Ron DeSsntis War On Disney About To Hit A Major Snag

Lying is NOT protected as free speech. The ONLY free speech that is protected, is the right to criticize the government. That is the protected free speech, and that's what the anti-Disney laws does - it punishes Disney for criticizing the government.

DeSantis' law violates the First Amendment in spades!!!
Post the law not your opinion
1. Corporations are not 'individuals.' They have 'person status' to enter into contracts but little else.

2. The alleged 'bonds,' promised over 60 years ago, were terrible then, and it is now an awful law.

3. Special carve-outs do not last forever, and the fact that they exist at all is what is wrong.

Most importantly,

Chucky is a slimy piece of shit known by thinking people as often wrong Schumer.
Wrong Schumer.

The new law can survive despite the bond language, but it is still true that Florida would have to cover that debt (and simply trying to dump it on two adjoining Florida Counties is unlikely to pass any judicial sniff test).

On balance, even though Disney shouldn’t be denigrating a law it happens not to agree with (by lying about what it says and does), I’m not sure Florida is in the clear in how it has officially reacted. This whole mess won’t go away so easily.
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The first amendment issue is the right of Disney to criticize government policy. But yes, it is a first amendment issue, because you have teachers leaving the profession because of the fear of these parents. And black teachers especially have been fired for teaching "critical race theory" or even discussing racial issues around current events.

This law is NOT about gay teachers talking about life at home. This law criminalizes teachers talking about people getting married, and various kinds of families that current exist legally within the communities these children are living in.

Anything that right wingers are afraid of politicly, can't be talked about at school either. That includes current events. Most of this critical race theory crap arose out of discussions at school around current events, i.e. the Black Lives Matters protests in 2020.
Well my employer can limit my communication at work, and in my off hours. I don't think the teachers have any constitutional protections. People can also be fired for being gay. I don't agree, but it is what it is.

The real issue is whether a gay teacher who answers a k-3 student's question about what he (or a lesbian she) did over the weekend and refers to his/her partner
should be penalized. Some people believe any mention of gay will taint their kids, others don't believe anyone rationally can find some offense. Long term, this issue will go away because fear of gay people resonates less and less. And when public opinion firmly is that treating gays differently just because they are gay is wrong, and people's fear that somehow their kids will be "turned" or their religion gives them a right to discriminate is irrational .... the issue will go away

But yeah, Disney has a first amend right under Citizen's United to comment directly on any govt action, and fund media projects commenting upon govt policy and officials. And Disney's actions were only in defense of its workers. It did not create this issue. The RW SJW'ers did
Let’s see how this plays out. The law does not go into effect until Jun 2023.

A lot can happen between now and then…
Because they're afraid of saying something "inappropriate" in passing and then facing charges or being sued for it. They can't talk about race, because of anti-CRT laws. They can't talk about "sexual identity" issues, like if little Tommy comes to school wearing sequins, is he being "girly". Can't say that. It's a sexual identity issue.

When everything you say or do is being scrutinized for crap pay, why would anyone stay in the profession?

Republicans have been intent on destroying public education in the USA since Reagan was in office. A good education is one of the "free shit" items that Republicans are intent on eliminating for poor people and minorities. You even have white enclaves in "urban" areas incorporating themselves as towns within the urban areas so that white tax dollars aren't going to educate their "urban" neighbours.

If you're not willing to read the law then Im not willing to discuss it with you because you're just using the "talking points" and not actually discussing what's in the actual text of the law. What's sad is the pertinent text is only about paragraph and you aren't even unwilling to read that. The other 6.75 pages of the law deal with making sure school keep parents informed about things going on with their kids. You just want to cry and whine about how this law is somehow oppressing gay people.
Lying is NOT protected as free speech. The ONLY free speech that is protected, is the right to criticize the government. That is the protected free speech, and that's what the anti-Disney laws does - it punishes Disney for criticizing the government.

DeSantis' law violates the First Amendment in spades!!!
LOL where did you get that idea?
Let’s see how this plays out. The law does not go into effect until Jun 2023.

A lot can happen between now and then…

A billion things can go wrong between now and then.
Especially when it comes to allocating the bond debt. I can't see Florida as a whole, and not the counties that effectively owe the debt, passing it onto the other residents of Florida
It would be like forcing the taxpayers of the other 49 states to pay for the debts of New York.

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