Ron Paul: Crimea Secedes. So What?...

Ame®icano;8809349 said:
Has Putin theatened Paris? Did I miss that on the news? Your analogy sucks and so do you.

Yet, has Paris voted to secede from France and join Germany?

not likely, but what if they did? how would that harm us? what if the frogs decided to merge with germany and make a new nation? what if scotland secedes from the UK? will we go to war over either of those?

Cowardice and irresponsibility is not a political philosophy, Champ.
Wow, I think some members need a crash course in 20th century history...

If you think we have no dog in the fight, look up appeasement and Hitler. If you think global events have no bearing on US politics, European politics or our way of life, re-examine the cold war. For those of you who didn't hit puberty until the year 2000, ask your elders.

The US is not canada...we can't sit back and watch as significant nations handle worldly social and economic issues. Now more than ever, we have to be diligent considering the way of life we appreciate and the fact that we live in a global economy. We can't ride the coattails of another nation (like canada) or depend on the UN, the EU or NATO to take action. We can't allow this aggression to happen because it will ultimately erupt into a much bigger European conflict....probably led by the Germans, given their history of war, death and attempted genocide.

We are the major player in the world - and considering the blood lust and power mongering of Europe coupled with the failure of the EU economy - events like Crimea can only serve as a breeding ground for a major conflict. Imagine a Europe where there is an oil shortage, where the balance of trade is skewed...

The US must be involved or Europe will degrade into a war zone, ultimately dragging the US into their hate, war and pestilence. Given history, do you really want to trust Europe to handle this issue?

so did the USA in the 1700s and 1800s. we slaughtered the indians and drove them off of their land.

Russia did not invade crimea. the people of the region voted overwhelmingly to rejoin russia.

we also declared our independence from england and became a new nation. should the other nations of the world intervened and tried to stop us?

Which is the point.

Why could Kosovo, possibly the Crimea, possibly Scotland, East Timor get their independence, while the Basque Country, Catalonia, Chechnya, Xinjiang and many other places can't?

Some of those who can't are being killed, they're being forced to do what they don't want. Most are parts of stronger countries who simply don't want to allow them to go free.
Those who do get free usually have a large backer to help them.
the people of the region voted overwhelmingly to rejoin russia.

No they didn't. That was not a legitimate vote by any standard but the invading forces.

Crimeans voting to join Russia to protect themselves from those in Kiev is a no brainer.

Nice to know you support the new government made up of whack job goons. Truly you and others have surprised my on your choice to back these guys.

First up, they tried to ban the Russian language anywhere in Ukraine. Vetoed under pressure by the EU.

Right in the party platform was the goal to strip Crimea of her autonomy.

And there are so many that will set your hair on fire. Whoopsies. No it won't. You believe the shit handed to you on a plate.
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That was not a legitimate vote by any standard but the invading forces.
so did the USA in the 1700s and 1800s. we slaughtered the indians and drove them off of their land.

Russia did not invade crimea. the people of the region voted overwhelmingly to rejoin russia.

we also declared our independence from england and became a new nation. should the other nations of the world intervened and tried to stop us?

Which is the point.

Why could Kosovo, possibly the Crimea, possibly Scotland, East Timor get their independence, while the Basque Country, Catalonia, Chechnya, Xinjiang and many other places can't?

Some of those who can't are being killed, they're being forced to do what they don't want. Most are parts of stronger countries who simply don't want to allow them to go free.
Those who do get free usually have a large backer to help them.

Are we to be the financial and military backer of every underdog region that wants to secede? What if we back the wrong side as we did in Egypt and Libya? Its not our responsibility, we are 17 trillion in debt. We need to focus on our country and stop trying to police the world.
Are we to be the financial and military backer of every underdog region that wants to secede? What if we back the wrong side as we did in Egypt and Libya? Its not our responsibility, we are 17 trillion in debt. We need to focus on our country and stop trying to police the world.

I agree, though who is going to police the world?

The problem often happens that countries rise and fall as "great countries" and the US is falling, and withdrawing, just as the Romans, Egyptians, British, Spanish and many other empires have come and fallen.

The Chinese are rising. The Russians are trying to get back into the game.

This is what it's all about. The US, especially the right, trying to keep the game alive for the US, trying to compete with China, having to catch up with Russia again, and all with a president who wants to reduce the impact the US has on the world, while having the opposition slating him for it.
They voted.

A vote cast under duress is meaningless.

you have no idea about crimea. the majority of the people are ethnic russians, they voted to rejoin russia, there was no duress, it was a legitimate vote.

just because some people may not like the way they voted does not make it illegitimate.

Just like Chavez going out and getting the poor to vote in Venezuela then winning the election was clearly the people acting under duress.

In fact, when the US tried to oust Chavez in the coup in 2002, they claimed it was for democratic purposes. Can you believe it? Getting rid of a democratically elected leader for a non-democratic leadership is based on democracy. Eh?
so did the USA in the 1700s and 1800s. we slaughtered the indians and drove them off of their land.

Russia did not invade crimea. the people of the region voted overwhelmingly to rejoin russia.

we also declared our independence from england and became a new nation. should the other nations of the world intervened and tried to stop us?

Which is the point.

Why could Kosovo, possibly the Crimea, possibly Scotland, East Timor get their independence, while the Basque Country, Catalonia, Chechnya, Xinjiang and many other places can't?

Some of those who can't are being killed, they're being forced to do what they don't want. Most are parts of stronger countries who simply don't want to allow them to go free.
Those who do get free usually have a large backer to help them.

Are we to be the financial and military backer of every underdog region that wants to secede? What if we back the wrong side as we did in Egypt and Libya? Its not our responsibility, we are 17 trillion in debt. We need to focus on our country and stop trying to police the world.

We are not "trying to police the world," you spineless, irresponsible, near-sighted moron. We ARE focused on our country. Dimwits like you can't see beyond the end of your nose and think closing your eyes and hiding behind the sofa is a legitimate foreign policy position.
Are we to be the financial and military backer of every underdog region that wants to secede? What if we back the wrong side as we did in Egypt and Libya? Its not our responsibility, we are 17 trillion in debt. We need to focus on our country and stop trying to police the world.

I agree, though who is going to police the world?

The problem often happens that countries rise and fall as "great countries" and the US is falling, and withdrawing, just as the Romans, Egyptians, British, Spanish and many other empires have come and fallen.

The Chinese are rising. The Russians are trying to get back into the game.

This is what it's all about. The US, especially the right, trying to keep the game alive for the US, trying to compete with China, having to catch up with Russia again, and all with a president who wants to reduce the impact the US has on the world, while having the opposition slating him for it.

No one needs to "police the world". We should defend our country, our real allies (only on a reciprocal basis), americans abroad, and american interests abroad.

what we have to be careful of is what we consider american interests. there is no american interest in whether crimea is part of ukraine or russia.

We can compete economically and militarily with anyone. But we need to remove the stupid barriers to that competition-------high corporate taxes, foolish energy policy, ridiculous EPA regulations, over regulating business, anti business tax policy.

We could awaken the american industrial giant if we had leaders in DC that understood how the real world works----but currently we don't
they voted to rejoin russia, there was no duress, it was a legitimate vote..

There is no such thing as a legitimate vote at the barrel of a gun.

please post some pictures of the voters in crimea with guns at their heads. post pics of the voters who voted against rejoining russia being shot.

you are an idiot, and the worst kind of idiot, an arrogant one who does not know that he is an idiot.
they voted to rejoin russia, there was no duress, it was a legitimate vote..

There is no such thing as a legitimate vote at the barrel of a gun.

please post some pictures of the voters in crimea with guns at their heads. post pics of the voters who voted against rejoining russia being shot.

you are an idiot, and the worst kind of idiot, an arrogant one who does not know that he is an idiot.

Oh, you missed all that footage on the news of Russian forces rolling into Crimea, of heavily armed Russian troops and massive weapons of war stationed all across the region. Even you can't be this stupid. You are only trying to be in order to justify your 'policy' of spineless irresponsibility, simpleton.

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