Ron DeSantis finally gets what he deserves in stunning development

Watch your economy collapse, because these "illegals" were the ones doing all of the crap, labor-intensive work. Now you young Caucasians better pick yourselves up by your bootstraps and get to work. Oh, wait, most of the white youth doesn't want to break a sweat or get their hands and fingernails dirty, so you old-school white guys in your 50s, 60s, and 70s, better get those helmets on, because you're hitting the construction site, under that hot Florida sun. Bring plenty of sunscreen.
Funny how you guys blame Republicans for giving the illegals incentive to come here with jobs and now you are attacking Desantis for wanting to crack down on the hiring of illegals. You guys are just way too funny.
They will get completed in time.

I'd rather see stalled projects than just accepting illegals. A lot of times in order to solve a problem or set things right there is no magic bullet, you have to tolerate a bad period before things improve and go back to how they should be.

Course if we didn't raise the last 2 generations (particularly the newest one) to be pussy ass weak bitches we wouldn't be in this mess right now. We sissified so many young people no one is capable of doing any work or learning a trade.

Just flooding places with illegals to do work is not the answer. All it does is insure younger Americans don't actually have to work, it means a certain percent of dollars are sent back to the illegals countries and not used in our economy, it dumbs down our society as we stock it with poor illegals that don't even speak English, it means companies are less likely to pay a American a wage to do real work when they can hire a illegal cheaper, and so on. So yeah illegals fix all labor problems end up costing us as a whole a lot more.

America should be for Americans, both born in America and those that go through the immigration process. But America should not be for illegals.

Calling illegals immigrants doesn't make them American or even immigrants.

Desantis isn't anti immigration, he is anti illegal and I agree with him 100%.

Everyone who has claimed refugee status and issued paperwork and court dates, etc. is an “immigrant”.

All of those people that Ron DeSantis put on buses and planes and ships across the USA, were immigrants. They were documented, and issued with paperwork, and they were not charged with crossing the border illegally or deported.

They were legal refugees and immigrants. This dishonest characterization of desperate people is only to dehumanize them, because the Republican Party is afraid of black and brown people.
The following video documents many construction projects in Florida that are now dead in the water without laborers, due to the DeSantis crackdown on immigrant workers.

I have to wonder how this clueless jerk would feel if these so-called laborers (ILLEGALS). worked in his field. You know, the job that he depends on to support his family with a living wage, and such necessities as a home, food, clothes, healthcare, pension, paid holidays, and vacations. Benefits he would never enjoy because these same illegals would destroy his comfortable life by working as underpaid slave labor.
A communist is never going to be an American patriot. FJB and U2 Commie.
Because someone speaks with an accent and has darker skin doesn't make them "illegal."
No one said that, Dodo. They're illegal because they crossed our border without going through the legal channels.
The farmers will have to pay actual wages to get american citizens to pick crops. They’d bitch and moan.
You pay people what they're willing to work for or do it yourself.
Bitching and moaning is covered under the 1st Amendment.
Funny how you guys blame Republicans for giving the illegals incentive to come here with jobs and now you are attacking Desantis for wanting to crack down on the hiring of illegals. You guys are just way too funny.

Ron DeSantis has created his own crisis in the construction industry, by refusing to allow state and local governments to issue ID cards to immigrants who are legally in the country, have been processed and are awaiting status hearings.

Furthermore, DeSantis has banned employers from using ID cards issued by other states, in hiring.

So DeSantis is banning the hiring of immigrants whether they’re in the country legally or illegally.

Looks like DeSantis is trying to create a crisis so he can look like a hero and solve it. That’s what Trump tried to do on the southern border and that didn’t exactly work out well for him now did it?
Everyone who has claimed refugee status and issued paperwork and court dates, etc. is an “immigrant”.

All of those people that Ron DeSantis put on buses and planes and ships across the USA, were immigrants. They were documented, and issued with paperwork, and they were not charged with crossing the border illegally or deported.

They were legal refugees and immigrants. This dishonest characterization of desperate people is only to dehumanize them, because the Republican Party is afraid of black and brown people.
Hopefully thousands of them get dumped off in your community. You think this invasion will only live in the United States?
Ron DeSantis has created his own crisis in the construction industry, by refusing to allow state and local governments to issue ID cards to immigrants who are legally in the country, have been processed and are awaiting status hearings.

Furthermore, DeSantis has banned employers from using ID cards issued by other states, in hiring.

So DeSantis is banning the hiring of immigrants whether they’re in the country legally or illegally.

Looks like DeSantis is trying to create a crisis so he can look like a hero and solve it. That’s what Trump tried to do on the southern border and that didn’t exactly work out well for him now did it?
No Trump was solving our immigration problem by himself. Only about 100,000 crossed the border in his last year. Biden's first year over 2 million. Now with title 42 gone, they're predicting up to 14 million by the end of his term.
Watch your economy collapse, because these "illegals" were the ones doing all of the crap, labor-intensive work. Now you young Caucasians better pick yourselves up by your bootstraps and get to work. Oh, wait, most of the white youth doesn't want to break a sweat or get their hands and fingernails dirty, so you old-school white guys in your 50s, 60s, and 70s, better get those helmets on, because you're hitting the construction site, under that hot Florida sun. Bring plenty of sunscreen.
Only “white” youths don’t want to break a sweat and get dirty? You sure about that? You mean American citizen youths who are Black, Latino and Asian are willing to break a sweat comparatively? What are you basing your premise?

It would be one thing to call out American youths but you called out whites.
No Trump was solving our immigration problem by himself. Only about 100,000 crossed the border in his last year. Biden's first year over 2 million. Now with title 42 gone, they're predicting up to 14 million by the end of his term.

Nobody crossed the border because you have the worst Covid outbreak in the world. 100 million Americans have had Covid. Nobody wanted to go cross your border into that mess.
Ron DeSantis has created his own crisis in the construction industry, by refusing to allow state and local governments to issue ID cards to immigrants who are legally in the country, have been processed and are awaiting status hearings.

Furthermore, DeSantis has banned employers from using ID cards issued by other states, in hiring.

So DeSantis is banning the hiring of immigrants whether they’re in the country legally or illegally.

Looks like DeSantis is trying to create a crisis so he can look like a hero and solve it. That’s what Trump tried to do on the southern border and that didn’t exactly work out well for him now did it?
They came here illegally. They are illegals.
Nobody crossed the border because you have the worst Covid outbreak in the world. 100 million Americans have had Covid. Nobody wanted to go cross your border into that mess.
He was solving our border problem. Biden tells them to come on over and let's them. Hopefully they invade your neighborhood.
How do you figure when no one wants to work those jobs now?

The farmers will have to pay actual wages to get american citizens to pick crops. They’d bitch and moan.
My friend has a huge CA dairy. In the last 5 years a workers' pay went from $10.00 per hour to $16.50 per hour. He still has a labor shortage. Who wants to milk cows in the middle of the night for shit wages? DeSanto sure put his foot in his mouth.
Are commies trying to tell us that only the diseased drugged out illegal rabble is skilled enough to handle construction projects in Florida? Does anybody really believe this crap?

Don't believe it, but it's true. A significant % of these labor-intensive jobs are filled by immigrants. Are there some whites and blacks working in construction? Yes. But not nearly enough to replace the immigrants. These Hispanics comprise over half of the labor force in these industries, hence literally thousands of construction projects in Florida are currently dead in the water or working with 1/3rd the manpower.

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