Romney to cut 280,000 Jobs. Just ask him.

If the jobs are redundant, then yes. Why keep jobs we no longer need? How much you want to bet most of the jobs lost are due to demographic and population changes, where the number of workers exceeds the number required for the current population?

You also didnt answer the part of my question to where federal jobs have been lost.

I posted public sector jobs.

In any don't have a problem with it.

So..there is no argument here. You applaud this.

The original post was about eliminating 280,000 federal jobs. You then brought up the unemployment numbers and said they are mostly due to public sector, but state and local.

I dont like continuing any jobs that become redundant or uneconomical.

You still HAVE NOT answered my question regarding the current loss of federal jobs, which I do not see happening.
Liberals - what exacly does the government produce ?

Just a couple of examples...


Your job.

I don't work for the government

Your pension.

The government does not contribute to my retirement savings

Your health benefits.

The government does not pay for my medical care or health insurance.

I was referring to Warrior specifically, thanks though.
I dont see many commercials showing suffering laid of federal government workers. You got a source to back up that claim?

None that you folks will believe.
Government Job Loss: President Obama’s Catch 22 - ABC News
Democrats Hit Mitt Romney for Comment on Teachers, First Responders - ABC News

Since Obama took office, 636,000 state and local jobs have been cut. In 2011 alone, 113,000 jobs were cut in local schools, 68,000 jobs were cut in local government administration, and 78,000 jobs were cut in state government administration, according to a Commerce Department report.

You should be cheering

State and local jobs have nothing to do with the federal government.

In fact they do. That you believe differently is absolutely wrong and suggests your total ignorance of budgets on the Federal level as well as State, Local and Special Districts levels.

See: USDOJ: Business & Grants: Grants

Or, goggle any government dept. (Justice is the one I'm familiar with) and see how the Fed's interact with local agencies.

State and local jobs have nothing to do with the federal government.

In fact they do. That you believe differently is absolutely wrong and suggests your total ignorance of budgets on the Federal level as well as State, Local and Special Districts levels.

See: USDOJ: Business & Grants: Grants

Or, goggle any government dept. (Justice is the one I'm familiar with) and see how the Fed's interact with local agencies.

More federal overreach that should be done away with.

State and local jobs have nothing to do with the federal government.

In fact they do. That you believe differently is absolutely wrong and suggests your total ignorance of budgets on the Federal level as well as State, Local and Special Districts levels.

See: USDOJ: Business & Grants: Grants

Or, goggle any government dept. (Justice is the one I'm familiar with) and see how the Fed's interact with local agencies.

Let me clarify. State and local government jobs SHOULDNT have anything to do with the federal government. Right now those that do rely on pass through money, that is taxed federally and then "given back" to the states. Of course there are people running this at the federal level, so the amount given back is by logic less than paid.

What should happen is programs like that should be eliminated, and the savings shown in lower federal taxes. At that point states and localities can decide to fund those tasks, and tax accordingly.
Yeah dumbfuck, that's the plan.

Slim down the Federal govt by trimming the fat. Obamination has bloated the Federal payroll in addition to the debt, so cutting the inflated payroll will help reduce the debt.....what a concept.

First, get rid of those additional 10,000 IRS agents Obamination created with Obamacare.....

The Governor pledges to cut 10% of Federal Government Jobs. From his website:

Reduce The Federal Workforce By 10 Percent Via Attrition — Savings: $4 Billion. Despite widespread layoffs in the private sector, President Obama has continued to grow the federal payrolls. The federal workforce can be reduced by 10 percent through a “1-for-2” system of attrition, thereby reducing the number of federal employees while allowing the introduction of new talent into the federal service.

Free Republic's website place the figure at 2.8 million employees. So 10 percent will be 280,000 employees getting a pink slip with Romney being elected. Bain's business model inflicted on the US is a bad proposition.

The savings is $4B or something close to what, less than .5% of the federal debt?
The government doesn't produce any of those things for me.

You're not a government employee.

You do realize that those who aren't government employees are the ones who pay the salaries of government employees don't you?

So anything that cuts the expense of government is a good thing for those of us who foot the bill.

Of course. What does that have to do with what I said to Warrior?
Yeah dumbfuck, that's the plan.

Slim down the Federal govt by trimming the fat. Obamination has bloated the Federal payroll in addition to the debt, so cutting the inflated payroll will help reduce the debt.....what a concept.

First, get rid of those additional 10,000 IRS agents Obamination created with Obamacare.....

The Governor pledges to cut 10% of Federal Government Jobs. From his website:

Reduce The Federal Workforce By 10 Percent Via Attrition — Savings: $4 Billion. Despite widespread layoffs in the private sector, President Obama has continued to grow the federal payrolls. The federal workforce can be reduced by 10 percent through a “1-for-2” system of attrition, thereby reducing the number of federal employees while allowing the introduction of new talent into the federal service.
Free Republic's website place the figure at 2.8 million employees. So 10 percent will be 280,000 employees getting a pink slip with Romney being elected. Bain's business model inflicted on the US is a bad proposition.

The savings is $4B or something close to what, less than .5% of the federal debt?

$4B on a $16T debt. That is progress.
The Governor pledges to cut 10% of Federal Government Jobs. From his website:

Reduce The Federal Workforce By 10 Percent Via Attrition — Savings: $4 Billion. Despite widespread layoffs in the private sector, President Obama has continued to grow the federal payrolls. The federal workforce can be reduced by 10 percent through a “1-for-2” system of attrition, thereby reducing the number of federal employees while allowing the introduction of new talent into the federal service.

Free Republic's website place the figure at 2.8 million employees. So 10 percent will be 280,000 employees getting a pink slip with Romney being elected. Bain's business model inflicted on the US is a bad proposition.

The savings is $4B or something close to what, less than .5% of the federal debt?

More twisting, where do you get that 280,000 will get pink slips.

The what I see is a 1-2 attrition process which is slow way to drop the waste, at the same time, they will add new talent.

Looks balanced to me.

Saving any money at this time is a good thing.
Reduce The Federal Workforce By 10 Percent Via Attrition — Savings: $4 Billion. Despite widespread layoffs in the private sector, President Obama has continued to grow the federal payrolls. The federal workforce can be reduced by 10 percent through a “1-for-2” system of attrition, thereby reducing the number of federal employees while allowing the introduction of new talent into the federal service.

Yup a good start.

The Fed Govt is a fat bloated pig that should have been trimmed long ago.

The Govt doesn't make money. It spends it by the boatload and we taxpayers foot the bill. Plenty of people sucking at that Govt tit. Get rid of a few.
Got a link to that $4b?

Oh, right!!! Like a good little lemming, you just copied it from the little girl's post.....or something like that.

When you find your abacus, you might want to know that the rough avg fed employee salary is $80K, give or take a few thou.

The answer is closer to $22B - over 5X your $4B.

What's that you say? That's still only 2.5% of a 16T debt??

Naw, your figures are still off but doesn't matter. We'll still have to find MORE things to cut....and cut......and cut. Unless, of course, you're under the impression that we'll be able to find a single item costing us 16T that we can cut in one swell foop......
The government doesn't produce any of those things for me.

You're not a government employee.

You do realize that those who aren't government employees are the ones who pay the salaries of government employees don't you?

So anything that cuts the expense of government is a good thing for those of us who foot the bill.

Who pays my salary isn't relevant. You must realize that when 911 is called the government in the form of first providers will respond and risk life or limb to aid the person in jeopardy; no one will ask if the person in trouble is a citizen or employed.

You might, if you thought about it, realize those government employees also pay income, sales, real estate and other taxes too, as well as the same fees for service - garbage, water, schools, special districts, etc. as do private sector employees.

You do realize that government employees 'buy' the service and products of those in the private sector too, don't you? So, in fact, when I buy my lunch I'm paying the salary of the shopkeeper and his/her employees. They profit from my business.

The essence of your comment can be reduced to Us v. Them; why do you disrespect Americans who have chosen to work in he public sector?

Envy? Civil Service has standards; to be a police officer or deputy sheriff you will need to pass a basic written test; pass the physical examination and be able to meet MQ's as to strength and speed; pass a written and two psychological interview exams, and place high on at least three separate interviews, one panel of three from outside agencies (usually one women, one man and one person of color representing the community served), another by in house management and supervisory staff and a final one by division managers seeking to hire for placement under their direct control.

Then, a conditional offer of employment will be given to the candidate and a full and complete background investigation is conducted. Once this is completed the probationary officer will be assigned to a training officer who will spent the next 12 months training and evaluating the actions of the probationary employee. During this period the new employee can be let go if it is determined he or she is unfit for the job.

What standards do you have to meet to get the private sector job you have?
You're not a government employee.

You do realize that those who aren't government employees are the ones who pay the salaries of government employees don't you?

So anything that cuts the expense of government is a good thing for those of us who foot the bill.

Who pays my salary isn't relevant. You must realize that when 911 is called the government in the form of first providers will respond and risk life or limb to aid the person in jeopardy; no one will ask if the person in trouble is a citizen or employed.

You might, if you thought about it, realize those government employees also pay income, sales, real estate and other taxes too, as well as the same fees for service - garbage, water, schools, special districts, etc. as do private sector employees.

You do realize that government employees 'buy' the service and products of those in the private sector too, don't you? So, in fact, when I buy my lunch I'm paying the salary of the shopkeeper and his/her employees. They profit from my business.

The essence of your comment can be reduced to Us v. Them; why do you disrespect Americans who have chosen to work in he public sector?

Envy? Civil Service has standards; to be a police officer or deputy sheriff you will need to pass a basic written test; pass the physical examination and be able to meet MQ's as to strength and speed; pass a written and two psychological interview exams, and place high on at least three separate interviews, one panel of three from outside agencies (usually one women, one man and one person of color representing the community served), another by in house management and supervisory staff and a final one by division managers seeking to hire for placement under their direct control.

Then, a conditional offer of employment will be given to the candidate and a full and complete background investigation is conducted. Once this is completed the probationary officer will be assigned to a training officer who will spent the next 12 months training and evaluating the actions of the probationary employee. During this period the new employee can be let go if it is determined he or she is unfit for the job.

What standards do you have to meet to get the private sector job you have?

A masters degree in engineering, and a NYS PE license.

My issue isnt with the hiring of Civil servants, its the fact that once hired it is almost impossible to get rid of them, even if thier jobs become redundant, or they stop performing up to the level expected of them.
The left doesn't get it. TO them a job is a job. So if gov't hires people to dig ditches, that lowers unemployment. And it provides a multiplier because they spend the money they "earn". This is the "logic" behind Nancy Pelosi sayng food stamps were a stimulus, and other ignorant stupid statements of the sort.

The left does not understand that the money has to come from someplace. They think they can tax the wealthy into providing prosperity for a population that exists solely to be supported by the wealthy. This is exactly what happened to Greece. The left can't see that, it's something they can't comprehend. They are like children thinking that mom and dad should be required to give them everything they want.

The economy has lost 600,000 public sector jobs since Obama became president. You should be happy.

The New York Times tells a different story.
Total government employment was 21,969,000 in May 2012, a reduction of about 600,000 jobs. But looking only at the federal work force under Mr. Obama’s direct control, then government employment has actually gone up. He inherited a federal work force of 2,061,700, and it rose slightly through June 2009 to 2,109,700; by May of this year, it had grown further to 2,204,100, a 7 percent increase.

As you can see, he only chooses numbers that make him him look good.
Yeah dumbfuck, that's the plan.

Slim down the Federal govt by trimming the fat. Obamination has bloated the Federal payroll in addition to the debt, so cutting the inflated payroll will help reduce the debt.....what a concept.

First, get rid of those additional 10,000 IRS agents Obamination created with Obamacare.....

The Governor pledges to cut 10% of Federal Government Jobs. From his website:

Free Republic's website place the figure at 2.8 million employees. So 10 percent will be 280,000 employees getting a pink slip with Romney being elected. Bain's business model inflicted on the US is a bad proposition.

The savings is $4B or something close to what, less than .5% of the federal debt?

$4B on a $16T debt. That is progress.

Hey, every little bit helps. LOL

I wonder about the Governor's math. Getting rid of 10% of the federal workforce is about 280,000 workers according to Free Republic. That comes out to about $14,285.72 per employee who will be purged from the books and put onto unemployment. I don't know many Federal Workers who make $14,285 per year. I would think the savings would be much larger than $4B.

However lets double it to $8B...still a drop in the bucket for the Governor who iis supposedly a good CEO.

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