Romney Tax Plan.... Here we go...


Apr 25, 2011
Incomes up to 20k, will see a 60% increase.

50-75K, will see a 2.2% decrease.

More than 1M???? a 15% decrease.

it will add $600B to the deficit....

Let's hear it for Willard.
Bump.... no one wants to comment? You lower income people have no problem with your taxes going up, while the rich get a 15% cut?
Incomes up to 20k, will see a 60% increase.

50-75K, will see a 2.2% decrease.

More than 1M???? a 15% decrease.

it will add $600B to the deficit....

Let's hear it for Willard.

Only 600 billion?

Pocket change. Were able to increase spending faster then that. We have had three years as proof.
Somebody needs to tell Gordon Gekko that you can't get blood from a turnip.

but, by gawd, that weasel will try.

WHY would any intelligent person vote for this? And, Preacher Santorum's "pln: is basically the same - Steal from the working class, give to the 1%.
Incomes up to 20k, will see a 60% increase.

50-75K, will see a 2.2% decrease.

More than 1M???? a 15% decrease.

it will add $600B to the deficit....

Let's hear it for Willard.

Well, I can't say much until I know what in God's name he thinks this will accomplish. It looks like a tax plan but without the "plan" part.
Incomes up to 20k, will see a 60% increase.

50-75K, will see a 2.2% decrease.

More than 1M???? a 15% decrease.

it will add $600B to the deficit....

Let's hear it for Willard.

I guess we just take your word on this one eh. No need for a link or anything.
it will add $600B to the deficit.....

Really? That centuries of the greatest economic thinkers have been debating the correlation between tax rates and revenue makes your pinpoint assurance of a future economic outcome...a bit silly.

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When Mitt Romney suggested this week that he pays a lower tax rate than most wealthy Americans do, he refocused attention on his tax proposals — which, like those of his major Republican rivals, would largely cut taxes for the rich while driving down tax collections and widening the nation's deficit.

Romney's tax plan — which calls for permanently extending the Bush administration's tax cuts, reducing the corporate income tax rate and eliminating the estate tax — would cut the taxes of people earning more than $1 million a year by an average of $295,874, according to an analysis by the Tax Policy Center, a nonpartisan research group.

Since Romney would also allow some of President Barack Obama's tax cuts to expire, his plan would effectively raise taxes on some people earning less than $40,000 a year. The Romney tax plan would add to the deficit by reducing federal revenues by $600 billion in 2015, a 16 percent cut, the center found.

Read more: Romney tax plan favors rich - Times Union
Romney’s tax plan would cut his own taxes by nearly half, new analysis finds - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

Another way to put this: If Romney, whose wealth is estimated at as much as $250 million, is elected president and gets his way on tax policy, he would pay barely more than half as much in taxes than he would if Obama is reelected and gets his way — and the Bush tax cuts on the wealthy expire and an additional Medicare tax as part of the Affordable Care Act kicks in.

Here’s how Citizens for Tax Justice, which is liberal leaning but nonpartisan, calculated this finding. It’s based on Romney’s 2011 financial disclosure form for the year 2010, which reported that Romney made an annual income that year of between $6.6 million and $40 million.

Some of that was based on royalties, salary, and interest, which would have been taxed at 35 percent, though that payment was minimized dramatically by deductions. A far bigger chunk was in and capital gains and dividends, which would have been taxed at the lower rate of 15 percent.
TPC Tax Topics | romney-plan

In his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination, Mitt Romney has proposed permanently extending the 2001-03 tax cuts, eliminating taxation of investment income of most individual taxpayers, reducing the corporate income tax, eliminating the estate tax, and repealing the taxes enacted in 2010’s health reform legislation. The Tax Policy Center (TPC) has completed a preliminary analysis of the Romney plan, based on information posted on the campaign website and email exchanges with campaign policy advisors.
Mitt Romney's 'timid' tax plan - Jan. 5, 2012

If the Bush tax cuts remain in place -- something Romney favors -- the federal government would bring in $180 billion less in 2015 under Romney's plan, according to an analysis conducted by the Tax Policy Center, a group of tax experts who have already examined the plans of Gingrich and Rick Perry.

The rich would see the most benefit, with individuals in the top 1% receiving a tax cut of more than $80,000, while the average person would get a little more than $1,000 break.

"In many ways, Romney's tax plank is a fairly mainstream Republican offering," Howard Gleckman of TPC said in a blog post. The plan, he said, contains "no major tax reform."

Romney would leave marginal tax rates on income at their current levels, while eliminating taxes on interest, dividends and capital gains for taxpayers who make less than $200,000.

The Romney plan also calls for the elimination of the estate tax, and a reduction in the tax rate paid by corporations from 35% to 25%.
Incomes up to 20k, will see a 60% increase.

50-75K, will see a 2.2% decrease.

More than 1M???? a 15% decrease.

it will add $600B to the deficit....

Let's hear it for Willard.

Only 600 billion?

Pocket change. Were able to increase spending faster then that. We have had three years as proof.

So.... adding to the deficit is OK when if Willard were to do it? So... the Conservative issues aren't with the debt... it's with Obama.... got it.
Incomes up to 20k, will see a 60% increase.

50-75K, will see a 2.2% decrease.

More than 1M???? a 15% decrease.

it will add $600B to the deficit....

Let's hear it for Willard.

Only 600 billion?

Pocket change. Were able to increase spending faster then that. We have had three years as proof.

So.... adding to the deficit is OK when if Willard were to do it? So... the Conservative issues aren't with the debt... it's with Obama.... got it.

Both parties are going to add to the deficit. We already know which party will rack up the quickest debt. He is currently in Office. A fact that can not be refuted.

Then as Obama care goes into full swing democrats once again will have to threaten seniors and their checks.
BTW... thanks Rocks for the links.... I went to bed after I bumped the thread.
Only 600 billion?

Pocket change. Were able to increase spending faster then that. We have had three years as proof.

So.... adding to the deficit is OK when if Willard were to do it? So... the Conservative issues aren't with the debt... it's with Obama.... got it.

Both parties are going to add to the deficit. We already know which party will rack up the quickest debt. He is currently in Office. A fact that can not be refuted.

Then as Obama care goes into full swing democrats once again will have to threaten seniors and their checks.

wow. You are an apologist, aren't you? You have clear evidence of "more of the same" from Romney. It's just another handout to the wealthy and making the rest pay more..... and you support it. How many times does this have to happen before you guys get it?

You have been assimilated.
So.... adding to the deficit is OK when if Willard were to do it? So... the Conservative issues aren't with the debt... it's with Obama.... got it.

Both parties are going to add to the deficit. We already know which party will rack up the quickest debt. He is currently in Office. A fact that can not be refuted.

Then as Obama care goes into full swing democrats once again will have to threaten seniors and their checks.

wow. You are an apologist, aren't you? You have clear evidence of "more of the same" from Romney. It's just another handout to the wealthy and making the rest pay more..... and you support it. How many times does this have to happen before you guys get it?

You have been assimilated.

Already with the projections..

You dont have a credible bone to stand on. But go ahead project some more.

Its all you ever have.

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