Ron DeSsntis War On Disney About To Hit A Major Snag

couch potatos an uncivil twit, but at least he's not dishonest, like you.
I am stating fact as I am the witness to what is and was taught to my children.

Further, homosexuals have no business talking about their private lives to the students. I have witnessed this as well. Somehow the heterosexual teachers all kept their private life, private. But not at least one particular homosexual. He had to make sure the 9 year old children understood that he was in love with a man and he had to make sure they knew when his life partner broke up with him and left him heart broke.

And then there is the school forcing my 9 year old to state a man and a man is a couple. They followed that with a story about an apple orchard in which it showed the authors both men, hugging one another, they were the couple that ran the orchard and wrote the book.

Of course I can also ad, in theater they wanted my 15 year old to play a gay man in the school play. And it could not be just a simple man that happened to be gay, it was the stereotype fashion groupee lisp talking over the top flamboyant gay.

Is this all. Not at all, but it is a start, I could care less if you believe me, I could care less if you call me a liar (or maybe I do care for I am not), but these are the facts. Maybe you dont see it in your part of the world. Or maybe you are just a fucking asshole here to fuck with anybody that does not march in step with your jack boots.

CS/CS/HB 1557 - Parental Rights in Education​

General Bill by Judiciary Committee and Education & Employment Committee and Harding and Grall (CO-SPONSORS) Avila; Bell; Borrero; Byrd; Fernandez-Barquin; Fetterhoff; Fine; Fischer; Latvala; Maggard; McClain; Plakon; Roach; Roth; Sirois; Snyder; Truenow; Yarborough

Parental Rights in Education: Requires district school boards to adopt procedures that comport with certain provisions of law for notifying student's parent of specified information; requires such procedures to reinforce fundamental right of parents to make decisions regarding upbringing & control of their children; prohibits school district from adopting procedures or student support forms that prohibit school district personnel from notifying parent about specified information or that encourage student to withhold from parent such information; prohibits school district personnel from discouraging or prohibiting parental notification & involvement in critical decisions affecting student's mental, emotional, or physical well-being; prohibits classroom discussion about sexual orientation or gender identity in certain grade levels; requires school districts to notify parents of healthcare services; authorizes parent to bring action against school district to obtain declaratory judgment; provides for additional award of injunctive relief, damages, & reasonable attorney fees & court costs to certain parents.

Effective Date: July 1, 2022
The only place I've ever heard of anyone ever being accused of embracing the teaching of K-3rd sex stuff is in DeSantis's Fla. I'm not sure I believe it ...... But wow, what a creepy guy he is.
That's the issue. The law is not bad ( when you read it) but there's literally no need for it. As such it's just raw meat for the cray cray and those scared of Da Gayz groups.
I am stating fact as I am the witness to what is and was taught to my children.

Further, homosexuals have no business talking about their private lives to the students. I have witnessed this as well. Somehow the heterosexual teachers all kept their private life, private. But not at least one particular homosexual. He had to make sure the 9 year old children understood that he was in love with a man and he had to make sure they knew when his life partner broke up with him and left him heart broke.

And then there is the school forcing my 9 year old to state a man and a man is a couple. They followed that with a story about an apple orchard in which it showed the authors both men, hugging one another, they were the couple that ran the orchard and wrote the book.

Of course I can also ad, in theater they wanted my 15 year old to play a gay man in the school play. And it could not be just a simple man that happened to be gay, it was the stereotype fashion groupee lisp talking over the top flamboyant gay.

Is this all. Not at all, but it is a start, I could care less if you believe me, I could care less if you call me a liar (or maybe I do care for I am not), but these are the facts. Maybe you dont see it in your part of the world. Or maybe you are just a fucking asshole here to fuck with anybody that does not march in step with your jack boots.
LOL. Well I'm refreshed that you said what the issue you have .. is. I'd agree that a gay teacher has no business telling 9 year old children whether he has a broken heart. Now whether a gay teacher can counsel a teenager and say "we all survive broken hearts" .... I'd say that's a good teacher.

But I don't think a school ever "forced" a 9 year old to state "a man and a man is a couple." I hope all schools tell children they can't say another kid's family isn't as good as his because of who the parents are or who they love.

And if your 15 year old was in a play, and a character was gay ... well, he'd have to play the role as a gay ... or not be in the play.

But the bottom line is .... if Fla is telling any teacher to never discuss his/her personal life, then that "rule" should apply to all teachers. You or I have more right to tell a gay couple they're any less a couple than anyone else. And I've never met a gay couple who thinks their way is "the only way."
That's the issue. The law is not bad ( when you read it) but there's literally no need for it. As such it's just raw meat for the cray cray and those scared of Da Gayz groups.
since a school district can be sued (with the school paying the parent's costs) if the parent believes the school allowed "indoctrination" .... the effect is to not have gay teachers ever mention their lives. That seems rather harmless because schools are for kids and not teachers. But their are kids with gay parents. So those students a double standard of what gay parents can say.

But some straight parents will find some threat or offense in a teacher being openly gay.
LOL. Well I'm refreshed that you said what the issue you have .. is. I'd agree that a gay teacher has no business telling 9 year old children whether he has a broken heart. Now whether a gay teacher can counsel a teenager and say "we all survive broken hearts" .... I'd say that's a good teacher.

But I don't think a school ever "forced" a 9 year old to state "a man and a man is a couple." I hope all schools tell children they can't say another kid's family isn't as good as his because of who the parents are or who they love.

And if your 15 year old was in a play, and a character was gay ... well, he'd have to play the role as a gay ... or not be in the play.

But the bottom line is .... if Fla is telling any teacher to never discuss his/her personal life, then that "rule" should apply to all teachers. You or I have more right to tell a gay couple they're any less a couple than anyone else. And I've never met a gay couple who thinks their way is "the only way."
We are not talking about teenagers, the law is specific, children 8 years old and younger

Parental Rights in Education: Requires district school boards to adopt procedures that comport with certain provisions of law for notifying student's parent of specified information; requires such procedures to reinforce fundamental right of parents to make decisions regarding upbringing & control of their children; prohibits school district from adopting procedures or student support forms that prohibit school district personnel from notifying parent about specified information or that encourage student to withhold from parent such information; prohibits school district personnel from discouraging or prohibiting parental notification & involvement in critical decisions affecting student's mental, emotional, or physical well-being; prohibits classroom discussion about sexual orientation or gender identity in certain grade levels; requires school districts to notify parents of healthcare services; authorizes parent to bring action against school district to obtain declaratory judgment; provides for additional award of injunctive relief, damages, & reasonable attorney fees & court costs to certain parents.
Especially since this legislation is a blatant violation of the First Amendment right of free speech. Disney criticized the government and the government passed a law to punish them for it.

It’s amazing how hateful the Trump Cult is to anyone who criticizes them.

Andrew McCabe was fired. Ditto Rex Tillerson, James Comey, John Bolton, Michael Cohen, Disney was punished.

Not one word from Republicans about their right of free speech. But let some quack lie about a miracle cure for Covid on the internet, and these clowns scream “free speech”.
This ^^^ from a moron who supported Turdeau seizing the bank accounts of anybody who disagreed with him. You Turdeau cultists stay in Canada. We have free speech in this country whether you like it or not.
I don't think it's a first amend issue to tell an employee what information he/she can share at work.

But the law only applied to gay people because the people writing the law and supporting it are offended that gay teachers should be treated like other people in discussing their personal lives around children. It seems that for RW SJW types, it is "grooming" a child to be gay if the child learns in grades k-3 that a teacher has a same sex partner and a child. For other people, it's not really a big deal for kids to find this out sooner than later, and nobody's going gay because of that, or that there's anything wrong with being gay.

The first amendment issue is the right of Disney to criticize government policy. But yes, it is a first amendment issue, because you have teachers leaving the profession because of the fear of these parents. And black teachers especially have been fired for teaching "critical race theory" or even discussing racial issues around current events.

This law is NOT about gay teachers talking about life at home. This law criminalizes teachers talking about people getting married, and various kinds of families that current exist legally within the communities these children are living in.

Anything that right wingers are afraid of politicly, can't be talked about at school either. That includes current events. Most of this critical race theory crap arose out of discussions at school around current events, i.e. the Black Lives Matters protests in 2020.
This ^^^ from a moron who supported Turdeau seizing the bank accounts of anybody who disagreed with him. You Turdeau cultists stay in Canada. We have free speech in this country whether you like it or not.

That isn't what Trudeau was doing, but let's lie because that's what you Cult member do. Lie and distort what is really happening to make it all about the victimization of white terrorists.

A bunch of unemployed party boys carrying Trump flags and shitting on the National War Memorial. The Canadian people elected Trudeau to speak for us, not these selfish clowns.
Punished? They are not being punished being made to operate like every other corporation in Florida.

Further, Disney lied about what this law is. Disney decided they wanted to be political and took the side of the liberal democrats.

I understand that even outright dirty scandalous lying is protected as free speech.

But, should it be????

It sure has protected tRump!!!
We are not talking about teenagers, the law is specific, children 8 years old and younger

Parental Rights in Education: Requires district school boards to adopt procedures that comport with certain provisions of law for notifying student's parent of specified information; requires such procedures to reinforce fundamental right of parents to make decisions regarding upbringing & control of their children; prohibits school district from adopting procedures or student support forms that prohibit school district personnel from notifying parent about specified information or that encourage student to withhold from parent such information; prohibits school district personnel from discouraging or prohibiting parental notification & involvement in critical decisions affecting student's mental, emotional, or physical well-being; prohibits classroom discussion about sexual orientation or gender identity in certain grade levels; requires school districts to notify parents of healthcare services; authorizes parent to bring action against school district to obtain declaratory judgment; provides for additional award of injunctive relief, damages, & reasonable attorney fees & court costs to certain parents.
the law also deals with educator's communication with older students. You just quoted that provision. The younger kids' provisions are in a separate section.
Stop being a fuck tard if you dont want to get called one. And if teachers aren't doing the things the law prohibits, why are they so up in arms over it? Here's the thing. Even if what you say is true, it's up to the parents not the teachers. Sorry but that's just the case. You don't have a right to talk to anyone else's kid about those types of subjects without their permission. It's not the purview of the school and certainly not an individual teacher's decision.

Because they're afraid of saying something "inappropriate" in passing and then facing charges or being sued for it. They can't talk about race, because of anti-CRT laws. They can't talk about "sexual identity" issues, like if little Tommy comes to school wearing sequins, is he being "girly". Can't say that. It's a sexual identity issue.

When everything you say or do is being scrutinized for crap pay, why would anyone stay in the profession?

Republicans have been intent on destroying public education in the USA since Reagan was in office. A good education is one of the "free shit" items that Republicans are intent on eliminating for poor people and minorities. You even have white enclaves in "urban" areas incorporating themselves as towns within the urban areas so that white tax dollars aren't going to educate their "urban" neighbours.

Punished? They are not being punished being made to operate like every other corporation in Florida.

Further, Disney lied about what this law is. Disney decided they wanted to be political and took the side of the liberal democrats.

I understand that even outright dirty scandalous lying is protected as free speech.

But, should it be????

Lying is NOT protected as free speech. The ONLY free speech that is protected, is the right to criticize the government. That is the protected free speech, and that's what the anti-Disney laws does - it punishes Disney for criticizing the government.

DeSantis' law violates the First Amendment in spades!!!
Much ado has been made about the legality of Florida’s Senate Bill 4Cpurporting to dissolve Disney’s Reedy Creek Improvement District: whether it was retaliation prohibited by the First Amendment, whether it was passed with sufficient formality, and so on," wrote Schumer. "But there’s a much more basic reason Florida can’t dissolve Reedy Creek — it promised bond purchasers that it wouldn’t."

Those fiduciary responsibilities can be a problem.
There is no war on Disney.

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