Romney's Bain Lie

Let me see. I think this is pretty close.

Mitt started a company and it was a huge success.

Come sometime in 1999 or so, he leaves the company for a period to RUN the Olympics.

But, while he is away, he remains the sole shareholder and retains the title of Chief Executive Officer.

Does this mean that he didn't really leave?

Why, no.

No it doesn't.

Read more:

here is a journalistic convention that appears to place great weight on “SEC documents.” But these are public filings by companies, which usually means there are not great secrets hidden in them. The Fact Checker, in an earlier life covering Wall Street, spent many hours looking for jewels in SEC filings.

As we wrote yesterday, we are standing with our assessment that Mitt Romney left the helm of Bain Capital in 1999, when he departed to run the Salt Lake City Olympics. The date is important because some questionable investments by Bain took place between 1999 and 2002, when he ran for governor. But a Boston Globe article on Thursday raised new questions about that timeline, citing SEC filings, and the Obama campaign jumped to take advantage of it.

Despite the furor, we did not see much new in the Globe article. We had examined many SEC documents related to Romney and Bain in January, and concluded that much of the language saying Romney was “sole stockholder, chairman of the board, chief executive officer, and president” was boilerplate that did not reveal whether he was actually managing Bain at the time. (For instance, there is no standard definition of a “chief executive,” securities law experts say, and there is no requirement for anyone to have any responsibilities even if they have that title.)

The one thing new we saw in the Globe story was the assertion that “Romney’s state financial disclosure forms indicate he earned at least $100,000 as a Bain ‘executive’ in 2001 and 2002, separate from investment earnings.” But then we realized we had already reviewed those documents in January. The 2001 form describes him as a “former executive” (see page 1 of form A-5) — the campaign says this was retirement pay — but the 2002 form says “executive.” So either you believe he suddenly rejoined the firm, after leaving it, or someone made a typo.

Romney’s sudden departure from Bain had left the partnership in flux, in fact almost breaking up the firm, and a final resolution was not reached until he ended his Olympic sojourn and decided to run for governor. At that point, he signed retirement papers that set his departure date as February 1999, the month he left for the Olympics.
excerpted from: The Fact Checker
The ACLU is now a right wing website?


I worry about the violations of the Supreme Law of the Land before I worry about the temper tantrums of hacks:
Killing of Al-Awlaki: Even When Trying to Fight Terrorism, the President Must Still Follow the Constitution
By Josh Bell, ACLU at 4:34pm

The debate over the U.S. government's targeted killing of Anwar Al-Awlaki continued this week. ACLU Deputy Legal Director Jameel Jaffer took on former Bush lawyer (and torture memo writer) John Yoo on Southern California Public Radio’s AirTalk (listen here), and also explored the issue on CBC's The Current (listen here).

Much of the debate thus far has focused on Al-Awlaki. But we should be thinking about not only the people the government killed last week, but the power that’s being claimed by the president – and the administration has not said nearly enough about the power President Obama is claiming. No one is asking for the government to reveal confidential sources or intelligence-gathering methods – but why can't it even explain its legal justification for essentially executing an American?

Reuters reported on the process, revealing virtually all that's known about it:
American militants like Anwar al-Awlaki are placed on a kill or capture list by a secretive panel of senior government officials, which then informs the president of its decisions, according to officials.

There is no public record of the operations or decisions of the panel, which is a subset of the White House's National Security Council, several current and former officials said. Neither is there any law establishing its existence or setting out the rules by which it is supposed to operate.​

.... But what it does show is the other disturbing aspect of what happened: the executive branch acting without oversight by other branches. The Constitution made the judiciary a co-equal branch of government so that there would be a check against overreach by the political branches. ....​

Killing of Al-Awlaki: Even When Trying to Fight Terrorism, the President Must Still Follow the Constitution

And what's all that have to do with the FACT that Romney lied about his stewardship regarding Bain Capital's action of outsourcing? Remember, Romney used his position to solidify his citizenship of Massachusetts for his political career. You can't have it both ways. Either Romney knew what was going on or he's a careless CEO who let's his company run rampant while he pursues his personal power trip of politics....neither bodes well for him as a Presidential candidate.
Or, one can have it NEITHER way. Which is what it is.

Now, am I going to be concerned about that or about the POTUS summarily executing US citizens without judicial balance?

Ohhh, that's a no brainer.

Translation: neocon/teabagger flunkies will just IGNORE THE LIES OF ROMNEY.
He was on a leave of absence to run the Olympics and other executives were handling the day-to-day business...

GST Steel...KB Toys...........BFD! :lol: Newsflash: Capitalists capitalize!

You guys are playing right into Mitt's hand, you realize...?

FYI for ya, Valerie: NO businessman is incommunicado with the goings on of a company he created, to which is listed as the CEO and chairman of the board. Whether on vacation or leave of absence, he gets reports. So either Mitt didn't give a damn how the money was made or he damn sure knew how and approved it. Not the rep you want for a guy who is using his business accumen as a selling point to be President.

Also, you may want to know that he was called into the Olympics to save them from the financial corruption that was afoot...Mittens did this with FEDERAL FUNDS! That's right snook'ums, your tax dollars made that Olympics the research if you don't believe me.

If this is the hand Mittens want's us to play to, then he's going to lose that poker game big time!

FYI, liberal knows no tai chi.

Translation: our neocon/teabagger/libertarian lunkhead/whatever the hell he calls himself Quantum Windbag can't deal with the FACTS of Romney being caught in a bare faced lie.
That is because he was on a leave of absence from Bain during that time does no one know what a leave of absence is.

Oh give me a fucking break with that ignorant BS you just parroted, Blackhawk!

I worked for a small investment boutique for 6 years.....we dealt with clients of multi-million dollar corporations. Whether on vacation, sabbatical, leave of absence or whatever, they would get various reports Fedexed to them periodically. No way in hell the owner, founder, CEO, Chairman of the board is going to be clueless as to how his baby is making the bucks for 3 years....unless he didn't give a damn so long as the bucks kept coming in. Mittens is a lawyer and an MBA!

C'mon man, THINK IT THROUGH and stop stubbornly defending people who wouldn't piss in your direction if you're not serving them.

He's not required to be clueless, is he?

I thought the threshold was the "day-to-day operations."

Why you guys keep moving the goalposts?

I don't even LIKE Romney, but this shit is getting ridiculous.

The only ridiculous shit here is coming from jokers like YOU, just can't stand the fact that Romney is caught LYING about his business and what it's done. TFB, because the "goal post" is the same....the TRUTH! And Mittens keeps flubbing the play.
He was on a leave of absence to run the Olympics and other executives were handling the day-to-day business...

GST Steel...KB Toys...........BFD! :lol: Newsflash: Capitalists capitalize!

You guys are playing right into Mitt's hand, you realize...?

FYI for ya, Valerie: NO businessman is incommunicado with the goings on of a company he created, to which is listed as the CEO and chairman of the board. Whether on vacation or leave of absence, he gets reports. So either Mitt didn't give a damn how the money was made or he damn sure knew how and approved it. Not the rep you want for a guy who is using his business accumen as a selling point to be President.

Also, you may want to know that he was called into the Olympics to save them from the financial corruption that was afoot...Mittens did this with FEDERAL FUNDS! That's right snook'ums, your tax dollars made that Olympics the research if you don't believe me.

If this is the hand Mittens want's us to play to, then he's going to lose that poker game big time!

Every Olympic has federal funds involved.
It's how the money is managed that counts.

Sorry sweetheart, but the US Olympics prides itself on being privately funded through donations. Look it up.

Stop making excuses for Romney's lies!
Seems for the democrat partisans, even sources like WaPo and Fortune are ignored. One might think they are just in it for spin? Or are out and out liars.

WTF are you babbling about, Annie? The SEC records prove Romney to be a liar on this point. Do some damned honest homework and see for yourself, will ya please!
Despite the furor, we did not see much new in the Globe article. We had examined many SEC documents related to Romney and Bain in January, and concluded that much of the language saying Romney was “sole stockholder, chairman of the board, chief executive officer, and president” was boilerplate that did not reveal whether he was actually managing Bain at the time. (For instance, there is no standard definition of a “chief executive,” securities law experts say, and there is no requirement for anyone to have any responsibilities even if they have that title.)

The one thing new we saw in the Globe story was the assertion that “Romney’s state financial disclosure forms indicate he earned at least $100,000 as a Bain ‘executive’ in 2001 and 2002, separate from investment earnings.” But then we realized we had already reviewed those documents in January. The 2001 form describes him as a “former executive” (see page 1 of form A-5) — the campaign says this was retirement pay — but the 2002 form says “executive.” So either you believe he suddenly rejoined the firm, after leaving it, or someone made a typo.

Well in THAT fucking case, white Meat didn't fly back, to Massachusetts, to attend meetings, or didn't he, since somebody must have checked THAT. Nope, nothing to see here! There's EVERYTHING TO SEE, HERE!! Meat flew to meetings. He got paid. Put that in your suck-checker.

Either way, white Obamney ought to get out all his tax returns, before Bain, until 2011, and quit screwing with everybody, since what if he had to list Bain income, all the way, to 2009?

It seems all the usual weasels don't want to quit sucking eggs, and get out some of those good old It Really Steals docs, so we can see WTF white Obamney declared, and then we can follow an audit, as closely as we can, since white Meat ain't gonna run off and shove a fag kid, just to take us off, over this.

Where's the TAX FUCKING RETURNS, NOW? All we have is 2006 assets, 2010, 2011, but note Meat's Schedule C, Part II:

Nothing happened, after 2002, says "Agreements or Arrangements"

Mitt Romney (R-Mass) | Personal Finance Disclosure | OpenSecrets
What the difference between Mitt Romney and LBJ?

Romney found a way out of Vietnam!
All Romney has to do is release his tax returns like all other people running for President have.

He could clear everything up but he won't.

Even members of his own party are asking him to do this.

So why won't he? Does he have something to hide?
The thread is about Romney's BS regarding BAIN, genius. Deal with that first, THEN you can start (yet another) anti-Obama thread with all the right wing-nut websites, bloggers and pundits as your source material.

The ACLU is now a right wing website?


I worry about the violations of the Supreme Law of the Land before I worry about the temper tantrums of hacks:
Killing of Al-Awlaki: Even When Trying to Fight Terrorism, the President Must Still Follow the Constitution
By Josh Bell, ACLU at 4:34pm

The debate over the U.S. government's targeted killing of Anwar Al-Awlaki continued this week. ACLU Deputy Legal Director Jameel Jaffer took on former Bush lawyer (and torture memo writer) John Yoo on Southern California Public Radio’s AirTalk (listen here), and also explored the issue on CBC's The Current (listen here).

Much of the debate thus far has focused on Al-Awlaki. But we should be thinking about not only the people the government killed last week, but the power that’s being claimed by the president – and the administration has not said nearly enough about the power President Obama is claiming. No one is asking for the government to reveal confidential sources or intelligence-gathering methods – but why can't it even explain its legal justification for essentially executing an American?

Reuters reported on the process, revealing virtually all that's known about it:
American militants like Anwar al-Awlaki are placed on a kill or capture list by a secretive panel of senior government officials, which then informs the president of its decisions, according to officials.

There is no public record of the operations or decisions of the panel, which is a subset of the White House's National Security Council, several current and former officials said. Neither is there any law establishing its existence or setting out the rules by which it is supposed to operate.​

.... But what it does show is the other disturbing aspect of what happened: the executive branch acting without oversight by other branches. The Constitution made the judiciary a co-equal branch of government so that there would be a check against overreach by the political branches. ....​

Killing of Al-Awlaki: Even When Trying to Fight Terrorism, the President Must Still Follow the Constitution

And what's all that have to do with the FACT that Romney lied about his stewardship regarding Bain Capital's action of outsourcing? Remember, Romney used his position to solidify his citizenship of Massachusetts for his political career. You can't have it both ways. Either Romney knew what was going on or he's a careless CEO who let's his company run rampant while he pursues his personal power trip of politics....neither bodes well for him as a Presidential candidate.

-you have yet to prove he lied.he was on a leave of absence and decided while gone he would never return, instead he turned to politics.

-are you aware that his opponent in the Mass gov. race accused him of being absent from the state for several years and challenged his residency?

-he did not run the co., so says on national television (CNN), 4 active Bain board members then, 3 of which are Democrats and 2 of which are Obama sppters/bundlers, I don't know what else you want.
All Romney has to do is release his tax returns like all other people running for President have.

He could clear everything up but he won't.

Even members of his own party are asking him to do this.

So why won't he? Does he have something to hide?

Private = Private

He's released 2.



Yep, and every other person running for President has released a lot more. The fact that he won't tells me he is hiding something. How transparent would he be as President if he can't even do this simple thing? It was like pulling teeth to get him to do it during the primaries as well. He would actually help himself a lot by doing this. That's why members of his own party are saying he should.

Or he could just let the impression get into the voters mind that he's got something to hide. Wouldn't bother me a bit. I can't stand the guy.
Yep, and every other person running for President has released a lot more. The fact that he won't tells me he is hiding something. How transparent would he be as President if he can't even do this simple thing? It was like pulling teeth to get him to do it during the primaries as well. He would actually help himself a lot by doing this. That's why members of his own party are saying he should.

Or he could just let the impression get into the voters mind that he's got something to hide. Wouldn't bother me a bit. I can't stand the guy.

^ this applies to Obama and his college records.

Are you hollering about that or just Mittens taxes? And don't give me that "Mitt is running on his business record, Barry isn't running on his education" crap. Obama ran on his smarts and transparency first time around. He's yet to deliver either.

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