Ron Paul: Crimea Secedes. So What?...

Oh what are you dumbfucks going to say if Putin takes up the Russian scum in Moldova screaming for a Russian invasion????

If that is your kind of democracy, then we need to lock your ass in a cell until you die.

Hey dummy, that's between them and Russia. It's none of our business. We have enough problems right here at home. We don't have several $Billion in Tax Dollars to just throw around. We're $18 Trillion in Debt for God's sake. Man, you Communists and Neocons are so damn thick. It's very simple, just head over and fight and give em your own money. But don't force the rest of us to be as stupid.

Thats funny because our constitution says we are suppose to honor our agreements and treaties with other countries.... Or are you as normal for Paulbots advocating we ignore our constitution?
There is no treaty. Again. It's a diplomatic memorandum. Learn something, dude. Stop spewing pathetic bullshit.
I truly find the hypocrisy over 10 on the richter scale that my country, America, Britain and other western entities had no problem whatsoever cutting up Yugoslavia.

Basically NATO took over that country, cut it up and have driven out at last count over a quarter of a million Serbs.

But no. No problem whatsoever of an invasion of Yugoslavia's sovereignty. When we are ithe ones nvading every thing is hunky dory and peachy keen.
Because when we do it, we are just and come to spread democracy. You know that thing that was used in Crimea to decide if they wanted to be part of Russia.

Because when we do it, we are just and come to spread democracy. You know that thing that was used in Crimea to decide if they wanted to be part of Russia.


and look how well it worked in viet nam:cuckoo:

Or Iraq.
Or Iran in the 53 democratically elected head overthrow by our CIA
Or the dozens of other examples that show just how big a hypocrites our federal government is.
Kosovo declared independence in 2008.

Did anyone scream over here?

The Argentinian President brought up an exellent point over the referendum that the Falklands recently held.

They voted to stay with the UK.

Did anyone scream over here?

And freaking don't tell me that Crimea voted to stay with Russia at the point of a gun. That is such bullshit and I absolutely cannot believe anyone is buying into the crap we are being shovelled.

And hell's bells I'm third generation Ukrainian with Irish thrown in and I know damn well that those goons that took over Kiev by their own party platform intended to strip Crimea of its autonomy.

Point of a gun? Kiss my ass.
Thats funny because our constitution says we are suppose to honor our agreements and treaties with other countries....

Where exactly is that in our Constitution?

For your convenience, here is transcript of the US Constitution so you can pinpoint where it says we must honor our agreements and treaties with other countries

Transcript of the Constitution of the United States - Official Text

American Law is that International Accords become PART of the body of US Federal Law.

Accept that fact.

That was not the question, thanatos144 stated that in the Constitution it was written "we must honor our agreements and treaties" so the question is: Where is it stated in the Constitution?
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You need to take this off-topic bullshit to the Conspiracy Forum where it belongs.

Uh hu!!

So, pointing out that the US has done this sort of thing in the past has no relevance to the current situation?

As for conspiracy theory, I think you'll find, if you actually want to look, that the evidence is pretty clear on this one.

You need to take this off-topic bullshit to the Conspiracy Forum where it belongs. Really.
If you care so much about Ukraine, you're welcome to suit up and head over to fight.

That specious argument is never going to become legitimate no matter how many times you libertari-cowards repeat it.

then answer the question: what harm can come to the USA as a result of crimea voting to rejoin russia?

"So what if Hitler marches into Paris. Not our problem."

You really are one of the most dimwitted posters here, and that is saying something.
Thanks for that wisdom, Neville. You can go back to hiding under the sofa now.

Interesting that you side stepped his question, totally ignoring it.
One more time, Why should the US get involved, what could happen?

it wasn't a question it was a statement...Perhaps you can learn the difference.

Why should the US get involved, what could happen?
Looks like a question, the sentence starts with "Why" and ends with a question mark.
How do you define a question?
Because when we do it, we are just and come to spread democracy. You know that thing that was used in Crimea to decide if they wanted to be part of Russia.


You are mistaking "Russian military" for "democracy."


And with all the bloviating about a fraudulent vote, there isn't a slice of evidence to prove that claim. Ukraine's Crimean residents voted. They voted to go the way of Russia. End of story.
Our media is shovelling us steaming plates of bullshit with a side dish of political fecal matter over Crimea.

And frankly I am stunned and dismayed that any intelligent person be they left wing or right wing can't see the turd pile of propaganda from the west that is as higher than Mount Everest.

On 17 February 2008 Kosovo's Parliament declared independence, as the "Republic of Kosovo", which has received recognition from some sovereign states. With the Brussels agreement Serbia recognised the secession of Kosovo and its autonomy from Serbia but does not formally recognise it as an independent country.

The Republic of Kosovo has been recognised by 108 UN member states and is a member of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank, International Road and Transport Union (IRU), Regional Cooperation Council, Council of Europe Development Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

The Republic of Kosovo has been recognised by 23 of the 28 member countries of the European Union.

Kosovo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Because when we do it, we are just and come to spread democracy. You know that thing that was used in Crimea to decide if they wanted to be part of Russia.


You are mistaking "Russian military" for "democracy."


And with all the bloviating about a fraudulent vote, there isn't a slice of evidence to prove that claim. Ukraine's Crimean residents voted. They voted to go the way of Russia. End of story.

Ah, free and fair elections!
You are mistaking "Russian military" for "democracy."


And with all the bloviating about a fraudulent vote, there isn't a slice of evidence to prove that claim. Ukraine's Crimean residents voted. They voted to go the way of Russia. End of story.

Ah, free and fair elections!


Crimea vote favors Russia; Ukraine PM vows crackdown on separatists | Al Jazeera America

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