Ron DeSantis comes out in support of White Marine, Daniel Penny --- Urges People To Donate To His GiveSendGo

No it doesn't.
From your post:
"...reasonably believe is necessary to defend themselves or others from what they reasonably believe to be the illegal imminent use of force or the illegal use of force."

Mr. Penny probably believed that his reasonable restraint action was justified. (reasonable since other passengers helped)
It was NOT a violent act like garden variety street thugs use, and that Bragg doesn't even charge.
Ever see the movies "Death Wish" or "The Mechanic"? They were about vigilantes cleaning up street thugs. When streets aren't safe, vigilantes fill the police void.

That obviously is a lie, since it resulted in murder.
Nothing justified murder, and all chokeholds are illegal unless death is warranted.
So what does it say when two other passengers help restrain the nutjob instead of telling Mr. Penny to let him up?
It doesn't say anything other than maybe two other people assisted in a manslaughter. I'm not sure why you think the involvement of other people justifies the action.
This is good move by DeSantis. We should all donate to him so he can beat Alvin Bragg and his anti-White crusade against good Samaritans who defend the defenseless.

Glad they're using GiveSendGo instead of the leftist, GoFundMe. I'm headed to GSG now to donate. Anyway for a noble cause.
This is good move by DeSantis. We should all donate to him so he can beat Alvin Bragg and his anti-White crusade against good Samaritans who defend the defenseless.

I wonder if you retards would be so forgiving if the situation was reversed. A black guy choking a white guy to death.
I could see restraining neery for a few minutes but for 15 minutes until dead? Plus there were others holding him down at the same time. We don't kill people as that is murder.
Let's just be happy that there's one less career criminal terrorizing the subways and neighborhoods. May he enjoy his life in hell, and may his victims breath a sigh of relief.
I wonder if you retards would be so forgiving if the situation was reversed. A black guy choking a white guy to death.
Damn … that shit happens every 10 minutes. It just isn't covered by the Fake News Media.
Mr. Penny can believe what ever he wants. The Jury will decide.
You conveniently left off the most important part....
Situations where deadly force can be used in self-defense include circumstances involving:
  • Kidnapping
  • Forcible rape
  • Robbery
  • Arson
  • Burglary
Mr. Penny did NOT intend to use deadly force.
I wonder if you retards would be so forgiving if the situation was reversed. A black guy choking a white guy to death.
Bragg would not have arrested or prosecuted a black, duh.
This is how things work these days:


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