Romney's Bain Lie

You do understand the difference between an editor and a writer, don't you?

Gimme a fucking break, you can't graduate until you write a thesis.

Hillary did hers on Saul Alinsky...


What's this big fucking deal with Saul Alinsky?

Did he send money to support the rapist and murderers of American Nuns? Like Ronald Reagan?

Did he grant asylum to a terrorist that planted a bomb on a plane killing over 70 people at the behest of his son, Jeb? Like George HW Bush?

Did he back a batshit crazy terrorist that would go on to plan and plot 9/11? Like both George HW Bush and Ronald Reagan?

How many fucking deaths was Saul Alinsky responsible for?


In fact..what he did was try to find homes for people.

And THAT and the minds of a fucking huge crime.
I don't give a fuck about Alinsky, I'm discussing BarryO's thesis, and why it's not available to be read.

Take a fucking Valium, dude...
OK then, if you say so. I'm not seeing how Obama's college records matter to the race at all but I'm seeing a huge problem with missing tax returns that Romney has refused to release. The fact that every time I bring this up, Obama's college records are mentioned, tells me that the person is trying to change the subject. And calling me an idiot or cuckoo or some other condescending comment like some have done, tells me they have no argument.

College records would show whether or not Obama claimed foreign student status to get grants and/or scholarships to attend Occidental College or Columbia University. Seeing as how his publisher claimed for 10 years that he was born in Kenya, I think that's a reasonable question. If he did, it would prove once and for all that the man is Constitutionally ineligible to serve as President.

Tax records, on the other hand, wouldn't show shit other than Mitt Romney made a LOT of money. They wouldn't show whether or not he was in control of Bain between 1999-2002, regardless of how much money he earned. As the OWNER, he was entitled to his 'cut', good or bad, from the operating decisions made by his partners. There is nothing in those documents that would disprove his assertion that his ownership interest in Bain at that time was strictly PASSIVE.

Oh good grief, birther BS-OK then.

Remember a couple of posts ago you typed this...
And calling me an idiot or cuckoo or some other condescending comment like some have done, tells me they have no argument.

Hypocrite, thy name is Wolfsister.

Now that we know exactly what you are, would you care to respond to the portion of my post that addresses Romney's tax return? What exactly are you hoping to find, anyway?
Aw, ya wanna see Barry's thesis. Send him a thousand bucks and maybe he'll send ya a copy.

And you can send your witchdoctor after Romney's tax return, too. Maybe he can conjure it up with some eagle feathers and peyote.
Mitt Romney stayed at Bain three years longer than he claimed: As we’ve previously noted, Mitt Romney twice told the Government Ethics Office that he left Bain Capital in February 1999, but there has been plenty of evidence suggesting otherwise. When he left Bain is a critical question, both because a different date than the one he claimed could mean he lied on official forms, and also because Romney has used the early departure date to insulate himself from attacks on Bain’s practices during the early 2000s.

But the Boston Globe reports today that Romney stayed on a full three years longer at Bain than he has claimed. Securities and Exchange Commission documents filed the in the years after 1999 list Romney as the “sole stockholder, chairman of the board, chief executive officer, and president” of Bain. And a Massachusetts financial disclosure form Romney filed in 2003 states that he still owned 100 percent of Bain Capital in 2002.

Romney’s Bain lie -

Holy Cow you people are STUPID: Corporate secretary of state filings are only done every few years. In my state filings are required every 3 years. Meaning that if executives or principles change within that period the state will not know about it until the filing deadline.

FACT CHECK.ORG states this:
After reviewing numerous corporate filings with the Securities and Exchange
Commission, contemporary news accounts, company histories and press releases, and the
evidence offered by both the Obama and Romney campaigns, we found no evidence to support the claim that Romney — while he was still running Bain Capital — shipped American jobs overseas. : Obama’s ‘Outsourcer’ Overreach


Despite all the talk of green jobs, the overwhelming majority of stimulus money spent on wind power has gone to foreign companies, according to a new report by the Investigative Reporting Workshop at the American University’s School of Communication in Washington, D.C.

Nearly $2 billion in money from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act has been spent on wind power, funding the creation of enough new wind farms to power 2.4 million homes over the past year. But the study found that nearly 80 percent of that money has gone to foreign manufacturers of wind turbines.
How Barack Obama used taxpayer dollars to outsource green energy jobs | Right Wing News

To add--that Obama's Jobs Czar--Jeffrey Inmelt CEO of General Electric is aka the outsourcer from HELL.
How Barack Obama used taxpayer dollars to outsource green energy jobs | Right Wing News

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Mitt Romney stayed at Bain three years longer than he claimed: As we’ve previously noted, Mitt Romney twice told the Government Ethics Office that he left Bain Capital in February 1999, but there has been plenty of evidence suggesting otherwise. When he left Bain is a critical question, both because a different date than the one he claimed could mean he lied on official forms, and also because Romney has used the early departure date to insulate himself from attacks on Bain’s practices during the early 2000s.

But the Boston Globe reports today that Romney stayed on a full three years longer at Bain than he has claimed. Securities and Exchange Commission documents filed the in the years after 1999 list Romney as the “sole stockholder, chairman of the board, chief executive officer, and president” of Bain. And a Massachusetts financial disclosure form Romney filed in 2003 states that he still owned 100 percent of Bain Capital in 2002.

Romney’s Bain lie -

Holy Cow you people are STUPID: Corporate secretary of state filings are only done every few years. In my state filings are required every 3 years. Meaning that if executives or principles change within that period the state will not know about it until the filing deadline.
You point is pointless. Romney filed in 2003 that he was the sole owner in 2002 so how would this confuse the state?

In my state we are required to file the corporate papers yearly and I have a hard time believing your claim of every three years, btw.

Edit: MA requires corporations to file an annual report, just like Florida.
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What the difference between Mitt Romney and LBJ?

Romney found a way out of Vietnam!

“If you don’t have a record to run on, then you paint your opponent as someone people should run from.” - Barack Obama.

Hope and Change. :thup:

Except in Romney case, no paint is required.

Weird Religion. Slimy business practices. Looks like a used car salesman.


Obama is doing what every president has ever done when facing a challenger. Bush villified Kerry, Clinton Villified Dole, Reagan villified Mondale. Heck, maybe I'm getting old, I remember Carter saying Ronald Reagan hated black people and was going to blow up the world!!!!

All Obama is saying is that Romney was a rich guy who used his wealth to fuck over working folks.

Which, of course, is exactly what Romney did.

The truth hurts, doesn't it?
What the difference between Mitt Romney and LBJ?

Romney found a way out of Vietnam!

“If you don’t have a record to run on, then you paint your opponent as someone people should run from.” - Barack Obama.

Hope and Change. :thup:

Except in Romney case, no paint is required.

Weird Religion. Slimy business practices. Looks like a used car salesman.


Obama is doing what every president has ever done when facing a challenger. Bush villified Kerry, Clinton Villified Dole, Reagan villified Mondale. Heck, maybe I'm getting old, I remember Carter saying Ronald Reagan hated black people and was going to blow up the world!!!!

All Obama is saying is that Romney was a rich guy who used his wealth to fuck over working folks.

Which, of course, is exactly what Romney did.

The truth hurts, doesn't it?

Surely the fact that Republicans just tell bald-faced lies about their opposition means there can be only one winning strategy for the Democrats.
Why won't Mitt show us his tax returns for the last 12 years?

What is he hiding?

Why won't Obama show us his college transcripts?

What is he hiding?
It's never been traditional to release college transcripts. I always got the idea people wanted to see Obama's because he's black. True story.

Tax returns are fair game. School transcripts, birth certificates, etc., are not.
Why won't Mitt show us his tax returns for the last 12 years?

What is he hiding?

Why won't Obama show us his college transcripts?

What is he hiding?
It's never been traditional to release college transcripts. I always got the idea people wanted to see Obama's because he's black. True story.

Tax returns are fair game. School transcripts, birth certificates, etc., are not.

Says who?
Why won't Mitt show us his tax returns for the last 12 years?

What is he hiding?

Why won't Obama show us his college transcripts?

What is he hiding?
It's never been traditional to release college transcripts. I always got the idea people wanted to see Obama's because he's black. True story.

Tax returns are fair game. School transcripts, birth certificates, etc., are not.

That is really strange, I know that Kerry got a few Ds when he was a freshman, and ended up with almost the same GPA as Bush. I know that Perry was a less than stellar student, I know Gore had some really poor grades, and had a real hard time with a natural science course, I know Quayle only got into Indiana because of an equal opportunity program, I could go on for a while talking about the various presidents who had lousy grades, but since it is not traditional to release transcripts I must have hacked into all those colleges to get them.
Why won't Obama show us his college transcripts?

What is he hiding?
It's never been traditional to release college transcripts. I always got the idea people wanted to see Obama's because he's black. True story.

Tax returns are fair game. School transcripts, birth certificates, etc., are not.

That is really strange, I know that Kerry got a few Ds when he was a freshman, and ended up with almost the same GPA as Bush. I know that Perry was a less than stellar student, I know Gore had some really poor grades, and had a real hard time with a natural science course, I know Quayle only got into Indiana because of an equal opportunity program, I could go on for a while talking about the various presidents who had lousy grades, but since it is not traditional to release transcripts I must have hacked into all those colleges to get them.

I don't care. I don't care about someone's college transcripts, or their birth certificate, or their tax returns.

Have they broken the law? If not, why the f*** does it matter? It's private. Let it be.
These Bainers are so like the Birthers, insane. All the fact checkers, Mother Jones, TPM, WaPo, even blinking NYT say 'nothing here...'

Yet, the Bainers just ask their 'questions' where the ultimate answer is did Romney lie or is he a felon? Sort of like, 'no proof' from any source is sound enuf for the Birthers.

The management will be on solid ground here when they start moving all these threads to 'conspriacy.'

:lol: The headlines should read something like this:

"Did Mitt beat his wife?"

"Questions arise about whether or not Mitt beat his wife!"

"Wife beating a felony; Did Mitt commit a crime?"

Meanwhile Mitt and Ann both deny the bruise on her face came from Mitt, and video evidence shows that she walked into the door. First hand accounts and medical reports apparently confirm Mitt's claim, "I never hit my wife, ever!".

A month later, Dems release footage of Mitt and Ann Romney attending a Red Sox game when Big Papi hits one out of the park, Mitt waps Ann on the shoulder with the back of his hand in excitement...

Democratic underground obtains a photo of Ann flinching in the instant the back of Mitt's hand touches her shoulder and publishes the perfectly cropped snapshot with this headline, "Mitt Romney hits wife! Liar in Chief?"

Despite outrage from the Romney campaign and further denials, the demblogs and the twittah all insist Mitt should prove he did not beat his wife!!! The Romney campaign demands an apology, but the Dems insist their story is true and the photo is proof. Mitt Lies!

Half of America believes he bruised her face with the back of his hand that day, and the rest is history! Bravo dems! Bravo! :eusa_clap:
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It's never been traditional to release college transcripts. I always got the idea people wanted to see Obama's because he's black. True story.

Tax returns are fair game. School transcripts, birth certificates, etc., are not.

That is really strange, I know that Kerry got a few Ds when he was a freshman, and ended up with almost the same GPA as Bush. I know that Perry was a less than stellar student, I know Gore had some really poor grades, and had a real hard time with a natural science course, I know Quayle only got into Indiana because of an equal opportunity program, I could go on for a while talking about the various presidents who had lousy grades, but since it is not traditional to release transcripts I must have hacked into all those colleges to get them.

I don't care. I don't care about someone's college transcripts, or their birth certificate, or their tax returns.

Have they broken the law? If not, why the f*** does it matter? It's private. Let it be.

I don't care either, I was just pointing out to Ravi that she is full of shit.
Its Sunday which means the litany of Sunday shows will provide plenty of opportunity for messaging and massaging, by 300 this afternoon, we'll see if the obama campaign doubles down on this issue.

I suspect they will walk back the felony talking point, but may have become to invested in the issue as a whole to just let it go, or they can just mealy mouth it and change the subject to a new line of attack.

Old Russian saying; when you have a problem you cannot get out of, create a new problem.

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