Ron DeSantis comes out in support of White Marine, Daniel Penny --- Urges People To Donate To His GiveSendGo

DeSantis is defunding the elderly in his own state by raising the age of retirement. Some people are already worn down to the bone by the time they're sixty, and they won't be around when they're 70 to get the retirement they earned with blood, sweat, and tears. Sorry. I'm voting for Trump, if he still has a pulse, and he will.
I'm still voting for Trump but had no idea DeSantis was raising the age for retirees. That's a bad move. Nevertheless he won't get the nomination. Trump is up 42 points over him in the polls.
I'm still voting for Trump but had no idea DeSantis was raising the age for retirees. That's a bad move. Nevertheless he won't get the nomination. Trump is up 42 points over him in the polls.

DeSantis can't raise the retirement age in FL. That's a federal policy. beautress is spreading false information. A Trumpbots fear mongering ploy. Notice how she used the catch phrase, "defunding" the elderly. <<< Sounds scary, right? It's supposed. At least until you realize it's all a hoax.

The state governments pension plan.
DeSantis can't raise the retirement age in FL. That's a federal policy. beautress is spreading false information. A Trumpbots fear mongering ploy. Notice how she used the catch phrase, "defunding" the elderly. <<< Sounds scary, right? It's supposed. At least until you realize it's all a hoax.

The state governments pension plan.
I did not spread false information, to the best of my knowledge, but I went to politifact website to check it out, and here's their notes on how many times this "reining in of came up in his interviews and speeches:

Email interview with Natasha Sutherland, constituencies director for DeSantis Watch, March 14, 2023
Email interview with Bryan Griffin, DeSantis' press secretary, March 14, 2023
PolitiFact, In the House, Ron DeSantis voted to rein in Medicare spending. Is that a cut, Feb. 22, 2023
PolitiFact, Putnam ad exaggerates DeSantis votes on Social Security, Medicare, Aug. 9, 2018
Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, Republican Study Committee adds to the alternative budgets, March 19, 2013
DeSantis Watch, DeSantis Watch launches Facebook ads highlighting Ron DeSantis' extreme record on Social Security and Medicare, Feb. 9, 2023
CNN, DeSantis says GOP will not 'mess with Social Security,' as Democrats and Trump slam his past support for privatization, March 2, 2023
I only reported what I had heard on tv. I didn't realize it was also on the internet at sites seniors frequent, with this one being the first one I found in their little list of his past ideals about slashing senior benefits: DeSantis Watch Launches Facebook Ads Highlighting Ron DeSantisâ Extreme Record on Social Security & Medicare | DeSantis Watch Which said, and I quote:

Prove to me that DeSantis did not vote to defund the elderly. because this is the quote the above link says:
As President Joe Biden travels to Tampa today to highlight his plans to protect and strengthen Social Security and Medicare,​
DeSantis Watch is launching paid digital ads to Floridians on Facebook to highlight the contrast with Governor Ron DeSantis’​
record of working to shortchange America’s seniors.​
During his time in Congress, Ron voted repeatedly for cuts to Social Security and Medicare, including to slash $473 billion from​
Medicare in 2018 and to raise the retirement age to 70 for Medicare and Social Security beneficiaries in 2013.​
I did my job of checking your claim that I was spreading false information. That is a false assumption you have made about a man with a long track record of going after senior benefits. I hope he has changed his mind since the GOP doesn't buy it either. It's too bad you didn't check it out and lied off the top of your empty head.

I did not spread false information, to the best of my knowledge, but I went to politifact website to check it out, and here's their notes on how many times this "reining in of came up in his interviews and speeches:

Email interview with Natasha Sutherland, constituencies director for DeSantis Watch, March 14, 2023
Email interview with Bryan Griffin, DeSantis' press secretary, March 14, 2023
PolitiFact, In the House, Ron DeSantis voted to rein in Medicare spending. Is that a cut, Feb. 22, 2023
PolitiFact, Putnam ad exaggerates DeSantis votes on Social Security, Medicare, Aug. 9, 2018
Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, Republican Study Committee adds to the alternative budgets, March 19, 2013
DeSantis Watch, DeSantis Watch launches Facebook ads highlighting Ron DeSantis' extreme record on Social Security and Medicare, Feb. 9, 2023
CNN, DeSantis says GOP will not 'mess with Social Security,' as Democrats and Trump slam his past support for privatization, March 2, 2023
I only reported what I had heard on tv. I didn't realize it was also on the internet at sites seniors frequent, with this one being the first one I found in their little list of his past ideals about slashing senior benefits: DeSantis Watch Launches Facebook Ads Highlighting Ron DeSantisâ Extreme Record on Social Security & Medicare | DeSantis Watch Which said, and I quote:

Prove to me that DeSantis did not vote to defund the elderly. because this is the quote the above link says:
As President Joe Biden travels to Tampa today to highlight his plans to protect and strengthen Social Security and Medicare,​
DeSantis Watch is launching paid digital ads to Floridians on Facebook to highlight the contrast with Governor Ron DeSantis’​
record of working to shortchange America’s seniors.​
During his time in Congress, Ron voted repeatedly for cuts to Social Security and Medicare, including to slash $473 billion from​
Medicare in 2018 and to raise the retirement age to 70 for Medicare and Social Security beneficiaries in 2013.​
I did my job of checking your claim that I was spreading false information. That is a false assumption you have made about a man with a long track record of going after senior benefits. I hope he has changed his mind since the GOP doesn't buy it either. It's too bad you didn't check it out and lied off the top of your empty head.

You're statement was false. A state governor can't raise the retirement age. It's not even possible. When he was a congressman, (for a short time), there's no telling how he voted or why. Those bills are packed with some good stuff and some bad stuff. Like one of the Trump era NDAA reauthorization bills, that also included a pay raise for the military. Not one time was there a stand alone bill that was just for increasing the retirement age, that DeSantis voted yes on. In fact, I'm not even sure he voted yes on a bill that included increasing the retirement age to 70. That would've made headline news. I don't remember that EVER being in the headline.
I remember the democrats using that line of propaganda against the GOP. But it was always lies.
I'm still voting for Trump but had no idea DeSantis was raising the age for retirees. That's a bad move. Nevertheless he won't get the nomination. Trump is up 42 points over him in the polls.
Well, I think Governor DeSantis is a good person, but he's young and may not realize how tough it is to be physically worn out by living a full life up to the time your body just says no. I haven't seen him openly say he has changed his mind. If he knew seniors operating on half what they earned when in the working force, he should be told that seniors have little to spare, and sometimes the choice could be "Do I give my grandkids new winter coats for Christmas, or do I pay my end-of-year home taxes and utility bills?"

I'm voting for Trump because I'd like to see him restart the effort to peace on earth starting with his campaign to bring peace to the Middle East. The other thing that I really like about Donald Trump was his ecological effort to clean up the seas in and around the United States. Our oceans are a mess of plastics that kill food the poor in coastal countries, and some kinds of plastics found in fish by marketers have cuts of plastic in their bodies. It could hurt the poor people in coastal regions with debilitating corporal issues if they ate the plastics inside the fish they catch. And I pray for President Trump, his lovely wife Melania, his extended family, staffers, and other supporters including those who voted for him. I know that God will bless him for the insane lies that were spread about him by Hillary and Barack. I'm not repeating those criminal acts here so they could have totalitarian power once they communize our free and hard-working countrymen.
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You're statement was false. A state governor can't raise the retirement age. It's not even possible. When he was a congressman, (for a short time), there's no telling how he voted or why. Those bills are packed with some good stuff and some bad stuff. Like one of the Trump era NDAA reauthorization bills, that also included a pay raise for the military. Not one time was there a stand alone bill that was just for increasing the retirement age, that DeSantis voted yes on. In fact, I'm not even sure he voted yes on a bill that included increasing the retirement age to 70. That would've made headline news. I don't remember that EVER being in the headline.
I remember the democrats using that line of propaganda against the GOP. But it was always lies.
I stand by the proof that I showed that DeSantis has an extended history of trying to pass laws that cut benefits for seniors and raise their retirement age to 70, and not the 65 it is when many people are needing to retire. My grandfather died when he was 67. That only gave him two years of retirement. His company did not continue his retirement benefits to his wife, my grandmother. She suffered poverty issues until her death 44 years later. For your vicious critique, you earned yourself a special place on my ignore list.
Well, I think Governor DeSantis is a good person, but he's young and may not realize how tough it is to be physically worn out by living a full life up to the time your body just says no. I haven't seen him openly say he has changed his mind. If he knew seniors operating on half what they earned when in the working force, he should be told that seniors have little to spare, and sometimes the choice could be "Do I give my grandkids new winter coats for Christmas, or do I pay my end-of-year home taxes and utility bills?"

I'm voting for Trump because I'd like to see him restart the effort to peace on earth starting with his campaign to bring peace to the Middle East. The other thing that I really like about Donald Trump was his ecological effort to clean up the seas in and around the United States. Our oceans are a mess of plastics that kill food the poor on coastal countries, and some kinds of plastics found in fish by marketers have cuts of plastic in their bodies. It could hurt the poor people in coastal regions with debilitating corporal issues if they ate the plastics inside the fish they catch. And I pray for President Trump, his lovely wife Melania, his extended family, staffers, and other supporters including those who voted for him. I know that God will bless him for the insane lies that were spread about him by Hillary and Barack. I'm not repeating those criminal acts here so they could have totalitarian power once they communize our free and hard-working countrymen.

He did nothing to clean up the oceans. The middle east wasn't at peace any time he was in office.

What he did do was

Notch our 2A with his bumpstock ban
Spent $8 trillion in just 4 years. Doubling Obama's yearly record. Setting the record for the most money spent by a GOP president. In fact, his spending was more than all (but one) presidents combined.
Increased the debt ceiling twice
Suspended it for 2 full years
Funded gender studies in Pakistan and Afghanistan
Didn't end any wars (in the middle east)
He didn't get all of our troops out of Afghanistan or Pakistan like he promised
In 2020, he help initiate the US oil bust cycle by striking a deal with US oil producers to REDUCE oil production.
We were never actually oil independent. That's a farce created by skewed numbers including oil we had already imported.
Trump reauthorized unconstitutional legislation.
1. FISA 702. Warrantless spying on Americans
2. The Patriot Act
3. The NDAA.

Trump is just a north eastern liberal in disguise.
You don't know that the threats were only verbal.
When some dork is spitting mad and threatens other people, he could pass a covid around to a lot of people in the same small space if he were infected or just a carrier. Some people carry diseases without showing symptoms themselves. It's rare but it happens from time to time.

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