Ron Johnson and Rick Scott want to end Medicare and SS.

If you want to brag on taxes on the poor, have at it.
Not only isn’t a just a black white issue, but poverty is also more prevalent in rural areas then in cities, which is contrary to what repugs would have you believe. Therefore it’s much more prevalent in RED STATES.
Not only isn’t a just a black white issue, but poverty is also more prevalent in rural areas then in cities, which is contrary to what repugs would have you believe. Therefore it’s much more prevalent in RED STATES.

I want the entire country covered so..............................
I want the entire country covered so..............................
Then vote and promote liberal values. They represent the MAJORITY ……there is NO CONSERVATIVE AGENDA for universal healthcare. Bernie caucuses with democrats for one reason. Conservatives don’t give a fk about anyone but the rich.
Then vote and promote liberal values. They represent the MAJORITY ……there is NO CONSERVATIVE AGENDA for universal healthcare. Bernie caucuses with democrats for one reason. Conservatives don’t give a fk about anyone but the rich.

Sadly there are few who actually vote for and promote liberal values to vote for.
Sadly there are few who actually vote for and promote liberal values to vote for.
Nearly every one of the democrats do. Nearly everyone of the repugs don’t. As a Sanders supporter, caucusing with and voting for Dems is “your” only alternative.

55 Profitable Companies That Avoided All Federal Income Taxes in 2020​

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start with them paying tax.
Change the tax laws.....duh. Why would any sane person or entity pay taxes when they legally didn't have to? Greed has no party. A flat 15% tax across the board. No exemptions, no exception period.Oh yeah and how about not blowing hard earned taxpayer dollars on useless wars and pork barrel spending. Just a thought. SS and Medicare would be safe.

Too many politicians are benefitting from the present tax code.Its just not industry......right Nancy?
Rand Paul chose a specialist for hernia surgery in Canada, after he was attacked, and paid cash.
Because why ? Canada had a BETTER HERNIA SPECIALIST ?
Its not new. More affluent people are going ELSEWHERE for BETTER healthcare in countries with universal healthcare. Why do I know this ? Cause every other industrialized nation has UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE.
Change the tax laws.....duh. Why would any sane person or entity pay taxes when they legally didn't have to? Greed has no party. A flat 15% tax across the board. No exemptions, no exception period.Oh yeah and how about not blowing hard earned taxpayer dollars on useless wars and pork barrel spending. Just a thought. SS and Medicare would be safe.

Too many politicians are benefitting from the present tax code.Its just not industry......right Nancy?
Typical bogus idea. For one thing, you make no differentiation between federal, state or local taxes. Pay roll tax is FEDERAL FLAT RATE, sales is state tax is FLAT RATE, property tax is often local FLAT RATE.

You expect some one making 27,000, who has to pay ALL those other flat rates, to have enough money left over, to pay an additional 15% of 27,000. Which means they have 22.500 left. Now try living on 22,500 and pay ing all those other taxes.
The person making 3 times as much can do it more easily. The working poor can’t . that’s why they are exempt from progressive tax code of the Fed. They pay TAXs everywhere else . You want to double the homeless ? Go to your tax plan.
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Change the tax laws.....duh. Why would any sane person or entity pay taxes when they legally didn't have to? Greed has no party. A flat 15% tax across the board. No exemptions, no exception period.Oh yeah and how about not blowing hard earned taxpayer dollars on useless wars and pork barrel spending. Just a thought. SS and Medicare would be safe.

Too many politicians are benefitting from the present tax code.Its just not industry......right Nancy?
Only one way you can have a flat rate…that is to exempt persons making less then say, $30k then charge a flat rate to all the money you make above 30k. Then, kiss all charities goodby. They survive on tax exempt donations.
It’s not just Rand Paul. Others are going elsewhere….to save money or get better care.

I hope more go and get these free loaders who are a debt to society someplace else. Great idea Dagosa.
Only one way you can have a flat rate…that is to exempt persons making less then say, $30k then charge a flat rate to all the money you make above 30k. Then, kiss all charities goodby. They survive on tax exempt donations.
Why not those under 30k? The more you make the more you pay.Now if those folks are over 65 I would go along with it.

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