Romney's Bain Lie

4 sources who worked at Bain with Romney, 3 Dems (2 of whom are active Obama supporters): "Mitt Romney left Bain Capitol in 1999 to run the Olympics and he has had absolutely no involvement with the management or investment activities of the firm or with any of its portfolio companies since the day of his depature." "Romney left quickly as the deal with the Olympics happened quickly; all 4 insisted he left in Feb of 1999 and they never saw him around the office or involved in any dealings." "Because Romneys leaving was so sudden it took about two years to get the new management team in place. They essentially had to split up the company, divided among the existing partners which took about two years and they insist that they were required according to law to leave his name on those documents."
Romney wasn't working for free. He was paid over 100K salary outside of his investments.

MOre to the point, he had millions of his own money and billions of other people's money tied up in Bain, and the entire economy was going into full melt-down in 2000-2002.

Is there anyone who really thinks he was all like "Well, I'm sure the second string can handle it, I need to work out the venue for the Curling Event!"

Get... Real.
Endless stupidity by liberals.

His Bain pension gives the date he claims he quit working for them, but of course he was "really" working for free under the table for Bain while running the Olympics in Utah......fucking insanity.

You don't know what Mitten's duties were on the Olympic project. It's not like he had to start from scratch. He found some more money from the federal government to push the project over the hump. THAT took three years? Oh that's right... Mittens had to take on THE WHOLE PROJECT!!! :lol:
Oh good grief, birther BS-OK then.

Remember a couple of posts ago you typed this...
And calling me an idiot or cuckoo or some other condescending comment like some have done, tells me they have no argument.

Hypocrite, thy name is Wolfsister.

Now that we know exactly what you are, would you care to respond to the portion of my post that addresses Romney's tax return? What exactly are you hoping to find, anyway?

That wasn't name calling. I think the birther stuff is BS. Way to assume things though. I have said repeatedly that I want him to release the exact same tax returns every other person running for President has to release. Even members of his own party are asking for this. What am I hoping to learn? More about Romney's finances and how he handles his money. Kind of important if you are running for President. Heck, I don't even care about his paperwork from college just like I don't care about Obama's. That's hardly hypocritical.

Nice dodge.

Let me repeat the question, what exactly are you hoping to find? The only thing his tax returns can tell you is how much money he made and how much tax he paid, NONE of which is germane to the discussion. It won't prove or disprove the accusations of the Left, it will simply give you more ammunition for your 'class warfare' exercise.

And I want BoiKing to release his college records, just like "every other person running for President has..."

I notice you slipped in that 'has to' in your sentence that I quoted. Care to point out the law that says ANY candidate 'has to' release ANY tax returns?
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Endless stupidity by liberals.

His Bain pension gives the date he claims he quit working for them, but of course he was "really" working for free under the table for Bain while running the Olympics in Utah......fucking insanity.

You don't know what Mitten's duties were on the Olympic project. It's not like he had to start from scratch. He found some more money from the federal government to push the project over the hump. THAT took three years? Oh that's right... Mittens had to take on THE WHOLE PROJECT!!! :lol:

I'm sure he personally designed the Taboggan course.

Here's the problem with the Olympics, which hasn't gotten a lot of play.

This is WHY he had to drop everything to save the Olympics.

Because the power structure in Salt Lake City decided that they really needed to enhance their image by getting an Olympics. But there was just a tiny, itsy-bitsy little problem. They didn't have the capability to actually host one.

2002 Winter Olympic bid scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Even after all of this, the 1998 Games went to Nagano, Japan, in a 46-to-42 vote. Many felt the reason was that the US had recently been awarded the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia. Others, including Welch, believed it was because Nagano had better wined and dined the officials.[2]

Welch and Johnson decided to try harder the next round. Prior to the IOC vote for 1998, they had given out Stetson hats to delegates. For 2002 they decided to give out more than hats.[citation needed]

Millions of dollars were spent on perks including all-expense-paid ski trips, thirteen scholarships, Super Bowl trips, and plastic surgery.[citation needed] IOC members were given deals on real estate, and their family members were given jobs.[3][4] Cash bribes may have been employed. When the scandal broke, the cryptic "geld document" allegedly recorded personal preferences of IOC members.[5] Beside some members' names, the document contained the word "geld" (German for "money"), arguably indicating such members' receptiveness to cash bribes.

So here you have The MOrmon Church, caught giving out bribes, and about to get embarrassed in front of the whole world with the President in attendence....

Why, this looks like a job for Super-Mitt.


Do you think he would have made such a herculean effort to save AmPad or GS Steel? OF course not. They're only Gentiles.
You fucking idiot, Democraps in MA said Romney was working 12 hour workdays 5-6 days a week for the Olympics when they tried to prevent him from returning to MA to run for office AFTER the Olympics.

You people are fucking insane.

Endless stupidity by liberals.

His Bain pension gives the date he claims he quit working for them, but of course he was "really" working for free under the table for Bain while running the Olympics in Utah......fucking insanity.

Again, release the corporate minutes and his tax returns, he can clear this right up...

It wasn't like "running the Olympics" was a full time job... get real.
Endless stupidity by liberals.

His Bain pension gives the date he claims he quit working for them, but of course he was "really" working for free under the table for Bain while running the Olympics in Utah......fucking insanity.

You don't know what Mitten's duties were on the Olympic project. It's not like he had to start from scratch. He found some more money from the federal government to push the project over the hump. THAT took three years? Oh that's right... Mittens had to take on THE WHOLE PROJECT!!! :lol:

I'm sure he personally designed the Taboggan course.

Here's the problem with the Olympics, which hasn't gotten a lot of play.

This is WHY he had to drop everything to save the Olympics.

Because the power structure in Salt Lake City decided that they really needed to enhance their image by getting an Olympics. But there was just a tiny, itsy-bitsy little problem. They didn't have the capability to actually host one.

2002 Winter Olympic bid scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Even after all of this, the 1998 Games went to Nagano, Japan, in a 46-to-42 vote. Many felt the reason was that the US had recently been awarded the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia. Others, including Welch, believed it was because Nagano had better wined and dined the officials.[2]

Welch and Johnson decided to try harder the next round. Prior to the IOC vote for 1998, they had given out Stetson hats to delegates. For 2002 they decided to give out more than hats.[citation needed]

Millions of dollars were spent on perks including all-expense-paid ski trips, thirteen scholarships, Super Bowl trips, and plastic surgery.[citation needed] IOC members were given deals on real estate, and their family members were given jobs.[3][4] Cash bribes may have been employed. When the scandal broke, the cryptic "geld document" allegedly recorded personal preferences of IOC members.[5] Beside some members' names, the document contained the word "geld" (German for "money"), arguably indicating such members' receptiveness to cash bribes.

So here you have The MOrmon Church, caught giving out bribes, and about to get embarrassed in front of the whole world with the President in attendence....

Why, this looks like a job for Super-Mitt.


Do you think he would have made such a herculean effort to save AmPad or GS Steel? OF course not. They're only Gentiles.

gratuitous religious attack noted, thats what a pathetic reduced too. :clap2:
You should just shoot yourself in the head to get it over with for being so stupid.

"Working for free" was in regards to Bain while working and living in Utah, dumbfuck.

His pension plan from Bain shows a date that correlates with him leaving Bain, so he would've been working for fucking free you dumbfuck if he was secretly sending jobs to China like you claim.

Go shoot yourself, swallow.

Romney wasn't working for free. He was paid over 100K salary outside of his investments.
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I'm sure Mitt was out there personally designing the curling course...

I wonder why he didn't put as much effort into saving AmPad or GS Steel. You know, which lasts more than three weeks and everyone will forget in a few years.

Quick, what was the biggest thing you remember about the 2002 Winter Olympics? I can't remember a thing about them, other than the South Korean team had some really weird costumes...

You fucking idiot, Democraps in MA said Romney was working 12 hour workdays 5-6 days a week for the Olympics when they tried to prevent him from returning to MA to run for office AFTER the Olympics.

You people are fucking insane.

Endless stupidity by liberals.

His Bain pension gives the date he claims he quit working for them, but of course he was "really" working for free under the table for Bain while running the Olympics in Utah......fucking insanity.

Again, release the corporate minutes and his tax returns, he can clear this right up...

It wasn't like "running the Olympics" was a full time job... get real.
Yeah dumbfuck...he didn't have an important job being in charge. :eusa_whistle:

Throw in the fact he was brought in to fix a mess and prevent the Olympics being a flop, but of course Democraps in MA claiming Romney worked 12 hour workdays in Utah to fix the Olympics was really a lie. :eusa_shhh:

You know they were lying about Romney working so hard for the Olympics in Utah so he couldn't claim MA residency when he returned to MA.....

Endless stupidity by liberals.

His Bain pension gives the date he claims he quit working for them, but of course he was "really" working for free under the table for Bain while running the Olympics in Utah......fucking insanity.

You don't know what Mitten's duties were on the Olympic project. It's not like he had to start from scratch. He found some more money from the federal government to push the project over the hump. THAT took three years? Oh that's right... Mittens had to take on THE WHOLE PROJECT!!! :lol:
Dumbfuck you still didn't prove Romney wasn't working full-time in Utah during the time he was off sending jobs to China from Bain. Come on dumbfuck you can do it.....

I'm sure Mitt was out there personally designing the curling course...

I wonder why he didn't put as much effort into saving AmPad or GS Steel. You know, which lasts more than three weeks and everyone will forget in a few years.

Quick, what was the biggest thing you remember about the 2002 Winter Olympics? I can't remember a thing about them, other than the South Korean team had some really weird costumes...

You fucking idiot, Democraps in MA said Romney was working 12 hour workdays 5-6 days a week for the Olympics when they tried to prevent him from returning to MA to run for office AFTER the Olympics.

You people are fucking insane.

Again, release the corporate minutes and his tax returns, he can clear this right up...

It wasn't like "running the Olympics" was a full time job... get real.

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