Romney's Bain Lie

Its Sunday which means the litany of Sunday shows will provide plenty of opportunity for messaging and massaging, by 300 this afternoon, we'll see if the obama campaign doubles down on this issue.

I suspect they will walk back the felony talking point, but may have become to invested in the issue as a whole to just let it go, or they can just mealy mouth it and change the subject to a new line of attack.

Old Russian saying; when you have a problem you cannot get out of, create a new problem.

More like "When you have a problem you cannot get out of, say Condi Rice is likely your veep choice, and hope like hell everybody will talk about that."
Why won't Obama show us his college transcripts?

What is he hiding?
It's never been traditional to release college transcripts. I always got the idea people wanted to see Obama's because he's black. True story.

Tax returns are fair game. School transcripts, birth certificates, etc., are not.

Says who?

Says anyone with a lick of sense.

Romney is running purely on his Bain experience. Except that he wants to distance himself from the bad parts like AmPad and GS Steel and the outsourcing.

In short, if that's his argument, we really do need to see how much money he made when those folks in Marion, IN and Kansas City lost their jobs.... seems reasonable.

I'm not sure what you guys really think are in Obama's transcripts, exactly. The man had a 3.7 GPA So I imagine most of his grades were pretty good. But if he got a D in "Contract Law", that's kind of meaningless. He's not running on ihs college experience.

Ed Gillespie: Mitt Romney 'Retired Retroactively' From Bain Capital (VIDEO)

"There may have been a thought at the time that [Romney's Bain work] could be part-time. It was not part-time. The Olympics was in a shambles," Gillespie told Candy Crowley on CNN's "State of the Union."

"He took a leave of absence and in fact, Candy, ended up not going back at all and retired retroactively to February 1999 as a result," Gillespie said.

Romney's involvement at Bain came under renewed scrutiny last week after additional reports surfaced revealing that he was listed as the CEO, president and chairman of the firm long after he had previously stated. He has insisted that he had nothing to do with Bain after 1999 in response to questions about its activities at the time, including investing in companies that sent jobs overseas.
His retirement date doesn't matter, he took a LOA to run the Olympics. From the date of the LOA he was not involved in the day-to-day operations of the company.

You got nothin'!
Anybody that thinks college transcripts and tax returns are at the same level of transparency is an idiot.

First of all the transcripts are from over thirty years ago and have no bearing on any legal issues. A college student does not "prepare" his or her own transcripts. It does not matter what his transcripts were.

Tax returns, on the other hand, are germain to many legal issues. I don't believe that any prospective cabinet memmber going up before the Senate for confirmation can withold his or her tax returns..ANY of them that are available. I have NEVER heard of college transcripts being an issue. It might be in the case of a Supreme Court nominee but I've never seen it be an issue.

Anyone that is screeching for something as stupid as the college records and not howling to the moon for all of the tax returns is a full blown moron.

BTW.. If McCrazy had the right to see all of Mittens tax returns just for the consideration of the possibility he would be nominated VP...we the public certainly have the right to see them for our presidential vetting.

Ed Gillespie: Mitt Romney 'Retired Retroactively' From Bain Capital (VIDEO)

"There may have been a thought at the time that [Romney's Bain work] could be part-time. It was not part-time. The Olympics was in a shambles," Gillespie told Candy Crowley on CNN's "State of the Union."

"He took a leave of absence and in fact, Candy, ended up not going back at all and retired retroactively to February 1999 as a result," Gillespie said.

Romney's involvement at Bain came under renewed scrutiny last week after additional reports surfaced revealing that he was listed as the CEO, president and chairman of the firm long after he had previously stated. He has insisted that he had nothing to do with Bain after 1999 in response to questions about its activities at the time, including investing in companies that sent jobs overseas.

That is new. Not exactly ingenious. Kind of stupid actually. Such squirming and reaching ever newer terms to describe familiar actions is absurd!

RETROACTIVELY RETIRED? Give me a break! I thought Mitt was a business man not a doddering fool. Who the hell was writing these contracts anyway? First year community college student??????
Anybody that thinks college transcripts and tax returns are at the same level of transparency is an idiot.

First of all the transcripts are from over thirty years ago and have no bearing on any legal issues. A college student does not "prepare" his or her own transcripts. It does not matter what his transcripts were.

Tax returns, on the other hand, are germain to many legal issues. I don't believe that any prospective cabinet memmber going up before the Senate for confirmation can withold his or her tax returns..ANY of them that are available. I have NEVER heard of college transcripts being an issue. It might be in the case of a Supreme Court nominee but I've never seen it be an issue.

Anyone that is screeching for something as stupid as the college records and not howling to the moon for all of the tax returns is a full blown moron.

BTW.. If McCrazy had the right to see all of Mittens tax returns just for the consideration of the possibility he would be nominated VP...we the public certainly have the right to see them for our presidential vetting.

Remember the jokers howling for colllege transcripts were the same one howling for a birth certificate for the last 4 years.
These Bainers are so like the Birthers, insane. All the fact checkers, Mother Jones, TPM, WaPo, even blinking NYT say 'nothing here...'

Yet, the Bainers just ask their 'questions' where the ultimate answer is did Romney lie or is he a felon? Sort of like, 'no proof' from any source is sound enuf for the Birthers.

The management will be on solid ground here when they start moving all these threads to 'conspriacy.'

:lol: The headlines should read something like this:

"Did Mitt beat his wife?"

"Questions arise about whether or not Mitt beat his wife!"

"Wife beating a felony; Did Mitt commit a crime?"

Meanwhile Mitt and Ann both deny the bruise on her face came from Mitt, and video evidence shows that she walked into the door. First hand accounts and medical reports apparently confirm Mitt's claim, "I never hit my wife, ever!".

A month later, Dems release footage of Mitt and Ann Romney attending a Red Sox game when Big Papi hits one out of the park, Mitt waps Ann on the shoulder with the back of his hand in excitement...

Democratic underground obtains a photo of Ann flinching in the instant the back of Mitt's hand touches her shoulder and publishes the perfectly cropped snapshot with this headline, "Mitt Romney hits wife! Liar in Chief?"

Despite outrage from the Romney campaign and further denials, the demblogs and the twittah all insist Mitt should prove he did not beat his wife!!! The Romney campaign demands an apology, but the Dems insist their story is true and the photo is proof. Mitt Lies!

Half of America believes he bruised her face with the back of his hand that day, and the rest is history! Bravo dems! Bravo! :eusa_clap:

Wow. What a crappy metaphor for what is going on here.

Here's a better one. Romney is running on what a great husband he is. But then he seals the records of his marriage couselling. Then he denies there was marriage consoling.

Fact is, there are hundreds of people who had their lives ruined because Mitt Romney saw companies they worked for as a quick way to turn a buck.

He's running on what a great businessman he is. He doesn't want to talk about his leadership role in the Mormon Chruch or his governorship. He wants to talk about Bain. But he wants it to be a monologue, not a discussion.
Anybody that thinks college transcripts and tax returns are at the same level of transparency is an idiot.

First of all the transcripts are from over thirty years ago and have no bearing on any legal issues. A college student does not "prepare" his or her own transcripts. It does not matter what his transcripts were.

Tax returns, on the other hand, are germain to many legal issues. I don't believe that any prospective cabinet memmber going up before the Senate for confirmation can withold his or her tax returns..ANY of them that are available. I have NEVER heard of college transcripts being an issue. It might be in the case of a Supreme Court nominee but I've never seen it be an issue.

Anyone that is screeching for something as stupid as the college records and not howling to the moon for all of the tax returns is a full blown moron.

BTW.. If McCrazy had the right to see all of Mittens tax returns just for the consideration of the possibility he would be nominated VP...we the public certainly have the right to see them for our presidential vetting.

And..I have no idea how college transcripts are germane to anything regarding the Presidency. Obama went to the colleges..and the colleges confirm it. He passed the bar and has a license to practice law. That's the beginning and end of it.

Romney, is attaching his business acumen as a reason for voting for him. And he wants to take credit for job creation. Well, Bain seems to have been involved in the opposite.

There is no Constitutional complusion for Romney to show his tax returns, Obama to show his transcripts or birth certificate.

And, personally? I don't think it matters. SEC documentation shows that Romney was legally responsible for Bain between 1999 - 2002.

That should be enough.
These Bainers are so like the Birthers, insane. All the fact checkers, Mother Jones, TPM, WaPo, even blinking NYT say 'nothing here...'

Yet, the Bainers just ask their 'questions' where the ultimate answer is did Romney lie or is he a felon? Sort of like, 'no proof' from any source is sound enuf for the Birthers.

The management will be on solid ground here when they start moving all these threads to 'conspriacy.'

:lol: The headlines should read something like this:

"Did Mitt beat his wife?"

"Questions arise about whether or not Mitt beat his wife!"

"Wife beating a felony; Did Mitt commit a crime?"

Meanwhile Mitt and Ann both deny the bruise on her face came from Mitt, and video evidence shows that she walked into the door. First hand accounts and medical reports apparently confirm Mitt's claim, "I never hit my wife, ever!".

A month later, Dems release footage of Mitt and Ann Romney attending a Red Sox game when Big Papi hits one out of the park, Mitt waps Ann on the shoulder with the back of his hand in excitement...

Democratic underground obtains a photo of Ann flinching in the instant the back of Mitt's hand touches her shoulder and publishes the perfectly cropped snapshot with this headline, "Mitt Romney hits wife! Liar in Chief?"

Despite outrage from the Romney campaign and further denials, the demblogs and the twittah all insist Mitt should prove he did not beat his wife!!! The Romney campaign demands an apology, but the Dems insist their story is true and the photo is proof. Mitt Lies!

Half of America believes he bruised her face with the back of his hand that day, and the rest is history! Bravo dems! Bravo! :eusa_clap:

Wow. What a crappy metaphor for what is going on here.

Here's a better one. Romney is running on what a great husband he is. But then he seals the records of his marriage couselling. Then he denies there was marriage consoling.

Fact is, there are hundreds of people who had their lives ruined because Mitt Romney saw companies they worked for as a quick way to turn a buck.

He's running on what a great businessman he is. He doesn't want to talk about his leadership role in the Mormon Chruch or his governorship. He wants to talk about Bain. But he wants it to be a monologue, not a discussion.

joeyb, you are about as literate as TderpM -- and about as persuasive.:lol:

For all the caterwauling by you hyper-partisan liberal Democratics, you can point to no lie told by Mitt in this regard.

Why is it that The ONE can tell us all about going to Columbia and Harvard, yet will not release one transcript, one application, one anything from those days? And why is it that HIS efforts to conceal his own history are just fine by you?
This thread proves liberals are idiots full of shit.

They can be beat over the head and pounded in the ass, but they will continue to talk trash to keep their messiah in office.

The messiah that actually has broken the law and is currently covering it up via hiding F&F documents from the American public. What could be damaging to Holder and the messiah to hide it from the American public????

It's not as if they can claim national security reasons to hide their plan to run guns across the border via drug gangs.......we all know about it now, idiots, so it's not classified.

Now the obama regime isn't only covering up documents from Fast and Furious but LIBOR as well.

This has nothing to do with covering up the security leaks that's separate.
College records would show whether or not Obama claimed foreign student status to get grants and/or scholarships to attend Occidental College or Columbia University. Seeing as how his publisher claimed for 10 years that he was born in Kenya, I think that's a reasonable question. If he did, it would prove once and for all that the man is Constitutionally ineligible to serve as President.

Tax records, on the other hand, wouldn't show shit other than Mitt Romney made a LOT of money. They wouldn't show whether or not he was in control of Bain between 1999-2002, regardless of how much money he earned. As the OWNER, he was entitled to his 'cut', good or bad, from the operating decisions made by his partners. There is nothing in those documents that would disprove his assertion that his ownership interest in Bain at that time was strictly PASSIVE.

Oh good grief, birther BS-OK then.

Remember a couple of posts ago you typed this...
And calling me an idiot or cuckoo or some other condescending comment like some have done, tells me they have no argument.

Hypocrite, thy name is Wolfsister.

Now that we know exactly what you are, would you care to respond to the portion of my post that addresses Romney's tax return? What exactly are you hoping to find, anyway?

That wasn't name calling. I think the birther stuff is BS. Way to assume things though. I have said repeatedly that I want him to release the exact same tax returns every other person running for President has released. Even members of his own party are asking for this. What am I hoping to learn? More about Romney's finances and how he handles his money. Kind of important if you are running for President. Heck, I don't even care about his paperwork from college just like I don't care about Obama's. That's hardly hypocritical.
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Mitt Romney Bain Capital Document Lists Him As 'Managing Member' In 2002

WASHINGTON -- Add another document to the pile of evidence contradicting Mitt Romney's continued insistence that he ended his active role with Bain Capital in early 1999, part of his long-running effort to avoid responsibility for the company's activity, related to outsourcing and bankruptcies, during the years that followed.

A corporate document filed with the state of Massachusetts in December 2002 -- a month after Romney was elected governor -- lists him as one of two managing members of Bain Capital Investors, LLC "authorized to execute, acknowledge, deliver and record any recordable instrument purporting to affect an interest in real property, whether to be recorded with a Registry of Deeds or with a District Office of the Land Court."

For all the caterwauling by you hyper-partisan liberal Democratics, you can point to no lie told by Mitt in this regard.

Why is it that The ONE can tell us all about going to Columbia and Harvard, yet will not release one transcript, one application, one anything from those days? And why is it that HIS efforts to conceal his own history are just fine by you?

Uh, he lied about when he left Bain Capital. He said he left in 1999, but he was still the owner, CEO and getting a six figure salary from them until 2002.

And frankly, I don't care about his College years.

I'd be embarrassed about what I wrote in my college years. I was a college Republican who believed in all sorts of horseshit.... that I know now isn't true. But that was 30 years ago.
Former Bain Capital partner says Romney was 'legally' CEO of Bain Capital until 2002

A former partner at Bain Capital, who worked at the firm when Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney was in charge, acknowledged on Sunday that Romney was “legally” the chief executive officer and sole owner of Bain Capital until 2002, not 1999 as Romney has previously stated, and said that Romney was engaged in a “complicated set of negotiations” over his exit pay for at least two years after he says he left the firm.

“Mitt’s names were on the documents as the chief executive and sole owner of the company,” Ed Conard, who served as a partner at Bain Capital from 1993 to 2007, said in an exclusive interview with Up w/ Chris Hayes. Asked again if Romney was chief executive officer of Bain Capital from 1999 to 2002, Conard said, “Legally, on documents, I suppose, yes.”

Despite Romney's statements that he left in 1999, Conard's new remarks suggest that, in fact, Romney's continued ownership of the firm enabled him to negotiate a better exit deal. "“We had to negotiate with Mitt because he was an owner of the firm," Conard said.
Endless stupidity by liberals.

His Bain pension gives the date he claims he quit working for them, but of course he was "really" working for free under the table for Bain while running the Olympics in Utah......fucking insanity.
Endless stupidity by liberals.

His Bain pension gives the date he claims he quit working for them, but of course he was "really" working for free under the table for Bain while running the Olympics in Utah......fucking insanity.

Again, release the corporate minutes and his tax returns, he can clear this right up...

It wasn't like "running the Olympics" was a full time job... get real.

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