Ron DeSantis’ pastor says gay people should be “put to death”





Y'all aren't starting with a whole lotta credibility given your heroes...

Ah...more ODS. :heehee:
What in the world is Christian Zionism? Christians who believe in Israel’s right to exist?

They believe Jesus can't return until all Jews move to Israel. Then Jews will die or convert. They believe a lot of other stuff about the rapture and the end of the world.
The Pastor has a good idea. Cleanliness is next to Godliness. Queers are nasty and spread disease.
Typical bible thumping Republican speak. Why are you not in church today :itsok:
I suppose you know this from experience? This is the second time you said this.
At least Cruz acknowledges...
In order to push the End Days.....never trust a fundy who says they are pro-Israel.....they are wanting what they believe is the End of the World.
Then eliminate all the Jewish people in America that are Progs pushing the extremism from power. 2 per cent of the population and it seems half the movers and shakers in political movement. You will not do it.
In order to push the End Days.....never trust a fundy who says they are pro-Israel.....they are wanting what they believe is the End of the World.
Eh. I don’t worry about that.

If I had to choose between leftists who hate Israel for the wrong reasons (Apartheid! Poor oppressed innocent Palestinians!) and fundies who support Israel for the wrong reasons (End of Days), I’ll go with the fundies.

Of course, my first choice are people who support Israel for the right reasons - the right of Jewish people to their own little country, a country which has great humanitarian programs, has made peace offers repeatedly rejected, and offers the world tremendous value in terms of medical, scientific, and technological advances.
Then eliminate all the Jewish people in America that are Progs pushing the extremism from power. 2 per cent of the population and it seems half the movers and shakers in political movement. You will not do it.

They have more education than you and they are about civil rights.
Typical bible thumping Republican speak. Why are you not in church today :itsok:
I suppose you know this from experience? This is the second time you said this.
At least Cruz acknowledges...
You nasty creatures spread disease. You need to be eradicated to save civilization

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