Ron Johnson and Rick Scott want to end Medicare and SS.

Let's just have everyone on an even playing field.........everyone poor and feel the same pain?
Do you get just how communistic you sound, stud? I bet you'll do BIG GOVERNMENT well, won't you?
You can’t answer my questions can you ?
Nearly 50% of Americans don't pay the fed income tax as it stands now, dude.
You want the "rich" (undefined) to pay more.

What are the lyrics to that old song by Ten Years After (I'd Love To Change The World)
"Tax the rich, feed the poor
Till there are no rich no more..."

Truer words were never spoken
Can’t address the points so you’re know sinking to posting foolishness.
You are an ignorant fool! SS is going broke and so Medicare is too.

Medicare and Social Security face about $50 trillion in long-term unfunded obligations, adding steadily to the public debt as Congress borrows growing sums each year to pay promised benefits.
So you found Heritage to kiss your arse. Wow.
You’re ignorant for falling for that BS. SS is good for ten more years, and Medicare is solvent for parts A and B. Both SS and Medicare are pay go systems that require no LEGISLATIVE ACTION to remain solvent. Do you understand that are are you watching way to much Tucker and son.
Oh wait a minute, you have moved your own goal posts. :laughing0301:
10 years out, so we don't have to worry about that today? :auiqs.jpg:
You don't get to make up your own facts.
You have proved you are ignorant. Bless your heart, child.

Pay as you go? Baby Boomers are retiring and their is less people in the workforce today
and that will hold steady for the immediate future.

Since 2010, Social Security has taken in less money from payroll tax revenues and the taxation of benefits than it pays out in benefits, generating cash-flow deficits. Social Security’s estimated 2016 cash-flow deficit was $73 billion. That $73 billion deficit requires $73 billion in new public debt

This is what the republicans are talking about, not getting rid of it

Insolvent vs. Bankrupt​

Bankruptcy is a legal process that declares a person, business, or organization unable to pay their debts. Medicare is not going bankrupt. It will have money to pay for health care.
Instead, it is projected to become insolvent. Insolvency means that Medicare may not have the funds to pay 100% of its expenses. Insolvency can sometimes lead to bankruptcy, but in the case of Medicare, Congress is likely to intervene and acquire the necessary funding.

Proposals to Make Medicare Solvent​

If Medicare is going to care for American seniors over the long run, something is going to have to change. Ideas on how to accomplish this have been controversial and have included the following:

  • Close tax loopholes. Not everyone pays their fair share of Medicare taxes. When establishing businesses, many people take advantage of tax loopholes that legally allow them to avoid those taxes. Closing those loopholes could prevent businesses from sheltering their earnings and could increase the amount of dollars coming into the Medicare HI trust fund.14
  • Decrease excess payments by Medicare for after-hospital care. When you leave the hospital, you may require care in a skilled nursing facility or rehabilitation facility. Alternatively, you may receive care through a home health agency. The 2021 report from the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) shows that Medicare payments to providers and agencies of after-hospital care have “consistently and substantially exceeded costs” for the past decade.15 Correcting these overpayments will save the Medicare HI trust fund billions of dollars.
  • Decrease Medicare benefits: No one wants to pay the same amount for less. As it stands, many people argue that Medicare does not cover enough. For example, Medicare does not cover the cost of corrective lenses, dentures, or hearing aids even though the most common things that happen as we age are changes in vision, dental health, and hearing. This already leaves many Americans without some of the basic health services they need most.
  • Increase the age for Medicare eligibility: Republicans like former congressman Paul Ryan have proposed increasing the Medicare age
OK takeaway the free stuff and mak'em pay. You cant have it both ways.
No one wants more free stuff then conservatives. You can tell by how much they spend and how little they pay for it.
Oh wait a minute, you have moved your own goal posts. :laughing0301:
10 years out, so we don't have to worry about that today? :auiqs.jpg:
You have proved you are ignorant. Bless your heart, child.

Pay as you go? Baby Boomers are retiring and their is less people in the workforce today
and that will hold steady for the immediate future.

Since 2010, Social Security has taken in less money from payroll tax revenues and the taxation of benefits than it pays out in benefits, generating cash-flow deficits. Social Security’s estimated 2016 cash-flow deficit was $73 billion. That $73 billion deficit requires $73 billion in new public debt

This is what the republicans are talking about, not getting rid of it

Insolvent vs. Bankrupt​

Bankruptcy is a legal process that declares a person, business, or organization unable to pay their debts. Medicare is not going bankrupt. It will have money to pay for health care.
Instead, it is projected to become insolvent. Insolvency means that Medicare may not have the funds to pay 100% of its expenses. Insolvency can sometimes lead to bankruptcy, but in the case of Medicare, Congress is likely to intervene and acquire the necessary funding.

Proposals to Make Medicare Solvent​

If Medicare is going to care for American seniors over the long run, something is going to have to change. Ideas on how to accomplish this have been controversial and have included the following:

  • Close tax loopholes. Not everyone pays their fair share of Medicare taxes. When establishing businesses, many people take advantage of tax loopholes that legally allow them to avoid those taxes. Closing those loopholes could prevent businesses from sheltering their earnings and could increase the amount of dollars coming into the Medicare HI trust fund.14
  • Decrease excess payments by Medicare for after-hospital care. When you leave the hospital, you may require care in a skilled nursing facility or rehabilitation facility. Alternatively, you may receive care through a home health agency. The 2021 report from the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) shows that Medicare payments to providers and agencies of after-hospital care have “consistently and substantially exceeded costs” for the past decade.15 Correcting these overpayments will save the Medicare HI trust fund billions of dollars.
  • Decrease Medicare benefits: No one wants to pay the same amount for less. As it stands, many people argue that Medicare does not cover enough. For example, Medicare does not cover the cost of corrective lenses, dentures, or hearing aids even though the most common things that happen as we age are changes in vision, dental health, and hearing. This already leaves many Americans without some of the basic health services they need most.
  • Increase the age for Medicare eligibility: Republicans like former congressman Paul Ryan have proposed increasing the Medicare age
Take a deep breath Dorothy. Try not to get upset.
You think I was wrong claiming the gop has been trying to cut SS and Medicare benefits for years, then you parade around suggestions by Paul Ryan ? How long has Ryan been gone ?
They have always proposed CUTTING SS and Medicare benefits or eliminating it altogether if they could.
Let's just have everyone on an even playing field.........everyone poor and feel the same pain?
Do you get just how communistic you sound, stud? I bet you'll do BIG GOVERNMENT well, won't you?

To maintain current spending levels, we'd have to tax everyone at about 30% if there was a flat tax for all, with no deductions.
Take a deep breath Dorothy. Try not to get upset.
You think I was wrong claiming the gop has been trying to cut SS and Medicare benefits for years, then you parade around suggestions by Paul Ryan ? How long has Ryan been gone ?
The thing is here.......the facts have not changed, they do remain REAL.
You still show what an ignorant person you are. Do some fucking research
on your own, and not just what facts your imagination tells you. Sheesh
and to think, these people vote.
To maintain current spending levels, we'd have to tax everyone at about 30% if there was a flat tax for all, with no deductions.
Faun, I'm a big proponent for a flat tax. I doubt it will ever happen
with our government.
Oh wait a minute, you have moved your own goal posts. :laughing0301:
10 years out, so we don't have to worry about that today? :auiqs.jpg:
You don't get to make up your own facts.
You have proved you are ignorant. Bless your heart, child.

Pay as you go? Baby Boomers are retiring and their is less people in the workforce today
and that will hold steady for the immediate future.

Since 2010, Social Security has taken in less money from payroll tax revenues and the taxation of benefits than it pays out in benefits, generating cash-flow deficits. Social Security’s estimated 2016 cash-flow deficit was $73 billion. That $73 billion deficit requires $73 billion in new public debt

This is what the republicans are talking about, not getting rid of it

Insolvent vs. Bankrupt​

Bankruptcy is a legal process that declares a person, business, or organization unable to pay their debts. Medicare is not going bankrupt. It will have money to pay for health care.
Instead, it is projected to become insolvent. Insolvency means that Medicare may not have the funds to pay 100% of its expenses. Insolvency can sometimes lead to bankruptcy, but in the case of Medicare, Congress is likely to intervene and acquire the necessary funding.

Proposals to Make Medicare Solvent​

If Medicare is going to care for American seniors over the long run, something is going to have to change. Ideas on how to accomplish this have been controversial and have included the following:

  • Close tax loopholes. Not everyone pays their fair share of Medicare taxes. When establishing businesses, many people take advantage of tax loopholes that legally allow them to avoid those taxes. Closing those loopholes could prevent businesses from sheltering their earnings and could increase the amount of dollars coming into the Medicare HI trust fund.14
  • Decrease excess payments by Medicare for after-hospital care. When you leave the hospital, you may require care in a skilled nursing facility or rehabilitation facility. Alternatively, you may receive care through a home health agency. The 2021 report from the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) shows that Medicare payments to providers and agencies of after-hospital care have “consistently and substantially exceeded costs” for the past decade.15 Correcting these overpayments will save the Medicare HI trust fund billions of dollars.
  • Decrease Medicare benefits: No one wants to pay the same amount for less. As it stands, many people argue that Medicare does not cover enough. For example, Medicare does not cover the cost of corrective lenses, dentures, or hearing aids even though the most common things that happen as we age are changes in vision, dental health, and hearing. This already leaves many Americans without some of the basic health services they need most.
  • Increase the age for Medicare eligibility: Republicans like former congressman Paul Ryan have proposed increasing the Medicare age
It started in 1935.
1935: Almost all Republicans in Congress oppose the creation of Social Security. 1939: 75 percent of Republicans in Senate try to kill legislation providing Social Security….
They have been trying ever since.
No one wants more free stuff then conservatives. You can tell by how much they spend and how little they pay for it.
Spoken like a good little Marxist. When you say the rich are you including the ruling elites of your party. Right? Gates, Bezos,Soros, Pelosi et Al. Do you despise them as much as you do the wealthy on the right?

One more question.Have you ever worked for a poor man that paid you a living wage,paid for your medical,gave you paid vacations and provided a way to save for retirement.

I’m guessing no,because they don’t exist.

Like’em or not,the wealthy are essential to a free market society.

But I get the distinct impression you are a central planner kind of guy.
It started in 1935.
1935: Almost all Republicans in Congress oppose the creation of Social Security. 1939: 75 percent of Republicans in Senate try to kill legislation providing Social Security….
They have been trying ever since.
Yeah and in 1935 the Democrats were the party of segregation and still are in a lot of ways.
They have always proposed CUTTING SS and Medicare benefits or eliminating it altogether if they could.
"They"? Something is going to have to give, cutting or raising the age
requirement, it can't remain as it is now and be solvent
"eliminating it altogether if they could"? There goes your imagination again,
I warned you about that already. :rolleyes-41:

Spoken like a good little Marxist. When you say the rich are you including the ruling elites of your party. Right? Gates, Bezos,Soros, Pelosi et Al. Do you despise them as much you do the wealthy on the right?

One more question.Have you ever worked for a poor man that paid you a living wage,paid for your medical,gave you paid vacations and provided a way to save for retirement.

I’m guessing no,because they don’t exist.

Like’em or not,the wealthy are essential to a free market society.

But I get the distinct impression you are a central planner kind of guy.
Did you have fun posting several paragraphs of made up shit ? Oh, you missed mentioning Hillary and Hunter.

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