Romneytard the sore loser insults minorities and young voters

Minorities are insulted by everyfuckinthing these dayz... Who gives a flying douche any longer?! NO DAMN BODY.. that's who! Go cry and whine in some corner.. STFU already.

Rightwingers are insulted by anything black or Latino that's not far right and licking their boots, even other whites who they affectionately call RINOS, those minorities you once again insult are ones who won Obama the election.
The minority and young voters are the main reason why we should change the symbol of the United States from the majestic bald eagle to the tapeworm. The dayof the average American citizen exhibiting any of the characteristics of the bald eagle have long since passed, especially since we entered the era of the "Obama Nation Plantation" where the only ID necessary is their EBT card and the rallying cry is "Where's our free stuff?" The "Fundamental Transformation of America" is completed, we are now officially Parasite Nation.
The culture that built this into the super power that it was is dying.

The people flooding this nation are of the third world that doesn't much care about our greatness or freedom. Of course the left doesn't see a problem with this.
The EuroAmerican culture is a great foundation as Americans improve and move foward.

The dying 'white is right' crowd can shuffle off.
Not at all. The consumers are the heart of the system, they must consume in order for owners and managers to be able to produce.

So let's just say that without first having a product you have everyone out in the woods eating bark.

In order to have the money to produce they need to have demand but in order to have demand you need a product and in order to cause that demand you need to advertize. But if the consumer doesn't have money because of not having a job the whole system collapses.

The consumer may be the focus of capitalism but without a product there is nothing to consume.
Which depends on the consumer, in the first place.

That is why Ford's workers were the primary consumers of the Model T in the beginning.

Consumer/worker precedes capital. Always.
The EuroAmerican culture is a great foundation as Americans improve and move foward.

The dying 'white is right' crowd can shuffle off.

That is about as racist as you can get.

Well done. :clap2:

Next you're gonna say blacks and Hispanics do it better.....which for anyone who has traveled knows you're full of horse dung.
No, son, calling out the racist 'white is right crowd' is the right non-racist thing to do.

That you don't see it paints you as a racist.
Which depends on the consumer, in the first place.

That is why Ford's workers were the primary consumers of the Model T in the beginning.

Consumer/worker precedes capital. Always.


Having a job precedes everything. Buying a car isn't even a consideration without money.

Save the Marxist nonsense.
Abraham Lincoln was a Marxist? You boob. Labor always is the antecedent and more important than capital: always. Without the laborer consumer the capitalist can't exist.
No, son, calling out the racist 'white is right crowd' is the right non-racist thing to do.

That you don't see it paints you as a racist.

I see exactly what you're doing.

You're a bigot trying to paint every white on the right with the same brush.

Wanting security and prosperity isn't a racial issue. Only the left makes it so.

I knew your argument would eventually deteriorate into race-baiting.

Predictable as clockwork......and the normal progression of any liberal who is losing in a debate.

You constantly misrepresent the truth about the right. The record is clear.

Claiming to represent the right in any shape or fashion shows you to be a bold-face liar and thus everything you say is suspect.

End of discussion.
I am white, and I am not painting myself as a racist, so boom goes you first point.

Talk to the Matthews etc who are defending the 'white is right' crowd, while I am attacking his racism.

You are on the wrong side of this, mud. Think.
I am black and represent true conservatism, being rightwing and being conservative isn't the same damn thing, you retards are fringe.
I am black and represent true conservatism, being rightwing and being conservative isn't the same damn thing, you retards are fringe.

No one gives a damn what color you are dipshit. Who FUCKING CARES???

If you don't care why did you say the jackass statement that all minorities do is complain? Face, you fringe, Foxnew loving, Michelle Malkin and Ann Coulter bootlicking rightards
are not conservatives you are far right lunatics.
I am black and represent true conservatism, being rightwing and being conservative isn't the same damn thing, you retards are fringe.

No one gives a damn what color you are dipshit. Who FUCKING CARES???

If you don't care why did you say the jackass statement that all minorities do is complain? Face, you fringe, Foxnew loving, Michelle Malkin and Ann Coulter bootlicking rightards
are not conservatives you are far right lunatics.

Try to follow along shit for brains. All minorities do is BIATCH, MOAN, piss their training pants - continuously.. What the hell does that have to do with us giving a damn what color you are?! You're the one obsessed with skin color.. just like the majority of libruls. Conservatives don't fuckin care if you're white, black, brown.. what the hell ever. If you're an asshole, you're an asshole.. Color has NOTHING to do with it..

No worries, you're an asshole who happens to be black..
There are a couple of political axioms that become obvious when the party of no family values wins an election. Democrats are not gracious winners and the liberal media will continue to circle the wagons around a democrat administration.
Romney Dings Obama for 'Gifts' to Minority Voters - Yahoo! News

This dude is taking his election defeat very hard and looking for excuses.

well if you think about it and you can see past your infatuation with the Muslim Obama, you might could see that Mitt was right. Amazing how you people can't be objective and so so in love with Obama you can't see reality. Yes, alot of people did vote Obama because they got Free cell phones from him, free housing, and other free things and the people themselves have said it. what don't you believe when the people themselves say they recieved gifts and expect more by voting for him..............c'mon

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