Romney's Bain Lie

That's a good one.
You Libs still can't admit that Obama's spoon is only slightly less silver than Romney's.

How's this for a hypothetical statement from you imaginary Indie:
"If Obama hasn't improved conditions that would help me in finding a job in 4 years, why would I want to wait four more years for him to figure it out?"

You're the ones who mocked Obama's stint as a community organizer. Obama got down in the trenches when he could have gone straight to Wall St after graduation.

An Agitator/Protest organizer doesn't create jobs.

Do you even have a clue what a community organizer does?

It's democracy in its purest form. You're a fan of democracy, aren't you? People organize to improve their communities and have a voice in the decisions that are made that affect their communities. They become involved in the political process and develop an interest in improving not only their own lives, but everyone else's lives as well.

Community organizing helps to create parks, and makes sure that municipalities fix roads, and keep intersections safer than they otherwise would be. It helps to give people a personal interest in their community instead of allowing everyone to think that their voices don't matter, which is one of the causes of apathy and indifference which only serves to make crime worse than it probably already is.

People get more involved in their schools and public safety. And yes, they register to vote, which is their right. And having people participate in the political process at every level of gov't from city council to city, county, state, and federal offices is a good thing because it helps to keep politicians from believing that all they have to do to stay in office is to serve the interests of the more wealthy and powerful constituents while ignoring everyone else.
And after reviewing evidence cited by the Obama campaign, we reaffirm our conclusion that Romney left the helm of Bain Capital when he took a leave of absence in 1999 to run the Salt Lake City Organizing Committee for the 2002 Winter Olympics – as he has said repeatedly — and never returned to active management. The Obama campaign’s recent ads thus mislead when they point to investments made by Bain, as well as management decisions made by companies in which Bain invested, after that time.

The Obama campaign’s objections are contained in a six-page letter sent to us (and — without notice to us — to other news organizations as well). It cobbles together selective news snippets and irrelevant securities documents in an attempt to show that Romney was still running Bain Capital on a part-time basis while he was also running the Olympics committee.

In a nutshell, the Obama campaign is all wet on this point.

From Thanks for playing..
And after reviewing evidence cited by the Obama campaign, we reaffirm our conclusion that Romney left the helm of Bain Capital when he took a leave of absence in 1999 to run the Salt Lake City Organizing Committee for the 2002 Winter Olympics – as he has said repeatedly — and never returned to active management. The Obama campaign’s recent ads thus mislead when they point to investments made by Bain, as well as management decisions made by companies in which Bain invested, after that time.

The Obama campaign’s objections are contained in a six-page letter sent to us (and — without notice to us — to other news organizations as well). It cobbles together selective news snippets and irrelevant securities documents in an attempt to show that Romney was still running Bain Capital on a part-time basis while he was also running the Olympics committee.

In a nutshell, the Obama campaign is all wet on this point.

From Thanks for playing..

Pure bullshit that has been debunked by several sources. The truth lies in Romney's income tax returns for 1999 thru 2002 - which he refuses to release.
And after reviewing evidence cited by the Obama campaign, we reaffirm our conclusion that Romney left the helm of Bain Capital when he took a leave of absence in 1999 to run the Salt Lake City Organizing Committee for the 2002 Winter Olympics – as he has said repeatedly — and never returned to active management. The Obama campaign’s recent ads thus mislead when they point to investments made by Bain, as well as management decisions made by companies in which Bain invested, after that time.

The Obama campaign’s objections are contained in a six-page letter sent to us (and — without notice to us — to other news organizations as well). It cobbles together selective news snippets and irrelevant securities documents in an attempt to show that Romney was still running Bain Capital on a part-time basis while he was also running the Olympics committee.

In a nutshell, the Obama campaign is all wet on this point.
From Thanks for playing..

Remember the words of Ronald Wilson Reagan? Trust...but verify!
And after reviewing evidence cited by the Obama campaign, we reaffirm our conclusion that Romney left the helm of Bain Capital when he took a leave of absence in 1999 to run the Salt Lake City Organizing Committee for the 2002 Winter Olympics – as he has said repeatedly — and never returned to active management. The Obama campaign’s recent ads thus mislead when they point to investments made by Bain, as well as management decisions made by companies in which Bain invested, after that time.

The Obama campaign’s objections are contained in a six-page letter sent to us (and — without notice to us — to other news organizations as well). It cobbles together selective news snippets and irrelevant securities documents in an attempt to show that Romney was still running Bain Capital on a part-time basis while he was also running the Olympics committee.

In a nutshell, the Obama campaign is all wet on this point.
From Thanks for playing..

Pure bullshit that has been debunked by several sources. The truth lies in Romney's income tax returns for 1999 thru 2002 - which he refuses to release.

Still ignoring CNN, I see
You don't think so? Well, try to extrapolate what an average working (or nonworking) stiff might conclude.
"If Romney is lying about this, how can I believe anything he says about what he's going to do for average folks once in office. And why should I believe that he cares one bit about average people at all."
These self same people could easily conclude that at least Obama knows the struggles of ordinary people and is fighting for them as a group whereas Romney has a long history of screwing average workers in order to make money for wealthy investors.

That's a good one.
You Libs still can't admit that Obama's spoon is only slightly less silver than Romney's.

How's this for a hypothetical statement from you imaginary Indie:
"If Obama hasn't improved conditions that would help me in finding a job in 4 years, why would I want to wait four more years for him to figure it out?"

You're the ones who mocked Obama's stint as a community organizer. Obama got down in the trenches when he could have gone straight to Wall St after graduation.

Why would Wall Street hire a Columbia graduate with a degree in political science?
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That's a good one.
You Libs still can't admit that Obama's spoon is only slightly less silver than Romney's.

How's this for a hypothetical statement from you imaginary Indie:
"If Obama hasn't improved conditions that would help me in finding a job in 4 years, why would I want to wait four more years for him to figure it out?"

You're the ones who mocked Obama's stint as a community organizer. Obama got down in the trenches when he could have gone straight to Wall St after graduation.

Why would Wall Street hire a Columbia graduate with a degree in political science?

...and Harvard Law School.
That's a good one.
You Libs still can't admit that Obama's spoon is only slightly less silver than Romney's.

How's this for a hypothetical statement from you imaginary Indie:
"If Obama hasn't improved conditions that would help me in finding a job in 4 years, why would I want to wait four more years for him to figure it out?"

You're the ones who mocked Obama's stint as a community organizer. Obama got down in the trenches when he could have gone straight to Wall St after graduation.

Why would Wall Street hire a Columbia graduate with a degree in political science?

Because Obama was the head of the Harvard Law Review.

This really goes to the heart of who these two men are.

Obama graduates from Harvard and goes back to Chicago to help poor people.

Romney graduates from Harvard and steals capital and pensions from American workers and ships their jobs overseas.
Bain-gate: What Do Romney's Tax Returns Say?

Romney can settle the dispute over his tenure at Bain by releasing the tax returns.

What did Romney claim on his tax returns?

Democrats say Romney tax returns could clarify Bain departure date -

""Either Mitt Romney misrepresented his tenure at Bain to the SEC or he misrepresented it to the voters of Massachusetts," said Ben LaBolt, an Obama campaign spokesman, on Fox News. "If he released more documents, like further tax returns, we would know the extent of his involvement at Bain during this period. If he released board minutes, we'd know the extent of his involvement at Bain.""

Bush report: Sending jobs overseas helps U.S.Willard Mitt Romney: added by Dante:eusa_shifty:
Bush report: Sending jobs overseas helps U.S.

By Seattle Times wire services

WASHINGTON — The movement of American factory jobs and white-collar work to other countries is part of a positive transformation that will enrich the U.S. economy over time, even if it causes short-term pain and dislocation, the Bush administration said yesterday.

The embrace of foreign "outsourcing," an accelerating trend that has contributed to U.S. job losses in recent years and has become an issue in the 2004 elections, is contained in the president's annual report to Congress on the U.S. economy.

"Outsourcing is just a new way of doing international trade," said N. Gregory Mankiw, chairman of Bush's Council of Economic Advisors, which prepared the report. "More things are tradable than were tradable in the past. And that's a good thing."

The report, which predicts the nation will reverse a three-year employment slide by creating 2.6 million jobs in 2004... The Seattle Times: Nation & World: Bush report: Sending jobs overseas helps U.S.

did the GOP outsourcing create any jobs?
:eusa_whistle: Willard Mitt Romney's private-equity firm created wealth for investors, not jobs.

June 22, 2012
Willard Mitt Romney, Jobs And China -- Let's Connect Dots

-- by Dave Johnson

Will Willard Mitt Romney create jobs and help our economy, or will he just take us back to the Bush-era, send-jobs-to-China destruction that made him rich? With Willard Mitt Romney there is no way to connect what he says with what he means or might do. So we are forced to read tea leaves and look for signs. Should be reading Chinese tea leaves?
The Fire Sale Of Our Economy

Willard Mitt Romney made his huge fortune partly by taking over companies, sending the good-paying American jobs to places like China -- or using the threat to do that to force wage and benefit cuts -- and keeping that money for himself and his business partners. A Washington Post story says that Willard Mitt Romney's company not only took advantage of this technique, but actually helped pioneer the technique! Seeing the Forest: Romney, Jobs And China -- Let's Connect Dots

remember the guy who banked Newt? Now he banks Willard Mitt Romney: Adelson's exclusive Chinese-granted casino license is worth billions, and he has used his influence with Republicans in Congress to help China. Adelson influenced Republicans to help China get the Beijing Olympics and then received the license to build casinos in Chinese territory. From the New Yorker, The Brass Ring: A multibillionaire’s relentless quest for global influence, ... One source (of many) of this flood of money has been disclosed. Casino billionaire Sheldon Adelson, has already given $10 million to Romney's campaign, promises a "limitless" amount -- $100 million or more. (He has $25 billion, largely thanks to China.) There are also allegations of corruption, bribery and violations of US law in the operation of these Chinese-licensed casinos. - Seeing the Forest: Romney, Jobs And China -- Let's Connect Dots

How can Romney Occupy Oval Office When He Whines Like a Bitch: Romney: Obama owes me an apology. What?

No role whatsoever at Bain after what date? Romney doing damage control? No more tax returns?

What kind of president would whine like a female dog - bitch - when somebody says something about his role in private equity firms? Romney's reckless and absurd whining is making America look weak. The whole world is watching and laughing. Can anyone imagine Romney facing off against Putin and other world leaders? :rofl:


Mitt Romney‘s Bain Capital “looted” a company in Gaffney, S.C., and got “rich off failures and sticking it to someone else,” Gov. Rick Perry of Texas charged this morning as he began a swing through South Carolina.

Signaling that he will join Newt Gingrich and other Republican presidential rivals in sharply criticizing Mr. Romney’s earlier career as a corporate takeover artist, Mr. Perry mocked Mr. Romney’s recent statement that there were times he had worried about losing his job, pointing out that Mr. Romney had grown up wealthy and privileged.

“I mean, he actually said this,” Mr. Perry told more than 100 diners at a breakfast gathering here.

In recent days, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Texas Gov. Rick Perry have been sharply criticizing Romney's actions while heading Bain Capital, a private equity firm that bought and sold companies to turn a profit. In many cases, workers lost jobs after Bain purchased their companies.

In the days leading up to the Jan. 21 GOP primary in South Carolina, Perry has been describing Romney as a "vulture capitalist." In a state where unemployment has exceeded 9 percent for more than three years, Perry has been calling attention to closed factories, saying Bain cut jobs during Romney's years there.

U.S. Chamber President Criticizes GOP's 'Intramural' Battle Over Bain : It's All Politics : NPR
He absolutely should not.

When the other guy brings a gun to the find yourself a rocket launcher.

Let's see if the totally ripe idea of whipping out tax returns gets off the ground!

Be reasonable, white Obamney-fans. By now, we ALL have to see those returns. It's simple. No excuses. What's on those fucking returns? They are the next media step.

Job creation.

I know that scares the shit out of Obamabots

In China, India, Brazil and Mexico..

Doesn't scare me none..that's where mine went. went to Manila...but that's another story.

You're the ones who mocked Obama's stint as a community organizer. Obama got down in the trenches when he could have gone straight to Wall St after graduation.

Why would Wall Street hire a Columbia graduate with a degree in political science?

...and Harvard Law School.

You trying to rewrite history again?

Obama graduated from Columbia, became a community organizer, took time off to visit what he claimed at the time was his birthplace, went to Harvard, got hired by a Chicago law firm, then got a job teaching at the University of Chicago. The whole thing is laid out right here.

Barack Obama Timeline

At the time you tried to argue that he could have gone to work on Wall Street rather than work as a community organizer he had not even gone to Harvard. Yet, somehow, I am the bigot and the racist because I atually know the facts and you live in a fantasy world where Obama graduate from Harvard 5 years before he went there.
You're the ones who mocked Obama's stint as a community organizer. Obama got down in the trenches when he could have gone straight to Wall St after graduation.

Why would Wall Street hire a Columbia graduate with a degree in political science?

Because Obama was the head of the Harvard Law Review.

This really goes to the heart of who these two men are.

Obama graduates from Harvard and goes back to Chicago to help poor people.

Romney graduates from Harvard and steals capital and pensions from American workers and ships their jobs overseas.

Why is that all the Obamazombies don't know the bio of the man they support?

Barack Obama Timeline
Does anyone doubt, to this day, that Romney can pick up a phone and make instant contact with any and all Bain Capital officials? I have no doubts.
Does anyone doubt, to this day, that Romney can pick up a phone and make instant contact with any and all Bain Capital officials? I have no doubts.

So can Obama. Two of the board members are active bundlers for his campaign, and they both say that Romney had nothing to do with Bain after he left to join the Olympic Committee.
Does anyone doubt, to this day, that Romney can pick up a phone and make instant contact with any and all Bain Capital officials? I have no doubts.

So can Obama. Two of the board members are active bundlers for his campaign, and they both say that Romney had nothing to do with Bain after he left to join the Olympic Committee.

So, you're saying that both Romney and Obama have business ties to Bain Capital?
You're the ones who mocked Obama's stint as a community organizer. Obama got down in the trenches when he could have gone straight to Wall St after graduation.

An Agitator/Protest organizer doesn't create jobs.

Do you even have a clue what a community organizer does?
It's democracy in its purest form. You're a fan of democracy, aren't you? People organize to improve their communities and have a voice in the decisions that are made that affect their communities. They become involved in the political process and develop an interest in improving not only their own lives, but everyone else's lives as well.

Community organizing helps to create parks, and makes sure that municipalities fix roads, and keep intersections safer than they otherwise would be. It helps to give people a personal interest in their community instead of allowing everyone to think that their voices don't matter, which is one of the causes of apathy and indifference which only serves to make crime worse than it probably already is.

People get more involved in their schools and public safety. And yes, they register to vote, which is their right. And having people participate in the political process at every level of gov't from city council to city, county, state, and federal offices is a good thing because it helps to keep politicians from believing that all they have to do to stay in office is to serve the interests of the more wealthy and powerful constituents while ignoring everyone else.

Well, honey, if the community organizer leaves the country as fucked up as he left Chicago we're in some deep doo do.
Does anyone doubt, to this day, that Romney can pick up a phone and make instant contact with any and all Bain Capital officials? I have no doubts.

So can Obama. Two of the board members are active bundlers for his campaign, and they both say that Romney had nothing to do with Bain after he left to join the Olympic Committee.

So, you're saying that both Romney and Obama have business ties to Bain Capital?

As far as I know neither of them do, that does not mean they can't call up members of the board.

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