Ron DeSantis’ pastor says gay people should be “put to death”

Desantis created a problem where none exists. Meanwhile, Florida's property taxes are going up 40%. .. while Desantis fights with Disney.
Says the Democrat. Biden has created a nation-wide disaster on multiple levels, but I’d bet you’d vote for him again if the Ds put him up.
A homo who rapes a child, that's different. Very different....
No shit Sherlock.

A (R) or right wing conspiracy theorist that rapes children is just as vile.

You got any actual stats you can submit that count the number of 'homo rapisits' versus 'non-homo rapists'
You know how those stats stack up, and your afraid to post them, but 'homos' are your bogeyman so you pretend that only 'homos' rape children.
lol you're delusional, like the rest of your Party.
You got nuthin', dud. You're just flinging turds. If you're seriously going to suggest that libertarians are fickle and inconsistent, well, you're utterly detached from reality. It's a common malady these days.
Let's see, raised in a religion, but rarely talk about it now or attend the church. Only see religious leaders at secular events such as inaguarations, weddings, meetings that start with a prayer, etc.

Sounds like about ninety percent of people of my generation and at least half of DeSantis' generation.
You got any actual stats you can submit that count the number of 'homo rapisits' versus 'non-homo rapists'

The LGBTQ community experiences sexual violence and rape at staggeringly high levels.

These crimes are less commonly known due to the smaller number of gay, lesbian, and transgender people in the country but happen at rates of nearly 3-6 times that of straight people.

This article reviews the statistics from various studies on the rates of rape and sexual violence in the LGBTQ community, their causes, and their effects

Libertarians have been "made" by frauds who claim to be libertarians and are just left wing liars trying to discredit libertarianism.

One thing the past 25 years should have taught all Americans....


hate hoaxed terror wars
phony lab made viruses
election fraud via machines and other means
the Co2 fraud
Murderous Fraud Vax for a flu that hasn't been here since May 2020
Endless US tax dollars going to Ukraine, Israel, China, all for nefarious purposes that have no US national interest
Massive kickback schemes involving sending our money to other countries
Our borders completely open with nobody in DC who gives a hoot
Drag queen shows in public education
a man as "First Lady"
The worst mass murdering traitor in America is... the FBI Director

Libertarians who are not plants, frauds, ZPFs, hate hoaxers, and left wing liars support:

Government should be small, accountable, and only in the scope of the Constitution.
Government should not be in the science "study" business, only should produce DATA and let private and education "study" it
No taxpayer money should be allowed outside the US without a 2/3rds majority in both houses
Unelected bureaucrats at CIA and FBI should not be allowed to tell the President what the President can reveal to the American people. The FBI and CIA leaders are corrupt Zionist Fascist Traitors and they should be overruled by THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE and instead both are actively involved in thwarting it
School Vouchers equal to per kid education spending in every state should be required to get one cent of Fed education spending - monopolies are bad
Gun control and confiscation are historical signs of pending government sponsored mass murder and nobody libertarian supports gun control
Libertarianism is best defined as THE OPPOSITE OF FASCISM since it disagrees with fascism on all issues
The LGBTQ community experiences sexual violence and rape at staggeringly high levels.

These crimes are less commonly known due to the smaller number of gay, lesbian, and transgender people in the country but happen at rates of nearly 3-6 times that of straight people.

This article reviews the statistics from various studies on the rates of rape and sexual violence in the LGBTQ community, their causes, and their effects

A big chunk of the homosexuals support "pedophile normalization" = legalizing homo kiddie rape

Candace Wiggins quit the WNBA because dykes were bullying her to have lezbo sex, and she is hardly the only one
once again, show me "aggravated homsexuality". Show me and we will put this issue to bed right now. Deal?
I am sending you a private message as well.

Your "nitpicking" on spelling is clearly off topic. That you continue to raise the issue by replying to others saying "show me where it is in my post" is beside the point. You are well aware that the spelling has nothing to do with what you are doing. Knock it off! Continue to derail your own thread and you'll soon find yourself unable to reply in it.
Who is this? Christ never said anything like that. Christ was about love. This is the opposite of love.
You have a false concept of Jesus

His winnowing fan is in His hand, and He will thoroughly purge His floor and will gather the wheat into His garner; but the chaff He will burn with fire unquenchable

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