Romney puts out new ad slamming Obama's "You didn't build that!" It's great!

I have started up and run a small business. When my President says "If you've got a business, YOU DIDN"T BUILD THAT" what else are we supposed to think? Romney's ad is spot on. Yes, as a society we all share in the blessings of freedom. And yes a lot of us studied hard in school and a lot of us work hard. But only some have the temperament, ambition, and stomach for risk taking to go out on that limb to start up a new business. Only some will risk giving up a steady paycheck and make the investment necessary and take on the obligations of acquiring a physical facility, tools, equipment, supplies, raw materials, and incurring the costs of of all that plus insurance, license fees, permits, marketing, and meeting a payroll. And, if he or she is effective, s/he will prosper. If not, s/he can lose his/her shirt. But it is only because people take such risks and accomplish such things that the rest of the population has jobs and a steady paycheck.

And for the President to then say 'we didn't build that?' How how of touch is that? Also, how much is diminishing the value of people who take those risks and suggesting that they somehow need to pay a lot more to government conducive to more people taking the risks and therefore creating more jobs to provide others with a steady paycheck?
Republicans pouncing on Obama's 'you didn't build that' remark -

“If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help,” Obama said. “There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”

prove the business owners built the roads and bridges you lying sacks of shit
They paid the taxes that provided the cost that built the ROADS dimwit. Even in OBAMA own words you still defend his sorry ass. Get your head out of your ass already
They're both right really, and of course the context of Obama's statement that's being used isn't completely accurate.

Only the partisans will take one side on this issue. :thup:

You are setting a false bar. Yes Society, even Government builds Infrastructure. There is discovery, Invention, that we all benefit from. I thank God for it every day. Taking credit for things one had no part in, is a sham. Should we now bow to the Alter of Government in thanks for the Roads we paid for, Electricity, in door plumbing, Cable TV and the Internet? Society played a role, Government played a role, Individual Merit and ingenuity played a role.

There is Divine Inspiration, Vision, do you want to tax and take credit for these too??? I think that Government needs to stand more out of the way, and further, show cause, when it needs to intervene, while knowing it's limits. You have a problem with that? .... Good. You need to get checked. ;)

The part in bold is basically my point.

Nobody does anything without help of some kind, which is Obama's point. But as Romney said, having those things doesn't promise a successful business either.

So they're both correct in a way.

Obama is NOT right!

Entenpreners have been making sucesses of themselves in this country BEFORE THOSE ROADS AND BRIDGES.

And it if weren't for their inovations THOSE ROADS AND BRIDGES WOULDN'T EXIST!

You think government came up with the idea?

Even with the internet, it started as a military project. That part of government Obama loathes as much as Bill Clinton!
These Hands - YouTube

Romney also did something with four small business owners, and one of them put it best:

"If roads, bridges, and sidewalks were the reason my business is a success, then ALL Businesses would be a success, because they all have road, bridges, and sidewalks."

But that isn't the case. It's hard WORK and risk that makes a business a success.

Obama who hasn't had a real job in his LIFE, sits in judgement of those who do? And he's backed up by union thugs who have never worked in the private sector IN THEIR LIVES!

I love it! It's about time Romney got a clue about who Obama is and started fighting back!


What is a real job? Governor of MA, Mormon Recruiter, Investor with no skin in the game? Retiree still pulling down $21 Million per annum of other peoples money?
Oh you are full of it!

Every time a liberal's comments blow up in his face, the common refrain is "he was taken out of context."

What's out of context?

We heard exactly what Obama said.

President Obama: If you've got a business -- you didn't build that, somebody else made that happen - YouTube

There isn't ANYTHING being taken out of context. Go push that BS somewhere else!

Doesn't have to be a Liberal to be taken out of context, remember, I'm not a partisan hack.

Early indications place that in the false category.

I love the liberals that are so arrogant and condescending they claim they aren't partisan. It's just EVERYONE ELSE WHO DISAGREES WITH HIM WHO IS PARTISAN!

And then he thinks he fools people!

Republicans pouncing on Obama's 'you didn't build that' remark -

“If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help,” Obama said. “There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”

prove the business owners built the roads and bridges you lying sacks of shit
They paid the taxes that provided the cost that built the ROADS dimwit. Even in OBAMA own words you still defend his sorry ass. Get your head out of your ass already

and so did a whole buch of Americans who dont own a business
You are setting a false bar. Yes Society, even Government builds Infrastructure. There is discovery, Invention, that we all benefit from. I thank God for it every day. Taking credit for things one had no part in, is a sham. Should we now bow to the Alter of Government in thanks for the Roads we paid for, Electricity, in door plumbing, Cable TV and the Internet? Society played a role, Government played a role, Individual Merit and ingenuity played a role.

There is Divine Inspiration, Vision, do you want to tax and take credit for these too??? I think that Government needs to stand more out of the way, and further, show cause, when it needs to intervene, while knowing it's limits. You have a problem with that? .... Good. You need to get checked. ;)

The part in bold is basically my point.

Nobody does anything without help of some kind, which is Obama's point. But as Romney said, having those things doesn't promise a successful business either.

So they're both correct in a way.

Obama is NOT right!

Entenpreners have been making sucesses of themselves in this country BEFORE THOSE ROADS AND BRIDGES.

And it if weren't for their inovations THOSE ROADS AND BRIDGES WOULDN'T EXIST!

You think government came up with the idea?

Even with the internet, it started as a military project. That part of government Obama loathes as much as Bill Clinton!

Yeah, in fact some of the first highly lucrative businesses were the ones that built the first interstate transportation systems, the railroads. :thup:
These Hands - YouTube

Romney also did something with four small business owners, and one of them put it best:

"If roads, bridges, and sidewalks were the reason my business is a success, then ALL Businesses would be a success, because they all have road, bridges, and sidewalks."

But that isn't the case. It's hard WORK and risk that makes a business a success.

Obama who hasn't had a real job in his LIFE, sits in judgement of those who do? And he's backed up by union thugs who have never worked in the private sector IN THEIR LIVES!

I love it! It's about time Romney got a clue about who Obama is and started fighting back!


What is a real job? Governor of MA, Mormon Recruiter, Investor with no skin in the game? Retiree still pulling down $21 Million per annum of other peoples money?


Buddy, you lost on that one!

Doesn't have to be a Liberal to be taken out of context, remember, I'm not a partisan hack.

Early indications place that in the false category.

I love the liberals that are so arrogant and condescending they claim they aren't partisan. It's just EVERYONE ELSE WHO DISAGREES WITH HIM WHO IS PARTISAN!

And then he thinks he fools people!


It's an abstract concept for most of you, I understand. :thup:
These Hands - YouTube

Romney also did something with four small business owners, and one of them put it best:

"If roads, bridges, and sidewalks were the reason my business is a success, then ALL Businesses would be a success, because they all have road, bridges, and sidewalks."

But that isn't the case. It's hard WORK and risk that makes a business a success.

Obama who hasn't had a real job in his LIFE, sits in judgement of those who do? And he's backed up by union thugs who have never worked in the private sector IN THEIR LIVES!

I love it! It's about time Romney got a clue about who Obama is and started fighting back!


What is a real job? Governor of MA, Mormon Recruiter, Investor with no skin in the game? Retiree still pulling down $21 Million per annum of other peoples money?


Buddy, you lost on that one!


I think he was a Senator at one point also. Sorry to hurt your narrative.
Republicans pouncing on Obama's 'you didn't build that' remark -

“If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help,” Obama said. “There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”

prove the business owners built the roads and bridges you lying sacks of shit
They paid the taxes that provided the cost that built the ROADS dimwit. Even in OBAMA own words you still defend his sorry ass. Get your head out of your ass already

and so did a whole buch of Americans who dont own a business

Let's see how much in taxes YOU pay, compared to your local small business, including the tax revenue they create BY CREATING JOB IN THE COMMUNITY AND NEW TAX PAYERS!


The U.S. government itself was an innovation created out of necessity, just like anything else great that has been created. People fled England's oppressive government rule and conceived a better, more limited government and then actually carried it out, fighting a war to make it happen no less. It's really no different than a person or people coming up with an idea for a great new product or service then working to make it happen, perhaps fighting off stuff competition in the marketplace in the process.

Anyone care to give credit to England's government for allowing our founders to make this happen?
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Republicans pouncing on Obama's 'you didn't build that' remark -

“If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help,” Obama said. “There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”

prove the business owners built the roads and bridges you lying sacks of shit

The people on welfare who use the roads and bridges didn't pay for them. The 47 percent of Americans who don't pay federal income taxes didn't pay for the highways. The leeches and moochers who use them every day didn't pay for them.

All those millions upon millions upon millions of people who use the roads and bridges every day did not build any businesses. Did not create jobs.

So business owners obviously did something all those other people did NOT do. And they did it THEMSELVES. Like the man said in the Opening Post.

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