Romney will never be President of the United States.

Sounds like a totally bullshit story to me. ACA isn't going to to have much of a negative impact on your "friend"'s small business.

Do you even know HOW the ACA affects small businesses? Do you know about the tax credit to help alleviate costs and receive other financial help to the point that it doesn't really have that great of an impact at all on his own personal business bottom line?

No, of course you don't, because that doesn't play with your narrative of your make believe friend and his make believe business.

ooo, the I'm a liar cuz I got no links to my friend attack.


If he doesn't provide ins, he will be fined $2000 dollars for every full time employee or it's equivalent.

that's what he told me and he said he can't pass the cost on and stay in business.

I have no reason to make this up. I could banter on and on about how liberals figured out how to tax nothing and make it Constitutional.
Sounds like a totally bullshit story to me. ACA isn't going to to have much of a negative impact on your "friend"'s small business.

Do you even know HOW the ACA affects small businesses? Do you know about the tax credit to help alleviate costs and receive other financial help to the point that it doesn't really have that great of an impact at all on his own personal business bottom line?

No, of course you don't, because that doesn't play with your narrative of your make believe friend and his make believe business.

ooo, the I'm a liar cuz I got no links to my friend attack.


If he doesn't provide ins, he will be fined $2000 dollars for every full time employee or it's equivalent.

that's what he told me and he said he can't pass the cost on and stay in business.

I have no reason to make this up. I could banter on and on about how liberals figured out how to tax nothing and make it Constitutional.

If your friend has under 50 employees and doesn't pay them more than 50,000 a year, there's no reason at all why he should be having the problems you're describing. There are tons of things in place that will help him provide the coverage for his employees at very little cost to himself or his business.

Why don't you pass along this information to your friend, to help him out on his ignorance and his business.

You'll be his hero.

Or you can just keep using him as some sort of trump card that doesn't really play well.
Can you name a bill the Republicans have blocked?

Tax on Companies that ship jobs overseas
Political Ad disclosure bill
Subpoena Power for the Committee investigating the BP Oil Spill
The Small Business Jobs Act

Check here: Bills Republicans Have Blocked | Addicting Info and

"From Crooks and Liars - When John McCain led the filibuster of the Defense Appropriations Act yesterday, he blocked far more than the DREAM Act and repeal of DADT. Here are just a few of the other blocked provisions, courtesy of Mother Jones.

No permanent military bases in Afghanistan.
Report identifying hybrid or electric propulsion systems and other fuel-saving technologies for incorporation into tactical motor vehicles.
Protection of child custody arrangements for parents who are members of the Armed Forces deployed in support of a contingency operation.
Improvements to Department of Defense domestic violence programs.
Department of Defense recognition of spouses of members of the Armed Forces.
Department of Defense recognition of children of members of the Armed Forces.
Enhancements to the Troops-to-Teachers Program.
Fiscal year 2011 increase in military basic pay.
Improving aural protection for members of the Armed Forces.
Comprehensive policy on neurocognitive assessment by the military health care system.
Authority to make excess nonlethal supplies available for domestic emergency assistance."
Election cancelled.

Sallow said it so it must be true. :lol: :lol:

After all, we should have just thrown Scott Walker out based on Chrissy's say-so, instead of having the recall.....

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lol, A majority of the people can't stand ObamaTAX, but that is going to get him re-elected?

man oh man, Obamabots are getting desperate
"America is great because America is good. If America ever ceases to be good it will cease to be great." -- Alexis de Tocqueville

Alexis de Tocqueville Quote - Liberty Quotes Blog

MAYBE de Tocqueville said, this, see Democracy in America. Some insist he didn't say it.

What did Meat-Mittens white Obamney say? Don't bring up Bain, Bullygate, or Mormonism. Some say his campaign flacks put this out. Either way, a dude who made a lot of money, by cutting jobs, out-sourcing, refinancing, and diving entire businesses is NOT going to attract independent voters, no matter how many retards vote for him.

No matter what black Obamney did, even if he reneged on all his promises, and even though he stupidly copied Republican policies, so the US is no longer great or even good, but rather, the US is a shit-house, about to go bankrupt, at any moment, white Obamney is not going to get the votes, which he needs, to take swing states.

Bigretardedqueenofcalinkey, see if somebody invited you, to a July 5 picnic. No?!
Romney even blew the tax vs penalty meme. All in the same day!
The "jewel" was correctly identifying the obamatax as a tax. Not only a tax, but the largest tax increase ever, in history.
That was a bad move.

Healthcare reform in and of itself will not seal victory for Obama this November.

It really depends on how many other voters ask that same queston "what fuck ups"?

For my 2 cents, it boils down to failing to promote the domestic economy by allowing industry and commerce to function under the profit motive regardless of perceived inequities in taxpayer burdens.

He's a bookworm and a low-value asset to this nation.

It's not the health care reform..that did it.

It's the fact that Obama in the face of opposition from people in his own administration went ahead and pushed for the reform. He did it with ideas from both parties. And the GOP , in an extremely petulant move, went full bore to get it repealed. Not because they really hated it..but because they wanted to unseat the President.

The fact they expended so much political capital to do it..and failed, makes the entire GOP look incredibly weak.

And the inverse of that it makes Obama look like a very strong leader.

That was the "Jewel" of Romney's case to be President.

It's gone.

Romney has absolutely nothing left.

As I said, this "victory" will not seal Obama's election in November. Nor would its defeat have sealed Romney's victory.

The guy is just plain bad news when it comes to piloting a nation that is fueld by the engines of commerce and not the heartstrings of liberal-guided perceptions of "equity".

Depends on what you mean by the "engines of commerce". In terms of saving some very important "engines" without much pain to the captains of those engines..Obama was a huge help. Both the financial and auto industries were re-capitalized with little penalty for some really bad behavior. And while I disagreed with it, because doing what was done, lends itself to the repetition of the very things that caused the crisis, it would have been politically difficult to do otherwise. The bottom line for me..would have been bringing back Glass-Steagall and introducing some very strict controls on trading. Additionally, putting some of the architects of the meltdown behind Dick Fuld..would have been a stark warning to anyone in the future that this sorts of acts would not be tolerated.

Those things didn't happen, which seems to me, a big waste of a good crisis.

“I’m not familiar with precisely what I said, but I stand by what I said, whatever it was." - Mitt Romney
How the hell do you not know what you would have said regarding something you have political opinions about?

Obviously you don't have to recall word for word what you said, but you can most certainly know the gist of it and say it again.

It just goes to prove that he doesn't really have any convictions. He's an amorphous blob of opinion.
One wonders what possible purpose might be behind the thread: After all, who would have predicted the ascent of Barak Hussein Obama?

I'm betting that Dem's repeat "Romney will never be President" whenever they have a wet dream about Barak, and need to get beck to sleep.

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