Romney/Ryan Tax Plan:_____________________________________________ ?


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Romney, Ryan Refuse To Identify Tax Loopholes They’d Close

By Sahil Kapur

In separate interviews Sunday, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan refused to identify which tax loopholes they would close in order to pay for their large tax cuts.

On NBC’s “Meet The Press,” Romney dodged multiple questions about which deductions or credits he’d target, saying only that he’ll get rid of “some of the loopholes and deductions at the high end” while seeking to “lower the burden on middle income people.”

Pressed for one specific example, Romney replied, “Well, the specifics are these which is those principles I described are the heart of my policy.”

On ABC’s “This Week,” Ryan also fended off multiple questions about whether the Romney-Ryan tax plan should be taken seriously given its lack of details on which loopholes they would close.

“Mitt Romney and I, based on our experience, think the best way to do this is to show the framework, show the outlines of these plans, and then to work with Congress to do this. That’s how you get things done,” he said.

The Romney-Ryan plan would cut taxes beneath existing Bush-era levels, with benefits disproportionately for high earners, at a cost of roughly $5 trillion. They have vowed that the breaks would be revenue-neutral by way of closing tax credits and deductions but have persisted in their refusal to specify which ones, other than promising that the changes wouldn’t target middle class Americans.

A large chunk of the over $1 trillion in annual federal tax credits and deductions — including for home mortgage interest and employer-based health care — benefit middle class Americans. Other perks, like preferential tax treatment of capital gains and dividends, are strongly supported by Republicans, including Romney.

At the Democratic convention, Bill Clinton called the Romney tax plan mathematically unsound. In order to meet his targets, the former president said, Romney will “have to eliminate so many deductions, like the ones for home mortgages and charitable giving, that middle-class families will see their tax bills go up.” Otherwise, he said, “they’ll have to cut so much spending that they’ll obliterate the budget for the national parks, for ensuring clean air, clean water, safe food, safe air travel.”

More: Romney Refuses To Offer Details On His Tax Plan | TPM2012
I think the second home deduction should go away.
If you can afford a second home you can pay the taxes.

But back on topic.
Republicanism is a faith based religion.
I think the second home deduction should go away.
If you can afford a second home you can pay the taxes.

But back on topic.
Republicanism is a faith based religion.

you find it funny when Obama had a supermajority he didn't do this?

now all of a sudden it's a MAJOR big deal

naaa, I bet none of you cared then
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I think the second home deduction should go away.
If you can afford a second home you can pay the taxes.

But back on topic.
Republicanism is a faith based religion.

you find it funny when Obama had a supermajority he didn't do this?

now all of a sudden it's a MAJOR big deal

naaa, I bet none of you cared then

This one cared. It only took me till about April to figure out that Obama was another Bush.

And about that super majority what about the senator from MN that the right wing loser kept from getting seated for so long?
What did Obama say about Republican Economic policy? Take two tax cuts and some deregulation? That's it. That's all of it. If you don't have a job, then who cares about a tax cut?
What did Obama say about Republican Economic policy? Take two tax cuts and some deregulation? That's it. That's all of it. If you don't have a job, then who cares about a tax cut?

That is all they've ever espoused. That & legislating over women's body's ;)
What did Obama say about Republican Economic policy? Take two tax cuts and some deregulation? That's it. That's all of it. If you don't have a job, then who cares about a tax cut?

That is all they've ever espoused. That & legislating over women's body's ;)

What do you expect from people who think "demand" driving job creation is "absurd".
Why even bother to have debates if Romney and Ryan are just going to refuse to answer important questions?
Why even bother to have debates if Romney and Ryan are just going to refuse to answer important questions?

Sadly, they don't have to for the type of people that would vote for them.

you two crack me up

AGAIN, why didn't your dear leader do it when he had a SUPERMAJORITY?
never had a super majority for longer than a few months which , given the Right's stone walling/foot-dragging wasn't that much time
Fox News is in business because their model of success depends on their viewers not knowing the facts. Host of Fox News, Chris Wallace, made the incorrect assertion during an interview Sunday that President Barack Obama had a filibuster proof majority (60 out of 100 votes) in the Senate for two years. The actual fact is Democrats only had a filibuster proof majority for 133 days, a far cry from the over 700 days that Wallace gleefully interjected.
Why even bother to have debates if Romney and Ryan are just going to refuse to answer important questions?

“’You people’ have been told everything you need to know.”

Ain't that the truth, Obama didn't tell them anything about WHICH loopholes he would close, just that he wants to
give us a break

ummm..... steph :rolleyes: Do you know who he was quoting? :eusa_whistle: :clap2: :eusa_boohoo:
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Romney, Ryan Refuse To Identify Tax Loopholes They’d Close

By Sahil Kapur

In separate interviews Sunday, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan refused to identify which tax loopholes they would close in order to pay for their large tax cuts.

On NBC’s “Meet The Press,” Romney dodged multiple questions about which deductions or credits he’d target, saying only that he’ll get rid of “some of the loopholes and deductions at the high end” while seeking to “lower the burden on middle income people.”

Pressed for one specific example, Romney replied, “Well, the specifics are these which is those principles I described are the heart of my policy.”

On ABC’s “This Week,” Ryan also fended off multiple questions about whether the Romney-Ryan tax plan should be taken seriously given its lack of details on which loopholes they would close.

“Mitt Romney and I, based on our experience, think the best way to do this is to show the framework, show the outlines of these plans, and then to work with Congress to do this. That’s how you get things done,” he said.

The Romney-Ryan plan would cut taxes beneath existing Bush-era levels, with benefits disproportionately for high earners, at a cost of roughly $5 trillion. They have vowed that the breaks would be revenue-neutral by way of closing tax credits and deductions but have persisted in their refusal to specify which ones, other than promising that the changes wouldn’t target middle class Americans.

A large chunk of the over $1 trillion in annual federal tax credits and deductions — including for home mortgage interest and employer-based health care — benefit middle class Americans. Other perks, like preferential tax treatment of capital gains and dividends, are strongly supported by Republicans, including Romney.

At the Democratic convention, Bill Clinton called the Romney tax plan mathematically unsound. In order to meet his targets, the former president said, Romney will “have to eliminate so many deductions, like the ones for home mortgages and charitable giving, that middle-class families will see their tax bills go up.” Otherwise, he said, “they’ll have to cut so much spending that they’ll obliterate the budget for the national parks, for ensuring clean air, clean water, safe food, safe air travel.”
More: Romney Refuses To Offer Details On His Tax Plan | TPM2012
You don't have a brain?

Do you always have to post the opinion of someone else? Why is that? Too stupid to form your own opinion? Can't generate enough brain power to form an analysis of your own?

Why is that?
Romney, Ryan Refuse To Identify Tax Loopholes They’d Close

By Sahil Kapur

In separate interviews Sunday, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan refused to identify which tax loopholes they would close in order to pay for their large tax cuts.

On NBC’s “Meet The Press,” Romney dodged multiple questions about which deductions or credits he’d target, saying only that he’ll get rid of “some of the loopholes and deductions at the high end” while seeking to “lower the burden on middle income people.”

Pressed for one specific example, Romney replied, “Well, the specifics are these which is those principles I described are the heart of my policy.”

On ABC’s “This Week,” Ryan also fended off multiple questions about whether the Romney-Ryan tax plan should be taken seriously given its lack of details on which loopholes they would close.

“Mitt Romney and I, based on our experience, think the best way to do this is to show the framework, show the outlines of these plans, and then to work with Congress to do this. That’s how you get things done,” he said.

The Romney-Ryan plan would cut taxes beneath existing Bush-era levels, with benefits disproportionately for high earners, at a cost of roughly $5 trillion. They have vowed that the breaks would be revenue-neutral by way of closing tax credits and deductions but have persisted in their refusal to specify which ones, other than promising that the changes wouldn’t target middle class Americans.

A large chunk of the over $1 trillion in annual federal tax credits and deductions — including for home mortgage interest and employer-based health care — benefit middle class Americans. Other perks, like preferential tax treatment of capital gains and dividends, are strongly supported by Republicans, including Romney.

At the Democratic convention, Bill Clinton called the Romney tax plan mathematically unsound. In order to meet his targets, the former president said, Romney will “have to eliminate so many deductions, like the ones for home mortgages and charitable giving, that middle-class families will see their tax bills go up.” Otherwise, he said, “they’ll have to cut so much spending that they’ll obliterate the budget for the national parks, for ensuring clean air, clean water, safe food, safe air travel.”
More: Romney Refuses To Offer Details On His Tax Plan | TPM2012

Why are you complaining about the lack of details from
Romney but giving Obama a pass for not giving any details?

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