Ron Johnson and Rick Scott want to end Medicare and SS.

Age should have nothing to do with it. If I’m over any age you make up and chose to keep working and earn more then the cut off, … now, I should be paying income tax. I’d get no exemption from state taxes, sales taxes, federal payroll etc .

If I’m well off, I can afford to pay more taxes. If you agree, its just the UNDER THEN. But you still haven’t addressed the tax exempt entities that receive donations from peoples who claim their deductions.
What do you have against the aged?
The IRS is a bloated Federal Bureacracy that needs to be trimmed. What better way to downsize it than to simplify the tax code? Government needs to curb it's appetite for the peoples hard earned money.
Age should have nothing to do with it. If I’m over any age you make up and chose to keep working and earn more then the cut off, … now, I should be paying income tax. I’d get no exemption from state taxes, sales taxes, federal payroll etc .

If I’m well off, I can afford to pay more taxes. If you agree, its just the UNDER than. But you still haven’t addressed the tax exempt entities that receive donations from peoples who claim their deductions.
why would you want to pay more taxes?....That's silly.
What do you have against the aged?
NOTHING. Why do you think we should reward old wealthy people while taxing the working poor, MORE ?
Just to what, let him fly a private jet to play at a more posh golf club ?
The IRS is a bloated Federal Bureacracy that needs to be trimmed. What better way to downsize it than to simplify the tax code? Government needs to curb it's appetite for the peoples hard earned money.
More bullshit. The IRS is under staffed.
Because everyone needs to contribute that's why. To be honest who is making 30k besides people who are supplementing their incomes or college kids etc?
Are you saying the poor do not pay taxes ? Hilarious.
Because everyone needs to contribute that's why. To be honest who is making 30k besides people who are supplementing their incomes or college kids etc?
If every one needs to contribute, why are older people exempt just because they are older…..according to You.
NOTHING. Why do you think we should reward old wealthy people while taxing the working poor, MORE ?
Just to what, let him fly a private jet to play at a more posh golf club ?
How are they being rewarded? 15% of a million dollars is $150,000 in taxes. 15% of 30K is $4500. Those paying the $4500 are also getting free or greatly discounted food, medical, and housing. The rich do not.

The greatest inequity in life is trying to make unequal things equal.
NOTHING. Why do you think we should reward old wealthy people while taxing the working poor, MORE ?
Just to what, let him fly a private jet to play at a more posh golf club ?
Why do you covet another man's possessions? What is to you? That is what this nation was founded on. Equal opportunity not equal outcomes. All that is, is redistribution of wealth.
Why do you covet another man's possessions? What is to you? That is what this nation was founded on. Equal opportunity not equal outcomes. All that is, is redistribution of wealth.
You’re sick. Why do covet the monies of the poor ? You think they’re hoarding all the money ?
How are they being rewarded? 15% of a million dollars is $150,000 in taxes. 15% of 30K is $4500. Those paying the $4500 are also getting free or greatly discounted food, medical, and housing. The rich do not.

The greatest inequity in life is trying to make unequal things equal.
You’re math illiterate. You can’t subtract can you ? The poor have less income left. You’re solution is, put them on welfare ? Yup. Not much thinking on your part.
You’re sick. Why do covet the monies of the poor ? You think they’re hoarding all the money ?
LOL. I don't covet anything of the poor or of the rich for that matter. Just that everyone pay their fair share. I'm not into wealth redistribution by government edict.
You’re math illiterate. You can’t subtract can you ? The poor have less income left. You’re solution is, put them on welfare ? Yup. Not much thinking on your part.
OK takeaway the free stuff and mak'em pay. You cant have it both ways.

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