Ron DeSantis’ pastor says gay people should be “put to death”

Good Lord, can you believe it? I can and I can't. So there is that. Anyone remember Jeremiah Wright?
Well you should. Obama went to Wright's church and Wright made some controversial sermons.
And guess what? The Republican's seized that opportunity to make Obama look bad.
Why in the world would anyone vote for this? If I vote (and I am not going to) I would probably chose a candidate the LIED and said they went to Church when I know they didn't.
I found this part very interesting
Conservative Christians tend to cite Leviticus 20:13 as proof that God shares their hatred of LGBTQ+ people.
I believe this. I don't believe in it, I believe the statement.

Now that you know DeSantis attends church and listens to this, has your opinion of him changed?

And YES, this is posted in the correct forum Politics "Discuss government policies and candidates..." We are discussing Ron DeSantis and the fact he listens to sermons calling for death to GAY's :smoochEE:

The pastor who delivered the invocation at Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis‘s (R) second inauguration has said that gay people should be put to death.

Tom Ascol — senior pastor of Grace Baptist Church in Cape Coral, Florida — made his comment on Twitter while criticizing Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX). On Monday, Cruz issued a tweet criticizing Uganda’s new “Anti-Homosexuality Act,” a law that punishes “aggravated homosexuality” with death.

Cruz’s tweet called the law “horrific & wrong,” adding, “Any law criminalizing homosexuality or imposing the death penalty for ‘aggravated homosexuality’ is grotesque & an abomination. ALL civilized nations should join together in condemning this human rights abuse.”

Ascol disagreed, writing on Tuesday, “Tell it to God, Ted.”

The pastor then cited Leviticus 20:13, the Old Testament verse that says, “If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.”

Ascol asked, “Was this law God gave to His old covenant people ‘horrific and wrong’?”

Leviticus’ ancient Biblical laws also require the death penalty for anyone who practices fortune telling, curses their mother or father, accidentally kills someone else’s animal, or commits blasphemy. Other Old Testament laws demand death for anyone who charges interest on loans or works on Saturdays.

Most contemporary Christians don’t follow these ancient Biblical laws and say that the crucifixion of Jesus Christ made them obsolete. However, conservative Christians tend to cite Leviticus 20:13 as proof that God shares their hatred of LGBTQ+ people.

and that isn't the Ugandan law either....the death penalty is for child rapists....not gays......
I do believe the Sermons could influence DeSantis. His is changing laws and creating laws that are driving the LGBTQ+ out of Florida.
If Ron had his way, maybe he would have them disposed of? Trump didn't support LGBTQ+ but he certainly didn't attend a church calling for the death of them.
Im old enough to remember when liberals didn't think attending a church led by a radical pastor was controversial in the least.
Good Lord, can you believe it? I can and I can't. So there is that. Anyone remember Jeremiah Wright?
Well you should. Obama went to Wright's church and Wright made some controversial sermons.
And guess what? The Republican's seized that opportunity to make Obama look bad.
Why in the world would anyone vote for this? If I vote (and I am not going to) I would probably chose a candidate the LIED and said they went to Church when I know they didn't.
I found this part very interesting
Conservative Christians tend to cite Leviticus 20:13 as proof that God shares their hatred of LGBTQ+ people.
I believe this. I don't believe in it, I believe the statement.

Now that you know DeSantis attends church and listens to this, has your opinion of him changed?

And YES, this is posted in the correct forum Politics "Discuss government policies and candidates..." We are discussing Ron DeSantis and the fact he listens to sermons calling for death to GAY's :smoochEE:

The pastor who delivered the invocation at Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis‘s (R) second inauguration has said that gay people should be put to death.

Tom Ascol — senior pastor of Grace Baptist Church in Cape Coral, Florida — made his comment on Twitter while criticizing Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX). On Monday, Cruz issued a tweet criticizing Uganda’s new “Anti-Homosexuality Act,” a law that punishes “aggravated homosexuality” with death.

Cruz’s tweet called the law “horrific & wrong,” adding, “Any law criminalizing homosexuality or imposing the death penalty for ‘aggravated homosexuality’ is grotesque & an abomination. ALL civilized nations should join together in condemning this human rights abuse.”

Ascol disagreed, writing on Tuesday, “Tell it to God, Ted.”

The pastor then cited Leviticus 20:13, the Old Testament verse that says, “If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.”

Ascol asked, “Was this law God gave to His old covenant people ‘horrific and wrong’?”

Leviticus’ ancient Biblical laws also require the death penalty for anyone who practices fortune telling, curses their mother or father, accidentally kills someone else’s animal, or commits blasphemy. Other Old Testament laws demand death for anyone who charges interest on loans or works on Saturdays.

Most contemporary Christians don’t follow these ancient Biblical laws and say that the crucifixion of Jesus Christ made them obsolete. However, conservative Christians tend to cite Leviticus 20:13 as proof that God shares their hatred of LGBTQ+ people.

And obama's pastor, racist and anti-semite Jeremiah Wright wasn't running for President either.......yet people still elected obama....
Clearly, you’re wrong.

Indeed, DeSantis would be worse than Trump.

And here we have another leftist spouting the new democrat party talking Trump isn't so bad...Desantis is the actual hitler.....just like reagan, the first bush, the second bush and romney and mccain were all worse than the guy before them...until they lost and could then be used as an example as to why the new republican is the worst.........

and idiots like clayton and the other leftists here simply sqwauk the latest democrat party talking point.....
I do believe the Sermons could influence DeSantis. His is changing laws and creating laws that are driving the LGBTQ+ out of Florida.
If Ron had his way, maybe he would have them disposed of? Trump didn't support LGBTQ+ but he certainly didn't attend a church calling for the death of them.
I've heard many sermons over the years. I take what I can use and leave the rest. If the preaching is in line with Scripture, I accept it at face value. If the preacher inserts his personal opinions, I listen but take them with a grain of salt.

Both Testaments of the Bible make it clear that queerism is a sin. In the Old Testament, they were put to death if found committing the act. The New Testament says that the wages of sin is death. This death refers to a spiritual death or death of the soul. It can be avoided through repentance and belief in Christ. But if a soul chooses to reject Christ, he will suffer “the second death.” All of us will die, bodily (sooner or later).
I like your Christ, I don't like your Christians, they are so unlike your Christ. - Gandhi.

Have those words ever been more true than they are today?
No.....Christians admit we are all failed beings.......that we can only be forgiven by God and that he loves us even as we fail to meet his standard.....

You doofus....
Jews have an interesting take on forgiveness which I’d like to share. One can only be forgiven by Gd when the sin is against Gd, but that one must seek forgiveness against man by asking the person one harmed.
I like your Christ, I don't like your Christians, they are so unlike your Christ. - Gandhi.

Have those words ever been more true than they are today?
Some Christians are nice, and some are not. Just like some atheists are nice and some not.

Making blanket condemnation of an entire group is the type of thing racists do. I thought you were opposed to bigotry, being a leftist and all.
Some Christians are nice, and some are not. Just like some atheists are nice and some not.

Making blanket condemnation of an entire group is the type of thing racists do. I thought you were opposed to bigotry, being a leftist and all.
It's your leadership that Gandhi was so accurate in pointing out. These "God fearing" phonies worshipping a fake idol.

History repeats.

Then eliminate all the Jewish people in America that are Progs pushing the extremism from power. 2 per cent of the population and it seems half the movers and shakers in political movement. You will not do it.
Only a conservative would consider defending citizens’ Constitutional rights and opposing racism, bigotry, and hate as ‘extremism.’
Good Lord, can you believe it? I can and I can't. So there is that. Anyone remember Jeremiah Wright?
Well you should. Obama went to Wright's church and Wright made some controversial sermons.
And guess what? The Republican's seized that opportunity to make Obama look bad.
Why in the world would anyone vote for this? If I vote (and I am not going to) I would probably chose a candidate the LIED and said they went to Church when I know they didn't.
I found this part very interesting
Conservative Christians tend to cite Leviticus 20:13 as proof that God shares their hatred of LGBTQ+ people.
I believe this. I don't believe in it, I believe the statement.

Now that you know DeSantis attends church and listens to this, has your opinion of him changed?

And YES, this is posted in the correct forum Politics "Discuss government policies and candidates..." We are discussing Ron DeSantis and the fact he listens to sermons calling for death to GAY's :smoochEE:

The pastor who delivered the invocation at Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis‘s (R) second inauguration has said that gay people should be put to death.

Tom Ascol — senior pastor of Grace Baptist Church in Cape Coral, Florida — made his comment on Twitter while criticizing Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX). On Monday, Cruz issued a tweet criticizing Uganda’s new “Anti-Homosexuality Act,” a law that punishes “aggravated homosexuality” with death.

Cruz’s tweet called the law “horrific & wrong,” adding, “Any law criminalizing homosexuality or imposing the death penalty for ‘aggravated homosexuality’ is grotesque & an abomination. ALL civilized nations should join together in condemning this human rights abuse.”

Ascol disagreed, writing on Tuesday, “Tell it to God, Ted.”

The pastor then cited Leviticus 20:13, the Old Testament verse that says, “If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.”

Ascol asked, “Was this law God gave to His old covenant people ‘horrific and wrong’?”

Leviticus’ ancient Biblical laws also require the death penalty for anyone who practices fortune telling, curses their mother or father, accidentally kills someone else’s animal, or commits blasphemy. Other Old Testament laws demand death for anyone who charges interest on loans or works on Saturdays.

Most contemporary Christians don’t follow these ancient Biblical laws and say that the crucifixion of Jesus Christ made them obsolete. However, conservative Christians tend to cite Leviticus 20:13 as proof that God shares their hatred of LGBTQ+ people.

The double standards just get tired. No way you'd condemn a Democrat who listens to a racist pastor. You know, like Obama and Jeremiah Wright so according to your standard, Obama was a racist. Oh, but wait, there's a reason it's different that you're about to make up
It's your leadership that Gandhi was so accurate in pointing out. These "God fearing" phonies worshipping a fake idol.

History repeats.

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Yes, they sinned, and Gd was angry. But do you have to pull out an example from 3,500 years ago to “prove” that Jews are bad people?

And I’m not sure what fake idol you’re referring to in your last sentence. Jews worship nobody but Gd.
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Only a conservative would consider defending citizens’ Constitutional rights and opposing racism, bigotry, and hate as ‘extremism.’

You're the party that worshipped actual slave owners, so you're making this shit up. Want to see a racist? Find a black Republican and look at how the Democrat party calls them "Uncle Tom." You're screaming so much about racism to deflect from that the problem with racism in this country is you. Racism was getting so low in this country until you and your racist party couldn't handle it and revived it

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