moderator Jim Lehrer asks Mitt Romney how the Massachusetts health care law is different from the Affordable Care Act and Romney responds that states should be free to do what they want, yadda, yadda, yadda, if President Obama doesn't respond, "So lemme get this straight, Governor: you think that it's just fine to force the people of the state you led for four years to have health insurance or make them pay a penalty, but fuck every other person in every other state in the country? Hell, if Karl Rove force-fisted ad agency whores to put out commercials for our side, you'd see millions of dollars worth of bullshit out there saying that 'Mitt Romney only wants northeastern liberals to be able to afford cancer treatment' or some such shit.

"I want to say this to you, Jim and to all Americans: Mitt Romney is the biggest pussy in the world. He is a pussy of such incredible proportions that it'd take a dildo the size of the Hancock Tower to fuck him. Look at what this craven, greedy motherfucker says about health care: he's proud of it, but it's mighty fine if other states just let people die or go to emergency rooms because otherwise we may as well all be fucking our own asses with Karl Marx's femur. What about that is in any way presidential? You can't even say, 'Hey, I've got this great idea to get people health insurance.' Fuck, that's gotta sting. I don't know shit about Mormons, but the number of lies you've had to tell to get this far in your crazy-ass party has gotta be gettin' your soul all prepped for some fiery doom, man. Or maybe you just give more cash to get out of it.

"Governor, you won the primaries for two reasons: Because you have more money than the rest of your opponents combined and because you are the bottom bitch of the GOP. And you are damn happy being the bottom bitch. I can hear you saying, 'What's that? Sheldon Adelson wants to jizz on my face and call it kosher? Sure, Shel, and I'll call your ass "The Wailing Wall" and press my face against it and pray. What's that? A crazed evangelical is angry that I gave a job to a gay guy? Then I'll fire that gay dude and call Bryan Fischer "Sir" while he paddles my balls with his bible.' Goddamn, you mustn't be hungry after all the right-wing chowder you've gobbled.

What Obama Should Say, 2012
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Anyone seen where the pre-debate Republican excuse thread is at?
Money we're saving from two wars? Does the dumbass not realize that we've had to BORROW the money to finance those wars. There are no savings to spend.
Have your drink poured and popcorn popped? Ready to roll with the debate?

Let's hear the questions and talk about their answers. Debate on our own about who is taking the lead...

Anyone watching a channel that doesn't have commercials?

I watching on line. No commercials here.
Obama, Talk about the "trickle down effect that Romney just spoke about..." he just ignored the host and went on his own prepared speech. Just as I thought he would do.
5 point plan - balance budget and spend money with tax breaks.

Math is not his strong suit.

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