Romney will never be President of the United States.

Roberts is yet another example of everything Bush touching turning to shit.

Not a big fan of Heller or Citizen's United..

And this decision could be very interesting in the long run.

But it did assure Obama's re-election.

Out of morbid curiosity, I must ask: what is it about this utterly ridiculous, asinine ruling that you think is going to make people vote for Obama? Everyone brain-damaged enough to actually BELIEVE this bullshit - ie. you and the other liberal flatliners on this board - were already going to vote for him.
Why do you call him Barak? Barak is Hebrew. Means lightning or thunder.

It's actually quite the compliment considering who Barak is in the bible!

You conservative morons really love making him have biblical connotations.
Roberts is yet another example of everything Bush touching turning to shit.

Not a big fan of Heller or Citizen's United..

And this decision could be very interesting in the long run.

But it did assure Obama's re-election.

You keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep at night.

The more he gets his hopes up, the more delicious it will be to watch them dashed to ruins in November.
Why do you call him Barak? Barak is Hebrew. Means lightning or thunder.

It's actually quite the compliment considering who Barak is in the bible!

You conservative morons really love making him have biblical connotations.

Because it's his name...
Not a big fan of Heller or Citizen's United..

And this decision could be very interesting in the long run.

But it did assure Obama's re-election.

You keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep at night.

The more he gets his hopes up, the more delicious it will be to watch them dashed to ruins in November.

A lot of people may have high hopes but boy barry isn't one of them.
Why do you call him Barak? Barak is Hebrew. Means lightning or thunder.

It's actually quite the compliment considering who Barak is in the bible!

You conservative morons really love making him have biblical connotations.

Because it's his name...

His name is spelled Barack Hussein Obama. Not Barak Hussein Obama.

I swear to god, you guys are the biggest fucking parrots around. Somebody in your favorite circle like Rush Limbaugh or Grover Norquist started spelling it Barak instead of Barack, and you parrot it back.

You guys have an endless supply of nicknames for him, all of which are originated by your favorite pundits with you parroting them.
The "jewel" was correctly identifying the obamatax as a tax. Not only a tax, but the largest tax increase ever, in history.

Plus there are all the other taxes within the bill.

I can't wait to see the faces of the idiots that favored this when they get billed for 3800 bucks. Lol.
Roberts is yet another example of everything Bush touching turning to shit.

except he did the right thing...

You clearly didnt read the opinion.

What makes you think reading it would make a difference? This is JILLIAN we're talking about. "The right thing", in her lexicon, means "doing what I wanted done, regardless of the actual laws, which only matter when they support, or can be twisted to support, what I want." If Roberts' decision had included the phrase, "because the Martians told me so", Jillian would still hail it as "the right thing" and an example of "judicial brilliance".
Thanks, Judge Roberts.



If I didn't think that was true, Sallow, I think I would be hysterical. If Romney did win, through some quirk of fate, I swear I will have a mass said every single day for this country. Because God would be the only one that could help us then.
except he did the right thing...

How by telling the government they can compel people into buying something or they can be taxed? How exactly is that the right thing to do?
What if the government said you had to buy a new car every 5 years or you will be taxed, is that the right thing to do? Or you could go over a certain number of miles on your car?

Your example makes no sense at all. Some people don't even need to drive, so why would they need to buy a new car ever? What you are missing is that everyone needs health insurance. No, not everyone will use it, but most everyone will, and some will definitely need it because they will become seriously ill. Nobody can be 100% certain they will never be sick and will never need it. For those who don't have coverage and do get sick, everyone else pays. It's a tax on society, and it comes at a very high price. To this day I find it hilarious that those on the right who are so concerned about self-responsibility support those who do not take responsibility for themselves by forgoing having any insurance coverage at all. It's a riot.

The CEO of Wellstar, a private hospital group in Georgia is quite concerned about the ACA. Wellstar employs 12,000 employees and pay approximately 85% of its employees insurance costs. They, like most large companies are self-insured., i.e. a third party collects the premiums. Like most companies, their employees have been choosing higher-deduction plans to keep their portions lower.

In the same article, a company with about a hundred employees has serious concerns about the law. It is going to require more paperwork, resources and money while changing the employer's focus from job and business growth to regulation and compliance.

I am LDS and happen to believe the same things that Romney does.

If you have an issue with what he believes, why don't you call it out specifically instead of hiding under someone else's skirts.

Like the coward (and bigot) that you are.

Here is the opening salvo from one of your links:

Friends, I never thought I'd live to see the day when a Mormon cult member would be running for President of this Christian country. Then again, I said the same thing about that Mary Worshipping jackass, John F. Kennedy, and by golly - every uneducated Negro and unchurched low class liberal who thought Catholics were Christians voted that hell bound nin-com-poop into office! gets better.....I believe he uses the term "every stupid mexican".....

Then he starts his list.

He believes that Jesus Christ is Satan's brother.

[It's even better. We believe their common Father was the being we refer to as God. Isaiah talks of of son of the morning who had fallen. Who was that Satan. So what ?]

He believes that God lives near a planet called "Kolob."

[And the issue with that is ? Unless pastor jackass has been all around the universe....]

He believes in baptizing dead people.

[A practice Paul cited when attempting to show that there is a resurrection.....he asks why are people baptized for the dead if the dead don't rise...what's the point ? We don't baptize dead people by the way. We do "proxy baptisms" as we believe it is an earthly ordinance, and those whose work is done can either accept or not accept it. This is part of the process of turning the hearts of the children to the fathers and vice versa as called out in Malachi.]

So, lying scumbag. You don't mind citing bigots when it suites your purposes showing again that you are nothing better than the brown stain Sallow leaves on his underwear.
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Why do you call him Barak? Barak is Hebrew. Means lightning or thunder.

It's actually quite the compliment considering who Barak is in the bible!

You conservative morons really love making him have biblical connotations.

Because it's his name...

His name is spelled Barack Hussein Obama. Not Barak Hussein Obama.

I swear to god, you guys are the biggest fucking parrots around. Somebody in your favorite circle like Rush Limbaugh or Grover Norquist started spelling it Barak instead of Barack, and you parrot it back.

You guys have an endless supply of nicknames for him, all of which are originated by your favorite pundits with you parroting them.

Before you start trying to be all clever and snotty about other people's typos, I suggest you ask yourself whether you're REALLY literate and articulate enough to invite that same sort of fine-tooth-comb analysis of your own posts. I tend to ignore the barely-functional use of English by people on this board, but I can absolutely hold you to the same sort of standards you want to hold others to here, if you really want to go there.

Any time you have the grammar and the cojones, son, you let me know.

More from you scumsucking coward.

He believes that Jesus is married to a goddess wife.

[Can you show me where it says that ? Do you know this to be true ? Or are you just sleeping with the ignorant bastard ?]

He believes that The Garden of Eden was in Missouri. [Does paster nobrain know where it was ? Can he tell us ?]

He believes that it was impossible for Negroes to go to Heaven before 1978. [Out and out horsecrap......blacks could not hold the priesthood in mortality. That was it. We have always had black members of the church. The concept of "going to heaven" means nothing to the LDS becasue it is a process..not an event]

Slime-kota....what other vitrolic asswipes do you want to quote or are you willing to show your pockmarked face and stand up like a man.

More from you scumsucking coward.

He believes that Jesus is married to a goddess wife.

[Can you show me where it says that ? Do you know this to be true ? Or are you just sleeping with the ignorant bastard ?]

He believes that The Garden of Eden was in Missouri. [Does paster nobrain know where it was ? Can he tell us ?]

He believes that it was impossible for Negroes to go to Heaven before 1978. [Out and out horsecrap......blacks could not hold the priesthood in mortality. That was it. We have always had black members of the church. The concept of "going to heaven" means nothing to the LDS becasue it is a process..not an event]

Slime-kota....what other vitrolic asswipes do you want to quote or are you willing to show your pockmarked face and stand up like a man.

You're just making it worse. As a Catholic, I have heard every criticism you can think of. It does no good to go back and forth about it. People are going to think what they think. In any case, most liberals are not interested in Romney's religion. It's his political beliefs that worry us.

More from you scumsucking coward.

He believes that Jesus is married to a goddess wife.

[Can you show me where it says that ? Do you know this to be true ? Or are you just sleeping with the ignorant bastard ?]

He believes that The Garden of Eden was in Missouri. [Does paster nobrain know where it was ? Can he tell us ?]

He believes that it was impossible for Negroes to go to Heaven before 1978. [Out and out horsecrap......blacks could not hold the priesthood in mortality. That was it. We have always had black members of the church. The concept of "going to heaven" means nothing to the LDS becasue it is a process..not an event]

Slime-kota....what other vitrolic asswipes do you want to quote or are you willing to show your pockmarked face and stand up like a man.

You're just making it worse. As a Catholic, I have heard every criticism you can think of. It does no good to go back and forth about it. People are going to think what they think. In any case, most liberals are not interested in Romney's religion. It's his political beliefs that worry us.

Well, it would seem that Lakhota, one of the standard bearers for the Special Olympics for adult lefites, does not know how to talk politics.

Instead she cites lunatic ministers who don't argue any better than she does.

What is better, is that much like Chrissy, she posts then runs. She does not stay around to address the rebuttals.

I could care less about what people think about Romney...I've never been an apologist for the church because the church needs no apologists. It is what it is. What I do think is so funny is that Lakhota posts about Romney's crazy religion using a lunatic ministers website.

She is a hypocrite.

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