Romney Says Humans Responsible For Global Warming


Gold Member
Oct 19, 2008
"The world is getting warmer": Romney

By Ros Krasny

MANCHESTER, New Hampshire (Reuters) - Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney broke with Republican orthodoxy on Friday by saying he believes that humans are responsible, at least to some extent, for climate change.

"I believe the world is getting warmer, and I believe that humans have contributed to that," he told a crowd of about 200 at a town hall meeting in Manchester, New Hampshire.

"It's important for us to reduce our emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases that may be significant contributors."

"The world is getting warmer": Romney - Politics & Elections News

Romney is toast. Any thought contrary to the extreme right has no place in the Republican Party. The comments on Fox Nation are running 10-1 against his statement.
No matter how nauseatingly terrible another 4 years of Obama may look, we must resist all attempts to have that RINO Romney selected for us as the Republican nominee. Romney is just a slightly younger McCain.
No matter how nauseatingly terrible another 4 years of Obama may look, we must resist all attempts to have that RINO Romney selected for us as the Republican nominee. Romney is just a slightly younger McCain.

He's stronger on the economy than pretty much anyone else - on either side - and that includes POTUS. And, right now, I'll take a RINO who's strong economically over almost anyone.
Electing a proven successful business man who has created jobs and turned businesses around would be a foolish thing to do at this time. It would be an admission that those who voted for BO made a mistake. How could anyone on the left be so damn stupid to actually vote for someone qualified for the office? Preposterous. We need someone who excites us and makes us cheer, not someone who is competent and successful.
"The world is getting warmer": Romney

By Ros Krasny

MANCHESTER, New Hampshire (Reuters) - Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney broke with Republican orthodoxy on Friday by saying he believes that humans are responsible, at least to some extent, for climate change.

"I believe the world is getting warmer, and I believe that humans have contributed to that," he told a crowd of about 200 at a town hall meeting in Manchester, New Hampshire.

"It's important for us to reduce our emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases that may be significant contributors."

"The world is getting warmer": Romney - Politics & Elections News

Romney is toast. Any thought contrary to the extreme right has no place in the Republican Party. The comments on Fox Nation are running 10-1 against his statement.

hello, your thread title is highly misleading....:rolleyes:

he said-

and I believe that humans have contributed to that,


that may be significant contributors.

you do understand that 'may' is a modal verb, qualifier etc.?
No matter how nauseatingly terrible another 4 years of Obama may look, we must resist all attempts to have that RINO Romney selected for us as the Republican nominee. Romney is just a slightly younger McCain.
He's stronger on the economy than pretty much anyone else - on either side - and that includes POTUS. And, right now, I'll take a RINO who's strong economically over almost anyone.
That was the thinking that brought us Obama. But I must ask you, how is he "strong on the economy?"
I'm looking at his webpage and quite frankly, i just see lot's of platitudes and electioneering. Any politician can say those things. But the fact remains, he introduced RomneyCare to Massachusetts.
How is that any different (other than on a sheer scale) than what Obama did?
Policy | Mitt Romney for President

Plus, he's long on ideas but short on specifics. He says he's for "open markets" but that's what we have now and look at where our economy is. We need tariffs not open markets. NAFTA and GATT are failures don't you agree?
"The world is getting warmer": Romney

By Ros Krasny

MANCHESTER, New Hampshire (Reuters) - Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney broke with Republican orthodoxy on Friday by saying he believes that humans are responsible, at least to some extent, for climate change.

"I believe the world is getting warmer, and I believe that humans have contributed to that," he told a crowd of about 200 at a town hall meeting in Manchester, New Hampshire.

"It's important for us to reduce our emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases that may be significant contributors."

"The world is getting warmer": Romney - Politics & Elections News

Romney is toast. Any thought contrary to the extreme right has no place in the Republican Party. The comments on Fox Nation are running 10-1 against his statement.

hello, your thread title is highly misleading....:rolleyes:

he said-

and I believe that humans have contributed to that,


that may be significant contributors.

you do understand that 'may' is a modal verb, qualifier etc.?

Are you seriously going to try to twist this into that he didn't say it? LMAO!
Hey, I happen to agree with him. He just doesn't think we need to jump off the cliff about it when other countries are doing nothing either. All I'm saying is that by saying this, a huge percentage of Republicans will never support him now. He's finished.
"The world is getting warmer": Romney

By Ros Krasny

"The world is getting warmer": Romney - Politics & Elections News

Romney is toast. Any thought contrary to the extreme right has no place in the Republican Party. The comments on Fox Nation are running 10-1 against his statement.

hello, your thread title is highly misleading....:rolleyes:

he said-


that may be significant contributors.

you do understand that 'may' is a modal verb, qualifier etc.?

Are you seriously going to try to twist this into that he didn't say it? LMAO!
Hey, I happen to agree with him. He just doesn't think we need to jump off the cliff about it when other countries are doing nothing either. All I'm saying is that by saying this, a huge percentage of Republicans will never support him now. He's finished.

I am saying you have a fractured, self serving grasp of English [comprehension].
Romney just lost me on his climate change remarks. He will have to prove to me that he is not a cap and trader. Meanwhile I am looking at the other candidates to see who might be closest to my philosophy of government. I sure hope I don't have to hold my nose to vote for the Republican candidate next year like I did for McCain.

I am hoping someone will come forward and in so many words adopt a campaign theme that says "Freedom First", which to me means economic freedom, energy freedom, healthcare freedom, education freedom and promoting freedom at home and abroad. I believe, as Thomas Jefferson did that " the government that governs least governs best". I am not sure that candidate has come forward yet. But this quote has not lost its truth.
hello, your thread title is highly misleading....:rolleyes:

he said-


you do understand that 'may' is a modal verb, qualifier etc.?

Are you seriously going to try to twist this into that he didn't say it? LMAO!
Hey, I happen to agree with him. He just doesn't think we need to jump off the cliff about it when other countries are doing nothing either. All I'm saying is that by saying this, a huge percentage of Republicans will never support him now. He's finished.

I am saying you have a fractured, self serving grasp of English [comprehension].

You are a riot. I post the article that states exactly what he said, and you try to twist into me not understanding what he said or twisting into what I want him to have said. Actually, I don't give a crap, because whether or not humans are responsible, there is nothing we can or will do to change it, at least in the next 100 years. I was more interested in the Republican's reaction.

But that obviously went right over your head. Talk about a lack of comprehension....
"The world is getting warmer": Romney

By Ros Krasny

MANCHESTER, New Hampshire (Reuters) - Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney broke with Republican orthodoxy on Friday by saying he believes that humans are responsible, at least to some extent, for climate change.

"I believe the world is getting warmer, and I believe that humans have contributed to that," he told a crowd of about 200 at a town hall meeting in Manchester, New Hampshire.

"It's important for us to reduce our emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases that may be significant contributors."

"The world is getting warmer": Romney - Politics & Elections News

Romney is toast. Any thought contrary to the extreme right has no place in the Republican Party. The comments on Fox Nation are running 10-1 against his statement.

That and 'RomneyCare' being touted by Obama as a Model for Obamacare...
Good. He alienates the extreme, club for growth, rape & pillage- type righties :)
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Romney is toast. Any thought contrary to the extreme right has no place in the Republican Party. The comments on Fox Nation are running 10-1 against his statement.

Perhaps he'll walk it back. He can't let the inner pragmatist out until the campaign is over.
In case y'all missed it...The GOP's golden dollop, Chris Christie, has thrown in with the moonbats too.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie delighted conservatives last week when he pledged to withdraw his state from the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) of Northeastern states. Conservative delight, however, quickly turned to frustration as Christie emphasized he was merely taking issue with the political and economic mechanisms of RGGI, but did not disagree with the notion that humans are causing a global warming problem that needs to be addressed.

By apparently carrying water for liberal propaganda regarding one of the most important issues in current political discourse, Christie has shot himself in the foot regarding a key component of his Republican political base.

Chris Christie Exposes His Right Flank On Global Warming - James Taylor - Endpoint Analysis - Forbes

Looks like the RP is trying to throw the fight again.
Barring Sarah's Palin's IQ doubling overnight, Mitt will be the GOP nominee. There is no one else, even on the horizon. The Baggers are going to have to deal with it.
You have to BE a human to know what humans think.

No matter how nauseatingly terrible another 4 years of Obama may look, we must resist all attempts to have that RINO Romney selected for us as the Republican nominee. Romney is just a slightly younger McCain.

He's stronger on the economy than pretty much anyone else - on either side - and that includes POTUS. And, right now, I'll take a RINO who's strong economically over almost anyone.

How is he "stronger?" He's the one responsible for "Romney Care," if you don't recall.
Good. He alienates the extreme, club for growth, rape & pillage- type righties :)

"Rape and pillage" is what Democrats do. Obamacare is rape and pillage. Cap and Trade is rape and pillage. The "stimulus" is rape and pillage. The GM bailout is rape and pillage.

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