Ron Johnson and Rick Scott want to end Medicare and SS.

If you want to brag on taxes on the poor, have at it.
Oh, it helps the poor when you cut SS and Medicare and Medicaid because you declare trickle down didn’t produce enough revenues. Were you sleeping ? The Trump tax cuts would have added 7Trillion to the debt if it wasn’t replaced.
You don’t know much economics. Huge deficits hurts the middle class and poor.
Then you should know for a FACT That manchin loses his seat on that vote.
Probably not. He brought home the pork in a big way, including a $300 million outright Federal gift to billionaire Red Chinese fan Bill Gates for a battery factory in his district. Gates will probably actually build them in Red China by his labor racketeering Cadre buddies and just package or paint them or something here, and hire illegal aliens for most of the jobs, and throw a few out to friends of his local cronies. and contractors. His constituents will love him.
Bet you ass. . At least two year trade schools are needed like high schools used to be. You are proof of that. The uneducated “tripe” and the blather coming from the right is proof positive we need a better educated populous. Check the number of foreign nations in our healthcare syste…..

Our colleges wee doing fine, until the Feds handed them loan sharking operations to run; now tuition is as outrageous and the textbook scams. It is more then merely stupid to throw even more money at the crooks, so naturally that's what Democrats want to do.. That's what they've done to Savings and Loans in the past and still do for connected bankers and tech companies. If businesses want train employees they can train them themselves like they did in the past.

Are you claiming to be educated? Obviously you need to sue whoever gave you yours.
Higher Bills Are Leading Americans to Delay Medical Care

"We are starting to see some individuals who are putting off some care, especially preventive care, due to the costs,” said Dr. Tochi Iroku-Malize, the president of the American Academy of Family Physicians and the chair of family medicine for Northwell Health in New York. Choosing between going to the doctor or paying for rent and food, “the health issue is no longer the priority,” she said.
Our colleges wee doing fine, until the Feds handed them loan sharking operations to run; now tuition is as outrageous and the textbook scams. It is more then merely stupid to throw even more money at the crooks, so naturally that's what Democrats want to do.. That's what they've done to Savings and Loans in the past and still do for connected bankers and tech companies. If businesses want train employees they can train them themselves like they did in the past.

Are you claiming to be educated? Obviously you need to sue whoever gave you yours.
That’s hilarious. Our colleges are Not going to be replaced by companies training their perspective employees. That’s common practice AFTER you have a general formal, education . Where have you been ? It hasn't been in school ?
colleges already link with hospitals, research facilities, trade businesses, law offices, apprenticeships in literally every trade field to transition from college into the work forces, and it’s still effin too much to for anyone but the well to do . The only exception is the military service related sponsorship.
Just look at ALL THE foriegn nationals working here in all our fields. We have tens of thousands of engineering jobs un filled because of the lack of education of our populous.
Get real.
In manufacturing alone, 2.1 million vacancies anticipated. This is why the push for two and four year colleges. Trade skills and engineering are not in high demand for manufacturing…..not fking useless business majors, a minor anyone can pick up while learning more worthwhile “skills”.
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Higher Bills Are Leading Americans to Delay Medical Care

"We are starting to see some individuals who are putting off some care, especially preventive care, due to the costs,” said Dr. Tochi Iroku-Malize, the president of the American Academy of Family Physicians and the chair of family medicine for Northwell Health in New York. Choosing between going to the doctor or paying for rent and food, “the health issue is no longer the priority,” she said.
That’s where universal healthcare excels…preventative care measure. EVERY ONE IN MEDICARE actually gets better preventative care then those with private insurance for obvious reasons. The same as Canada.
That’s where universal healthcare excels…preventative care measure. EVERY ONE IN MEDICARE actually gets better preventative care then those with private insurance for obvious reasons. The same as Canada.

But not what we have here and it's not something we are going to do here, sadly.
Are you claiming to be educated? Obviously you need to sue whoever gave you yours.
That’s hilarious. This is more denial BS. You guys don’t believe in Climate change, education and evolution. How the shit can you possibly think I’m less educated then you ???
Unbelievable. The gop which worships the ignorant voters so they can scam them into getting the rich what they want, is proof positive you struggle getting out of bed on the right right side every morning. Make sure they have a good selection of check out line mags. That seems to be where you get your reading material…
But not what we have here and it's not something we are going to do here, sadly.
As long as we keep catering to the rich and give them huge tax cuts we‘ll never realize It. We operate on yearly budget dividends which prevents businesses from being competitive with other nations….we have to go over seas and hire child labor. At least one side is aware. It’s not republicans. They embrace ignorance.
As long as we keep catering to the rich and give them huge tax cuts we‘ll never realize It. We operate on yearly budget dividends which prevents businesses from being competitive with other nations….we have to go over seas and hire child labor. At least one side is aware. It’s not republicans. They embrace ignorance.

Being aware but doing nothing is no better. The Democrats could have rolled back the tax cuts. They didn't.
Being aware but doing nothing is no better. The Democrats could have rolled back the tax cuts. They didn't.
Really ? You still telling that lie with no proof ? Two budgets have been passed with mandatory minimum tax rates for the rich. You have to be asleep.
I a
Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) said Wednesday that Social Security and Medicare should be up for congressional approval each year, instead of staying under their current status as federal entitlement programs.

“Social Security and Medicare, if you qualify for the entitlement, you just get it no matter what the cost,” Johnson said in an interview that aired Tuesday on “The Regular Joe Show” podcast.

GOP's new plan: Raise taxes on working people, end Social Security and Medicare​

Let the republicans in congress, it will be the end of SS and Medicare as we know it. What would these people in WI and Florida do with Medicare and SS.

Take the SS cap off, it should be there anyway. Medicare is going towards private anyway, they will hike the prices up when a certain % age have Medicare Advantage Plan (private)

I applaud the TITLE of your thread - at least it does not spread Biden's disonformation claiming 'The Republican Party' wants to cut SS.

Scott is now playing word games in an attempt to escape the heat / backlash for his plan to cut SS. He now says he doesn't want to 'cut' SS - he wants to 'sunset' the program.


He is reportedly pissed as well that Biden attacked his plan despite Biden proposing a plan to cut SS as a Senator.

This just shows how politically ignorant he is.

Believing the leader of the Democrat Party, that has used anti-GOP fear-mongering over SS for decades to frighten old people ino voting Democrat, would publicly support his (a Republican) plan to cut SS???

WTF was he thinking?

That was about as dumb as thinking the GOP, just taking back over the House, would consider immediately 'cutting their own throats' by announcing their support for his plan to cut SS!

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Why go to Canada?
You can die in the US on a 7 month waiting list for critical care, and go broke doing so.
If you need life saving care in the US, you won’t die on a waiting list. Nor will the government tell you to a house suicide over treatment like they've done in Canada.
I a

I applaud the TITLE of your thread - at least it does not spread Biden's disonformation claiming 'The Republican Party' wants to cut SS.

Scott is now playing word games in an attempt to escape the heat / backlash for his plan to cut SS. He now says he doesn't want to 'cut' SS - he wants to 'sunset' the program.


He is reportedly pissed as well that Biden attacked his plan despite Biden proposing a plan to cut SS as a Senator.

This just shows how politically ignorant he is.

Believing the leader of the Democrat Party, that has used anti-GOP fear-mongering over SS for decades to frighten old people ino voting Democrat, would publicly support his (a Republican) plan to cut SS???

WTF was he thinking?

That was about as dumb as thinking the GOP, just taking back over the House, would consider immediately 'cutting their own throats' by announcing their support for his plan to cut SS!

The gop has been trying to privatize SS and Medicare for decades.

If you need life saving care in the US, you won’t die on a waiting list. Nor will the government tell you to a house suicide over treatment like they've done in Canada.
That is bullshit. Even Rand Paul went to Canada for healthcare. He didn’t have to commit suicide waiting for an appointment.
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