Ron DeSantis comes out in support of White Marine, Daniel Penny --- Urges People To Donate To His GiveSendGo

Self-loathing Uncle Toms are kind of sad. I mean, you can admire a scammer like Candace Owens or Ben Carson who make shitloads of money telling white people what they want to hear, just don't take it too far like Herman Cain.

Why don't blacks look up to black billionaires like Robert Smith?
Wow, thanks for proving the reality of modern Conservatism... the Cruelty is the Point.

Neeley was a broken light bulb. No future, no plans, no hopes and no chances of ever having a happy life. He can be happy now. And so can society.

Penny loses in Criminal court, goes to prison, and the homies throw him a little party involving sharpened toothbrushes. Neely's family sues his estate.

And you'll celebrate the violence committed on Penny. Not because those "homies" are protecting innocent people. But just cause.

You leftist are retarded with their SJW crap.
Why don't blacks look up to black billionaires like Robert Smith?

Probably because they never heard of him.
Probably because there's nothing about a "Billionaire" to actually admire. That we even allow a Billionaire class to exist is kind of a problem. It means we aren't taking enough from them in taxes.

Neeley was a broken light bulb. No future, no plans, no hopes and no chances of ever having a happy life. He can be happy now. And so can society.

Not sure how you can know that. With treatment, he could have probably lived a normal life.

And you'll celebrate the violence committed on Penny. Not because those "homies" are protecting innocent people. But just cause.

You leftist are retarded with their SJW crap.

Oh, yeah, I'll be very happy when he gets shanked in jail, because it will be a warning to the next guy.
Probably because they never heard of him.
Probably because there's nothing about a "Billionaire" to actually admire. That we even allow a Billionaire class to exist is kind of a problem. It means we aren't taking enough from them in taxes.

They look up to those rich rappers who rap about guns, drugs and da hood. Their under age girls look up to people like Carbi B and her WAP.
Not sure how you can know that. With treatment, he could have probably lived a normal life.

Treatment was available before he died. He didn't want it. He didn't seek help. His family didn't seek help for him. So there's a 99.9999999% chance he wouldn't have ever gotten it, because he didn't want it.

Broken light bulb.
Oh, yeah, I'll be very happy when he gets shanked in jail, because it will be a warning to the next guy.

What Penny did was a warning to the next guy. A warning that says let thugs be thugs and create victims on the subway and everywhere else in NYC. And for people to just stand back and let the thugs create more victims.

And you're happy with that. This is why democrats are trash. Y'all have lost your moral compass. You care more about the thugs than you do their victims.
They look up to those rich rappers who rap about guns, drugs and da hood. Their under age girls look up to people like Carbi B and her WAP.
None of those people are billionaires.... few of them even get to be millionaires.

And as unsavory as I find these songs, I find it preferable to the Billionaire Class, which exists on the thousands of broken lives they create generating more wealth than they need or deserve.

Treatment was available before he died. He didn't want it. He didn't seek help. His family didn't seek help for him. So there's a 99.9999999% chance he wouldn't have ever gotten it, because he didn't want it.

Except it really wasn't available. Mental Health care has been slashed in this country again and again.

What Penny did was a warning to the next guy. A warning that says let thugs be thugs and create victims on the subway and everywhere else in NYC. And for people to just stand back and let the thugs create more victims.

No, it's a warning to not use excessive force to take someone down. Penny used a method he was trained in that he KNEW was lethal.

And you're happy with that. This is why democrats are trash. Y'all have lost your moral compass. You care more about the thugs than you do their victims.
I would be happy if we provided mental health care to all who need it and not tax cuts to billionaires to buy dressage horses.
None of those people are billionaires.... few of them even get to be millionaires.

Jay Z's Net Worth: $1.5 Billion
Diddy's Net worth: $1 Billion
Dr. Dre's Net Worth: $400 Million
Lil Wayne's Net Worth: $160 Million
Ice Cube's Net Worth: $160 Million
Ronald 'Slim' Williams' Net Worth: $170 Million
Drake's Net Worth: 180 million
Pharrell William's Net Worth: 200 million

That's the short list.

And as unsavory as I find these songs, I find it preferable to the Billionaire Class, which exists on the thousands of broken lives they create generating more wealth than they need or deserve.

Gangsta rap has helped to put more ghetto thugs in jail, prison and in their graves than the rich have made poor.
Except it really wasn't available. Mental Health care has been slashed in this country again and again.

Not the government's problem. We have a system in place to allow people the freedom and liberty to chose their own outcomes. And a system to put people when they're no longer fit for society.
It's their choice. If they can decide, a family member or friend should help them with that decision.

No, it's a warning to not use excessive force to take someone down. Penny used a method he was trained in that he KNEW was lethal.

The thug knew that jacking with the wrong people could be lethal too. And yet, he wouldn't just stop harassing innocent people.

I would be happy if we provided mental health care to all who need it and not tax cuts to billionaires to buy dressage horses.

The by all means, go to the ghetto, pick up someone who's mentally ill and pay for their rehabilitation.
That's the short list.
So you found a whopping two people who made SOME money off rap (and probably not even Gangsta Rap).

Gangsta rap has helped to put more ghetto thugs in jail, prison and in their graves than the rich have made poor.
Not sure how a song puts anyone in prison, but okay.
Poverty puts people in prison, but you are mostly fine with that.
Not the government's problem. We have a system in place to allow people the freedom and liberty to chose their own outcomes. And a system to put people when they're no longer fit for society.
It's their choice. If they can decide, a family member or friend should help them with that decision.
You have the liberty if you have the means. So instead of shrinks helping people who truly need it, they listen to hours of Karens droning on about their daddy issues. Waste of resources.

The thug knew that jacking with the wrong people could be lethal too. And yet, he wouldn't just stop harassing innocent people.
Except he wasn't jacking anyone. Jerkyboy just strangled him because he was loud.

The by all means, go to the ghetto, pick up someone who's mentally ill and pay for their rehabilitation.
Again, I don't have the means.. that's why we need to tax the rich to do it. Even the rich rappers.
So you found a whopping two people who made SOME money off rap (and probably not even Gangsta Rap).

Two people? This list I posted was longer than that. And I even said it was the short list. There's a lot of millionaire gangster rappers out there.

So why lie about it?
Not sure how a song puts anyone in prison, but okay.
Poverty puts people in prison, but you are mostly fine with that.

Because it glorifies the "thug life."

You have the liberty if you have the means. So instead of shrinks helping people who truly need it, they listen to hours of Karens droning on about their daddy issues. Waste of resources.

Every American alive has the liberty to make a better life for themselves. They just have to get out there and do it. I've been homeless before, through things that were beyond my control. But I knew I didn't want to stay that way. So I did what ever I had to do survive and pull myself out of that situation. And didn't even ask the government to help.
With blacks, they have more resources than any other race in America. So there's only one thing keeping themselves down.

Except he wasn't jacking anyone. Jerkyboy just strangled him because he was loud.

LMAO.. Oh yeah, he walked up for no reason and killed the guy.

Again, I don't have the means.. that's why we need to tax the rich to do it. Even the rich rappers.

.BS. People need to take responsibility for their own lives. Why should some rich guy pay more because losers lack the personal responsibility to improve their own lives?
Two people?
Who were billionaires, (probalby not from their music, but other business ventures).
Because it glorifies the "thug life."
And the best video you could find to prove that was a white guy
Every American alive has the liberty to make a better life for themselves.
Unless they are black, or Native American, or poor, or gay,
I've been homeless before, through things that were beyond my control. But I knew I didn't want to stay that way. So I did what ever I had to do survive and pull myself out of that situation. And didn't even ask the government to help.

Sure you did, buddy. While I believe the mental illness in your case was probably a thing.

LMAO.. Oh yeah, he walked up for no reason and killed the guy.
That's what it looks like to me.

BS. People need to take responsibility for their own lives. Why should some rich guy pay more because losers lack the personal responsibility to improve their own lives?
It's not a matter of personal responsibility, it's a matter of mental illness. There were not programs to help this guy.
Who were billionaires, (probalby not from their music, but other business ventures).

I said rich rappers. You brought up billionaires.

And the best video you could find to prove that was a white guy

Did you even listen to the lyrics? Maybe this will help you.

Unless they are black, or Native American, or poor, or gay,

Any one of those races can get a leg up just by doing the same thing white folks have to do. Keep your nose clean, work hard and live right.
Sure you did, buddy. While I believe the mental illness in your case was probably a thing.

You don't believe me because it proves you wrong.
That's what it looks like to me.

You need to get your eyes checked.
It's not a matter of personal responsibility, it's a matter of mental illness. There were not programs to help this guy.

That's a lie. On both counts.
Any one of those races can get a leg up just by doing the same thing white folks have to do. Keep your nose clean, work hard and live right.

Check your privilege.

You don't believe me because it proves you wrong.

Somehow I doubt you were eating out of garbage cans... by your definition of "Homeless" you probably mean crashing on someone else's couch.
Check your privilege.

LMAO.. My privilege didn't have the NAACP, or all those other black organizations backing me. I didn't get the privilege of affirmative action.
Somehow I doubt you were eating out of garbage cans... by your definition of "Homeless" you probably mean crashing on someone else's couch.

Eating out of garbage cans? LMAO.. No, I didn't do that. Because I was a clean cut, drug and alcohol free kind of guy. I didn't speak in slang when I went for an interview. I was decent.

BTW, you didn't want to listen to Shaq talk about how right Tom MacDonald was?
So you don't want to hear it from a white man. And you don't want to hear a black man brag about a white man.

You must be racist.
Eating out of garbage cans? LMAO.. No, I didn't do that. Because I was a clean cut, drug and alcohol free kind of guy. I didn't speak in slang when I went for an interview. I was decent.
So you weren't actually homeless, just down on your luck sleeping on someone else's couch or some such.

Check your privilege.

BTW, you didn't want to listen to Shaq talk about how right Tom MacDonald was?
Nope. I also don't want to buy car insurance from The General. The man can barely put together a sentence.
My vehicle wasn't someone else's couch.
Um, if you owned a vehicle, you weren't destitute. Come on, guy, comparing to when you got thrown out of the house because you couldn't make the rent isn't anywhere near the homeless experience.

Not just anyone. The guy had a long rap sheet that involved assaulting women.
Yes, he needed help and he didn't get it.
This is good move by DeSantis. We should all donate to him so he can beat Alvin Bragg and his anti-White crusade against good Samaritans who defend the defenseless.

DeSantis is defunding the elderly in his own state by raising the age of retirement. Some people are already worn down to the bone by the time they're sixty, and they won't be around when they're 70 to get the retirement they earned with blood, sweat, and tears. Sorry. I'm voting for Trump, if he still has a pulse, and he will.

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