Ron DeSantis comes out in support of White Marine, Daniel Penny --- Urges People To Donate To His GiveSendGo

You don't know his rap sheet so it's not reasonable for a jury to conclude that that was a motivating factor.

I dont care enough. I said it again so you got the message regardless. Stop being a little bitch.

I dont care. Feel free to fuck around and find out. I'm not here to educate you, I'm here to point and laugh at you for me and other people's amusement.

No. Accomplices doesn't make your actions justified. That's stupid. 😄
They were fearful the rabid negro would harm them due to his threatening rants and gestures. They had no choice but to take preemptive measures against once again, a rabid negro!

By the way, would you happen to be a negro yourself?
1. His long rap sheet says he was a violent street thug. The jury will factor that in.
No they will not because having been violent previously doesn't justify violence now. That is another stupid argument. What matters in deciding whether any instance of self defense is justified are the particulars of that incident, nit previously unrelated events.
2. Can't prove your lie. fine.
3. Can't prove your lie. fine.
It's you who hasn't proven your case.
4. Innocent passengers together by chance protected themselves from a vicious street thug threatening to kill them. (not "accomplices")
One of them gets to try to argue that in court and he better have a better reason for why he took another man's life beyond, "Well two other people helped me do it." ..... 😄
They were fearful the rabid negro would harm them due to his threatening rants and gestures. They had no choice but to take preemptive measures against once again, a rabid negro!

By the way, would you happen to be a negro yourself?
He should use that defense in court. A hate crime modifier would certainly help.... 😄

You Bingos are you own worst enemies.
Would you by any chance happen to be a sub-human called a negro? If so, are you proud of your race?
You talk like a “sub-human” fascist or totally uncivilized racist pig. Go back to whatever zoo or tribal reservation you came from. Even MAGA politicians don’t speak your language. Your kind are not welcome among civilized citizens of our multi-ethnic and racially mixed Republic. Our country has enough problems as is. Most of us grew up pledging allegiance to “one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” You and your type are just poisonous trolls here.
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No they will not because having been violent previously doesn't justify violence now. That is another stupid argument. What matters in deciding whether any instance of self defense is justified are the particulars of that incident, not previously unrelated events.
One of them gets to try to argue that in court and he better have a better reason for why he took another man's life beyond, "Well two other people helped me do it." ..... 😄
1. Violent criminals do violence, its what they do. Mr. Neely has a long record of violence. He threatened violence, and was stopped by people protecting themselves.
2. Mr. Penny has a train car full of witnesses who will say his actions were justified, to the point where two other men helped restrain the violent perp.
1. Violent criminals do violence, its what they do. Mr. Neely has a long record of violence. He threatened violence, and was stopped by people protecting themselves.
If Penny is convicted he'll be the one with the violent criminal record. I guess that would make it OK for anyone to kill after he gets out is so much as shouts in public.... 😄
2. Mr. Penny has a train car full of witnesses who will say his actions were justified, to the point where two other men helped restrain the violent perp.
It's those same witnesses who's statements landed Penny his charges.
If Penny is convicted he'll be the one with the violent criminal record. I guess that would make it OK for anyone to kill after he gets out is so much as shouts in public.... 😄
It's those same witnesses who's statements landed Penny his charges.
1. Penny won't be convicted. If he is he'll win on appeal. His defense fund will be way over $2,000,000, plus his best selling book tour. Its criminals vs Marines, no contest.
2. There was no grand jury, just that POS Bragg filing bullshit charges.
1. Penny won't be convicted. If he is he'll win on appeal. His defense fund will be way over $2,000,000, plus his best selling book tour. Its criminals vs Marines, no contest.
2. There was no grand jury, just that POS Bragg filing bullshit charges.
How many people have you claimed will win on appeal only for that to never actually happen? 😄
How many people have you claimed will win on appeal only for that to never actually happen?
No clue. I'm blanking on who I supported that was found guilty.

If Penny is found innocent, will NYC get trashed even more than it is now? (is that a consideration for jury selection or change of venue out of NYC?)
If guilty, I hope he wins the appeal, fine. If he loses the appeal I hope he gets a light or suspended sentence.
If Mr. Penny believed Neely was an imminent threat his actions were justified.
You don't know how long it was held or how long it was needed.
I'd put the passengers in that train car on the jury. Their opinions are the ones that matter, they were there.

Nope, you have to prove he was still a threat for the whole 15 minutes he was being strangled.

I'll use an analogy. If you attack me and I hit you, that's justified. If I keep hitting you after you are down, that is not. This is what got the cops who beat Rodney King in trouble, this is what got Jason van Dyke in Chicago in trouble.

They have it on videotape, and it was 15 minutes.
On the tape, you can hear some of the passengers say he was holding the guy too long. So I'm not sure he'd want them on the jury... or as witnesses, as some of them will be.

Neely was a POS thug who's live mattered to no one. Including himself. Until someone attached some $$$$ to his name.

I'll be the first one to admit, the city failed him, his family failed him... none of which made it okay for Penny to kill him.

He wasn't strangled because he didn't get help. He was subdued because he was scaring the passengers on the subway and wouldn't calm TF down.
No, he was strangled because some macho idiot decided to be a tough guy.
Nope, you have to prove he was still a threat for the whole 15 minutes he was being strangled.
I'll use an analogy. If you attack me and I hit you, that's justified. If I keep hitting you after you are down, that is not. This is what got the cops who beat Rodney King in trouble, this is what got Jason van Dyke in Chicago in trouble.
They have it on videotape, and it was 15 minutes.
On the tape, you can hear some of the passengers say he was holding the guy too long. So I'm not sure he'd want them on the jury... or as witnesses, as some of them will be.
You are free to eliminate or restrain a threat, that's why its called "self-defense". There are no rules, its life or death.
I don't care if it was 30-minutes, the attacker was still attacking, the two other guys had to help restrain him. They couldn't release him. He was violent.
Clear self-defense. Let the lawyers hash it out in court. Mr. Penny has a lot of money to hire the best lawyers.
You are free to eliminate or restrain a threat, that's why its called "self-defense". There are no rules, its life or death.
I don't care if it was 30-minutes, the attacker was still attacking, the two other guys had to help restrain him. They couldn't release him. He was violent.
Clear self-defense. Let the lawyers hash it out in court. Mr. Penny has a lot of money to hire the best lawyers.

Dream on, this guy's going to prison for a long, long time.
Yet one more reason I wouldn’t live, or visit these liberal shitholes, unless I absolutely had to….
Nope. Not if he gets a change of venue.

No reason why he should. We learned from Simi Valley that you don't give racists all white juries.

And even if he did, if the evidence showed he strangled this man to death, then that is what the jury will find.
No reason why he should. We learned from Simi Valley that you don't give racists all white juries.
And even if he did, if the evidence showed he strangled this man to death, then that is what the jury will find.
He defended himself and the other passengers from a violent criminal.

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