Romney: People Don't 'Die In Their Apartment Because They Don't Have Insurance'

That is just silly. Of course they don't die in their apartments. They die in houses and on the street too.
what a wonderful dream of taxpayers not footing how is that going to change?

It's not going to change at all if Mittens gets his way.

"You go to the hospital, you get treated, you get care, and it’s paid for, either by charity, the government or by the hospital." -- Mitt Romney
Fact, if one needs care one can get it.

Its just that simple.

This universal HC shit ruins Nations.

It doesn't work and it never will.
Here he goes again, claiming that people don't die from lack of health care. Go to the hospital, he says, the government will take care of it. Is that his plan? Tell people to go to the ER? That's part of the reason health care costs are so high in this country. So, he's gone from being a self-described 'sever conservative' to suggesting the government and tax payers should pay for ER visits.

Mitt Romney: People Don't 'Die In Their Apartment Because They Don't Have Insurance'

Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, who has pledged to repeal Obamacare, says that people without health insurance don't have to worry about dying as a result.

"We don't have people that become ill, who die in their apartment because they don't have insurance," Romney said in an interview with the Columbus Dispatch's editorial board on Wednesday.

While it's difficult to tell how many people die each year from lack of health insurance, one study, from a health care advocacy group, puts the number at 26,000 deaths per year.

"We don't have a setting across this country where if you don’t have insurance, we just say to you, 'Tough luck, you're going to die when you have your heart attack,'" he added in the interview. "No, you go to the hospital, you get treated, you get care, and it’s paid for, either by charity, the government or by the hospital."

You haven't been banned enough lately?:lol:

nice to see you again

Isn't it against board rules to discuss mod action? Wouldn't you care instead to defend Mittens health care plan?
Your source proves what Romney said is right. You don't get how this debate thing is supposed to work, do you?

Romney described how the health care system prior to Obamacare works. He didn't claim that's the system he supports. You put those words in his mouth.

In short, you lied and tried to paint Romney as something he's not. You're nothing but a no-good lying scumbag.


Wow, watch that spin or your head might twist off. Those are his words, champ. You can't defend them? Of course you can't. But don't make shit up.
gawd you liberals are so friggen petty and LAME

THIS is the stupid shit they get off HUFFINGTON POST people, oh and some guy supposedly forced his mistress to get a abortion..

good grief

Being concerned about the uninsured and tax payers footing the bill for unpaid ER visits is petty?

Good grief is right.

Since you're so "concerned," how many checks have you written to cover the bills of people who don't have health insurance?

I'm not rich, and even if I had as much money as Romney, I couldn't afford to pay for millions of uninsured's health ins. So, is that your -plan? To rely on charity? And critics say Republicans have no plan. All they need to do is read your post.

BTW, you're a moron.
omg, then send them your weekly paychecks you're all so concerned about them then they can BUY insurance...Or you would rather WE taxpayers furnish it for them I suppose

You're a moron of epic proportions. You want to cry about tax payers having to pay for uninsured? Then you should be talking to Mitt, because he just said, "you go to the hospital, you get treated, you get care, and it’s paid for, either by charity, the government or by the hospital.".

Guess who the costs get passed onto when somebody is unable to pay for an ER visit. I'll give you two guesses: philanthropists pay for it, or tax payers do. Hint: philanthropists don't pay for it.

Romney simply stated a fact. He didn't say he endorsed that arrangement.

:lol: Right.

Then tell me what he endorses.
I can see Jose getting banned, he is far too emotional....may not even be a "he" at all.
Being concerned about the uninsured and tax payers footing the bill for unpaid ER visits is petty?

Good grief is right.

omg, then send them your weekly paychecks you're all so concerned about them then they can BUY insurance...Or you would rather WE taxpayers furnish it for them I suppose

Jose doesn't mean that HE should pay more, just everybody else.

He thinks all of his undocumented brethren should be paid for by us.

No, Romney thinks tax payers should pay.

"You go to the hospital, you get treated, you get care, and it’s paid for, either by charity, the government or by the hospital." -- Mitt Romney

Go take a step off of a tall building, you useless piece of shit.
what a wonderful dream of taxpayers not footing how is that going to change?

It's not going to change at all if Mittens gets his way.

"You go to the hospital, you get treated, you get care, and it’s paid for, either by charity, the government or by the hospital." -- Mitt Romney

good grief, I asked how you would change all of it, you gave some stock answer all liberals come up with... so stop with the BS

We have important things to worry about, not your all's visions of some utopia
what a wonderful dream of taxpayers not footing how is that going to change?

It's not going to change at all if Mittens gets his way.

"You go to the hospital, you get treated, you get care, and it’s paid for, either by charity, the government or by the hospital." -- Mitt Romney

good grief, I asked how you would change all of it, you gave some stock answer all liberals come up with... so stop with the BS

We have important things to worry about, not your all's visions of some utopia

It's not my vision of utopia; it's Mittens'. He sees a world where gov't pays for your health care. Aren't you so glad to have him as your candidate?

"You go to the hospital, you get treated, you get care, and it’s paid for, either by charity, the government or by the hospital." -- Mitt Romney
Here he goes again, claiming that people don't die from lack of health care. Go to the hospital, he says, the government will take care of it. Is that his plan? Tell people to go to the ER? That's part of the reason health care costs are so high in this country. So, he's gone from being a self-described 'sever conservative' to suggesting the government and tax payers should pay for ER visits.

Mitt Romney: People Don't 'Die In Their Apartment Because They Don't Have Insurance'

Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, who has pledged to repeal Obamacare, says that people without health insurance don't have to worry about dying as a result."No, you go to the hospital, you get treated, you get care, and it’s paid for, either by charity, the government or by the hospital."

Yes, that's my current health plan...

... but he forgot the part about "your credit's f***ed, they'll kick you out as soon as you're 'stabilized', and you die from the cancer they found because they won't treat it without insurance."

Yup, that's a plan all right...

-- Paravani


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