Romneytard the sore loser insults minorities and young voters

No one gives a damn what color you are dipshit. Who FUCKING CARES???

If you don't care why did you say the jackass statement that all minorities do is complain? Face, you fringe, Foxnew loving, Michelle Malkin and Ann Coulter bootlicking rightards
are not conservatives you are far right lunatics.

Try to follow along shit for brains. All minorities do is BIATCH, MOAN, piss their training pants - continuously.. What the hell does that have to do with us giving a damn what color you are?! You're the one obsessed with skin color.. just like the majority of libruls. Conservatives don't fuckin care if you're white, black, brown.. what the hell ever. If you're an asshole, you're an asshole.. Color has NOTHING to do with it..

No worries, you're an asshole who happens to be black..

All rightards have been doing for 4 years is moan and complain about socialism, birtherism and all kinds of BS that doesn't exist, minorities are growing and we decide election, you lily white far rightards don't run the country and decide elections because you're outnumbered and you're mad.
If you don't care why did you say the jackass statement that all minorities do is complain? Face, you fringe, Foxnew loving, Michelle Malkin and Ann Coulter bootlicking rightards
are not conservatives you are far right lunatics.

Try to follow along shit for brains. All minorities do is BIATCH, MOAN, piss their training pants - continuously.. What the hell does that have to do with us giving a damn what color you are?! You're the one obsessed with skin color.. just like the majority of libruls. Conservatives don't fuckin care if you're white, black, brown.. what the hell ever. If you're an asshole, you're an asshole.. Color has NOTHING to do with it..

No worries, you're an asshole who happens to be black..

All rightards have been doing for 4 years is moan and complain about socialism, birtherism and all kinds of BS that doesn't exist, minorities are growing and we decide election, you lily white far rightards don't run the country and decide elections because you're outnumbered and you're mad.

^^^^ Racist black trash... everything is about color. Told ya you're an asshole.

PS- Your kind can have Fakey.. he's as hateful and race obsessed as you are.
Romney Dings Obama for 'Gifts' to Minority Voters - Yahoo! News

This dude is taking his election defeat very hard and looking for excuses.

Why are people so insulted by the truth? Obama got the welfare vote. Deal with facts.

And whose fault is that?

Frankly, the REpublicans have been joined at the hip with the big corporations moving middle class, union jobs overseas, busting everyone down to McJobs and forcing them onto assistance.

And then big surprise- people who realize that government does more for them than employers actually vote for more government.

Wooooo... why are you shocked, exactly?
BTW, has anyone posted that the employer can deduct health insurance premiums paid as a benefit?

Its true. Same with group hospitalization, long term care.

Add that to the insurance exchanges and the tax credit that is included with ObamaCare and there ain't no way these slime balls are telling the truth.

I remember a conversation we had with our accountant and what I remember was being really happy that our business would be getting a big break, that we would be paying less with ObamaCare.

I wish the rw's sheeples would inform themselves but that won't happen.
Romney Dings Obama for 'Gifts' to Minority Voters - Yahoo! News

This dude is taking his election defeat very hard and looking for excuses.

Why are people so insulted by the truth? Obama got the welfare vote. Deal with facts.

And whose fault is that?

Frankly, the REpublicans have been joined at the hip with the big corporations moving middle class, union jobs overseas, busting everyone down to McJobs and forcing them onto assistance.

And then big surprise- people who realize that government does more for them than employers actually vote for more government.

Wooooo... why are you shocked, exactly?

And, nothing wrong with either candidate identifying their constituents and then offering what they believe those voters want.

For Mitt, it was the 1%, foreign companies and foreign banks.

For Obama is was the United States.
I am black and represent true conservatism, being rightwing and being conservative isn't the same damn thing, you retards are fringe.

You're a racist and a douche-bag and you love the taste of dingle-berries.

Gas under bush 1.80 Gas under zero 3.60
If you don't care why did you say the jackass statement that all minorities do is complain? Face, you fringe, Foxnew loving, Michelle Malkin and Ann Coulter bootlicking rightards
are not conservatives you are far right lunatics.

Try to follow along shit for brains. All minorities do is BIATCH, MOAN, piss their training pants - continuously.. What the hell does that have to do with us giving a damn what color you are?! You're the one obsessed with skin color.. just like the majority of libruls. Conservatives don't fuckin care if you're white, black, brown.. what the hell ever. If you're an asshole, you're an asshole.. Color has NOTHING to do with it..

No worries, you're an asshole who happens to be black..

All rightards have been doing for 4 years is moan and complain about socialism, birtherism and all kinds of BS that doesn't exist, minorities are growing and we decide election, you lily white far rightards don't run the country and decide elections because you're outnumbered and you're mad.

Please stay in Brown County, Maryland.:lol:
I love southern Idaho.:D
Romney Dings Obama for 'Gifts' to Minority Voters - Yahoo! News

This dude is taking his election defeat very hard and looking for excuses.

1. First, calling Romney names like "Romneytard" reflect more on you as a poor sport.
So saying "Romneytard is a sore loser" is like saying "Sh*tface has a filthy mouth"

2. Secondly, it may not just be that issue per se, but it does represent related attitudes of depending on the govt or Democrat Party to "give them things." For example, one friend of mine was worried more about his civil liberties being under threat by the GOP. So he feels that the Democrat Party "gives him" representation. Never mind that he is supposed to get these civil rights directly from the Constitution, regardless of which person or party is in office. But no, he doesn't want to work for that or enforce that himself, but vote for someone else to "give him" this. So that is still VICTIM MENTALITY and exploiting the disempowered people for their votes, instead of empowering them to be independent and represent and enforce their OWN INTERESTS without relying on govt.
Sorry, but I went through this whole argument with this friend who doesn't directly fall into any of the other handout groups, but gave his vote to Obama out of DEPENDENCE instead of invoking Constitutional laws governing all of us and govt equally as independent types do. (I told him independent of what *I* believe and what partisan agenda or interests *I* have personally, the point of hiring someone for President is who is going to enforce the Constitution to represent all people EQUALLY, NOT push some partisan agenda that half the country doesn't relate to. That is NOT the job of the President. But we got nowhere because he is still so afraid of mean-spirited authoritarian types in the GOP pushing THEIR agenda, he felt he had to counter by voting for the opposite agenda. I know that two wrongs don't make a right, but in the meantime, that is what you have going on; people voting for agenda, regardless if this is Constitutional or not, in hopes of outnumbering the interests of others that are supposed to be protected too!)

3. Third, I would not trust the media to represent what everyone said individually. As a whole, yes I agree that together, all the comments people are making apply here and there.
The media tends to take certain sound bytes they can run with and focus on those. A lot more criticisms are being said across the board, and I look at what people are saying collectively and what they are correcting. I am not going to fault each person on each point. There was a lot of pushing at the polls for people to vote in large numbers and groups for Obama that are harder to do with independents and conservatives who don't depend on govt or on elected leaders to do the work they are going to do anyway outside of govt.

As long as the populations such a Black, Latino, Women etc. are divided along political lines, it is easier to amass the liberal votes together from people in all these groups who take a "dependent" approach to govt. Those who are independent types by their nature are going to be scattered, and not even support the same candidates. So of course you are going to be outnumbered. The only way to make fair policy representing and protecting interests equally would be to form a consensus on policy, that includes all people's views and interests, and actually solve the conflicts instead of abusing "fear of domination by the opposition" to exploit the voters and try to bully over and exclude others by majority rule.

When the conservatives do this to themselves or to others, it is equally wrong as it undermines the Constitutional principles that are supposed to represent and include all people equally. Not just protect the interests of the majority group, but all citizens together.
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Try to follow along shit for brains. All minorities do is BIATCH, MOAN, piss their training pants - continuously.. What the hell does that have to do with us giving a damn what color you are?! You're the one obsessed with skin color.. just like the majority of libruls. Conservatives don't fuckin care if you're white, black, brown.. what the hell ever. If you're an asshole, you're an asshole.. Color has NOTHING to do with it..

No worries, you're an asshole who happens to be black..

All rightards have been doing for 4 years is moan and complain about socialism, birtherism and all kinds of BS that doesn't exist, minorities are growing and we decide election, you lily white far rightards don't run the country and decide elections because you're outnumbered and you're mad.

Please stay in Brown County, Maryland.:lol:
I love southern Idaho.:D

He claims he's in of the elitists, throwing down proverbs to us cretins.
All rightards have been doing for 4 years is moan and complain about socialism, birtherism and all kinds of BS that doesn't exist, minorities are growing and we decide election, you lily white far rightards don't run the country and decide elections because you're outnumbered and you're mad.

Please stay in Brown County, Maryland.:lol:
I love southern Idaho.:D[/QUOTE]

Dear TW: Given that in any social structure where there is a hierarchy and people are learning how to become independent instead of relying on others to manage and govern them. Who do you think has the greater numbers, the number of dependent people on the grassroots level, or the number of people with expertise and experience managing whole systems of people from the top down? That is who you are talking about.

for example, I would NOT run a school system, by having principals, teachers and students vote on school policy and funding. I would find democratic ways to include input from students and make sure no one is abused or denied equal access; but I would certainly trust the teachers and administrators when it comes to decisions affecting the administrative side and the budgets and setting/meeting goals, while the students go through the education process, and eventually become teachers and admininstrators later on.

The issue is NOT about minority groups by race/gender. But who is in what level or position to contribute to run and fund govt and/or to run programs outside of govt to meet the needs of the masses; and who is DEPENDING on these services to be provided by others.

if you don't want to split the school apart, you would have to take into consideration all the input from everyone affected, and work to solve problems and conflicts so all are satisfied.
You can't just take the majority of student votes and run over the input of people paying for and operating these programs. Even if the students favor certain things, you would still need to include experienced administrators and teachers to put together cohesive policy.
Obama got the majority vote, the determinant of which were women and minorities.

Call them "welfare vote" at your own stupid risk. The hatred in the GOP has to stop.

No, What needs to stop is the inability in this country for people to speak the truth without being accused of hating. We can no longer have an honest debate in this country and even begin to deal with serious issues because half the electorate wants to act like thirteen year old school girls. Truth may not always be pretty, but it needs to be dealt with.
Gas under bush 1.80 Gas under zero 3.60

I paid $4 a gallon for gas under Bush

And, remember the gas shortages under Reagan? Gas was sky high, when you could get it.

But, no president can control or influence the price of gas. Even rw's should know that. But, hey, they still believe there's such a thing as an "ObamaPhone".

rw's will believe anything.

You had to take a lunch break during the lines in the carter years.

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