Ron DeSantis comes out in support of White Marine, Daniel Penny --- Urges People To Donate To His GiveSendGo

1. The threat wasn't "being loud" the threat was saying that he was going to kill people
There are no reports of him specifically threatening to kill anyone. Or any reports of him threatening everyone generally. He yelled loudly about not caring about going to prison. But even if he did threaten to kill people while that would be an assault (a verbal threat) that could possibly land him some criminal penalty, it is not a physical threat and therefore not a reasonable justification for Penny's own physical assault. Your own link states that self defense is only reasonable in the face of physical violence.
2. The self-defense defense should be easy to prove against a criminal with a long history of violent assaults
His history has no bearing on whether he physically assaulted Penny which is the only thing that would justify Penny's use of force.
3. The choke hold was NOT intended to kill, it was intended to restrain.
That's the differnce between manslaughter and murder.
4. As I proved above verbal threats are assaults. Mr. Neely's death threats were "specific and unambiguous".
They aren't physical assaults, they're verbal assaults. Feel free to shout back in self defense.
5. Deadly force was used to stop threats of death from a violent criminal with a long rap sheet of violence.
Even physical assaults aren't equal. If someone simply pushes you while that is a physical assault it isn't one that justifies you pulling your gun and shooting that person as a result. Your actions wouldn't be considered reasonable to the threat you faced.
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I'll be the first one to admit, the city failed him, his family failed him... none of which made it okay for Penny to kill him.

BS, he failed himself. One can be black in NYC and still become successful. Even if you're down on your luck sometimes, if you keep you nose clean, keep working, stop committing crimes, you'll be better off than being a career criminal.

What's with you lefties and your opposition to personal responsibility? And your full support of the government holding everyone's hand?
No, he was strangled because some macho idiot decided to be a tough guy.

Penny was a straight up citizen who did what the woke, retards in the NYC justice system wouldn't do.
There are no reports of him specifically threatening to kill anyone. Or any reports of him threatening everyone generally. He yelled loudly about not caring about going to prison. But even if he did threaten to kill people while that would be an assault (a verbal threat) that could possibly land him some criminal penalty, it is not a physical threat and therefore not a reasonable justification for Penny's own physical assault. Your own link states that self defense is only reasonable in the face of physical violence.

His history has no bearing on whether he physically assaulted Penny which is the only thing that would justify Penny's use of force.

That's the difference between manslaughter and murder.

They aren't physical assaults, they're verbal assaults. Feel free to shout back in self defense. Even physical assaults aren't equal. If someone simply pushes you while that is a physical assault it isn't one that justifies you pulling your gun and shooting that person as a result. Your actions wouldn't be considered reasonable to the threat you faced.
1. We all see some moron yelling nonsense every so often. No big deal, no action warranted. However, in light of the number of mass killings lately when someone threatens harm to people, some other people decided its time to take action. The 66 year old lady below saw Mr. Penny's actions as justified. I'm sure there were many other passengers who felt the same way. That makes Mr. Penny's actions "reasonable". If the passengers said Mr. Penny's attack was totally unjustified, I could see your position.

“This gentleman, Mr. Penny, did not stand up,” the rider said. “Did not engage with the gentleman. He said not a word. It was all Mr. Neely that was … threatening the passengers. If he did not get what he wants.” Neely had a criminal history with more than 40 arrests, law enforcement sources previously told The Post.

“I hope he has a great lawyer, and I’m praying for him,” the 66-year-old woman, who did not want to be identified, told The Post Thursday night. “And I pray that he gets treated fairly, I really do. Because after all of this ensued, I went back and made sure that I said ‘Thank you’ to him.”

3. Mr. Neely's rap sheet of violent behavior is relevant. It proves that Mr. Neely is prone to violent attacks. 40 ARRESTS is a lot.
Mr. Neely belonged behind bars, not on a subway train with civilized passengers.

4. Were Mr. Penny's actions reasonable according to the passengers in that car? Many say yes.
1. We all see some moron yelling nonsense every so often. No big deal, no action warranted. However, in light of the number of mass killings lately when someone threatens harm to people, some other people decided its time to take action. The 66 year old lady below saw Mr. Penny's actions as justified. I'm sure there were many other passengers who felt the same way. That makes Mr. Penny's actions "reasonable". If the passengers said Mr. Penny's attack was totally unjustified, I could see your position.

“This gentleman, Mr. Penny, did not stand up,” the rider said. “Did not engage with the gentleman. He said not a word. It was all Mr. Neely that was … threatening the passengers. If he did not get what he wants.” Neely had a criminal history with more than 40 arrests, law enforcement sources previously told The Post.

“I hope he has a great lawyer, and I’m praying for him,” the 66-year-old woman, who did not want to be identified, told The Post Thursday night. “And I pray that he gets treated fairly, I really do. Because after all of this ensued, I went back and made sure that I said ‘Thank you’ to him.”

3. Mr. Neely's rap sheet of violent behavior is relevant. It proves that Mr. Neely is prone to violent attacks. 40 ARRESTS is a lot.
Mr. Neely belonged behind bars, not on a subway train with civilized passengers.

4. Were Mr. Penny's actions reasonable according to the passengers in that car? Many say yes.
Who cares how that old lady feels? The law doesn't care about how you feel. Whether your actions are reasonable is more like math. 3 + 2 will never equal 4 and verbal threats will never justify the physical use of force. Learn the law before you fuck around and find out.
Who cares how that old lady feels? The law doesn't care about how you feel. Whether your actions are reasonable is more like math. 3 + 2 will never equal 4 and verbal threats will never justify the physical use of force. Learn the law before you fuck around and find out.
OK, good discussion. We'll need to wait and see how it plays out in court. <poof>
You're right, a bullet would be cheaper.
Let me know when you are ready to join the rest of us in the 21st century, M'kay?

We disagree. Surprise surprise.
When a perp says he's going to kill everyone, or something to that effect, believe him.
That makes any defensive actions legitimate.
As it turns out the perp has a long rap sheet of violent crimes, confirming that the defensive actions were warranted.

Um, no, it really doesn't. There's reasonable force, and excessive force. Shooting a suspect with a knife once is justifiable. Shooting him 16 times when he's lying on the ground isn't.

Restraining him is reasonable. Putting your knee on his neck for 9 minutes or keeping him in a choke hold for 15 isn't.

OK, so say Europe/2 to compare. Not just Belgium or France or the Netherlands.

So why the fuck is the US paying $24b a year to keep US troops in Europe to protect them from Russia???
Because we are protecting our economic interests... don't think this country does ANYTHING out of altruism.
BS, he failed himself. One can be black in NYC and still become successful. Even if you're down on your luck sometimes, if you keep you nose clean, keep working, stop committing crimes, you'll be better off than being a career criminal.

First, it's pretty clear the man was mentally ill, and that makes him not responsible by legal definition.
Secondly - and wait for it - this wasn't about being down on his luck, it was about having a complete mental collapse.

What's with you lefties and your opposition to personal responsibility? And your full support of the government holding everyone's hand?

I'm all for personal responsibility. But taking care of the mentally ill is something the government SHOULD do.

I'll go one further, the worst thing that ever happened was when liberal do-gooders worked to shut down the mental hospitals because they saw Jack Nicholson in One Flew Over the Coocoo's Nest.

Penny was a straight up citizen who did what the woke, retards in the NYC justice system wouldn't do.
Putting someone into a chokehold until he dies isn't reasonable.
I could see restraining neery for a few minutes but for 15 minutes until dead? Plus there were others holding him down at the same time. We don't kill people as that is murder.
This technique is used all the time to restrain and taught to law enforces and marines without out death resulting. He deliberately killed that Negro.
This is good move by DeSantis. We should all donate to him so he can beat Alvin Bragg and his anti-White crusade against good Samaritans who defend the defenseless.

Defend people against someone yelling. That is a big crime. If I had shot Penny for attacking someone, I am sure you would approve of that.
None thanks to the preemptive move by the heroic marine in the face of threatening individual, a negro.
So...let me get this correct. We no longer have to wait til someone is hurt to attack a perceived threat? A man is yelling at me and I can kill him?
Putting someone into a chokehold until he dies isn't reasonable.

It reasonable. Now the guy doesn't have to worry about being homeless or mentally ill. And society doesn't have to worry about him anymore.

And he's no longer a burden to his family.
It reasonable. Now the guy doesn't have to worry about being homeless or mentally ill. And society doesn't have to worry about him anymore.
And he's no longer a burden to his family.
1. Penny wins in criminal court
2. Penny loses in civil court, pays Neely family a million or two, win-win,
If that's the case, why does Trump have negro supporters? Also, learn to spell.

Self-loathing Uncle Toms are kind of sad. I mean, you can admire a scammer like Candace Owens or Ben Carson who make shitloads of money telling white people what they want to hear, just don't take it too far like Herman Cain.

It reasonable. Now the guy doesn't have to worry about being homeless or mentally ill. And society doesn't have to worry about him anymore.

And he's no longer a burden to his family.

Wow, thanks for proving the reality of modern Conservatism... the Cruelty is the Point.

1. Penny wins in criminal court
2. Penny loses in civil court, pays Neely family a million or two, win-win,

Penny loses in Criminal court, goes to prison, and the homies throw him a little party involving sharpened toothbrushes. Neely's family sues his estate.

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